Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Bailout' is associated with 19 posts.

FTR #920 The Trumpenkampfverbande, Part 3: The Underground Reich Emerges Into Plain View

QUICK: How many Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates can you name who kept a book of Adolf Hitler’s speech­es by their bed­side? Don­ald Trump does. For many years, what Mr. Emory terms “The Under­ground Reich” has been a fun­da­men­tal point of dis­cus­sion and analy­sis in these broad­casts and posts. In the third pro­gram ana­lyz­ing the Don­ald Trump cam­paign, we exam­ine the “Trumpenkampfver­bande,” its polit­i­cal antecedents and adher­ents. Exem­pli­fy­ing, and net­work­ing with, gen­er­a­tions of fas­cists and fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions, the Trumpenkampfver­bande embod­ies the emer­gence of the Under­ground Reich into plain view. A sig­na­ture ele­ment of Trump’s cam­paign is his resus­ci­ta­tion of the “Amer­i­ca First” slo­gan and con­cept, a man­i­fes­ta­tion both of his thin­ly-veiled appeal to Nazi and white suprema­cist ele­ments and his will­ing­ness to cede dom­i­nance over world affairs to a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed “third pow­er bloc.” The Amer­i­ca First con­cept mobi­lizes pow­er­ful feel­ings among those feel­ing over­whelmed and left behind by polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ments glob­al­ly and in the Unit­ed States. We note that the “orig­i­nal” Amer­i­ca First was financed by Nazi Ger­many. Trump’s invo­ca­tion of Amer­i­ca First exem­pli­fies the nature of his polit­i­cal her­itage and alle­giances. One of his top advis­ers Joseph E. Schmitz, “obsessed with all things Ger­man” and, accord­ing to asso­ciates, some­one who “fired the Jews” (from the Pen­ta­gon) and man­i­fest­ed Holo­caust denial. This is not atyp­i­cal of “Team Trump.” One of the most impor­tant fig­ures in main­stream­ing “alt right” (i.e. Nazi, white nation­al­ist and anti-Semit­ic) atti­tudes has been Breitbart’s Steve Ban­non, now essen­tial­ly run­ning the Trump cam­paign. Trump and his cam­paign have a habit of re-tweet­ing infor­ma­tion from “alt right” web­sites and mes­sage boards. Of pri­ma­ry sig­nif­i­cance in ana­lyz­ing Trump con­cerns the main finan­cial backer of his real estate projects–Deutsche Bank. In addi­tion to the fact that this places a poten­tial Pres­i­dent in the posi­tion of owing upwards of $100 mil­lion to an insti­tu­tion that has open­ly defied U.S. reg­u­la­to­ry posi­tions, Deutsche Bank is a pri­ma­ry ele­ment of the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work, about which we speak so often. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Analy­sis of the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Trump’s father was in the Ku Klux Klan; review of Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with for­mer Axis spy Nor­man Vin­cent Peale; review of Trump’s counsel–Senator Joe McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s addi­tion­al finan­cial back­ing from George Soros, who got his start in busi­ness “Aryaniz­ing” Jew­ish prop­er­ty dur­ing the Holo­caust; Trump’s tweet­ing of a cam­paign ad fea­tur­ing Waf­fen SS-clad World War II re-enac­tors; The enthu­si­as­tic sup­poprt Trump has received from David Duke.

They’re B‑A-A-A-C‑K! Subprime, er, “Non-Prime” Mortgage-Backed Securities

Hun­gry investors are now focus­ing on bonds backed by US res­i­den­tial mort­gages that do not meet strict cred­it guide­lines. We also note that, in FTR #412, we direct­ly fore­shad­owed the finan­cial cri­sis in ear­ly 2003. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #828 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

As the title indi­cates this pro­gram brings up to date a num­ber of sto­ries cov­ered in the past and intro­duces some new top­ics of dis­cus­sion. The top­ics cov­ered include: JFK’s 1963 attempts at nor­mal­iz­ing rela­tions with Cuba; new infor­ma­tion cast­ing doubt on the “lone nut” the­o­ry of the 2001 anthrax attacks (which fin­gered Bruce Ivins as a “lone nut” per­pe­tra­tor); Span­ish Prime Min­is­ter Mar­i­ano Rajoy’s sup­pres­sion of polit­i­cal dis­sent, echo­ing the poli­cies of Fran­cis­co Fran­co; a Catholic mass held to hon­or the mem­o­ry of the mur­der­ous World War II Ustachi leader Ante Pavel­ic; the glob­al eco­nom­ic elites’ pur­suit of the same eco­nom­ic poli­cies that drove peo­ple into the arms of fas­cism in the 1930’s; Ayn Rand’s role in inves­ti­gat­ing the 1940’s movie “It’s a Won­der­ful Life” as pos­si­ble cryp­to-Com­mu­nist pro­pa­gan­da; the GOP’s imple­men­ta­tion of fraud­u­lent “dynam­ic scor­ing” eco­nom­ic eval­u­a­tion; the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist Stephen Hawk­ing’s warn­ing that the devel­op­ment of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence could threat­en the exis­tence of human­i­ty; Mr. Emory’s 1995 warn­ing that the devel­op­ment of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence could threat­en the exis­tence of human­i­ty.

