Mohamed Atta’s EuroÂpean assoÂciates have track records stretchÂing to orgaÂnized crime on sevÂerÂal conÂtiÂnents, as well as the UnderÂground Reich. This proÂgram highÂlights a series of felÂlowÂships which appear to be the MBA proÂgram for the BorÂmann netÂwork.
RecordÂed August 21, 2005 REALAUDIO BringÂing up to date the heroÂic work of Daniel HopÂsickÂer, this proÂgram sets forth more attempts to disÂcredÂit Hopsicker’s heroÂic invesÂtiÂgaÂtion in FloriÂda, as well as inforÂmaÂtion that corÂrobÂoÂrates Hopsicker’s research into 9/11 hijackÂer Mohamed Atta’s activÂiÂties there. In addiÂtion, the broadÂcast updates Daniel’s on-the ‑ground work in the SunÂshine […]
InstiÂtuÂtionÂal conÂnecÂtions among eleÂments of the SauÂdi elite and the Al QaeÂda milieu.
EviÂdence linkÂing HalÂliburÂton subÂsidiary Brown & Root operÂaÂtions with covert operÂaÂtions and drug smugÂgling.
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