Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'BND' is associated with 262 posts.

FTR#‘s 1364 & 1365 The Return of Sebastian Gorka: Terror Blitzkrieg in London? Parts 1 & 2

Intro­duc­tion: Don­ald Trump has appoint­ed Sebas­t­ian Gor­ka as his “ter­ro­ism czar” on the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. Gor­ka not only appears to have links to British intel­li­gence, but ” . . . . Gor­ka was, appar­ent­ly, a sworn mem­ber of Hungary’s neo-Nazi Vitezi Rend, or ‘Order of Heroes,’ a group that the State Depart­ment says was ‘under the direc­tion of the Nazi Gov­ern­ment of Ger­many dur­ing World War II’ and which con­tin­ues to be neo-Nazi in its ori­en­ta­tion. . . .”

With Gor­ka poised to direct any U.S. response to ter­ror­ism, clouds on the hori­zon sug­gest the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a loom­ing mass-casu­al­ty “False-Flag” oper­a­tion, pos­si­bil­i­ty in Lon­don. This is high­ly unap­pe­tiz­ing.

Top­ics of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: Gorka’s father Paul, who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 1956 Hun­gar­i­an upris­ing and claims he was sprung from prison by Vietezi Rend forces; Sebas­t­ian Gorka’s links to British intel­li­gence and Chris Don­nel­ly; A “warn­ing” by the head of Britain’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency (MI5) that Rus­sia was foment­ing ter­ror­ist inci­dents in the West; The alle­ga­tion that web­cams in Lon­don went black in Sep­tem­ber (IF true, a har­bin­ger of false-flag oper­a­tions?); Analy­sis of the “Novi­chok poi­son­ing” of the Skirpals–a false-flag oper­a­tion blamed on Rus­sia and exe­cut­ed by British intel, appar­ent­ly with CIA assis­tance.

PLEASE Get the New, 64GB Flashdrive!

As peo­ple with an oblig­a­tion to our descen­dants, we have the respon­si­bil­i­ty to pre­serve a record of the events lead­ing to the col­lapse of our social and polit­i­cal milieu. There is no bet­ter way of ful­fill­ing that oblig­a­tion than by obtain­ing the lat­est flash dri­ve, con­tain­ing all of Dav­e’s 45+ years on the air and a library of old anti-fas­cist books. Dave has estab­lished a Patre­on site fea­tur­ing arti­cles that he and oth­er researchers have writ­ten, inter­views with guests and three, week­ly talks by Dave. Lis­ten­ers can inter­act with Monte and oth­er guests on the plat­form. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE.

FTR#‘s 1341, 1342, 1343 and 1344 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 15, 16, 17 and 18

Intro­duc­tion: These pro­grams set forth dis­cus­sion of the polit­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal links between “Team Trump” and the fas­cist regimes of Hitler, Fran­cis­co Fran­co and Augus­to Pinochet.

A recent book label­ing oppo­nents of Trump et al as “Unhu­mans.”

The net­works to which Vance, Trump and the GOP belong have evolved direct­ly from the milieu of the JFK Assas­si­na­tion.

“Vance Just Endorsed a Trou­bling Author­i­tar­i­an Book” by Michelle Gold­berg; The New York Times; 8/07/2024, p. A22 (West­ern print edi­tion) .

. . . . “Unhu­mans,” an anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic screed that [Jack] Poso­biec wrote with Joshua Lisec, comes with endorse­ments from some of the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in Repub­li­can pol­i­tics, includ­ing, most sig­nif­i­cant­ly, the vice-Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date J.D. Vance.

The word “fas­cist” gets thrown around a lot in pol­i­tics, but it’s hard to find a more apt one for “Unhu­mans” which came out last month.

. . . . Often, they write, “great men of means” are required to crush this scourge [the “Unhu­mans”]. The con­tempt for democ­ra­cy in “Unhu­mans” is not sub­tle. “Our study of his­to­ry has brought us to this con­clu­sion: Democ­ra­cy has nev­er worked to pro­tect inno­cents from the unhu­mans,” write Poso­biec and Lisec.

