With the escalating rhetoric and imposition of sanctions for China’s alleged genocide against the Uighurs in Xinjiang province, it is valuable to recall American-assisted atrocities during the Cold War.
In numerous programs, we have highlighted wholesale slaughter in Latin American countries, implemented by fascists operating in an international constellation coalescing around the USA.
That constellation was termed the International Fascista (or “Fascist International”) by Henrik Krueger, and is detailed in, among other programs, AFA #‘s 4, 19, and 22.
In addition, the role of the former World Anti-Communist League in the death squad activity in Central America was set forth in AFA #15.
In FTR#839, we presented Peter Levenda’s account of his visit to Colonia Dignidad in Chile–a Nazi encampment that served as an operational epicenter for Operation Condor, a CIA-assisted mass murder consortium composed of Latin American nations.
The essence of the Condor program was summed up by Argentinian General Antonio Domingo. (“Subversives” were killed for real or alleged: communism, atheism, Jewishness or union activities.) “. . . . First, we will kill all the subversives, then we will kill all of their collaborators, then those who sympathize with the subversives, then we kill those that remain indifferent, and finally we kill the timid. . . .”
A very, very important and superbly written and documented new book–The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade & the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World by Vincent Bevins–chronicles the slaughter that the U.S. implemented in the developing world during the Cold War.
Listeners are emphatically encouraged to purchase and read the book.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: Review of the operational fundamentals of Operation Condor; the role of Colonia Dignidad as an epicenter of Condor activities; the 1976 Argentinian coup; the so-called “Dirty War” that followed that coup; the role in the Dirty War of Argentinian members of the P‑2 Lodge (Admiral Emilio Massera, Jose Lopez Rega); the assistance given by Ford Motor Company and Citibank in the murder of Argentinian union organizers; collaboration of the Argentinian and other Condor participants with the fascist “Stay Behind” armies set up by Frank Wisner; the assassination of Orlando Letelier in Washington D.C.; The close relationship between the countries of Central America; the acceleration in the 1960’s of the terror that had gripped Guatemala since the 1954 overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz; how the elimination of peaceful, pro-democracy activists and activism fed the growth of guerilla movements; the birth of the “White Hand” death squad; assistance given to the death squads by U.S. Green Berets; the practice of “disappearing” perceived political enemies or dissidents to terrorize their associates; the initiation of wholesale extermination of large populations of indigenous people; the nervousness and insecurity felt by the Guatemalan dictatorship following the ascent of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua; President Carter’s tamping down of U.S. assistance to Central American dictatorships; the pivoting of those dictatorships to gaining military aid and training from Israel and Taiwan; the training of the Contra rebels in Nicaragua by Argentine military death squad veterans; networking of Central American death squad personnel with Condor operatives in Franco’s Spain; Roberto D’Aubisson’s ascent in El Salvador; the assassination of Salvadoran Archbishop Romero; the massacre of over 900 residents of the El Salvadoran village of El Mozote; Ronald Reagan’s appointment of Elliot Abrams as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights; Abrams’ characterization of The New York Times’ reportage on the El Mozote as “communist propaganda;” the role of The School of the Americas in the training of death squads; the military coup that brought Evangelical Christian Efrain Rios Montt to power in Guatemala; Rios Montt’s special affinity with Ronald Reagan; Rios Montt’s implementation of so-called “Model Villages;” the systematic destruction of the Guatemalan town of Ilom—part of the genocidal program enacted by the Guatemalan government against the indigenous Mayan population (termed genocide by Amnesty International).
The program concludes with a presentation of the points of view of the Guatemalan survivors of the liquidation campaigns, perhaps most expressively communicated by one Domingo: “ . . . . I asked them what communism was. Domingo, the owner of the bus, had this answer: ‘Well, they said they were communists and communists were dangerous. But actually, the government are the ones who did all the killing. So if anyone was dangerous, if anyone was ‘communist,’ it must be them. . . .’”
As the title indicates, this program examines manifestations of fascism around the world.
In Europe, we analyze:
1.-The recapitulation of Nazi and fascist elements in the current Bulgarian coalition government of Boyko Borisov. (Bulgaria was a Nazi ally in World War II.)
2.-The vitality of “regionalism”–a political/economic doctrine that advocates the secession of key prosperous regions from nation states.
3.-Analysis of regionalism as an application of globalist economic theory to Euorope.
4.-The history of regionalism’s advoacy by Third Reich veteran theoreticians.
5.-Edward Snowden and Julian Assange’s support for Catalan secession from Spain.
6.-The success of the AfD in German elections.
7.-AfD politician Alexander Gauland’s statement that Germans should be proud of what that country’s soldiers accomplished in World War II.
8.-The Austrian Freedom Party’s projected success in upcoming elections. The party was formed in 1956 by Third Reich veterans as a vehicle for re-introducing Austrian Nazis into the country’s political life.
