In FTR #1111, we covered disturbing evidence that the coronavirus outbreak in China is a “biological warfare psy-op,” part of the destabilization of China. When we recorded the program, articles were coming in as the broadcast was being prepared. In our haste we neglected to include a very important section of a post by Joseph Mercola. Other key features of the post are in FTR #1111: Dr. Mercola noted that: ” . . . . As mentioned, a number of reports raise questions about the source of the 2019-nCoV [The Chinese coronavirus–D.E.]. For starters, a 2014 NPR article32 was rather prophetic. It discusses the October 2014 U.S. moratorium on experiments on coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, as well as influenza virus, that might make the viruses more pathogenic and/or easy to spread among humans. The ban came on the heels of ‘high-profile lab mishaps’ at the CDC and ‘extremely controversial flu experiments’ in which the bird flu virus was engineered to become more lethal and contagious between ferrets. The goal was to see if it could mutate and become more lethal and contagious between humans, causing future pandemics. . . . However, for the past decade there have been red flags raised in the scientific community about biosecurity breaches in high containment biological labs in the U.S. . . . The federal moratorium on lethal virus experiments in the U.S. was lifted at the end of December 2017,38 even though researchers announced in 2015 they had created a lab-created hybrid coronavirus similar to that of SARS that was capable of infecting both human airway cells and mice. . . .”
In our haste we neglected to include a very important section of a post by Joseph Mercola. Other key features of the post are in FTR #1111:
In a recent post, we covered our suspicions that the coronavirus outbreak in China was part of the destabilization process underway against that country. We also wondered if there might be a relatively mundane therapeutic regimen that could be used to successfully treat the virus. With innumerable comparisons between the latest outbreak and the 2003 SARS outbreak, caused by a similar virus, we note that it turned out that the SARS virus was readily treatable with a therapeutic regimen similar to that used to treat the flu and common cold. Amidst all of the catastrophic, world-wide headlines, it turns out that there IS just such a therapeutic regimen! ” . . . . A Chinese woman infected with the new coronavirus showed a dramatic improvement after she was treated with a cocktail of anti-virals used to treat flu and HIV, Thailand’s health ministry said Sunday. The 71-year-old patient tested negative for the virus 48 hours after Thai doctors administered the combination, doctor Kriengsak Attipornwanich said during the ministry’s daily press briefing. ‘The lab result of positive on the coronavirus turned negative in 48 hours,’ Kriengsak said. . . . The doctors combined the anti-flu drug oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir, anti-virals used to treat HIV, Kriengsak said . . . Thailand so far has detected 19 confirmed cases of the virus. . . . . So far, eight patients in Thailand have recovered and returned home, while 11 remain in the hospital. In a video released Sunday, Thai health minister Anutin Charnvirakul visited a patient from Wuhan who had recovered from the coronavirus, chatting with her amicably in Mandarin as she thanked him and the medical staff. . . .”
We have done a number of programs recently about the destabilization of China. We have also done many programs over the years about elements of the military and intelligence community utilizing biological warfare against foreign and American population groups. We are suspicious of the latest outbreak of an apparently bat-borne corona virus in China, which is destabilizing capital markets, China (to an extent at least) and stoking the anti-China feeding frenzy of CIA-linked media outlets like The New York Times. In that context, it should not be overlooked that a bat-borne coronavirus like the one apparently causing the Chinese outbreak was synthesized in U.S. labs more than ten years ago and reported in publications of the National Institutes of Health.
