First of a projected four-part discussion of the decisively important work of former Swiss intelligence officer Jacques Baud, this program presents and details fundamentals of the Ukraine war and the history leading up to it. This analysis will be supplemented in the remaining programs in the series.
His CV is presented below, and will be supplemented by more detail in an interview presented with him.
The reading of this article will be continued in our next program. For the convenience and benefit of the audience, the entire article is presented in this description.
Baud points out that the presentation of the war in the West is badly skewed, with politicians and media pursuing ideologized fantasies, rather than substantive analysis coming from intelligence agencies.
The essence of Baud’s war analysis is presentation of compelling documentation that the Ukraine war was begun by the West—the U.S. and NATO in particular—in order to weaken Russia.
Facilitating a murderous program of systematic atrocity committed by Ukraine’s government against the Russian-speaking minority of Ukraine, it is the West and the Biden administration in particular, that bear responsibility for the conflict.
As will be seen, analysis of the actual conflict itself is fundamentally skewed in the U.S. and Europe. Far from being “incompetent,” Russia quickly executed maneuver warfare to cut-off the bulk of the Ukrainian army, which was poised for a lethal offensive against the Russian-speaking East.
Russia’s primary objective—completely misunderstood in the West and systematically misrepresented by political and media interests alike—was largely achieved within a short period.
The Russian forces occupied territory roughly equivalent to the U.K in a matter of days, fixing Ukrainian forces with a diversionary move toward Kiev, eliminating Ukraine’s ability to move large numbers of troops and trapping the primary Ukrainian forces in the East.
This will be more completely discussed, analyzed and presented in the remaining programs featuring Baud’s work.
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include: Baud’s first-hand involvement in NATO training of the Ukrainian military; Baud’s former position as chief of Swiss intelligence’s division on Warsaw pact forces during the Cold War; Baud’s extensive UN experience on proliferation of small arms, their distribution to civilian populations and the deleterious effects of that distribution; The fundamental, institutionalized distortion of the conflict—politicians and media ignoring reality (including and especially that presented by intelligence professionals) and inculcating the public (and themselves) with an inflammatory, demonstrably false narrative that engenders a dangerous policy of escalation; The essential misunderstanding of the genesis of the Ukrainian conflict; The central issue of the post-Maidan government’s banning of the Russian language in Ukraine’s Eastern districts; The fundamental misunderstanding of, and misrepresentation of, the civil war in Ukraine’s East as a dynamic involving “Russian Separatists” and “interference” by Putin; Putin’s advice to the Russian-speaking Eastern districts NOT to seek a referendum on autonomy; The Ukrainian government’s launch of an ill-fated military suppression against those districts; The fundamental corruption and ineptitude of the post-Maidan Ukrainian military; The false narrative distributed in the west that Russia was involved in any way with the civil war in Eastern Ukraine; The failure of the civil war against the Eastern districts because of that ineptitude; The defection of large “maneuver” units of the Ukrainian armed forces—armor, artillery and missile formations; The monumental failure to report for duty of the Ukrainian reserve personnel; Ukraine’s pivot to NATO to form the Ukrainian military; Jacques Baud’s role in that attempted formation; NATO’s creation of the fascist “reprisal units,” exemplified by the Azov Regiment; The Azov regiment’s symbolic, and historical nostalgia for the ”Das Reich” Division—2nd Waffen SS; The operational strength of the NATO-created fascist territorial defense units—102,000; The reality behind a 2021” hijacking of a RyanAir flight in Belarus; the fact that the “journalist”—Roman Protassevitch—was a prominent member of the Azov regiment; the fact that the action was in keeping with the rules of force; The war’s genesis with a Ukrainian campaign to conquer and decimate the Russian-speaking regions of the East; the Duma’s advocacy of diplomatic recognition for the Russian-speaking regions; Putin’s initial refusal to recognize the regions; France and the West’s refusal to implement the Minsk Agreements; France and the West’s insistence on direct confrontation between Ukraine and Russia; The Ukraine’s initiation of the conflict by bombarding the Russian-speaking districts and massing their army for an all-out assault; Putin’s granting of the Duma’s request and diplomatic recognition of the independence of the Russian-speaking regions; Those regions’ request for military assistance; Putin’s positive response to that request, initiating the conflict; The Russian strategy of using pressure on Kiev as a diversion, drawing Ukrainian forces around it and permitting the encirclement of the bulk of the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine; The West’s fundamental misunderstanding of Putin’s and Russia’s war aims, due to their own strategic and operational myopia; The “slowdown” of Russian operations, due to the fact that they have already achieved their objective; The “reprisal” units’ deliberate blocking of civilian evacuation corridors, so that the civilians can be used to deliberately impede Russian military progress; The West’s manipulation of Zelensky and Ukraine, in essence bribing him with arms purchases to “bleed Russia;” The distribution of small arms to Ukrainian urban populations, a development that Baud feels will lead to atrocities committed against fellow civilians; The strong probability that the Azov Regiment was using the Mariupol maternity hospital as a strategic vantage point, and that the Russians fired on it as a legitimate military target; The West’s using of that “War Crime” to justify further arms shipments; The West’s systematic distortion and “weaponization” of war coverage; The joint security provided to the Chernobyl nuclear plant by BOTH Ukrainian and Russian soldiers to prevent sabotage.
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