In this broadcast, we continue to “Follow the Money” and analyze its primary role in the perpetuation of Nazism and its attendant methodologies and resultant ills. Peter notes that the postwar Nazi Underground constituted a “government-in-exile” and “an army in exile.” “Following the money” moved by what Mr. Emory calls The Underground Reich inevitably leads to Francois Genoud, Hjalmar Schacht and the extensive postwar Nazi connections to Middle Eastern anti-colonial, anti-Israel and terrorist milieux. The Third Reich and its postwar underground manifestation directly impacted, intersected with, and formed the operational template for, many of the world’s terrorist organizations. Recapping previous discussion of the Third Reich as a “cult” or spiritual movement, Peter notes that this “Underground Reich” not only is a parallel entity to contemporary Islamist terror groups, but has actively dovetailed with them. Program highlights include: terrorists’ abuse of the ancient hawala system of money transfer; discussion of the Bank Al-Taqwa; the use of Islamists against China; analysis of the “Tri-Border” area in Latin America; Germany’s return to power in Europe.
This next installment of our discussions with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy” begins with discussion of individuals and organizations that comprised the postwar Nazi underground. Focused largely on the SS, these organizations were vehicles for the perpetuation of the Nazi struggle against the Allies (including the U.S. and Britain) at the same time as they interfaced with powerful elements of Western intelligence, who used them as Cold Warriors. Part of the Cold War strategy pursued by the U.S. was to resucitate (for a third time) the “global jihadist” strategy devised by Max von Oppenheim during the First World War. Seeking the “believing” Muslims as proxy warriors against the atheistic communists, powerful elements of CIA and the State Department enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood in this struggle. “Weaponized religion” was also used in Asia, where the Third Reich had already established a working relationship with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists, with SS officers of primary significance in the Nazis’ dealings with “His Holiness.” Key points of discussion include: the career of Otto Ernst Remer; the remarkable career of Francois Genoud; the Dalai Lama’s SS associate Bruno Beger’s atrocities war crimes; the Dalai Lama’s SS tutor–Heinrich Harrer–and his work for elements of U.S. and Western intelligence after the war.
Author Peter Levenda has posted an article (excerpted from his recent book) that encapsulates significant elements of discussion presented by Mr. Emory and featured on this website. Noting Imperial Germany’s use of Islamic proxy warriors during the First World War and Nazi Germany’s incorporation of the same stratagem, Levenda notes that Nazi elements have continued to use Muslim proxy warfare to advance the goals of what Mr. Emory calls the Underground Reich. Having incorporated many important elements of Nazi Germany’s national security establishment into its own after World War II, the United States has co-opted the tactic of proxy war. To its detriment, the U.S. has failed to grasp that the Underground Reich and its Islamist proxies have their own agendas. Those agendas feature the defeat of the United States as a centerpiece of long-term strategy. Concluding with an examination of recent American military involvement, the program notes that much of what we are doing actually benfits Germany and occurs in areas formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.
Revisiting the subject of the 1972 Olympics massacre, we probe more deeply into the underlying dynamics of that event. Having noted in AFA #22 that security for the games was handled by a BND agent named Hans Langemann, we review his work covering up for the neo-Nazis behind the Oktoberfest bombing of 1980. German neo-Nazis also aided the Black September terrorists who perpetrated the Olympics massacre. Despite the fact that the German government had advanced warning of the impending attack, no preventive action was taken. After the attacks, the German government was in close touch with the perpetrators and downplaying the significance of the incident. Willi Pohl, one of the neo-Nazis involved who assisted Black September with the 1972 attack, began working in a counter-terror capacity for the CIA. Black September chief Ali Hassan Salameh, in charge of the attacks, was also impressed into duty with CIA, having been recruited while Henry Kissinger was astride of Richard Nixon’s national security policy. In speculative mode, we ask if there MAY be a connection between Kissinger’s efforts to destabilize the Willi Brandt government–undertaken conjunction with Third Reich veterans–and the Olympics massacre?
In previous posts, we have noted that Al Jazeera is run by the Muslim Brotherhood. We have also dealt with the Nazi tract “Serpent’s Walk,” which focuses on a Nazi takeover of the U.S. in the mid-21st century. Fundamental to the scenario presented in the book is the Underground Reich/SS money component buying into the opinion-forming media, in order to swing the American people’s point of view in a pro-Nazi direction. With Al Jazeera among those media outlets gaining gravitas in the U.S., it is worth examining the network in detail to understand its relationship with the Brotherhood, an Islamic fascist organization. The Al Jazeera network’s shepherding of a report about the late Yasser Arafat having been poisoned with polonium 210 affords us an ideal opportunity to evaluate the outlet’s journalistic integrity. (Polonium 210 is a highly radioactive substance.) The “investigation” is an Al Jazeera “op” from start to finish, overseen by a former U.S. State Department security officer. The alleged “poisoning” is: extraordinarily unlikely; at variance with the conclusions of the French medical team attending Arafat and in conflict with the conclusions of the PLO leader’s personal physician, who attributed the death to AIDS.
The Arafat poisoning report is an Al Jazeera project from start to finish, with a former spook presiding over the project. Polonium 210 has a half-life of 138 days (!), rendering detection of alleged poisoning with the substance remote at this point in time. Experts on radiation poisoning and polonium 210 dismiss the findings. A Russian investigation initially found no polonium. Al Jazeera’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood becomes clearer, with the network financing the living quarters of exiled Egyptian allies of Morsi. UPDATED ON 12/3/2013.
German diplomats maintained a cozy relationship with the Black September terrorists responsible for the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. Expressing sympathy for the Palestinians, they never made a serious attempt at extraditing the terrorists behind the attack. A number of contradictions are evident in examining the record of the events, including a discrepancy in the number of terrorists actually involved in the incident, the German security forces’ lack of rifles at the airport (they were planning to snipe the terrorists at the airport), and the Germans’ refusal of cooperation by Israeli intelligence and security forces.
German authorities had a warning three weeks before the Olympics massacre of 1972. With security headed by an officer of the BND, the final incarnation of the Gehlen “Org” and with neo-Nazis assisting the Palestinian terrorists, this comes as no surprise. The BND Olympics security chief has also been accused of staging provocations and providing an alibi for a Nazi leader in the 1980 Oktoberfest bombing.
Hitler’s commando, former SS officer Otto Skorzeny was a prominent figure in the development of the methodology and organizational ontogenesis of terrorism.
Historical background of contemporary Islamofascism, collaboration between Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and key elements of the Islamic world.
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