In FTR #1012, we discussed the powerful German Reimann family (the country’s second-wealthiest), their JAB holding company and its many commercial properties, noting the clan’s extreme secrecy: ” . . . . The lack of involvement is allegedly part of the family policy, which also includes signing a codex on one’s 18th birthday pledging to stay out of the public as much as possible, thus making them one of the most private billionaire families. . . .” We also speculated about the possibility that the Reimann industrial empire might be a component of the remarkable and deadly flight capital organization. A recent article in the German periodical “Bild” disclosed the Reimann family’s massive involvement with the Third Reich and numerous American publications highlighted that information, revealing that: 1) ” . . . . Albert Reimann Sr. and his son Albert Reimann Jr., who ran the company in the 1930s and 1940s, were enthusiastic Hitler supporters and anti-Semites, who condoned the abuse of forced laborers, not only in their industrial chemicals company in southern Germany, but also in their own home. . . .” 2) ” . . . . Female workers from Eastern Europe were forced to stand at attention naked in their factory barracks. Those who refused were sexually abused. . . .” 3) ” . . . . The Reimann case stands out for the particular brutality detailed in some of the reported documents, and the fact that father and son appear to have been involved in the abuse themselves, said Andreas Wirsching, director of the Munich-based Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History. . . .” 4) ” . . . . Based on what has been revealed so far, Mr. Wirsching, the historian, said the Reimanns had most likely not just been opportunists but also ‘committed Nazis.’ Father and son joined the Nazi Party and donated to the SS even before Hitler came to power. [In 1931, the same year they joined the NSDAP–D.E.] In July 1937, Albert Reimann Jr. wrote a letter to Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS, who oversaw the Holocaust. ‘We are a purely Aryan family business that is over 100 years old,’ he wrote. ‘The owners are unconditional followers of the race theory.’ . . .” 5) ” . . . . The Reimanns initially made their fortune from a chemical company that became Reckitt Benckiser, the $58 billion consumer products giant whose brands include Lysol. They then channeled much of their wealth into JAB, a conglomerate that has become one of the biggest players in the consumer world through a rapid-fire series of corporate takeovers. JAB has spent billions to become a rival to the likes of Starbucks and Nestlé by buying chains like Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Krispy Kreme and Pret A Manger. Last year, it also helped the pod-coffee company Keurig Green Mountain buy Dr Pepper Snapple for nearly $19 billion. It also controls the cosmetics giant Coty, owner of Calvin Klein fragrances, and previously owned luxury fashion labels like Jimmy Choo. . . .”
Adolf Hitler: “National Socialism . . . . is more even than a religion: it is the will to create man anew.”
In numerous programs, we have touched on eugenics and some of the outcomes of eugenics philosophy, including the growth of the Nazi extermination programs from the Knauer case. Some of these programs are: FTR #‘s 32, 117, 124, 140, 141, 534, 664, and 908. A look at future possibilities of eugenics–something that we discuss in this program–are highlighted in FTR #909 and AFA #39.
Important book on the subject include The War Against the Weak, by Edwin Black and The Nazi Connection by Stephan Kuhl. In FTR #1013, we recapped Peter Levenda’s prescient analysis of the overlap between eugenics and fascist iterations of anti-immigrant sentiment. In this broadcast, eugenics, anti-immigration sentiment, genetic engineering and the “immortality-striving” Transhumanist movement are highlighted, noting the progression from the fascism of the 1930’s to imminent steps that would augment the ascension of a truly “superhuman” elite, to the ultimately lethal detriment of the rest of society.
We begin with prognostications about the future.
Professor Stephen Hawking has predicted that gene-editing techniques will lead to the creation of superhumans, who will supersede those who do not benefit from such technologies. ” . . . . The scientist presented the possibility that genetic engineering could create a new species of superhuman that could destroy the rest of humanity. . . . In ‘Brief Answers to the Big Questions,’ Hawking’s final thoughts on the universe, the physicist suggested wealthy people would soon be able to choose to edit genetic makeup to create superhumans with enhanced memory, disease resistance, intelligence and longevity. . . . ‘Once such superhumans appear, there will be significant political problems with unimproved humans, who won’t be able to compete,’ he wrote. ‘Presumably, they will die out, or become unimportant. Instead, there will be a race of self-designing beings who are improving at an ever-increasing rate.’ . . .”