One of the book’s heroes is the Span­ish dic­ta­tor Fran­cis­co Fran­co, who over­threw the demo­c­ra­t­ic Sec­ond Span­ish Repub­lic in the country’s 1930’s civ­il war. . . . They quote him on what doesn’t work against the unhu­man threat: “We do not believe in gov­ern­ment through the vot­ing booth. The Span­ish nation­al will was nev­er freely expressed through the bal­lot box.” . . . .

. . . . “Unhu­mans” lauds Augus­to Pinochet, the leader of the Chilean mil­i­tary who led a coup against Sal­vador Allende’s elect­ed gov­ern­ment in 1973, ush­er­ing in a reign of tor­ture and repres­sion that involved toss­ing polit­i­cal ene­mies from heli­copters.

Pinochet-inspired heli­copter memes have been com­mon in the MAGA move­ment for years. And as the his­to­ri­an David Austin Walsh wrote last year, there has long been a cult of Fran­co on the right. . . .

. . . . [The Great Amer­i­can Counter Rev­o­lu­tion] is achiev­able but only with the resolve of Fran­co and the thor­ough­ness of [Sen­a­tor Joseph] McCarthy.” . . . .

. . . . “Much like the Unit­ed States found­ing fathers, Fran­co and his fel­lows saw them­selves as rebels intend­ed to over­throw a cor­rupt, tyran­ni­cal gov­ern­ment that aid­ed and abet­ted mur­der and rape as well as oth­er repug­nant sins” . . . .

Top­ics of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: The evo­lu­tion of the milieu under­ly­ing Fran­co, Pinochet and the con­tem­po­rary GOP from an inter­na­tion­al drug and weapons net­work inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty; The role of Chi­nese fas­cists under the Kuom­intang includ­ing Tai Li and Tu Yueh Sheng in this net­work; The role of Gen­er­al Charles Willough­by in the devel­op­ment of this net­work; Links between this net­work and the assas­si­na­tion of JFK; Links between this net­work and the Bay of Pigs inva­sion; Nazi SS com­man­do Otto Skorzeny’s net­work­ing with the Vat­i­can and Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Mon­ti­ni, the Vat­i­can’s sec­re­tary of state and lat­er Pope Paul VI; The Vatican’s pro­found involve­ment with fas­cism; The role of Fran­cis­co Fran­co in financ­ing an off­shore, anti-Cas­tro  radio net­work oper­at­ed by Texas oil mag­nate Clint Murchi­son; U.S. defense con­trac­tor Ling, Tem­co Vought’s own­er­ship of the anten­nae used by Radio Nord; The sus­pi­cious death of CIA offi­cer Gary Under­hill, who alleged­ly com­mit­ted sui­cide after fin­ger­ing the intelligence/narcotics/weapons traf­fick­ing ring with the assas­si­na­tion of JFK, Underhill’s role edit­ing Pen­ta­gon reports about Willoughby’s com­man­do oper­a­tions in Asia; Underhill’s role as (arguably) the CIA’s top expert on small arms; Fox News founder and king­pin Roger Ailes’ role with the Nixon, Rea­gan and George H.W. Bush admin­is­tra­tions; Ailes’ employ­ment with the Coors media appa­ra­tus; The role of for­mer Span­ish prime min­is­ter Aznar in per­pet­u­at­ing the net­works of Fran­co, Links between the SS/Vatican nexus and the Babi Yar mas­sacres in Ukraine; The work of SS offi­cials of the Vatican/SS nexus and the CIA; Review of Nico­lae Malax­a’s role in financ­ing the Ruman­ian Guard; Malax­a’s role in the emp­ty cor­po­rate front West­ern Tube, whose mail­ing address was Bew­ley, Kroop and Nixon–Nixon’s law firm; Review of Valer­ian Tri­fa’s role with the Iron Guard and the GOP; (both Malaxa and Tri­fa are cov­ered at length in AFA#2); Gen­er­al Motors head Alfred P. Sloan’s finan­cial sup­port for Malax­a’s rail­way in Ruma­nia, that was used to trans­port vic­tims of the Holo­caust; Malax­a’s net­work­ing with Juan Per­on and Otto Sko­rzeny; The Great South­west Cor­po­ra­tion’s absorp­tion of West­ern Tube; The Great South­west Cor­po­ra­tion’s han­dling of Mari­na Oswald; Review of mate­r­i­al in FTR#1222 con­cern­ing the roles of French fas­cists in the assas­si­na­tion of JFK; Numer­ous points of inter­est with the World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion; Numer­ous con­nec­tions of this milieu with the nar­co-fas­cist regime of Chi­ang Kai-shek.