FTR #826 Bringing It All Back Home, Ukrainian Style, Part 2

In FTR #824, we not­ed the deci­sive role played by the Ukrain­ian dias­po­ra in the events unfold­ing in East­ern Europe. Petro Poroshenko is imple­ment­ing a legal gam­bit to per­mit for­eign nation­als to assume cab­i­net posi­tions in his new gov­ern­ment. In par­tic­u­lar, Poroshenko expressed the desire to incor­po­rate cit­i­zens of the U.S., Geor­gia and Lithua­nia in Ukraine’s gov­ern­ment. In short order, Ukrainian/American State Depart­ment Offi­cer Natal­ie Jaresko, Lithuan­ian-born U.S. cit­i­zen Air­vas Abramovi­cius and Geor­gian Alek­san­dre Kvi­tashvili assumed the posts of finance min­is­ter, eco­nom­ic and devel­op­ment and trade min­is­ter and health min­is­ter respec­tive­ly. All three were edu­cat­ed in the Unit­ed States. Jaresko is a for­mer State Depart­ment offi­cer with close links to the US Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment. The appoint­ments come as Ukraine is close to default­ing on a $17bn IMF loan and mem­bers of Ukraine’s fas­cist vol­un­teer bat­tal­ions are lob­by­ing Con­gress for mil­i­tary aid. Poroshenko is also grant­i­ng cit­i­zen­ship to for­eign-born neo-Nazis, as well as insti­tut­ing an infor­ma­tion min­istry that crit­ics have com­pared to The Min­istry of Truth from George Orwell’s 1984.

Ukrainian Money-Go-Round

We have not­ed in posts and pro­grams that Ukraine has 25% of the world’s proven nat­ur­al gas reserves. The East­ern part of the coun­try is rich­er in nat­ur­al gas than the West. Exem­pli­fy­ing the very crony cap­i­tal­ism that the U.S. decries when it occurs else­where (includ­ing Rus­sia), Burisma–a Cyprus-based com­pa­ny with sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in Ukrain­ian nat­ur­al gas fields –has hired Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s son R. Hunter Biden. The com­pa­ny’s board of direc­tors fea­tures Devon Archer, the for­mer col­lege room­mate of Sec­re­tary of State John Ker­ry’s Step­son Christo­pher Heinz (of the wealthy food-empire fam­i­ly.) In addi­tion, Ukraine has issued $1 bil­lion bonds, backed by the U.S. tax­pay­er.

FTR #792 Caution: Banksters at Work (More Collateralized “Death” Obligations)

In FTR #772, we looked at a num­ber of sus­pi­cious deaths in and around the finan­cial indus­try, this as a num­ber of legal inves­ti­ga­tions into the mis­deeds of the “banksters” were pro­ceed­ing. This pro­gram updates that extra­or­di­nary mor­tal­i­ty rate. One of the sur­re­al, almost hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry finan­cial instru­ments that were at the cen­ter of the 2008 finan­cial col­lapse were CDO’s–collateralized debt oblig­a­tions. We won­der if the high mor­tal­i­ty rate, the ongo­ing cap­i­tal trou­bles and legal inves­ti­ga­tions plagu­ing the firms may be relat­ed to these deaths. Are we look­ing at col­lat­er­al­ized “death” oblig­a­tions? We note that JP Mor­gan Chase has expe­ri­enced a par­tic­u­lar­ly high mor­tal­i­ty rate.

More Collateralized “Death” Obligations

“Par­ticipo” alerts us to an arti­cle from The New York Post updat­ing the mor­tal­i­ty rate in the finan­cial indus­try. These deaths are occur­ring as numer­ous inves­ti­ga­tions are under­way into var­i­ous kinds of malfea­sance in the glob­al finan­cial sec­tor, manip­u­la­tion of the for­eign exchange rate, in par­tic­u­lar.

FTR #772 Body Count II: (Collateralized “Death” Obligations)

One of the sur­re­al, almost hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry finan­cial instru­ments that were at the cen­ter of the 2008 finan­cial col­lapse were CDO’s–collateralized debt oblig­a­tions. As a num­ber of legal inves­ti­ga­tions into mis­chief appar­ent­ly com­mit­ted by major finan­cial insti­tu­tions on a num­ber of fronts have gained momen­tum, there has been a rash of sui­cides linked to the busi­ness­es under inves­ti­ga­tion. In addi­tion, a Wall Street Jour­nal reporter dis­ap­peared and an Argen­tine bank repository–supposedly fireproof–burned down. Are we look­ing at col­lat­er­al­ized “death” oblig­a­tions?

How Austerity Kills (The Continuation of War by Other Means, Part 2)

In past posts, we’ve ana­lyzed the “aus­ter­i­ty” being imposed by Ger­many on the poor­er coun­tries of Europe against the back­ground of the the­o­ries of Pruss­ian mil­i­tary the­o­reti­cian Carl von Clause­witz. A recent op-ed piece in the New York Times illus­trates this analy­sis very clear­ly.

Is Germany Using North Korea to Destabilize Asia and the US? (One Heckuva Conspiracy Theory)

TIMELINE–November, 2012: Ger­many’s for­eign min­is­ter encour­ages the U.S. to embrace both a “Trans-Atlantic” free trade pact and Ger­man-dic­tat­ed “aus­ter­i­ty.” Jan­u­ary, 2013: Fol­low­ing Oba­ma’s piv­ot to Asia, Ger­man lawyers and econ­o­mists decamp to North Korea, in the wake of a her­ald­ed “eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal open­ing to South Korea and the West.” Ear­ly spring, 2013: the Hitler-influ­enced Asian nation’s leader does just the oppo­site.