The observations of Professor Hawking concerning the role of genetic engineering in the ascension of superhumans is the Silicon Valley-based Transhumanist movement. ” . . . . Thiel and other eccentric, wealthy tech-celebrities, such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, have taken the next step to counteract that inequality – by embarking on a quest to live forever. . . .Thiel and many like him have been investing in research on life extension, part of transhumanism. Drawing on fields as diverse as neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, biomedical engineering and philosophy, transhumanists believe that the limitations of the human body and mortality can be transcended by machines and technology. The ultimate aim is immortality. Some believe this is achievable by 2045. . . .”
Michael Anissimov–a previous media officer at the Thiel-funded Machine Intelligence Research Institute–published a white nationalist manifesto. In a 2013 interview. ” . . . . Thiel himself is a Donald Trump supporter. A one-time associate Michael Anissimov, previous media officer at Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a Thiel-funded AI think tank, has published a white nationalist manifesto. In a 2013 interview, Anissimov said that there were already significant differences in intelligence between the races, and that a transhumanist society would inevitably lead to ‘people lording it over others in a way that has never been seen before in history’. It doesn’t take much to guess who would be doing the ‘lording’. . . .”
The identity of the people doing the “lording” may be gleaned from the following: ” . . . . Zoltan Istvan, the transhumanist candidate for governor of California, told Tech Insider that ‘a lot of the most important work in longevity is coming from a handful of the billionaires…around six or seven of them’. . . .”
Benito Mussolini defined fascism as “corporatism,” and labeled his system “The Corporate State.” In that context, it is instructive to weigh transhumanism: ” . . . . You basically can’t separate transhumanism from capitalism. An idea that’s so enthusiastically pursued by Musk and Peter Thiel, and by the founders of Google, is one that needs to be seen as a mutation of capitalism, not a cure for it.’ . . . . If those who form society in the age of transhumanism are men like Musk and Thiel, it’s probable that this society will have few social safety nets. There will be an uneven rate of technological progress globally; even a post-human society can replicate the unequal global wealth distribution which we see today. In some cities and countries, inhabitants may live forever, while in others the residents die of malnutrition. If people don’t die off, the environmental consequences – from widespread natural resource devastation to unsustainable energy demands – would be widespread. . . . ”
These are auguries of a future-to-come. A look at the present suggests that these prognostications are not unrealistic.
Nazis/white supremacists are already distorting genetic research to suit their own ends. Not surprisingly, academics in the field have not been enthusiastic about engaging them. In the past, genetic research has been supportive of eugenics philosophy.
” . . . . Nowhere on the agenda of the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, being held in San Diego this week, is a topic plaguing many of its members: the recurring appropriation of the field’s research in the name of white supremacy. ‘Sticking your neck out on political issues is difficult,’ said Jennifer Wagner, a bioethicist and president of the group’s social issues committee, who had sought to convene a panel on the racist misuse of genetics and found little traction. But the specter of the field’s ignominious past, which includes support for the American eugenics movement, looms large for many geneticists in light of today’s white identity politics. They also worry about how new tools that are allowing them to home in on the genetic basis of hot-button traits like intelligence will be misconstrued to fit racist ideologies. . . .”
A 14-word posting on the Department of Homeland Security website has raised eyebrows. We believe it is an example of dog-whistling by fascist/Nazi elements inside of the DHS. The “Fourteen Words” were minted by Order member and Alan Berg murder getaway driver David Lane. “88” is a well-known clandestine Nazi salute. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, using the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler” was banned. To circumvent that, Nazis said “88,” because H is the eighth letter in the alphabet.
The numbers 14 and 88 are often combined by Nazis.
The title of the DHS posting is: “We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again.” The 14 words of David Lane are: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
A 14-word posting on the Department of Homeland Security website has raised eyebrows. We believe it is an example of dog-whistling by fascist/Nazi elements inside of the DHS. The “Fourteen Words” were minted by Order member and Alan Berg murder getaway driver David Lane. “88” is a well-known clandestine Nazi salute. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, using the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler” was banned. To circumvent that, Nazis said “88,” because H is the eighth letter in the alphabet.
