Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'CANF' is associated with 5 posts.

Repost: FTR #268 Americans Thought They Were Free

2000 “elec­tion” as a right-wing/­fas­cist coup. Bush views gov­ern­ing style as cor­po­rate board chair­man, trusts oth­ers to work out the details.

FTR #603 I Told You So Part III Update on the Subversion of Operation Green Quest

Sup­pressed infor­ma­tion about the 9/11 mon­ey trail.

FTR #569 The Triumph of Treason

Lis­ten: MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 RealAu­dio Intro­duc­tion: Observ­ing the fifth anniver­sary of the 9/11 attacks; this pro­gram high­lights the hero­ic work of Rita Katz, a pri­vate cit­i­zen whose ground-break­ing research on the ter­ror­ist-fund­ing appa­ra­tus was first sub­vert­ed, and then ignored. The tar­gets of Katz’s research are con­nect­ed to both the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ter­ror­ist milieu […]

L‑10 The Electoral Coup of the Year 2000

Elec­toral fraud, and elec­tion 2000 as coup d’e­tat.

FTR #268 Americans Thought They Were Free

2000 “elec­tion” as a right-wing/­fas­cist coup. Bush view’s gov­ern­ing style as cor­po­rate board chair­man, trusts oth­ers to work out the details.