FTR#‘s 1335 & 1336 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 9 & 10

Intro­duc­tion: In these pro­grams, Monte presents analy­sis that links the milieu of the assas­si­na­tion of JFK to: the OUN/B; the Helsin­ki Youth Con­fer­ence of 1962; East­ern Front death squad activ­i­ty dur­ing World War II; pro­pa­gan­da deny­ing vio­lence against black peo­ple dur­ing the U.S. civ­il rights strug­gles of the ear­ly 1960’s; Joe Biden’s ongo­ing cov­er-up of the JFK assas­si­na­tion.

FTR#‘s 1318 and 1319 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Parts 27 and 28

You can sub­scribe to RSS feed from Spitfirelist.com HERE. You can sub­scribe to the com­ments made on pro­grams and posts–an excel­lent source of infor­ma­tion in, and of, itself, HERE. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve, avail­able for a con­tri­bu­tion of […]

FTR#1311 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 26

The war in Ukraine has served to make the nor­mal­iza­tion of Nazis almost rou­tine. This broad­cast high­lights that nor­mal­iza­tion, places it in a broad­er his­tor­i­cal con­text and sets forth essen­tial back­ground infor­ma­tion that flesh­es out under­stand­ing of the phe­nom­e­non.

Points of Analy­sis and Dis­cus­sion Include: 

1a.–The pro­gram begins with review of a crit­i­cal insight made by Glenn Pinch­back, an offi­cer at Fort Sill, Okla­homa. This insight encap­su­lates an ide­o­log­i­cal dynam­ic that has, in part, result­ed in the nor­mal­iza­tion of Nazis via the Ukraine war.

1b.–Exemplifying the nor­mal­iza­tion of Nazis is the white­wash­ing of the Plast orga­ni­za­tion by the New York Times, which presents it as a nor­mal sum­mer camp.

2.–A more accu­rate por­tray­al of the Plast orga­ni­za­tion was pre­sent­ed by Scott Rit­ter: “ . . . . Plast is to Ukrain­ian nation­al­ists like the Hitler Youth was to Ger­man Nazis. . . .”

3.–The white­wash­ing of Plast can be seen as deriv­ing from the cul­ti­va­tion of Ukrain­ian and oth­er East­ern Euro­pean fas­cist groups by the Gehlen orga­ni­za­tion.

4.–For the sec­ond time this year, Azov Nazis were fet­ed as heroes at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty.

5.–Stanford fel­low and con­ser­v­a­tive lumi­nary Fran­cis Fukuya­ma was among those who cel­e­brat­ed the Azov Nazis.

6.–Azov’s Nazis evolved direct­ly from the Third Reich col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment of Ukraine. Roman Svarych, WWII Ukrain­ian Nazi satrap Yaroslav Stetsko’s per­son­al sec­re­tary in the 1980’s, was instru­men­tal in the spawn­ing of Azov. Svarych was the Min­is­ter of Jus­tice of Ukraine under three dif­fer­ent admin­is­tra­tions. (That is the equiv­a­lent of U.S. Attor­ney Gen­er­al.)

