Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Censorship' is associated with 13 posts.

Democra$y Now!

Out­go­ing Paci­fi­ca radio net­work board mem­ber Stephen Brown has lev­eled, and can alleged­ly doc­u­ment, dis­turb­ing charges against Amy Good­man of “Democ­ra­cy Now,” con­cern­ing cyn­i­cal machi­na­tions through which she pri­va­tized the pro­gram, enrich­ing her­self in the process to the tune of many mil­lions of dol­lars. Brown puts Good­man’s rev­enue obtained through this gam­bit at $77 mil­lion! All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

Better Late than Never: Appellate Court Clears the Way for 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia

An appel­late court has cleared the way for fam­i­lies of 9/11 vic­tims to sue Sau­di Ara­bia, focus­ing on, among oth­er things, char­i­ties used to fund al-Qae­da. IF this inves­ti­ga­tion were to pro­ceed as far as it might, Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and oth­ers in the GOP/Bush milieu would come under scruti­ny, as would Fran­cois Genoud, Youssef Nada and the Under­ground Reich. In addi­tion, there is renewed focus on the redact­ed 28 pages of the Join Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee Inquiry, which impli­cate Sau­di Ara­bia.

Freedom of Speech, Islamist Style

Com­ment: In a sad­ly char­ac­ter­is­tic sur­ren­der of free­dom of speech rights, the West­ern crit­i­cal estab­lish­ment remains duti­ful­ly silent over attempts to impose Islam­ic stan­dards of cen­sor­ship on West­ern soci­ety. The com­pul­sive­ly irrev­er­ent South Park com­e­dy pro­gram had to bow to Islamist desires in air­ing an alto­geth­er tepid por­tray­al of the Prophet Mohammed. “ ‘South Park’ Episode […]

Repost: FTR #602 The Plot to Seize the White House — Interview with Jules Archer

Lib­er­ty League, indus­tri­al­ists, financiers orches­trat­ed the 1934 coup plot; Gen­er­al Smed­ley But­ler betrayed the plot; media sup­pressed accu­rate reportage.

FTR #602 The Plot to Seize the White House: Interview with Jules Archer

Lib­er­ty League, indus­tri­al­ists, financiers orches­trat­ed the 1934 coup plot; Gen­er­al Smed­ley But­ler betrayed the plot; media sup­pressed accu­rate reportage.

FTR #543 Hell and High Water: Cartoongate and the Dubai Ports Controversy

Acqui­si­tion of sea­port man­age­ment com­pa­ny by a Dubai firm; Dan­ish news­pa­per car­toons por­tray­ing the Prophet Mohammed.

FTR #509 The Death of Iris Chang

At the time of her death, Iris Chang was research­ing a book chron­i­cling the expe­ri­ences of sur­vivors of the Bataan Death March.

Miscellaneous Archive Shows M31-M62

Pro­gram details and audio links.

FTR #473 John Loftus on the Arab-Nazi Network

Record­ed August 22, 2004 REALAUDIO NB: This stream con­tains both FTR #s 473 and 474 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast. High­light­ing and clar­i­fy­ing the sub­ject of the Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, this pro­gram presents the tran­script of a talk by the hero­ic John Lof­tus, whose work has graced these pages exten­sive­ly over the […]

FTR #451 Petals from the Golden Lily

Record­ed March 21, 2004 Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAu­dio Pur­su­ing the sub­ject of the fab­u­lous amount of wealth stolen by the Japan­ese dur­ing World War II under Gold­en Lily (the for­mal name of the Japan­ese loot­ing pro­gram), this broad­cast sup­ple­ments dis­cus­sion pre­sent­ed in oth­er ‘For The Record’ pro­grams. Hav­ing secret­ed over $100-bil­lion […]