Among the reasons why we view the proposed Syrian military adventure with the most jaundiced of eyes concerns the fact that none other than Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia (shown at right) is the single most important coordinator of aid to the rebels. Nicknamed “Bandar Bush,” because he is so close to the Bush family, Bandar Bush was deeply involved in the push for the invasion of Iraq, which is a damned poor recommendation for taking military action in Syria. Bandar Bush been involved in some of the dirtiest operations of the last quarter century, including the Iran-Contra affair and 9/11.
The leaker of the NSA/GCHQ has been identified as Edward J. Snowden. A career spook, Snowden financially supported the Nazi-linked Ron Paul during the recent presidential campaign. Paul’s provo-Utah based Super PAC was funded primarily by Peter Thiel. Thiel’s Palantir firm appears to be the creator of the PRISM application. UPDATED ON 6/15/2013.
Behind-the-scenes machinations of Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia—the former Saudi ambassador to the United States.
Michael Chertoff, one-time attorney for bin-Laden supporter Dr. Magdy el-Amir, did not investigate his former client.
Carlyle Group discussion of the Saudi Binladen Group’s continued funding of Al Qaeda.
Bush I and Bush II administrations’ cover-ups of Saudi involvement in terrorist financing and the smuggling of nuclear technology.
Events in and around 9/11 as an extension of World War II.
For members of the Bush family, everyday is Christmas. They are the recipients of enormous largesse, the product of business as unusual.
Marvin Bush, board member of two companies: Stratesec, security contractor for the World Trade Center, Dulles Airport and United Airlines; and HCC, insurance underwriter for the World Trade Center.
Fascist and Nazi links dating from the 1920s involving Bush family, Arab and Muslim fascists, the Saudi elite and the Underground Reich, perpetrators of 9/11.
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