This program continues discussion of the Uyghurs/“Uighurs” and the destabilization of China. This ongoing effort is one of an array of covert and overt operations against China.
Discussed in numerous programs, the Uighurs (also spelled Uyghurs) are heavily overlapped with various fascist elements. All of these are present in the history of the World Uyghur Congress.
1.–The narco-fascist regime of Chiang Kai-shek.
2.–The Grey Wolves, youth wing of the National Action Party. The group was a key element of the Turkish “Stay Behind” movement.
3.–Various Islamic terrorist offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.
4.–The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations milieu, directly evolved from the Third Reich and the Gehlen organization.
5.–The Dalai Lama and his SS/Third Reich heritage.
Of great significance, once again, is the decisive presence of the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. intelligence cut-out founded by William Casey.
American and Western media draw on an American regime-change operation for much of their coverage–that organization is the World Uyghur [“Uighur”] Congress and numerous subsidiary elements.
Exemplifying the WUC milieu is Rushan Abas: ” . . . . Another influential organization spun out of the WUC network is the Campaign for Uyghurs. This group is headed by Rushan Abbas, the former Vice President of the UAA. Promoted simply as a Uyghur ‘human rights activist’ by Western media outlets including the supposedly adversarial Democracy Now!, Abbas is, in fact, a longtime US government and military operative. Abbas boasts in her bio of her ‘extensive experience working with US government agencies, including Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of State, and various US intelligence agencies.’ While working for the military contractor L3 Technologies, Abbas served the US government and the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror as a ‘consultant at Guantanamo Bay supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.’ Abbas ‘also worked as a linguist and translator for several federal agencies including work for the US State Department in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush’. Like so many of her colleagues, Abbas enjoyed a stint at Radio Free Asia. While Abbas once shared her history of collaboration with the US government in the open, she has attempted to scrub biographic information from her online presence following a disastrous publicity appearance in December 2019. During a Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ question and answer forum, participants blasted Abbas as a ‘CIA asset’ and frequent US government collaborator, prompting her attempt to disappear her bio from the internet. . . .”
The ostensibly “peaceful’ intent of the WUC can be evaluated against the background of the comments of former WUC Vice-President Seyit Tumturk: ” . . . . In 2018, Tümturk declared that Chinese Uyghurs view Turkish ‘state requests as orders.’ He then proclaimed that hundreds of thousands of Chinese Uyghurs were ready to enlist in the Turkish army and join Turkey’s illegal and brutal invasion of Northern Syria ‘to fight for God’ – if ordered to do so by Erdogan. . . . Shortly after Tumturk’s comments, Uyghur militants dressed in Turkish military fatigues and on the Turkish side of the Syrian border released a video in which they threatened to wage war against China: ‘Listen you dog bastards, do you see this? We will triumph!’ one fighter exclaimed. ‘We will kill you all. Listen up Chinese civilians, get out of our East Turkestan. I am warning you. We shall return and we will be victorious.’ . . .”
The program concludes with a look at the political history of William Casey, on whose watch as CIA director many of the U.S. intelligence fronts involved with the Uyghur destabilization effort were developed.
Key Aspects of Analysis of Casey Include: Casey’s Wall Street legal background and the manner in which it dovetailed with William Donovan and the OSS (America’s World War II intelligence service); Casey’s networking with Landsdale and others involved with the recovery of Golden Lily loot, in the Philippines, in particular; Casey’s possible role as a key implementer of the Black Eagle Fund; Casey’s role in setting up Capital Cities, a company that eventually bought ABC in 1985; Casey’s position as Capital Cities’ largest stockholder, including in 1985, when he was CIA director; the probability that Capital Cities was an intelligence front; Casey’s key positions in the Nixon Administration–Chairman of the SEC, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and head of the Export-Import Bank; the probability that Casey was with CIA throughout his post-World War II career; Casey’s friendship with both Allen and John Foster Dulles; Casey’s knowledge of how to “privatize” the CIA; Casey’s role as the handler of Ferdinand Marcos and his Golden Lily bullion; Reagan’s signing of Executive Order 12333, authorizing the CIA to enter into private relationships with PMF’s (private military foundations) for intelligence purposes, while permitting those relationships to be kept secret.
The program begins with review of Nazi/Gehlen/ABN links to anti-China efforts in Hong Kong and Xinjiang province.
In numerous programs, we have noted international networking between the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion and elements around the world:
Azov is part of the “Intermarium Revival” that is seen as using Nazification of the Ukraine “pivot point” as a springboard for a global Nazi takeover.
American Nazis and white supremacists are among the elements networking with Azov and then “bringing it all back home” to their native lands.
Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor (“Right Sector”) elements have decamped to Hong Kong, networking with the so-called “Pro-Democracy” forces and working on behalf of EU NGOs. This was discussed in FTR #1103.
Azov’s Hong Kong compatriots have adopted the OUN/B slogan, now the official salute of the Ukrainian police and military. ” . . . . The interest has been mutual, with Hong Kong’s ‘democrats’ drawing inspiration from Ukraine’s pro-Western Euromaidan ‘revolution’ that has empowered far-right, fascistic forces. Hong Kong protesters have embraced the slogan ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adapted from ‘Slava Ukrayini’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, a slogan invented by Ukrainian fascists and used by Nazi collaborators during WWII that was re-popularized by the Euromaidan movement. . . . ”
Joshua Wong–“boy wonder” and darling of the American MSM–has doubled down on affinity with Ukraine: ” . . . . ‘No matter the differences between Ukraine and Hong Kong, our fights for freedom and democracy are the same,’ Joshua Wong told The Kyiv Post in 2019. ‘[W]e have to learn from Ukrainians… and show solidarity. Ukraine confronted the force of Russia — we are facing the force of Beijing.’ . . . .”
The Hong Kong iteration of the OUN/UPA salute has become an anthem. In its coverage of the banning of that song by the Chinese authorities, The New York Times [predictably] fails to discuss the heritage of the slogan/song, nor the nature of the Ukrainian Nazi “troubadours” who brought it to Hong Kong.
In this context, it is important to remember that the National Endowment for Democracy–a U.S. intelligence “cut-out” founded by former CIA director William Casey–has helped finance the “pro-Democracy” forces in Hong Kong.
One of the leading propagandists concerning “mass incarceration of the Uighurs” is Adrian Zenz, a dogmatic End Times Christian, German national and “senior fellow in China studies at the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which was established by the US government in 1983.”
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is an offshoot of the milieu of the OUN/B. ” . . . . an outgrowth of the National Captive Nations Committee, a group founded by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN‑B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine in World War Two. . . .” A key figure in the Azov Battalion (elements of which were present in Hong Kong) is Roman Zvarych, the personal secretary for Stetsko in the early 1980’s.