The numbers 14 and 88 are often combined by Nazis.
The title of the DHS posting is: “We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again.” The 14 words of David Lane are: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
It comes as no surprise that Ian M. Smith–a former DHS Trump appointee–had documented links with white supremacists.
Ian Smith was not alone. John Feere and Julie Kirchener–both hard line anti-immigration activists–have been hired by Team Trump. ” . . . . Jon Feere, a former legal policy analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, or CIS, has been hired as an adviser to Thomas D. Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to Homeland Security spokesman David Lapan. At Customs and Border Protection, Julie Kirchner, the former executive director of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, has been hired as an adviser to Customs and Border Protection acting Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, said Lapan. The hiring of Feere and Kirchner at the federal agencies has alarmed immigrants’ rights activists. CIS and FAIR are think tanks based in Washington that advocate restricting legal and illegal immigration. The two organizations were founded by John Tanton, a retired Michigan ophthalmologist who has openly embraced eugenics, the science of improving the genetic quality of the human population by encouraging selective breeding and at times, advocating for the sterilization of genetically undesirable groups. . . .”
The Federation for Immigration Reform has been partly funded by the Pioneer Fund, one of many organizations that operated in favor of the eugenics policy of Nazi Germany. “. . . . Between 1985 and 1994, FAIR received around $1.2 million in grants from the Pioneer Fund. The Pioneer Fund is a eugenicist organization that was started in 1937 by men close to the Nazi regime who wanted to pursue “race betterment” by promoting the genetic lines of American whites. Now led by race scientist J. Philippe Rushton, the fund continues to back studies intended to reveal the inferiority of minorities to whites. . . .”
This program supplements and recapitulates both FTR #912 and AFA #39. In turn, several other, overlapping programs should be examined to flesh out one’s understanding of the phenomena discussed here, including: FTR #‘s 606, 682 and 686, as well as AFA #16.
Central to our analysis is a look at an excerpt from testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee that was drawing up the defense budget for the following year. (The hearings were in 1969.) The testimony discusses the possibility of using genetic engineering to produce a disease that would be “refractory” to the immune system. This is virtually the clinical definition of AIDS. It is worth noting that the project was funded, and just such a disease—AIDS—appeared in just the time frame posited. It is also worth noting that, in the 2002 edition of A Higher Form of Killing, this passage is omitted!!
. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The implications were made more specific that genetic engineering could solve one of the major disadvantages of biological warfare, that it is limited to diseases which occur naturally somewhere in the world. ‘Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.’ The possibility that such a ‘super germ’ may have been successfully produced in a laboratory somewhere in the world in the years since that assessment was made is one which should not be too readily cast aside. . .
Purebred Northern Europeans possess a hereditary immunity to infection by HIV, a gene (CCR5Delta 32) that conferred immunity to the Black Death, long believed to have been bubonic plague. Bubonic plague was a major focal point of Third Reich biological weapons research, stemming from SS chief Heinrich Himmler’s interest in that disease.
Disguised as a cancer research program, Nazi Germany’s plague research was presided over by Kurt Blome, the deputy surgeon general of the Third Reich. Blome went to work for the U.S. under Project Paperclip (also known as Operation Paperclip.) We wonder if the Nazi research into bubonic plague and the emergence of an immune-destroying disease to which only pure-bred Northern Europeans–“Aryans”–were immune might have been the outgrowth of Nazi-inspired U.S. biological weapons research stemming from Paperclip?
Another development in that context is noteworthy:
When the U.S. officially “gave up” biological warfare research, Fort Detrick–the military’s top bw research facility, was officially turned over to the National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Project. Featuring veterans of the U.S. biological warfare research program, the NCI’s VCP was implemented by Litton Bionetics, a biotechnology subsidiary of Litton Industries, a major defense contractor. The National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Project was at the epicenter of U.S. research into AIDS. We strongly suspect that this was a recapitulation of the Third Reich’s use of “cancer research.”
In both FTR #912 and AFA #39, we highlighted Bayer’s projected purchase of Monsanto.