7.–Ukrainian revi­sion­ist Volodymyr Via­tro­vych served as Min­is­ter of Edu­ca­tion in Ukraine.

8.–Ukrainian school chil­dren are now taught the doc­trine of fas­cist and anti-Semit­ic ide­o­logue Ulas Sam­chuk.

9.–Apologists for the Ukrain­ian fas­cists cite Vlodymyr Zelensky’s Jew­ish her­itage as proof that Ukraine isn’t infest­ed with Nazis. Zelen­sky is exten­sive­ly net­worked with the Azov Nazis.

10.–Former U.S. Air­borne sol­dier Bri­an Boyenger appears to have assist­ed the Geor­gian Legion in the Maid­an false-flag sniper killings. Boyenger also pre­sides over Task Force Plu­to, which has incor­po­rat­ed U.S. Nazis into its ranks, includ­ing indict­ed mur­der­ers.

11.–Former Marine and U.S. Nazi Christo­pher Pohlhaus is train­ing Amer­i­can Nazis to fight in Ukraine. One won­ders if his trainees will return to the U.S. in order to sub­due those who fig­ure to be blamed for “los­ing” Ukraine.

FTR#1303 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 25

Updat­ing the Ukraine war, this pro­gram high­lights a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions: The phe­nom­e­non of “Astro­turf­ing” to gen­er­ate increased sup­port for the war; the cast­ing of a Belarus vet­er­an of the Nazi Azov for­ma­tions as a polit­i­cal mar­tyr; the west­ern regime-change insti­tu­tions’ sup­port for such per­sons; the New York Times’ shift­ing cov­er­age about Nazis in Ukraine; Russ­ian warn­ing at the U.N. in Octo­ber of 2022 about Ukraine’s plans to blow up the Nova Khakov­ka dam; Wash­ing­ton Post’s Decem­ber, 2022, arti­cle about Ukraine’s tri­al assaults on the dam; exam­i­na­tion of the dis­tinct pos­si­bil­i­ty that a British Storm Shad­ow mis­sile was used to blow up the dam.

FTR#‘s 1294, 1295, 1296 The End and the Beginning, Parts One, Two and Three

Tak­ing stock of sev­er­al dynam­ics that threat­en to end our species and civ­i­liza­tion, this  begins series with analy­sis of the back­ground and phi­los­o­phy of Klaus Schwab, his father, his men­tor Hen­ry Kissinger and transna­tion­al cor­po­rate influ­ences on the deci­sive­ly impor­tant World Eco­nom­ic Forum.

Key Points of Analy­sis and Dis­cus­sion Include: The Esch­er-Wyss firm of Switzer­land; Its employ­ment of Klaus Schwab and his father; The com­pa­ny’s col­lab­o­ra­tion with Nazi Ger­man; The com­pa­ny’s role in pro­duc­ing tech­nol­o­gy for the Third Reich’s atom­ic bomb pro­gram; Klaus Schwab’s aca­d­e­m­ic men­tor­ing by Hen­ry Kissinger, Kissinger’s col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Nazi intel­li­gence milieu import­ed into the U.S. after WWII; The Esch­er-Wyss fir­m’s col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Apartheid South African nuclear pro­gram; The deci­sive influ­ence of the Club of Rome on the World Eco­nom­ic Forum; the WEF’s qua­si-eugen­ics poli­cies.

We then note that Peter Thiel’s father also worked on the Apartheid South African atom­ic bomb.

The series then chron­i­cles analy­sis by elite Pen­ta­gon-con­nect­ed sci­en­tists that CO2 could be used as a weapon of mass-destruc­tion.

Next, we high­light the [belat­ed] alarm that AI’s could pro­duce the enslave­ment and/or destruc­tion of soci­ety.