” . . . . formerly Yaroslav Stetsko’s private secretary, the U.S.-born Roman Zvarych (1953), represents a younger generation of the Ukrainian émigré community active during the Cold War and a direct link from the ABN to the Azov Battalion. . . . Zvarych participated in the activities of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations in the 1980s. . . . In February 2005, after Viktor Yushchenko’s election, Zvarych was appointed Minister of Justice. . . . According to Andriy Biletsky, the first commander of the Azov battalion, a civil paramilitary unit created in the wake of the Euromaidan, Zvarych was head of the headquarters of the Azov Central Committee in 2015 and supported the Azov battalion with ‘volunteers’ and political advice through his Zvarych Foundation. . . .”
Networking with Isa Yusuf Alptekin at the Bandung (Indonesia) conference was Ruzi (or “Ruzy”) Nazar, an Uzbek national who fought in various Third Reich military formations, including the SS Dirlewanger Brigade. After the war, Nazar was a CIA operative networking with the National Action Party (or National Movement Party) of Alparslan Turkes.
Nazar represented the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations at the 1984 WACL conference in Dallas.
Discussed in numerous programs, the Uighurs (also spelled Uyghurs) are heavily overlapped with various fascist elements. All of these are present in the history of the World Uyghur Congress.
1.–The narco-fascist regime of Chiang Kai-shek.
2.–The Grey Wolves, youth wing of the National Action Party. The group was a key element of the Turkish “Stay Behind” movement.
3.–Various Islamic terrorist offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.
4.–As seen above, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations milieu, directly evolved from the Third Reich and the Gehlen organization.
5.–The SS/CIA/Third Reich milieu of the Dalai Lama.
Of great significance, once again, is the decisive presence of the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. intelligence cut-out founded by William Casey.
American and Western media draw on an American regime-change operation for much of their coverage–that organization is the World Uyghur [“Uighur”] Congress and numerous subsidiary elements.
Exemplifying the WUC milieu is Rushan Abas: ” . . . . Another influential organization spun out of the WUC network is the Campaign for Uyghurs. This group is headed by Rushan Abbas, the former Vice President of the UAA. Promoted simply as a Uyghur ‘human rights activist’ by Western media outlets including the supposedly adversarial Democracy Now!, Abbas is, in fact, a longtime US government and military operative. Abbas boasts in her bio of her ‘extensive experience working with US government agencies, including Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of State, and various US intelligence agencies.’ While working for the military contractor L3 Technologies, Abbas served the US government and the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror as a ‘consultant at Guantanamo Bay supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.’ Abbas ‘also worked as a linguist and translator for several federal agencies including work for the US State Department in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush’. Like so many of her colleagues, Abbas enjoyed a stint at Radio Free Asia. While Abbas once shared her history of collaboration with the US government in the open, she has attempted to scrub biographic information from her online presence following a disastrous publicity appearance in December 2019. During a Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ question and answer forum, participants blasted Abbas as a ‘CIA asset’ and frequent US government collaborator, prompting her attempt to disappear her bio from the internet. . . .”
The ostensibly “peaceful’ intent of the WUC can be evaluated against the background of the comments of former WUC Vice-President Seyit Tumturk: ” . . . . In 2018, Tümturk declared that Chinese Uyghurs view Turkish ‘state requests as orders.’ He then proclaimed that hundreds of thousands of Chinese Uyghurs were ready to enlist in the Turkish army and join Turkey’s illegal and brutal invasion of Northern Syria “to fight for God” – if ordered to do so by Erdogan. . . . Shortly after Tumturk’s comments, Uyghur militants dressed in Turkish military fatigues and on the Turkish side of the Syrian border released a video in which they threatened to wage war against China: ‘Listen you dog bastards, do you see this? We will triumph!’ one fighter exclaimed. ‘We will kill you all. Listen up Chinese civilians, get out of our East Turkestan. I am warning you. We shall return and we will be victorious.’ . . .”
Providing political context for the Covid-19 outbreak, the next three programs explore the propagandizing of the Uighur (also spelled “Uyghur”) population of Xinjiang province. The alleged detention of “millions” of Uighurs in Xinjiang province has been the foundation for U.S. economic sanctions against China. It has been a major propaganda vehicle as well.
(We have followed the Uighurs and the destabilization of China for years, beginning with FTR #348.)
One should not fail to note that the efforts of “Team Uighur” are part of the full court press against China
Like the so-called “pro-democracy” movement in Hong Kong, the organizations that makeup “Team Uighur” are inextricably linked with U.S. intelligence. (We discussed the National Endowment for Democracy’s funding of the “pro-Democracy movement” in Hong Kong in FTR #‘s 1091, 1092 and 1093. NED was founded by William Casey, who was deeply involved with the creation of many of the other U.S. intelligence fronts and affiliates that have generated the Uighur propaganda.)
At a deeper historical level, “Team Uighur” is inextricably linked with the generating forces of international fascism.
The Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders receives financing from the National Endowment for Democracy. The Jamestown Foundation–another element in “Team Uighur” also has its genesis with William Casey and the Reagan administration. The widely repeated “study” generated by the NCHRD is based on interviews of eight individuals–this in an are with a population of 20 million. ” . . . . In a 2018 report submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – often misrepresented in Western media as a UN-authored report – CHRD ‘estimate[d] that roughly one million members of ethnic Uyghurs have been sent to ‘re-education’ detention camps and roughly two million have been forced to attend ‘re-education’ programs in Xinjiang.’ According to CHRD, this figure was ‘[b]ased on interviews and limited data.’ While CHRD states that it interviewed dozens of ethnic Uyghurs in the course of its study, their enormous estimate was ultimately based on interviews with exactly eight Uyghur individuals. . . .”
One of the leading propagandists concerning “mass incarceration of the Uighurs” is Adrian Zenz, a dogmatic End Times Christian, German national and “senior fellow in China studies at the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which was established by the US government in 1983.”
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is an offshoot of the milieu of the OUN/B. ” . . . . an outgrowth of the National Captive Nations Committee, a group founded by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN‑B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine in World War Two. . . .” A key figure in the Azov Battalion (elements of which were present in Hong Kong) is Roman Zvarych, the personal secretary for Stetsko in the early 1980’s.
” . . . . formerly Yaroslav Stetsko’s private secretary, the U.S.-born Roman Zvarych (1953), represents a younger generation of the Ukrainian émigré community active during the Cold War and a direct link from the ABN to the Azov Battalion. . . . Zvarych participated in the activities of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations in the 1980s. . . . In February 2005, after Viktor Yushchenko’s election, Zvarych was appointed Minister of Justice. . . . According to Andriy Biletsky, the first commander of the Azov battalion, a civil paramilitary unit created in the wake of the Euromaidan, Zvarych was head of the headquarters of the Azov Central Committee in 2015 and supported the Azov battalion with ‘volunteers’ and political advice through his Zvarych Foundation. . . .”