We engage in a line of inquiry that is speculative in nature, evaluating the possibility that companies descended from the I.G. Farben German chemical cartel may absorb Monsanto, the firm noted for its development of genetically modified organisms.
Specifically, Bayer and BASF figured in the reported maneuvering for Monsanto. The deal has passed American anti-trust regulators, with BASF purchasing some $9 billion in former Bayer assets to permit the deal to go forward.
Against the background of the remarkable Bormann capital network’s effective control of the firms that descended from I.G. Farben, we ruminate about the possibility of genetically engineered binary pathogens being included in the food supply available to much of the world’s population.
Available information highlights possible Underground Reich maneuvering to gain control of firms marketing foodstuffs to middle, lower middle and working class people. This speculation, in turn, is set against the background of information strongly suggesting that AIDS was deliberately developed.
In the context of the purchase of food-producing companies, we note J.A.B Holdings and it’s associated Reimann family.
They are owned by a secretive group of German billionaires, mostly related to each other. This group owns (outright or majority) a rather shocking number of major American brands, including Peets Coffee, Panera Bread, Jimmy Choo Shoes, Dougwe Eberts Coffee, and Krispy Kreme Donuts! They appear to be making a major move to dominate the U.S., and perhaps global, coffee industry.
They also own part of 3G, the massive Brazilian holding company (with one of the three heads having the last name Lemann, and the other having Hermann as a middle name). (This is a focal point of FTR #912.)
3G owns Inbev (dominant player in the world’s liquor industry), Heinz, Kraft, and Burger King, who they quickly moved to Canada and merged with Tim Hortons, a massive Canadian restaurant chain, for tax breaks. They also own the largest logistics/railroad company in South America and its largest retail shopping company. So, between their interests in JAB and 3G, this one family has their tentacles into a ridiculous amount of commerce.
Like many German corporate citizens, they make their headquarters in Luxembourg.
Is this Bormann money “gulping up companies like a giant amoeba?”
Note how secretive the Reimann family and their operation is: ” . . . . The lack of involvement is allegedly part of the family policy, which also includes signing a codex on one’s 18th birthday pledging to stay out of the public as much as possible, thus making them one of the most private billionaire families. . . .”
Program Highlights Include:
1.–JAB Holding’s apparent move to dominate the coffee market.
2.–Review of the career of Franz Liesau Zacharias.
3.–As discussed in AFA #39, the Nazis began researching toxic agents on apes and then moved on to humans—inmates in concentration camps. AIDS results from a monkey virus that eventually jumped to humans as well. Does the progression in the Nazi death camps of testing on apes to testing on humans have any relationship with the progression of a simian virus to infection of humans? Might the creation of AIDS have stemmed from Nazi research? Is it an accident that the hereditary immunity from HIV infection is only present in the white race, and [according to some sources] Northern Europeans in particular? Is it an accident that people of African extraction are particularly susceptible to HIV infection?
4.–Dr. Franz Liesau Zaccharias was the Abwehr agent who obtained the apes for the Nazi medical experiments. He was badly wanted by Western intelligence after the war. Why?! Western intelligence agencies certainly didn’t need anyone to teach them how to obtain apes from Africa. Experimenting on animals is not a war crime. The suspicion here is that he had discovered something of value during his primate work. Evidence also suggests that he remained part of The Underground Reich.
5.–Among the diseases that Liesau Zacharias’ animals were used for testing was “the plague”! Did the Nazis note that some people appeared to be immune to infection with plague? Were tissue and/or sera samples taken and preserved for further study? Was this in any way connected to the eventual evolution of the CCR5-delta 32 gene as a hereditary protection against infection by HIV? Is it possible that Liesau Zacharias was actually targeted for recruitment by the U.S. for Project Paperclip? Did Liesau Zacharias experience an outbreak of immunodeficiency among his primates awaiting shipment to Germany? Might such an outbreak have been due to SIV? Did Liesau Zacharias take tissue and sera samples from infected primates? Might such a development have been related to his importance to the Allies?