In Latin America, we examine:
1.-The verdict that Argentine AMIA bombing investigator Alberto Nisman’s death was a murder, not a suicide.
2.-Review of the AMIA bombing investigation.
3.-The discovery of a cache of Nazi artifacts, including devices used for determining racial purity. Hitler apparently posed with some of the artificats.
4.-The role of Nisman’s widow as the judge investigating the Nazi artifact case.
5.-Operational links between American Nazi Christopher Cantwell and the Koch Brothers-funded Ludwig Von Mises Institute in Brazil.
In the United States, we detail:
1.-How Breitbart actively promoted Neo-Nazism, while downplaying what it was actually doing.
2.-How white supremacist and Nazi elements are successfully using YouTube to mainstream fascist and racist views.
In the Middle East, we highlight:
1.-Benjamin Netanyahu’s political connections with the Thyssen/Krupp firm, one of the lynchpins of the Bormann capital network.
2.-Yair Netanyahu’s attribution of his father’s political difficulties to sabotage by an international Jewish conspiracy.
3.-Ronald Regan’s 1981 citation of Ibn Khaldun as a key advocate for supply-side economics.
4.-Review of the Muslim Brotherhood’s embrace of the views of Ibn Khaldun.
We have highlighted investigative pathways in the AMIA bombing in–among other programs–FTR #835. Prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s investigation was cut short by his alleged suicide. Now, his death has been demonstrated to have been a murder. Among the elements looming in the investigation is the Nazi diaspora in Argentina (chronicled in the files of the AMIA building) and a trove of Third Reich artifiacts being investigated by Nisman’s widow, Judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
FTR #‘s 914 and 915 feature former BBC and Reuters journalist Gerrard Williams, developing material he presented in his book (co-authored with military historian Simon Dunstan) “Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler.”
An apparent deal between Sullivan & Cromwell attorney turned spy Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann lies at the core of the Hitler escape, code-named “Aktion Feuerland” (Operation Land of Fire). In exchange for sparing the art looted by the Reich and granting the Western Allies access to Nazi military technology, Hitler’s escape along with those of Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller were arranged. In addition, the SS and Gestapo-staffed Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit was also one of the “carrots” made available to the West in this deal.
The potential “sticks” were the full activation of the Nazi Werewolf guerillas to make life miserable for occupation forces, the destruction of the creme of Western art and a disinformation gambit presenting a Nazi operation to use U‑boat launched V‑1 missiles filled with nerve gas against New York. (The latter drew U.S. Navy anti-submarine forces away from the planned southern Atlantic route for Hitler’s U‑boat escape.)
Because Allen Dulles faced prosecution for his operations on behalf of Third Reich industrial concerns, Dulles joined forces with Bormann. Using the extensive Nazi presence in Argentina, Bormann and Muller successfully spirited Hitler and Eva Braun out of Germany.
Much of FTR #915 deals with the re-establishment of Nazis in power in the “new” Federal Republic and the role of Martin Bormann directing that government from afar. The role of the Nazis and the Gehlen spy outfit in particular in the Cold War is a primary focus of FTR #915.
Program Highlights Include: the foundational role of the German/American corporate links in the realization of “Aktion Feuerland;” the role of Eva Peron (“Evita”) as a Nazi spy prior to, and during, World War II; Evita’s role as a functionary of the postwar Bormann capital network; the revenge taken by Muller on members of Juan and Eva Peron’s contingent for extorting money from the Bormann network; famed espionage novelist Ian Fleming’s role as a British commando securing both art and Nazi military technology as the Nazi armies retreated; mainstream press accounts of Hitler’s escape and postwar activities; the continued redaction and withholding of documents about Hitler’s postwar presence; death threats directed against some of the authors’ sources; review of the Vatican-linked “Ratlines” in the escape of Nazi luminaries; details of the faking of the death of Martin Bormann; the use of doubles for Hitler and Eva Braun in Aktion Feuerland; pressure from right-wing German sources on the authors, attempting to suppress the investigation; the faking of the “DNA test” on Bormann’s “corpse”; the role of Nazis in managing the Cold War.