Zenz has also generated his figures from highly questionable sources: ” . . . . Like the CHRD, Zenz arrived at his estimate ‘over 1 million’ in a dubious manner. He based it on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey . . . . Far from an impartial journalistic organization, Istiqlal TV advances the separatist cause while playing host to an assortment of extremist figures. One such character who often appears on Istiqlal TV is Abdulkadir Yapuquan, a reported leader of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a separatist group that aims to establish an independent homeland in Xinjiang called East Turkestan. . . .”
The “pro-Democracy” movement in Hong Kong also features Ukrainian Nazi elements–part of what we have called the “Earth Island Boogie.”
In numerous programs, we have noted international networking between the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion and elements around the world:
1.–Azov is part of the “Intermarium Revival” that is seen as using Nazification of the Ukraine “pivot point” as a springboard for a global Nazi takeover.
2.–American Nazis and white supremacists are among the elements networking with Azov and then “bringing it all back home” to their native lands.
3.–Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor (“Right Sector”) elements have decamped to Hong Kong, networking with the so-called “Pro-Democracy” forces and working on behalf of EU NGOs. This was discussed in FTR #1103.
Azov’s Hong Kong compatriots have adopted the OUN/B slogan, now the official salute of the Ukrainian police and military. ” . . . . The interest has been mutual, with Hong Kong’s ‘democrats’ drawing inspiration from Ukraine’s pro-Western Euromaidan ‘revolution’ that has empowered far-right, fascistic forces. Hong Kong protesters have embraced the slogan ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adapted from ‘Slava Ukrayini’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, a slogan invented by Ukrainian fascists and used by Nazi collaborators during WWII that was re-popularized by the Euromaidan movement. . . . ”
Joshua Wong–“boy wonder” and darling of the American MSM–has doubled down on affinity with Ukraine: ” . . . . ‘No matter the differences between Ukraine and Hong Kong, our fights for freedom and democracy are the same,’ Joshua Wong told The Kyiv Post in 2019. ‘[W]e have to learn from Ukrainians… and show solidarity. Ukraine confronted the force of Russia — we are facing the force of Beijing.’ . . . .”
The program concludes with attenuated discussion of Third Reich veteran and CIA officer Ruzi (also “Ruzy”) Nazar. A veteran of the SS Dirlewanger Brigade, Nazar was liaising with the fascist National Action Party (also “National Movement Party”) of Alparslan Turkes at the time its Grey Wolves cadre was involved with shooting the Pope, an act that appears to have been a provocation.
In AFA #‘s 14 and 21, we noted that Nazar represented the Anti Bolshevik Bloc of Nations at the 1984 WACL conference in Dallas, Texas.
Fleshing out the deep politics underlying the life and death of Park Won-soon, this program builds on the foundation of first two programs in the series. Park Won-soon’s criticism of Japan’s colonial occupation of Korea, his advocacy of reconciliation between the two Koreas and his suit against the leadership of the fascist Shincheonji mind control cult (overlapped with the Unification Church), all bear on the political and economic dynamics of the Second World War, the Cold War, the Korean War, and the cartel arrangements that constitute a critical, though largely invisible, underpinning of the events of the Twentieth and Twenty-First centuries.
Essential to an understanding of these overlapping events is the landmark text Gold Warriors by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave. (FTR #‘s 427, 428, 446, 451, 501, 688, 689, 1106, 1107 & 1108 deal with the subject material of that consummately important book.)
Indeed, one cannot properly analyze the partition of Korea after World War II, the Korean War and the Cold War as separate events. They are interconnected and, in turn, are outgrowths of the complex politics of the Second World War and the actions and attitudes of Chiang Kai-shek’s narco-fascist dictatorship.
Although nominally a member of the Allied nations, Chiang’s Kuomintang government was primarily concerned with fending off Mao Tse-Tung’s communist armies and worked with the invading Japanese in critical areas. In particular, the Kuomintang’s profound involvement with the narcotics trade helped drive its trading with the Japanese.
The program begins with the obituary of general Paik Sun-yup of Korea, whose service in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II has been a focal point of controversy in South Korea. General Sun-yup embodied the ongoing controversy in Korea over Japan’s occupation and the subsequent unfolding of events leading up to, and including the Korean War.
Again, the Japanese occupation of Korea was a major focal point of Park Won-soon’s criticism. “. . . . In 1941, he joined the army of Manchukuo, a puppet state that imperial Japan had established in Manchuria, and served in a unit known for hunting down Korean guerrillas fighting for independence . . .”
A little known factor in the development of the Korean partition and Cold War politics in Asia was the involvement of Chiang Kai-shek, his wife (the former Mei-Ling Soong, sister of Chiang’s finance minister T.V. Soong–the wealthiest man in the world at the time) and advisers in the Cairo Conference of 1943 and the subsequent Tehran Conference with Stalin and Churchill.
According to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who flew the Kuomintang interests to Tehran from Cairo, Chiang and company were a driving force in setting the stage for war in Korea and Indochina.
While in Okinawa during Japan’s surrender in World War II, Colonel Prouty was witness to the early commitment of decisive military resources to the wars that were to take place in Korea and Indochina/Vietnam. ” . . . . I was on Okinawa at that time, and during some business in the harbor area I asked the harbormaster if all that new material was being returned to the States. His response was direct and surprising: ‘Hell, no! They ain’t never goin’ to see it again. One-half of this stuff, enough to equip and supply at least a hundred and fifty thousand men, is going to Korea, and the other half is going to Indochina.’ In 1945, none of us had any idea that the first battles of the Cold War were going to be fought by U.S. military units in those two regions beginning in 1950 and 1965–yet that is precisely what had been planned, and it is precisely what happened. Who made that decision back in 1943–45? . . . .”
To appreciate Chiang’s influence in the Cairo and Tehran conferences, it is important to understand that he was “working both sides of the street” in World War II.
American military supplies flown over the Hump and/or sent along the Burma Road at great risk and cost to Allied servicemen found their way into the hands of the Japanese, courtesy of KMT general Ku Chu-tung and his organized crime brother.
General Ku Chu-Tung commanded a devastating operation against the Chinese Communist New Fourth Army, illustrating why the Seagraves called him “one of the most hated men in China.”
Although obscured by the sands of time and propagandized history, Ku-Chu Tung’s actions illustrate why General Joseph Stilwell held Chiang Kai-Shek in contempt. Stillwell not only (correctly) viewed Chiang Kai-Shek as a fascist, but (correctly) saw him as an impediment to optimizing Chinese resistance to the hated Japanese invaders.