In AFA #39, we returned to the issue of AIDS as a genetically-engineered, binary biological weapon. In that context, we highlighted Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto. ” . . . . Ken Alibek, who played an important role in the Soviet Union’s bio-weaponry program before emigrating to the US, says he encountered ‘an alarming level of ignorance’ about biological weapons within the expert community of his adopted country. He reports: ‘Some of the best scientists I’ve met in the West say it isn’t possible to alter viruses genetically to make reliable weapons. . . . My knowledge and experience tell me that they are wrong.’ . . . .” All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Projecting what a Nazi victory in World War II might bring, Winston Churchill observed that “The world will be plunged into an abyss, made more sinister by the knights of perverted science.” In this program, we build on a long-running supposition that the Nazis did indeed win World War II, not on the battlefield but during what Prussian military theoretician Karl von Clausewitz called “The postwar.”
This broadcast is intended to be used in conjunction with L‑1 and L‑2: Might the future see Bormann network-controlled pharmaceuticals and/or foodstuffs used to disseminate “Aryan-friendly,” genetically-engineered binary pathogens to an already vulnerable and depleted humanity?
Might we see “Aryan” space aliens (“The Nine” or some manifestation of same) come down to earth to rule, disseminating some kind of “divine” or “extraterrestrial” eugenics doctrine? Might this be combined with a variety of theocratic Aryan supremacy religion?
With the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit and the Project [Operation] Paperclip scientists having been incorporated into the very heart of the U.S. and Western national security establishments and with the Bormann capital network dominating the international cartel system that stands astride the international capital markets, what we have termed the Underground Reich did indeed prevail in the postwar period.
In this program, we take a look at what a Nazi future might look like.
Examining some of the paths of apparent evolution from Project Paperclip, we highlight the probable development of AIDS as a biological weapon and underscore the Nazi racist/eugenics overtones of various New Age philosophies.
Central to our analysis is a look at an excerpt from testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee that was drawing up the defense budget for the following year. (The hearings were in 1969.) The testimony discusses the possibility of using genetic engineering to produce a disease that would be “refractory” to the immune system. This is virtually the clinical definition of AIDS. It is worth noting that the project was funded, and just such a disease—AIDS—appeared in just the time frame posited. It is also worth noting that, in the 2002 edition of A Higher Form of Killing, this passage is omitted!!
. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The implications were made more specific that genetic engineering could solve one of the major disadvantages of biological warfare, that it is limited to diseases which occur naturally somewhere in the world. ‘Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.’ [Italics are Mr. Emory’s.] The possibility that such a ‘super germ’ may have been successfully produced in a laboratory somewhere in the world in the years since that assessment was made is one which should not be too readily cast aside. . .
Purebred Northern Europeans possess a hereditary immunity to infection by HIV, a gene (CCR5Delta 32) that conferred immunity to the Black Death, long believed to have been bubonic plague. Bubonic plague was a major focal point of Third Reich biological weapons research, stemming from SS chief Heinrich Himmler’s interest in that disease.
Disguised as a cancer research program, Nazi Germany’s plague research was presided over by Kurt Blome, the deputy surgeon general of the Third Reich. Blome went to work for the U.S. under Project Paperclip (also known as Operation Paperclip.) We wonder if the Nazi research into bubonic plague and the emergence of an immune-destroying disease to which only pure-bred Northern Europeans–“Aryans”–were immune might have been the outgrowth of Nazi-inspired U.S. biological weapons research stemming from Paperclip?
Another development in that context is noteworthy: When the U.S. officially “gave up” biological warfare research, Fort Detrick–the military’s top bw research facility, was officially turned over to the National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Project. Featuring veterans of the U.S. biological warfare research program, the NCI’s VCP was implemented by Litton Bionetics, a biotechnology subsidiary of Litton Industries, a major defense contractor. The National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Project was at the epicenter of U.S. research into AIDS. We strongly suspect that this was a recapitulation of the Third Reich’s use of “cancer research.”
