Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Brazil' is associated with 12 posts.

The Great Mail Train Robbery, Ronald Biggs and the Underground Reich

The recent deaths of two of the rob­bers from Britain’s Great Mail Train Rob­bery call to mind an impor­tant part of that crime that has been obscured. In FTR #83, we not­ed the alleged role of SS com­man­do-chief and ODESSA oper­a­tive Otto Sko­rzeny in the Great Mail Train Rob­bery, as it has been known. (Recent­ly deceased rob­ber Ronald Big­gs is seen above, at right.)

Too Much of a Good Thing? Part 2: A Secret Trilogue and Business as Usual

With last week’s bliz­zard of Snow­den leaks on NSA spy­ing in the EU hit­ting the news, the EU par­lia­ment over­whelm­ing­ly passed a draft set of new EU data pri­va­cy rules with a fast-tracked time frame of imple­men­ta­tion by mid April 2014. But, in a sur­pris­ing twist, the David Cameron just man­aged to do away with the fast track­ing, argu­ing that the pro­posed rules would be an oner­ous bur­den on busi­ness­es. So the new EU data pri­va­cy rules are still com­ing, but not for at least anoth­er year and pre­sum­ably with a lot of changes. Those aren’t the only changes that may be com­ing to the inter­net.