Collaborating with Kodama Yoshio, the Japanese crime boss and Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the Ku brothers swapped U.S. lend lease supplies for drugs.
It is important to note the role of the Black Dragon Society in the ascent of Kodama Yoshio. Black Dragon, along with Black Ocean, are key Japanese ultra-nationalist societies and the apparent forerunners of the Unification Church and, possibly the overlapping Shincheonji cult that was sued by Park Won-soon.
Kodama played a key role in the Unification Church, as discussed in FTR #‘s 291 and 970.
Acquiring key strategic raw materials for the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force, Kodama bought many of these directly from the chief of Kuomintang secret service, General Tai Li, who was paid directly in heroin.
Before turning to the subject of the Korean War and its decisive influence on the disposition of global wealth and the resuscitation of the global cartel system, we recount the assassination of Kim Koo, an important Korean patriot, whose advocacy of reunification for Korea placed him in the crosshairs of American Cold War strategists. (Park Won-soon was called a “commie” for advocating reconciliation between the Koreas.) ” . . . . In June 1949, General Kim Chang-Yong, Rhee’s close advisor and Chief of Korea’s Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC)—founded by and patterned after the CIA—conspired with American intelligence officers and a young lieutenant to assassinate Kim Koo. On June 26, 1949, while the seventy-three-year-old Kim was resting in his second-floor bedroom, Lieutenant Ahn Do hi walked past three policemen standing guard outside, entered the house, proceeded to Kim’s bedroom, and shot him to death. . . .”
On the eve of the outbreak of the Korean War, John Foster Dulles was in Seoul with Kodama Yoshio. It is not known just what they were doing, but Foster directly foreshadowed the impending (and allegedly unanticipated) North Korean invasion in a speech just before the commencement of hostilities.
Kodama recruited thousands of yakuza soldiers and Japanese World War II veterans to fight for South Korea, dressed in Korean uniforms.
Next, we highlight the 1951 “Peace” Treaty between the Allies and Japan, an agreement which falsely maintained that Japan had not stolen any wealth from the nations it occupied during World War II and that the (already) booming nation was bankrupt and would not be able to pay reparations to the slave laborers and “comfort women” it had pressed into service during the conflict.
Japan was not bankrupt at all when John Foster Dulles negotiated the Treaty. U.S. bombing left critical infrastructure intact, and the infusion of war loot helped boost the 1951 Japanese economy above its pre-World War II peak.
Foster Dulles’s role in the 1951 Peace Treaty with Japan, his curious presence in Seoul with Kodama Yoshio on the eve of the outbreak of the Korean War, his prescient foreshadowing of the conflict just before the North Korean invasion and the role of these events in shaping the post World War II global economic and political landscapes may well have been designed to help jumpstart the Japanese and German economies.
The Korean War did just that. ” . . . . A substantial infusion of money into this new Federal Republic economy resulted from the Korean War in 1950. The United States was not geared to supplying all its needs for armies in Korea, so the Pentagon placed huge orders in West Germany and in Japan; from that point on, both nations winged into an era of booming good times. . . .”
Indeed, John Foster Dulles’s world view enunciated a philosophy altogether consistent with those aims: ” . . . . He churned out magazine and newspaper articles asserting that the ‘dynamic’ countries of the world–Germany, Italy, and Japan–‘feel within themselves potentialities which are suppressed’ . . .”
Those economies, the cartels that dominated them and the Dulles brothers Cold War strategic outlook are dominant factors in the deep politics underlying the life, and death, of Park Won-soon.
The late Park Won-soon was a leading political reformer and critic in South Korean politics, as well as being a probable candidate in the 2022 presidential campaign. Of particular significance in assessing the suspicious circumstances of his death are the overlapping areas in which his criticism placed him afoul of political, economic and historical dynamics stemming from the Japanese Golden Lily program and the placement of that consummate wealth at the foundation of the post-World War II American and global system.
In addition, the “Black Gold” accumulated through the Golden Lily program and Nazi loot provided an economic foundation for post-World War II covert operations. (FTR #‘s 427, 428, 446, 451, 501, 688, 689, 1106, 1107 & 1108 deal with the subject of the Golden Lily program successfully implemented by the Japanese to loot Asia.)
An advocate of reconciliation between North and South Korea, Park Won-soon’s stance on the two nations placed him at odds with prevailing American, South Korean and Japanese national security policy.
A lawsuit was filed by a conservative South Korean lawyer against the Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un. This is noteworthy in the context of the death of Park Won-soon, who was an advocate of reconciliation between North and South Korea. Korean right-wingers have called him a “commie” for his advocacy of improved relations between the countries.
Relations between the Koreas are very much on the front burner.
Much of the program details the centuries-long Japanese looting of Korea, culminating in Japan’s 1905 colonization of that country. In 1910, Korea was declared to be Japanese national territory, thereby denominating all material and cultural wealth of Korea as Japanese.
The bulk of the program consists of a history of Japan’s colonization of Korea. That colonial occupation was a major target of the late Park Won-soon’s criticism.
Again, when it incorporated the Golden Lily wealth into the postwar “Black Gold” cache and John Foster Dulles engineered the 1951 Peace Treaty, the U.S. “signed off” on Japan’s actions in Korea and elsewhere in Asia.
Japan’s looting of Korea took place over centuries. In Gold Warriors, the Seagraves present the history of Japan’s rape of Korea, beginning with their account of the grisly murder of Korean Queen Min in 1894. ” . . . . the defenseless queen was stabbed and slashed repeatedly, and carried wailing out to the palace garden where she was thrown onto a pile of firewood, drenched with kerosene, and set aflame. An american military advisor, General William Dye, was one of several foreigners who heard and saw the killers milling around in the palace compound with dawn swords while the queen was burned alive. . . .”
A snapshot of the Japanese colonial occupation of Korea, a focal point of criticism of Park Won-soon:” . . . . [General] Terauchi was extraordinarily brutal, setting a precedent for Japanese behavior in all the countries, it would occupy over coming decades. Determined to crush all resistance, he told Koreans, ‘I will whip you with scorpions!’ He set up a sadistic police force of Korean yakuza, ordering it to use torture as a matter of course, for ‘no Oriental can be expected to tell the truth except under torture’. These police were closely supervised by Japan’s gestapo, the kempeitai. . . . ‘Japan’s aim,’ said Korean historian Yi Kibeck, ‘was to eradicate consciousness of Korean national identity, roots and all, and thus to obliterate the very existence of the Korean people from the face of the earth.’ . . . the peninsula was stripped of everything from artworks to root vegetables. As Korea now belonged to Japan, the transfer of cultural property—looting—was not theft. How can you steal something that already belongs to you? . . .”
