The news cycle in this country is dominated by coverage of the Boston bombings. This is predictable. So is the tendency toward simplistic and/or one-dimensional analysis. Generally, we’re hearing: It was the “government,” “home-grown domestic (i.e. right-wing, Aryan types) terrorists,” or “Islamic terrorists.” As this post indicates, the divisions among these are not nearly so simple.
Moving to expand Egypt’s power grid, that country’s Muslim Brotherhood president is reported to be moving to establish an Egyptian nuclear weapons program. The Muslim Brotherhood has long advocated the development of such a program, and Morsi’s announcement follows on the heels of his trip to Tehran. Some believe that Morsi may take the Iranians up on an offer to develop a nuclear deterrent.
Generations of the Netherlands’ Royal Family link to the Third Reich and its postwar manifestations. Prince Bernhard was SS, an IG Farben spy and a traitor to the Allied Cause. Was he “the Traitor of Arnhem?”
The program consists of the reading of an important article by Christopher Hitchens noting the chilling ripple effect of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa against Salman Rushdie.
The “terror front” exploded with a major, headline-garnering attack on Mumbai, India’s financial and cinematic center.
Recent historical trends under the influence of a “virtual state,” the Underground Reich.
Deep political maneuvering in relation to the conflict in Iraq.
Third Reich alumni, Bush family help arm Saddam Hussein’s Iraq with nuclear and biological weapons.
Nazi connections to Saddam Hussein and Palestinian movement.
Mr. Emory believes terrorist elements associated with the Underground Reich that were recruited to help the United States actually have “doubled on America”.
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