Just as “Aryans” possess a hereditary immunity to HIV infection, people of African descent have a hereditary susceptibility to HIV infection.
Just as Project Paperclip figures into analysis of the development of AIDS, development of aspects of the so-called New Age also track back to the importation of Nazi military scientists. Of particular interest in that regard are racist/eugenicist New Age philosophies that attribute the origins of humanity to “space aliens” with “Aryan” features–blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Foremost among those New Age cults is “The Nine”–overlapping a surprisingly large aspect of the New Age. Purporting to be, variously, the progenitors of the human race (from outer space, of course) and the gods of Egypt, “The Nine” feature the blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. that are common to many of the “ET” origins of humanity.
Overlapping these “Aryan” extraterrestrial New Age philosophies are related outlooks maintaining that black people are inferior and do not originate from “outer space.”
Perhaps the best known Nazi scientist brought to the U.S. under Paperclip is Werner Von Braun, an SS officer and arguably the most important scientist involved with the U.S. space program. A war criminal of the first order, Von Braun was also one of the founders of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, a major epicenter of New Age “thought.”
His military commander in the Third Reich’s V‑weapons program–General Walter Dornberger (also a Paperclip importee)–became the head of Bell Aerospace. (Arthur Young, an devotee of “The Nine” was the father in law of Michael Paine, who worked for Dornberger at Bell. Paine, along with his wife Ruth, was one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s intelligence babysitters.)
Another key element of discussion and analysis is the Bormann group’s use of the former member companies of I.G. Farben. Bayer has bought Monsanto (the largest and best-known of the “GM” companies.) Although anti-trust rules may force the spin-off of some of the parts of Monsanto, BASF–another of the I.G. member companies under Bormann control–is poised to snap those up.
We also note that Bayer has acquired Merck’s pharmaceutical business, giving it a profound presence in the pharmaceutical and vaccine business.
With AIDS having apparently signaled the successful development of a genetically-engineered binary pathogen against which pure-bred Northern Europeans harbor a genetic immunity, we wonder if we will be seeing the introduction of such pathogens into foods and/or vaccines and/or medecines?
Will this, in turn, be dovetailed with the ascent of New Age religions that extoll white people/Aryans?
As non-whites succumb to disease introduced through the food supply and/or medecines, will this New Age/Nazi cultism increase and achieve global dominance?
Again, this program is intended to be used in conjunction with L‑1 and L‑2.
Program Highlights Include:
1.–Allied interest in Franz Liesau Zaccharias, who obtained monkeys for use in Nazi medical experiments for I.G. Farben.
The fact that the Third Reich began experimenting on monkeys, and then began experimenting on humans.
2.–The fact that the etiology of AIDS mirrors the progression of Third Reich medical experiments–progressing from apes to humans.
3.–Rumination about similarities between SIV and HIV‑2: according to a knowledgeable source, SIV (native to the African Green Monkey) is identical to HIV‑2, except for a piece of genetic material that functions like a period in a sentence. It signals genes to stop reading one sequence of amino acids and begin reading another. The source opined that this appeared to be a gene-engineering manifestation.
4.–Speculation about the “Black Death” actually being a viral-borne, infectious hemorrhagic fever, encountered by German and Japanese armies during World War II. Was this researched by Unit 731, the Japanese biological warfare research unit whose results were incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program after World War II?
5.–Rumination about the possibility that Zaccharias’s apes had contracted simian AIDS from SIV infection and the related hypothetical possibility that this led to the discovery of an immune-destroying infectious agent that affected apes. Might this have been why the Allies were so interested in Zaccharias? Surely, they didn’t need someone to teach them how to get apes from Africa. By the same token, experimenting on primates is not a war crime. So WHY were the Allies so interested in Zaccharias?
6.–Discussion of the Urantia text, with its New Age devotees manifesting a racist eugenics philosophy masked by an “extraterrestrial” facade.