Key elements of analysis of the Japanese political, economic and cultural decimation of Korea: The looting of Korea took place over centuries; the Black Ocean and Black Dragon societies (forerunners of the Unification Church and, possibly, the Shincheonji cult) played a key role in instigating the incremental Japanese conquest of Korea; the economic and cultural looting of Korea had already rendered that country one of the weakest in Asia by the nineteenth century; (Korea had been one of the most advanced civilizations on earth, prior to Japanese conquest); for centuries, China had functioned as a military protector of Korea; as noted above, there was wholesale economic and cultural plunder; millions of Koreans were enslaved to work in Japan and, during World War II, in Golden Lily facilities, where they were worked to death or buried alive; many more Koreans were conscripted as soldiers into Japan’s army; torture was routine in Japan’s occupation of Korea, as was summary execution and imprisonment on trumped-up charges; Koreans were forbidden from speaking their own language; even Japanese school teachers wore uniforms and carried swords; as highlighted in the previous program, many Korean women were forced to become slave prostitutes for the Japanese army–“Comfort Women.”
After a preview of discussion of John Foster Dulles and his negotiation of the 1951 Peace Treaty institutionalizing the looting and brutalization of Asia by the Japanese–a treaty that received diplomatic momentum from the advent of the Korean War–we conclude with an obituary of a South Korean general whose career is an embodiment of the deep politics surrounding the life and death of Park Won-soon.
General Paik Sun-yup was a Korean four-star general, whose service in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II has been a focal point of controversy in South Korea. General Sun-yup embodied the ongoing controversy in Korea over Japan’s occupation and the subsequent unfolding of events leading up to, and including the Korean War. “. . . . In 1941, he joined the army of Manchukuo, a puppet state that imperial Japan had established in Manchuria, and served in a unit known for hunting down Korean guerrillas fighting for independence . . .”
The first of three programs dealing with the suspicious death of Seoul (South Korea) mayor and prospective presidential candidate Park Won-soon, this broadcast chronicles the many powerful political interests whose feathers were ruffled by his activities. In addition, Park Won-soon was a trailblazer for several different aspects of progressive politics.
In the series, we present key aspects of the Japanese conquest and colonization of Asia, including and especially Korea. This history is fundamental to a serious understanding of Asian power politics. Significantly, with the incorporation of the spectacular wealth of the Japanese Golden Lily loot into the American and global financial systems, the U.S. “signed off” on Japanese war crimes committed prior to, and during, World War II. This history will be presented in greater detail in the second and third programs in the series.
(FTR #‘s 427, 428, 446, 451, 501, 688, 689, 1106, 1107 & 1108 deal with the subject of the Golden Lily program successfully implemented by the Japanese to loot Asia.)
With Park Won-soon being a possible presidential candidate in 2022, there are a number of aspects of his political history and agenda that would have made him the target of the deep political forces stemming from Golden Lily and before:
1.–He made enemies from the corrupt corporate elite of Korea: ” . . . . The People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, a civic group he helped found, has become a leading watchdog on corrupt ties between the government and big businesses, launching investigations and lawsuits that have often led to convictions of business tycoons on corruption charges. The group was involved in the lawsuits that led to the 2009 conviction of Lee Kun-hee, chairman of Samsung, on charges of embezzlement and tax evasion. . . .”
2.–He was instrumental in effecting reforms in numerous areas: ” . . . . In his nine years as Seoul’s mayor, Mr. Park, drove an endless series of policy initiatives. He lowered college tuitions, installed a free Wi-Fi connection in public parking lots and municipal parks, and converted part-time workers in city-financed corporations to full-time employees. . . .”
3.–His criticism of Japanese policy vis a vis its colonization of Korea made him an enemy of the deep political Korean/American/Japanese fascist milieu deriving from Golden Lily. ” . . . . He has also been an outspoken critic of Japan’s colonial-era policies toward Korea, including the mobilization of Korean and other women as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. . . .”
4.–His push for reconciliation with the North would have made his possible presidency anathema to South Korean and U.S. national security policymakers: ” . . . . Protesters have often picketed City Hall, calling Mr. Park a ‘commie’ for promoting reconciliation with North Korea and for his past opposition to the deployment of troops from South Korea to Iraq. . . .”
5.–Note, also, that (as touched on above) Park was a major reformer on behalf of women’s rights in South Korea: ” . . . . As a lawyer, he won a host of landmark cases for press freedoms and women’s rights. After winning the country’s first sexual harassment case, he was honored with the ‘women’s rights award’ in 1998 from the nation’s top women’s groups. . . . He also pushed to make Seoul’s streets safer at night for women, by deploying escorts for women walking in deserted alleys where crimes had taken place. He also introduced a smartphone app for women that alerts the police when they face danger at night. Female ‘sheriffs’ also check public toilets for women in Seoul to find and destroy hidden sex cams. . . .”
6.–Lastly, Mr. Won-soon filed suit against the 12 heads of the Shincheonji fascist mind control cult. The cult has operational and doctrinal overlap with the Unification Church. ” . . . . Kim Kun-nam, one of the two authors of Shintan, which can be called the first doctrine of Shincheonji, is from the Unification Church. Kim also served as a lecturer in the Unification Church. It is no exaggeration to say that Shincheonji doctrine developed on the basis of what Kim made. . . .”
7.–In FTR #1118, we examined the Shincheonji cult in connection with the Covid-19 outbreak. The cult was the major apparent vector for introducing the virus into South Korea. With a branch in Wuhan, we have speculated that it may have been a vector for China as well. Might that suit have been a contributing factor to Park Won-soon’s death?
Despite his life-long professional efforts on behalf of women, Park Won-soon was charged by a secretary (anonymous to date) with having sexually harassed her. Immediately following the lodging of that accusation, he allegedly took his life.
In the context of Park’s alleged suicide, recall a strategic synopsis of the counterintelligence applications of the #MeToo stratagem, presented in FTR #1001:
” . . . . From the standpoint of counter-intelligence analysis, the #MeToo phenomenon signals a superb tactic for political destruction: a) infiltrate a woman into the entourage or professional environment of a male politician, media or business figure targeted for destruction; b) have her gain the trust of her political target and his associates (the cardinal rule for a good double agent is “make yourself indispensable to the effort”); c) after sufficient passage of time, surface the allegations of sexual harassment; d) IF the opportunity for actual sex play and/or flirtation presents itself, take advantage of it for later use as political/rhetorical ammunition; e) with accusers having the tactical luxury of remaining anonymous, the operational template for a form of sexual McCarthyism and the precedent-setting contemporary manifestation of a sexual Star Chamber is very real–the operational similarities between much of the #metoo movement and the Salem Witch Trials should not be lost on the persevering observer [Park Won-soon’s accuser has had the benefit of anonymity–D.E.]; f) proper vetting of the accusations is absent in such a process; g) for a public figure in the U.S., proving deliberate defamation (libel/slander) is extremely difficult and litigation is very expensive–the mere surfacing of charges is enough to taint someone for life and the exorbitant expense of litigation is prohibitive for all but the wealthiest among us. . . .”