Over the decades, Mr. Emory’s analy­sis has focused on the enor­mous impor­tance of Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion. The series next high­lights some of the Nazi con­nec­tions to that promi­nent event.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: The Joint Chiefs’ meet­ing with their Ger­man coun­ter­parts [all WWII vet­er­ans] in the Pen­ta­gon on the after­noon of 11/22/1963; The pri­ma­ry role of Gen­er­al Ger­hard Wes­sel in the Gehlen orga­ni­za­tion, from WWII to his suc­ceed­ing of Rein­hard Gehlen as head of the BND; Lud­wig Erhard’s sched­uled state din­ner on 11/25/1963–the day of JFK’s funer­al; Lud­wig Erhard’s net­work­ing with the SS and plan­ning for the post WWII eco­nom­ic revival of the Third Reich; Nazi Gen­er­al Adolf Heusinger’s ascent to the top NATO mil­i­tary posi­tion, a role that gave him an office in the Pen­ta­gon.

We con­clude with brief dis­cus­sion of the use of Agent Orange in Viet­nam, a sub­ject to which we will return in our next pro­gram in the series.

Murdering History: Franz Halder’s Post-Reich Career

Gen­er­al Franz Halder has played a deci­sive role in the Naz­i­fi­ca­tion of Amer­i­ca, work­ing for the Pen­ta­gon, along with hun­dreds of oth­er Third Reich alum­ni to rewrite the his­to­ry of the Sec­ond World War. “. . . . Halder’s job was to reha­bil­i­tate Nazism for the ben­e­fit of his new Amer­i­can patrons. If the Nazis could be ide­o­log­i­cal­ly sep­a­rat­ed from the Ger­man peo­ple and the Ger­man Army, Amer­i­ca could use the most use­ful of Hitler’s sol­diers in their war against the Sovi­et Union with­out rais­ing sus­pi­cion. Halder over­saw a team of 700 for­mer Wehrma­cht offi­cers and inten­tion­al­ly set about rewrit­ing his­to­ry to present the image of a clean Wehrma­cht and a Ger­man peo­ple igno­rant of Nazi bru­tal­i­ty. His deputy was CIA agent Adolf Heusinger, a Nazi war crim­i­nal who was large­ly respon­si­ble for plan­ning the end­less mas­sacres of ‘secu­ri­ty war­fare,’ and was lat­er a com­man­der of both the Ger­man Army and NATO. . . . From 1955 to 1991 his works were cit­ed at least 700 times in aca­d­e­m­ic pub­li­ca­tions, espe­cial­ly by pro­fes­sors and researchers in West­ern mil­i­tary acad­e­mies. Since West­ern his­to­ri­ans were forced to drink from Halder’s well, they passed down the poi­son to their stu­dents, and from there the lies worked their way into the pub­lic con­scious­ness. Even­tu­al­ly, Nazi pro­pa­gan­da was laun­dered into ‘truth’ through sim­ple rep­e­ti­tion and care­ful con­trol of sources. . . . .” Dr. Jef­frey Sachs “pret­ty con­vinced” Covid came from a U.S. Bio-Lab. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory emphat­i­cal­ly rec­om­mends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tain­ing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files.

Latest Patreon Talk: History of French Fascism–Cartels, La Cagoule, Vichy, Postwar Fascist International

In the lat­est Patre­on talk, record­ed on French Elec­tion Day, 4/24/2022, we explore the his­to­ry of French fas­cism from the transna­tion­al cor­po­rate links of the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry to the rise of the Front Nation­al. Par­tic­u­lar empha­sis is on the con­ti­nu­ity from the Pre-WWII Cagoule, through the SS-aligned Vichy fas­cist milieu to the oper­a­tions of the post-WWII fas­cist inter­na­tion­al. The talk high­lights some of the French fas­cists in Dal­las, Texas, 11/22/1963. Ukrain­ian tele­vi­sion anchor quotes Adolf Eich­mann ver­ba­tim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory emphat­i­cal­ly rec­om­mends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tain­ing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files.