In the long FTR series on L’AfÂfaire SnowÂden, we notÂed that all of the playÂers were outÂright fasÂcists and/or expoÂnents of corÂpoÂratist ecoÂnomÂic theÂoÂry. That includes Pierre OmidÂyar, Nazi felÂlow-travÂelÂer Glenn GreenÂwald’s finanÂcial angel and backer of First Look media. ToutÂing the laisÂsez-faire ecoÂnomÂics of the GOP and othÂer corÂpoÂratist eleÂments around the world, OmidÂyar has also helped to finance the rise of fasÂcist eleÂments abroad, includÂing assistÂing in the ascent of the OUN/B sucÂcesÂsor forces in the Ukraine, as well as NarenÂdra Modi, heir to the RSS HinÂdu fasÂcists that spawned his BJP. Julian Assange, his politÂiÂcal idol Rand Paul, Rand Paul’s supÂportÂer Ralph NadÂer and SnowÂden himÂself all figÂure strongÂly into this unsaÂvory politÂiÂcal landÂscape.
EviÂdence linkÂing HalÂliburÂton subÂsidiary Brown & Root operÂaÂtions with covert operÂaÂtions and drug smugÂgling.
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