In the audio of the program, Mr. Emory discusses various scenarios in which a secretary/administrative assistant could have subverted Mr. Won-soon’s situation. Weaponized feminism employs a dynamic in which accused males are presumed guilty until proven innocent. The proving of innocence is exceedingly difficult in alleged instances of sexual harassment–there are generally no witnesses to, nor audio and/or video recordings of the incident in question.
In light of the powerful political, economic and historical dynamics challenged by Park Won-soon, the possibility that he was yet another victim of weaponized feminism should be taken into account. We bet that it won’t.
Other topics highlighted in this broadcast include:
1.–The background of Harry B. Harris, Jr., the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea. Harris was former “head of the United States Pacific Command”–a very important and powerful individual. He also had been the commander of the Guantanamo detention center–one of a number of counter-terror assignments in his military career. Like anti-submarine warfare (another element of his military CV), counter-terror is an intelligence function. We wonder if Harris is either ONI and/or CIA, and playing a key role in the full-court press against China.
2.–An account of the Comfort Women, one of the focal points of Park Won-soon’s criticism of the Japanese colonial occupation of Korea.
3.–The beginning of an account of Japan’s centuries long plunder of Korea–a topic that will be covered at greater length in the following program. Note that this element of analysis involves the Black Dragon and Black Ocean societies, two of the patriotic and ultra-nationalist societies that appear to be the forerunner of the Unification Church.
A relatively rare piece of quality, incisive analysis from the Mainstream Media, Craig Whitlock’s “At War With The Truth” presents an honest, albeit attenuated, analysis of the failure of the war in Afghanistan. In addition, this paper presents the background to, and foundation of, the latest iteration of the Russia-gate psy-op: “Bountygate.” A thoughtful piece by Scott Ritter in “Consortium News” parses the deep politics of “Bountygate” and the reality of Russian policy vis a vis the Taliban and Central Asia.
This program continues with examination of centrifugal political and geo-political forces at work in the apparently ongoing destabilization of China.
This is a complex topic, involving subjects dealt with at great length in past programs over the years. We recommend using the search function on this website (using quotation marks) to gain a deeper understanding of what Mr. Emory calls “The Earth Island Boogie.”
By the same token, understanding that concept involves obtaining a grasp of Pan-Turkism and some of its manifestations in the Uighur milieu inside China.
This description has links to key programs that will flesh out the listeners’ understanding.
We begin an analysis of the use of the Turkophone, Muslim Uighurs as a destabilizing element in China’s mineral and petroleum-rich Xinjiang semiautonomous region.
Linked to Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and contributing to the jihadist milieu in Syria, the Uighurs also figure into the Pan-Turkist milieu covered in, among other programs: AFA #14, as well as FTR #‘s 720, 723, 819, 857, 862, 863, 878, 879, 884, 885, 886, 911.
Note that the geographical focal point of the Uighur separatist/jihadist activity not only encompasses mineral and resource-rich Xinjiang province, but lies in the area China has designated as an important area for their “Belt and Road Initiative.” That initiative is a program designed to build rail connections across what is known as “The Earth Island,” a project which appears to entail deep alarm on the part of interests in the West.
” . . . . The Uighur separatist spectrum is overlapped by the Uighur jihadi milieu, who link the issue of Xinjiang’s secession from China to that of forming a Salafist theocracy. Uighur jihadis have long since expanded their radius of actions beyond China’s borders. This first drew public attention, when it was reported that, in ‘the war on terror,’ which began in 2002, the United States had been holding more than 20 Uighurs in their torture chambers at Guantanámo. The last of the prisoners were released only in late 2013. Uighur jihadis have long since expanded beyond their Afghanistan engagement to other regions of the world. . . . Uighur jihadis’ activities have also been registered in other Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia and Indonesia — from where quite a few continue on to Turkey, to support the IS or al Qaeda. Last year, China had estimated that up to 300 Uighurs are fighting in the ranks of IS, while Syrian government officials set the figures at up to 5,000 Uighurs who are operating in various jihadi militias in Syria. Regardless of the accuracy of these estimates, experts are certain that a large contingent of Uighur militias are fighting within the ranks of IS and al Qaeda. An analysis published by the International Center for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague warns that the Uighur jihadi threat is largely underestimated in the West.[9] . . . . For China, this terrorism is that much more serious, because Xinjiang is a strategically important region. That autonomous region comprises central sectors of the ‘New Silk Road’ (‘Belt and Road Initiative,’ BRI) project, currently Beijing’s most important foreign policy mega-project. Unrest in Xinjiang threatens not only the People’s Republic of China’s domestic tranquility, but also its rise in world policy. This unrest is being systematically fanned from abroad. Turkey, under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has assumed a prominent role. While still mayor of Istanbul and long before becoming Turkey’s president, Erdoğan had declared that ‘East Turkestan is not only the homeland of the Turkic peoples, but also the cradle of Turkic history, civilization, and culture. The martyrs of East Turkestan are our martyrs.’[10] Uighur jihadis have regularly used Turkey as a safe haven. In his talk with, the German expert on intelligence services, Erich Schmidt-Eenboom confirmed that Ankara’s intelligence service has repeatedly ‘sought to support secessionist attempts’ in Xinjiang.[11] . . . .”
The Uighur/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/jihadist milieu is also discussed in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 348, 549, 550, 615.
Next, we detail the long history of NATO and related elements using the Uighurs to destabilize China, with Germany as an epicenter of Uighur activity.
We review the terrorism against members of the Han Chinese majority in Xinjiang by Uighurs.
” . . . . Already since the 1990s, Xinjiang has been faced with terrorist attacks by members of the Turkic-speaking Uighur minority, fighting to secede this autonomous region from China, to found “East Turkestan.” Some seek an eventual fusion with the Turkic-speaking countries of Central Asia. The attacks that became known in the West included a Uighur terrorist attack at a coal mine in Xinjiang in September 2015. The assailants deliberately targeted non-Turkic-speaking workers — especially those of China’s majority Han population — slaughtering them with long knives. According to western media reports, at least 50 people died in the attack.[7] March 1, 2014 eight Uighur terrorists armed also with knives attacked civilian travelers in a train station of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, killing 31 and wounding around 150, some seriously. There have also been recurring pogroms targeting Han Chinese. For example, in July 2009, several thousand Uighur in Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi, attacked Han Chinese. According to official figures, 197 people were killed; however, observers calculate the actual body count to be much higher. . . . ”
As highlighted in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 547, 548, 549, 550, the Uighurs are part of a centripetal destabilization effort against China, utilizing the Dalai Lama’s SS-linked milieu, elements of CIA, and the Hapsburg-controlled UNPO to effect the partial dismemberment of that country.