7.–Discussion of the Hare Krishna sect, key elements of which manifest a racist philosophy that dovetails with that of the Urantia cult and The Nine.
8.–Discussion of Swiss/Brazilian billionaire Jorge Paolo Lemann, a possible Bormann operative whose enterprises are buying up many food companies that cater to lower middle and working class people.
8.–Becker GMBH’s genesis with the SS and capital stolen from Jews during the Holocaust.
9.–Becker GMBH’s absorption into ConAgra foods, a major manufacturer of foodstuffs for lower-middle and working-class people.
10.–Sullivan & Cromwell’s work as Bayer’s legal counsel for the Merck and Monsanto purchases. (Sullivan & Cromwell is the Dulles law firm.)
Sullivan & Cromwell–the old Dulles law firm–served as the legal adviser to Bayer in its acquisition of Monsanto. Previously, it served Bayer in a similar capacity in its acquisition of Merck’s consumer care division. Sullivan and Cromwell partner John Foster Dulles was instrumental in forming the I.G. Farben firm, of which Bayer was an integral part: ” . . . I.G. Farben was also one of the world’s largest chemical companies–it would produce the Zyklon B gas used at Nazi death camps–and as Foster was bringing it into the nickel cartel, he also helped it establish a global chemical cartel. . . . Foster had clear financial reasons to collaborate with the Nazi regime, and his ideological reason–Hitler was fiercely anti-Bolshevik–was equally compelling. . . . Since 1933, all letters written from the German offices of Sullivan & Cromwell had ended, as required by German regulations, with the salutation Heil Hitler! That did not disturb Foster. . . .”
For more than three decades, we have examined disturbing evidence that AIDS was deliberately created and disseminated among various population groups considered “undesirable.” (Among the broadcasts covering this topic are: AFA #16, FTR #‘s 16, 606, and 682.)
Apparently the application of genetic engineering to the discipline of biological warfare, AIDS manifests a highly suspicious epidemiological pattern. Only pure bred Northern Europeans–“Aryans”–featuring the CCR5 delta 32 gene have a hereditary immunity to infection by HIV. People of African extraction have a hereditary susceptibility to HIV infection.
Such an eventuality was directly foreshadowed in a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing for the Pentagon budget: “Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.” That is VERY close to being the clinical definition of AIDS.
In this broadcast, we take a frightening look into the future and ask where such developments might lead. With Bayer and BASF poised to purchase Monsanto–a leading GMO-producing company–we fear that genetically-engineered binary pathogens might be introduced into the food supply. (Since the program was recorded, Bayer has finalized the deal, with Sullivan & Cromwell as the U.S. legal counsel for the deal.)
Much of the program underscores the inextricable link between the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network and I.G. Farben, during and after World War II. (We note that both Bayer and BASF are some of the I.G.‘s successor companies, maintaining their profound connection to the Bormann group and the Underground Reich.) In addition to the prospect of the successor companies to I.G. Farben controlling the manufacture and application of GMO’s, we highlight disturbing evidence that other companies and interests that may well be part of the Bormann/Underground Reich nexus are gaining significant market shares of foodstuffs manufacturers that cater to middle, lower-middle and working-class populations.
Will genetically-engineered binary pathogens be introduced into the food supply? Will we be seeing the realization of Hitler’s vision of an “Aryan world” through dietary/culinary genocide?
Program Highlights Include: BASF’s partnership with Monsanto in the latter’s GMO projects; forecasts that BASF may acquire parts of Monsanto and/or Bayer that must be spun-off due to anti-trust considerations; Becker GMBH (a German food company begun by an SS officer with funds purloined during the Holocaust); Becker GMBH’s incorporation into ConAgra foods (almost certainly in exchange for significant stock ownership and/or a place on the board of directors); Brazilian-born, Swiss-based Jorge Paolo Lemann’s purchase of H.J. Heinz, Burger King and Anheuser-Busch; the development of the CCR5, delta 32 gene for successful stem-cell therapy for AIDS sufferers.
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