Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Arrow Cross' is associated with 1 posts.

FTR#‘s 1364 & 1365 The Return of Sebastian Gorka: Terror Blitzkrieg in London? Parts 1 & 2

Intro­duc­tion: Don­ald Trump has appoint­ed Sebas­t­ian Gor­ka as his “ter­ro­ism czar” on the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. Gor­ka not only appears to have links to British intel­li­gence, but ” . . . . Gor­ka was, appar­ent­ly, a sworn mem­ber of Hungary’s neo-Nazi Vitezi Rend, or ‘Order of Heroes,’ a group that the State Depart­ment says was ‘under the direc­tion of the Nazi Gov­ern­ment of Ger­many dur­ing World War II’ and which con­tin­ues to be neo-Nazi in its ori­en­ta­tion. . . .”

With Gor­ka poised to direct any U.S. response to ter­ror­ism, clouds on the hori­zon sug­gest the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a loom­ing mass-casu­al­ty “False-Flag” oper­a­tion, pos­si­bil­i­ty in Lon­don. This is high­ly unap­pe­tiz­ing.

Top­ics of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: Gorka’s father Paul, who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 1956 Hun­gar­i­an upris­ing and claims he was sprung from prison by Vietezi Rend forces; Sebas­t­ian Gorka’s links to British intel­li­gence and Chris Don­nel­ly; A “warn­ing” by the head of Britain’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency (MI5) that Rus­sia was foment­ing ter­ror­ist inci­dents in the West; The alle­ga­tion that web­cams in Lon­don went black in Sep­tem­ber (IF true, a har­bin­ger of false-flag oper­a­tions?); Analy­sis of the “Novi­chok poi­son­ing” of the Skirpals–a false-flag oper­a­tion blamed on Rus­sia and exe­cut­ed by British intel, appar­ent­ly with CIA assis­tance.