We conclude with discussion about the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation. A major British bank, the growth of its largesse was inextricably linked with the opium trade Britain forced on China through the Opium Wars.
The bank perpetuated it’s involvement with major narcotics trafficking, laundering funds for contemporary drug cartels.
Ultimately, the bank became a vehicle for the financing of elements of Al-Qaeda and jihadism. We wonder if perhaps jihadist elements of the Uighurs may be receiving funding through the institution?
We begin with an excerpt of a New York Times article what epitomizes the propagandized and unintentionally ironic tone of our media with regard to China.
The article mocks the Chinese assertion that the U.S. is involved with unrest with Hong Kong, remarking that China ” . . . . has a long history of blaming ‘foreign forces’ for challenges it has faced internally. . . .” This comes from the publication that has unwaveringly flogged the “Russia-Gate” nonsense.
The article also pooh-poohs Chinese assertion that the National Endowment for Democracy was working with the CIA to sponsor unrest in Hong Kong.
In FTR #s 1091 and 1092, we noted the involvement of the National Endowment for Democracy with key players in the Hong Kong drama, as well as their networking with major U.S. politicians, including Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo.
In past programs, we have discussed the National Endowment For Democracy, a “kinder, gentler” U.S. intelligence manifestation.
NED has supplemented the decades-old tradition of CIA destabilization and overthrow of governments that the U.S. views with a jaundiced eye.
The Chinese analysis of the role of the NED is accurate. “. . . . One of the NED co-founders, Allen Weinstein, explained its purpose to the Washington Post: ‘A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.’ . . . . ”
Next, we examine an informative post from German Foreign Policy, which notes that pending legislation in the U.S. Congress would economically damage U.S. and German commercial interests, as well as hurting Hong Kong’s economy.
We conclude with a topic we have covered before and will explore at greater length in our next broadcast. We begin an analysis of the use of the Turkophone, Muslim Uighurs as a destabilizing element in China’s mineral and petroleum-rich Xinjiang semiautonomous region.
Linked to Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and contributing to the jihadist milieu in Syria, the Uighurs also figure into the Pan-Turkist milieu covered in, among other programs: AFA #14, as well as FTR #‘s 720, 723, 819, 857, 862, 863, 878, 879, 884, 885, 886, 911.
The Uighur/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/jihadist milieu is discussed in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 348, 549, 550, 615.
In FTR #‘s 733 through 739, we presented our view that the so-called Arab Spring was a U.S. intelligence operation, aimed at placing the Brotherhood in power in Muslim countries dominated either by a secular dictator or absolute monarchy.
Continuing analysis from our previous program, this broadcast delves further into the networking between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. Against the background of the occupation of Idlib Province in Syria by Al-Qaeda, we highlight the apparent role of Morsi’s government and the Muslim Brotherhood in the events surrounding the 2012 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya.
The overthrow of Khadafy in Libya was an outgrowth of the so-called Arab Spring, as was the precipitation of the civil war in Syria. Of particular significance is the fact that the GOP-led investigations of the Benghazi attack led directly to both the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e‑mails and the decisively significant FBI tampering with the 2016 election, as well as the alleged “hack” of Hillary’s e‑mails!
An Egyptian newspaper published what were said to be intercepted recordings of Morsi communicating conspiratorially with Muhammad al-Zawahiri, the the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the head of Al-Qaeda. Much of this checks out with information that is already on the public record.
Note the networking of GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham with Khairat El-Shater of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood while he was in prison, as well as the alleged links between the Egyptian Brotherhood and the cells involved in attacking the U.S. Embassy in Libya.
What we may well be looking at is a gambit along the lines of what has become known as the October Surprise–collusion between the Iranian Islamists and George H.W. Bush/CIA/GOP to (among other things) destabilize the Carter administration and 1980 re-election campaign.
In addition, we wonder about a deal having been struck to have Al-Qaeda fight against Bashar Assad in Syria, while avoiding attacks inside the U.S.?
Of primary focus in the material below is Khairat El-Shater (transliterated spellings of his name differ.) El-Shater:
1.–Was the number two man in the Muslim Brotherhood, though not formerly a member of Morsi’s government.
2.–Networked with U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson and GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham and Khairat El-Shater (alternatively transliterated with two “t’s” and/or an “al”), shortly after Morsi was deposed. ” . . . . It is interesting to note here that, prior to these revelations, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was seen visiting with Khairat El-Shater—even though he held no position in the Morsi government—and after the ousting and imprisonment of Morsi and leading Brotherhood members, Sens. John McCain and Lindsay Graham made it a point to visit the civilian Shater in his prison cell and urged the Egyptian government to release him. . . .”
3.–Was deeply involved in mobilizing Al-Qaeda on behalf of Morsi and the Brotherhood: ” . . . . Also on that same first day of the revolution, Khairat al-Shater, Deputy Leader of the Brotherhood, had a meeting with a delegate of jihadi fighters and reiterated Morsi’s request that all jihadis come to the aid of the presidency and the Brotherhood. . . . ”
4.–Was the apparent source of a $50 million contribution by the Brotherhood to Al Qaeda: ” . . . . That the Muslim Brotherhood’s international wing, including through the agency of Khairat al-Shater, had provided $50 million to al-Qaeda in part to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. . . .”
5.–Had the passport of the alleged leader of the Benghazi attack in his home when he was arrested: ” . . . . Most recently, on July 29, 2013, Ahmed Musa, a prominent Egyptian political insider and analyst made several assertions on Tahrir TV that further connected the dots. . . . Musa insisted that he had absolute knowledge that the murderer of Chris Stevens was Mohsin al-‘Azzazi, whose passport was found in Brotherhood leader Khairat El-Shater’s home, when the latter was arrested. . . .”
6.–Epitomized the GOP-beloved, corporatist economic ideology and lifestyle: ” . . . . Arguably the most powerful man in the Muslim Brotherhood is Khairat El-Shater, a multimillionaire tycoon whose financial interests extend into electronics, manufacturing and retail. A strong advocate of privatization, Al-Shater is one of a cadre of Muslim Brotherhood businessmen who helped finance the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party’s impressive electoral victory this winter and is now crafting the FJP’s economic agenda. . . . . . . . the Brotherhood’s ideology actually has more in common with America’s Republican Party than with al-Qaida. Few Americans know it but the Brotherhood is a free-market party led by wealthy businessmen whose economic agenda embraces privatization and foreign investment while spurning labor unions and the redistribution of wealth. Like the Republicans in the U.S., the financial interests of the party’s leadership of businessmen and professionals diverge sharply from those of its poor, socially conservative followers. . . .”