In FTR #791, we presented the research of Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan indicating that Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann struck a deal to effect the escape of Adolf Hitler. The authors have been receiving death threats: “. . . Yesterday . . .Williams. . . . said: ‘We have ruffled some very big feathers. Traditional historians don’t like it and certain governments don’t like it. We have had some death threats already.’ ” All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
The ongoing occupation of an Oregon wildlife preserve in Oregon by paramilitary forces led by Ammon Bundy (son of Cliven Bundy) may seem far removed from the gilded realms in which the Koch Brothers move. They may also appear to be of an entirely different political stripe from the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. That is not the case. In fact, the “Bundyists” are realizing the agenda of the Wise Use movement and the Koch brothers, both advocates of ceding control of federal lands to local control, in order that corporate interests such as timber, mining and cattle ranching can use the territory for their own use and profit. By the same token, the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have arrogated to themselves the use, control and dissemination of sensitive information that was not theirs to own or distribute. David Golumbia noted the attitude of “coders” such as Snowden, Assange and “hacktivists ” . . . the political world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it . . . members of democratic polities have no choice but to accept them having that role.” Turning to turmoil in Europe, the recent assaults on women by Middle Eastern immigrants in German, Finnish and other cities on the continent have fueled the rise of fascist groups, minting valuable political coinage from the assaults. Some observers compared a recent rampage in Leipzig with the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom. The broadcast concludes with an overview of P‑2 Lodge grandmaster Licio Gelli, the recently deceased fascist who profoundly influenced events on three continents. Program Highlights Include: Fred C. Koch’s construction of an oil refinery for Hitler; Ex-CIA officer and author Robert Baer’s belief that Hitler escaped Germany at the end of the war; review of the participation of Fox News host Andrew Napolitano and Snowden Presidential candidate of choice Ron Paul at a libertarian students conference; review of the participation of Edward Snowden at that same conference; review of Carl Lundstrom’s financing of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrat fascist party and his funding of the Pirate Bay website that hosted WikiLeaks.
Ratline highlights the flight of a mysterious Nazi using the alias Georg Anton Poch. Identified as Hitler in a book published in Indonesia, Poch was certainly someone of great importance, though not necessarily Hitler. His odyssey sheds light on the Vatican escape networks known collectively as “The Ratline.” Whoever he was, “Poch,” like so many Nazis, found succor in the Vatican. A Croatian priest–Father Draganovic–was one the prime movers of the Ratline The story of the Ratline and the Vatican’s operational sanctioning of the butchers of the Vatican-backed Croatian Ustachi casts a different historical light on recent events. Pope Francis’s visit to the United States has dominated the news cycle, with some coverage going to the controversy over his canonization of Father Juniper Serra, regarded as a brutal oppressor by Native American archivists. What has received no substantive coverage is the pending beatification of Archbishop Stepinac, a member of the Ustachi parliament during World War II. Program Highlights Include: the stewardship of the main Ustachi concentration camp Jasenovac by Father Filipovic, a Franciscan priest; Fr. Filipovic’s murdering of Serbian children with his bare hands; Operation Bernhard, a key Nazi counterfeiting operation; the many historical outgrowths of Bernhard, including the operations of the Ratline; the use of Stepinac’s church to stash Nazi war loot; Gerald Posner’s “point” role in leading the Bormann-inspired discreditation of Ladislas Farago.
In this broadcast, we continue to “Follow the Money” and analyze its primary role in the perpetuation of Nazism and its attendant methodologies and resultant ills. Peter notes that the postwar Nazi Underground constituted a “government-in-exile” and “an army in exile.” “Following the money” moved by what Mr. Emory calls The Underground Reich inevitably leads to Francois Genoud, Hjalmar Schacht and the extensive postwar Nazi connections to Middle Eastern anti-colonial, anti-Israel and terrorist milieux. The Third Reich and its postwar underground manifestation directly impacted, intersected with, and formed the operational template for, many of the world’s terrorist organizations. Recapping previous discussion of the Third Reich as a “cult” or spiritual movement, Peter notes that this “Underground Reich” not only is a parallel entity to contemporary Islamist terror groups, but has actively dovetailed with them. Program highlights include: terrorists’ abuse of the ancient hawala system of money transfer; discussion of the Bank Al-Taqwa; the use of Islamists against China; analysis of the “Tri-Border” area in Latin America; Germany’s return to power in Europe.
This next installment of our discussions with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy” begins with discussion of individuals and organizations that comprised the postwar Nazi underground. Focused largely on the SS, these organizations were vehicles for the perpetuation of the Nazi struggle against the Allies (including the U.S. and Britain) at the same time as they interfaced with powerful elements of Western intelligence, who used them as Cold Warriors. Part of the Cold War strategy pursued by the U.S. was to resucitate (for a third time) the “global jihadist” strategy devised by Max von Oppenheim during the First World War. Seeking the “believing” Muslims as proxy warriors against the atheistic communists, powerful elements of CIA and the State Department enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood in this struggle. “Weaponized religion” was also used in Asia, where the Third Reich had already established a working relationship with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists, with SS officers of primary significance in the Nazis’ dealings with “His Holiness.” Key points of discussion include: the career of Otto Ernst Remer; the remarkable career of Francois Genoud; the Dalai Lama’s SS associate Bruno Beger’s atrocities war crimes; the Dalai Lama’s SS tutor–Heinrich Harrer–and his work for elements of U.S. and Western intelligence after the war.
As set forth in in FTR #‘s 835 and 836, the “investigation” into the 1994 AMIA bombing in Argentina touches on a number of very sensitive areas. We were skeptical that the suspicious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman would produce any definitive changes in the way the case was handled. Now, following Nisman’s death, the criminal complaint drafted by him against president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been dismissed as not being “minimally” credible. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
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