Wolfgang Schauble (Germany’s Finance Minister) has stated that Germany needn’t repay the billions it stole from Greece during World War II, because a government is not obligated to fulfill the pledges of previous regimes. The fact that Germany continues to pay pensions to veterans of Spain’s Blue Division (which fought on the Eastern Front during World War II) suggests that the German government’s judgments are self-servingly selective. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Evolved from the Hindu nationalist/fascist party the RSS, Narendra Modi is undermining India’s laws prohibiting child labor. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
With negotiations between Greece and the troika over how to resolve the latest austerity-impasse still ongoing, Greece make an intriguing offer: Continue with the privatization of state assets that the troika demands, use the proceeds on Greece’s humanitarian crises instead of immediately paying back Greece’s creditors. And while the troika has yet to formally rule out Greece’s proposal, European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker made an uncharacteristic offer last week of 2 billion euros to “support efforts to create growth and social cohesion in Greece”. Considering virtually all past attitudes by the troika regarding Greece’s “growth and social cohesion”. So by wrapping its humanitarian aid proposal within a privatization mandate Greece did the seemingly impossible: the troika’s position on Greece is slightly less crazy than before. That almost never happens. And still probably isn’t happening.
As discussed in FTR #788, Germany has NOT reimbursed Greece for the enormous damage wrought during World War II. Once again, that purloined wealth and the Bormann capital network that was the vehicle for the reinvestment of the Nazis’ World War II loot is center stage. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas is demanding that the money be repaid. Tsirpas’ demand focuses attention on a dynamic that lies at the foundation of 20th and 21st capital flows. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
In FTR #746 and FTR #788, we analyzed the Greek economic crisis, the EMU and “Clausewitzian Economics.” As Greece and Germany square off following the election of a left-wing coalition government in the former, the ghosts of World War II are materializing in frightening and dramatic fashion. The new Greek finance minister has noted the rise of Nazism in Greece as a result of the economic and social deprivation stemming from the austerity doctrine. There also remains the possibility of raising the specter of Germany’s unpaid World War II debt to Greece, thereby citing the economic and political dynamics inherent in the Bormann capital network, about which we speak so often. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
The title of the program is a verbatim quote from Edward Snowden–the Peach Fuzz Fascist–in 2009. The GOP-controlled 114th Congress is attempting to implement Snowden’s views. In addition to highlighting Snowden’s ultra-reactionary views about abolishing Social Security and restoring the gold standard, the broadcast sets forth the GOP’s disingenuous statements about the Social Security disability program, exemplified by Rand Paul’s bald-faced lies about the nature of the program. After chronicling the GOP’s 80-year war on Social Security, going back to the early days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first term, the broadcast reviews the 1934 coup attempt by powerful, fascist industrial and financial interests. Those same plotters supported Mussolini’s “corporate state” and Hitler’s eugenics program, aimed at eliminating “useless bread gobblers.” Like Snowden, the 1934 coup plotters wanted to eliminate Social Security and restore the gold standard.
As the title indicates this program brings up to date a number of stories covered in the past and introduces some new topics of discussion. The topics covered include: JFK’s 1963 attempts at normalizing relations with Cuba; new information casting doubt on the “lone nut” theory of the 2001 anthrax attacks (which fingered Bruce Ivins as a “lone nut” perpetrator); Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s suppression of political dissent, echoing the policies of Francisco Franco; a Catholic mass held to honor the memory of the murderous World War II Ustachi leader Ante Pavelic; the global economic elites’ pursuit of the same economic policies that drove people into the arms of fascism in the 1930’s; Ayn Rand’s role in investigating the 1940’s movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” as possible crypto-Communist propaganda; the GOP’s implementation of fraudulent “dynamic scoring” economic evaluation; theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking’s warning that the development of Artificial Intelligence could threaten the existence of humanity; Mr. Emory’s 1995 warning that the development of Artificial Intelligence could threaten the existence of humanity.
With European Union continuing its slow steady fall into deflation, the question of “what’s to be done?” has becoming a permanent fixture for European policy-makers. But for the eurozone, with it’s shared monetary system, the question is a much more complicated “what should we all be doing together?”. The answer to that latter question, unfortunately, has consistently been “not enough”, despite prior promises.
Still, the ECB hasn’t given up entirely in its attempts to reflate the eurozone. Back in June, the ECB decided to inject another 400 billion euros into the eurozone banking system in a two-phase loan program. And as we’ll see below, in both phases the eurozone banks wanted far less than what was offered while continuing to pay back their previous loans. In other words, while the ECB has been trying the expand the monetary base in the eurozone’s financial markets that monetary base has continued to shrink. As the excerpt below puts it, it’s like ‘Waiting for Godot’. And as we’ll see at the end, it really IS like Waiting for Godot, theatrics and all.
In FTR #824, we noted the decisive role played by the Ukrainian diaspora in the events unfolding in Eastern Europe. Petro Poroshenko is implementing a legal gambit to permit foreign nationals to assume cabinet positions in his new government. In particular, Poroshenko expressed the desire to incorporate citizens of the U.S., Georgia and Lithuania in Ukraine’s government. In short order, Ukrainian/American State Department Officer Natalie Jaresko, Lithuanian-born U.S. citizen Airvas Abramovicius and Georgian Aleksandre Kvitashvili assumed the posts of finance minister, economic and development and trade minister and health minister respectively. All three were educated in the United States. Jaresko is a former State Department officer with close links to the US Agency for International Development. The appointments come as Ukraine is close to defaulting on a $17bn IMF loan and members of Ukraine’s fascist volunteer battalions are lobbying Congress for military aid. Poroshenko is also granting citizenship to foreign-born neo-Nazis, as well as instituting an information ministry that critics have compared to The Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s 1984.
Fascist dictator Francisco Franco passed away decades ago, yet his political legacy lives on. Throughout Spain, memorialization of Franco and his soldiers continues. The perpetuation of that legacy is evident in the political resume of Mariano Rajoy, the son of a Franco judge. Rajoy’s Popular Party is a “kindler, gentler” edition of Franco’s Falange. In addition to jingoistic saber rattling at the British territory of Gibraltar, Rajoy is joining with Argentina to pressure the UK over the Falkalnd Islands. By dancing in tandem with Argentina, Rajoy is embracing the geo-political legacy of Hitler, who selected Spain as his first target for control because of its influence in Latin America–Argentina in particular.
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