This broadcast begins with conclusion of reading of a key article that was featured in our last program.
Key points of analysis in discussion of the Morsi/Zawahiri/Brotherhood connection include:
1.–Muhamed Zawahiri’s promise to bolster Morsi’s government with military support, in exchange for Morsi steering Egypt in the direction of Sharia law. ” . . . . The call ended in agreement that al-Qaeda would support the Brotherhood, including its international branches, under the understanding that Morsi would soon implement full Sharia in Egypt. After this, Muhammad Zawahiri and Khairat al-Shater, the number-two man of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, reportedly met regularly. . . .”
2.–Morsi’s agreement with Zawahiri’s proposal. ” . . . . Zawahiri further requested that Morsi allow them to develop training camps in Sinai in order to support the Brotherhood through trained militants. Along with saying that the Brotherhood intended to form a ‘revolutionary guard’ to protect him against any coup, Morsi added that, in return for al-Qaeda’s and its affiliates’ support, not only would he allow them to have such training camps, but he would facilitate their development in Sinai and give them four facilities to use along the Egyptian-Libyan border. . . .”
3.–The networking between U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson and GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham and Khairat El-Shater (alternatively transliterated with two “t’s”), shortly after Morsi was deposed. ” . . . . It is interesting to note here that, prior to these revelations, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was seen visiting with Khairat al-Shater—even though he held no position in the Morsi government—and after the ousting and imprisonment of Morsi and leading Brotherhood members, Sens. John McCain and Lindsay Graham made it a point to visit the civilian Shater in his prison cell and urged the Egyptian government to release him. . . .”
4.–Note that Morsi sanctioned and Brotherhood-aided Al-Qaeda militants were apparently involved in the Behghazi attacks that led to the Benghazi investigation, the Hillary e‑mails non-scandal and all that followed: ” . . . . According to a Libyan Arabic report I translated back in June 2013, those who attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were from jihadi cells that had been formed in Libya through Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood support. Those interrogated named Morsi and other top Brotherhood leadership as accomplices. . . . ”
5.–Khairat El-Shater was deeply involved in mobilizing Al-Qaeda on behalf of Morsi and the Brotherhood: ” . . . . Also on that same first day of the revolution, Khairat al-Shater, Deputy Leader of the Brotherhood, had a meeting with a delegate of jihadi fighters and reiterated Morsi’s request that all jihadis come to the aid of the presidency and the Brotherhood. . . . ”
6.–Khairat El-Shater was the apparent source of a $50 million contribution by the Brotherhood to Al Qaeda: ” . . . . That the Muslim Brotherhood’s international wing, including through the agency of Khairat al-Shater, had provided $50 million to al-Qaeda in part to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. . . .”
7.–Next, we highlight another important article from Raymond Ibrahim about the Morsi/Al-Qaeda connection to the Benghazi attack. Supplementing the information about networking between U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson, John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Khairat al-Shater, we note that:
1.–The Benghazi attackers were apparently linked to Morsi and the Brotherhood: ” . . . . days after the Benghazi attack back in September 2012, Muslim Brotherhood connections appeared. A video made during the consulate attack records people approaching the beleaguered U.S. compound; one of them yells to the besiegers in an Egyptian dialect, ‘Don’t shoot—Dr. Morsi sent us!’ apparently a reference to the former Islamist president. . . .”
2.–The passport of the alleged leader of the Benghazi attack was found in the home of McCain/Graham contact Kharat al-Shater’s home when he was arrested: ” . . . . Most recently, on July 29, 2013, Ahmed Musa, a prominent Egyptian political insider and analyst made several assertions on Tahrir TV that further connected the dots. . . . Musa insisted that he had absolute knowledge that the murderer of Chris Stevens was Mohsin al-‘Azzazi, whose passport was found in Brotherhood leader Khairat El-Shater’s home, when the latter was arrested. . . .”
3.–The attack on the U.S. Embassy may well have been intended to take Chris Stevens hostage, in order to use him as potential barter for the Blind Sheikh: ” . . . . The day before the embassy attacks, based on little known but legitimate Arabic reports, I wrote an article titled ‘Jihadis Threaten to Burn U.S. Embassy in Cairo,’ explaining how Islamists—including al-Qaeda—were threatening to attack the U.S. embassy in Cairo unless the notorious Blind Sheikh—an Islamist hero held in prison in the U.S. in connection to the first World Trade Center bombing—was released. The date September 11 was also deliberately chosen to attack the embassy to commemorate the ‘heroic’ September 11, 2001 al-Qaeda strikes on America. . . .”
4.–The United States: ” . . . . first with Anne Patterson, and now with Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, keep pressuring Egypt to release Brotherhood leaders; McCain personally even visited the civilian El-Shater, whose raided home revealed the passport of Azzazi, whom Musa claims is the murderer of Stevens. . . .”
Following the Benghazi discussion, we recap an article about the Brotherhood and apparent Al-Qaeda/Benghazi collaborator Khairat El-Shater, noting the powerful resonance between his and the Muslim Brotherhood’s values and those of the GOP and the corporate community:
1.–” . . . . the Brotherhood’s ideology actually has more in common with America’s Republican Party than with al-Qaida. Few Americans know it but the Brotherhood is a free-market party led by wealthy businessmen whose economic agenda embraces privatization and foreign investment while spurning labor unions and the redistribution of wealth. Like the Republicans in the U.S., the financial interests of the party’s leadership of businessmen and professionals diverge sharply from those of its poor, socially conservative followers. . . .”
2.–” . . . . Arguably the most powerful man in the Muslim Brotherhood is Khairat El-Shater, a multimillionaire tycoon whose financial interests extend into electronics, manufacturing and retail. A strong advocate of privatization, Al-Shater is one of a cadre of Muslim Brotherhood businessmen who helped finance the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party’s impressive electoral victory this winter and is now crafting the FJP’s economic agenda. . . .”
We conclude with information about the training of activists in high-tech and social media in order to launch the Arab Spring.
In a remarkable and very important new book, Yasha Levine has highlighted the role of U.S. tech personnel in training and prepping the Arab Spring online activists.
Note while reading the following excerpts of this remarkable and important book, that:
1.–The Tor network was developed by, and used and compromised by, elements of U.S. intelligence.
2.–One of the primary advocates and sponsors of the Tor network is the Broadcasting Board of Governors. As we saw in FTR #‘s 891, 895, is an extension of the CIA.
3.–Jacob Appelbaum has been financed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, advocates use of the Tor network, has helped WikiLeaks with its extensive use of the Tor network, and is a theoretical accolyte of Ayn Rand.
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