Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'CIA' is associated with 855 posts.

FTR#‘s 1347 & 1348 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 21 & 22

Intro­duc­tion: Tak­ing a respite from the pro­ject­ed long series of pro­grams on U.S. Asian pol­i­cy, these pro­grams begin with Mon­te’s dis­cus­sion of a link between Guy Ban­is­ter’s “detec­tive agency” and the coa­les­cence of the Process Church of the Final Judg­ment, a focal point of a four-part Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Series on “The Ulti­mate Evil.

A close for­mer asso­ciate of Ban­is­ter incor­po­rat­ed the Process Church, which appears to have served as an intel­li­gence front, to an extent.

The associate–Tommy Baumler–was a Nazi.

In this analy­sis, Monte uti­lized a book titled The Mad Bish­ops.

The bulk of the pro­grams con­sist of analy­sis of the lat­est “attempt” on Trump’s life, as well as the appar­ent Nazi gen­e­sis of the “Haitians eat­ing dogs and cats” meme.

It is our con­sen­sus that the “attempts” on Trump’s life are intend­ed to pro­voke vio­lence against Trump’s polit­i­cal oppo­nents.

Ryan Wes­ley Routh also net­worked with the Azov Bat­tal­ion.

FTR#‘s 1339 & 1340: Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 13 and 14

Intro­duc­tion: These pro­grams con­tin­ue to explore the over­whelm­ing prob­a­bil­i­ty that the 544 Camp Street/531 Lafayette Place address in New Orleans that housed Guy Ban­is­ter’s “Detec­tive Agency” was, in addi­tion to being an intel­li­gence epi­cen­ter, also housed fas­cist ele­ments of a domes­tic Gladio/Stay Behind oper­a­tion.

Groups like the KKK, the Amer­i­can Nazi Par­ty, the Nation­al States Rights Par­ty, the Min­ute­men and the Chris­t­ian Defense League appear to have been oper­at­ing (to an extent) as agents of the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment.

Back­ground infor­ma­tion is pre­sent­ed in numer­ous pro­grams; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-188-american-gladio/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-971-nazis-in-new-orleans/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-973-they-are-all-bound-on-the-wheel-part-2-reflections-on-charlottesville/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-81-interview-iv-with-martin-lee/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-58-operation-gladio-update/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-53-the-terror-connection-pt‑2/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-59-the-turkish-stay-behind/; https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-17–21-who-shot-the-pope/; https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-10–13-the-aryan-nations/.

FTR#‘s 1337 & 1338 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 11 and 12

These pro­grams explore the over­whelm­ing prob­a­bil­i­ty that the 544 Camp Street/531 Lafayette Place address in New Orleans that housed Guy Ban­is­ter’s “Detec­tive Agency” was, in addi­tion to being an intel­li­gence epi­cen­ter, also housed fas­cist ele­ments of a domes­tic Gladio/Stay Behind oper­a­tion.

Groups like the KKK, the Amer­i­can Nazi Par­ty, the Nation­al States Rights Par­ty, the Min­ute­men and the Chris­t­ian Defense League appear to have been oper­at­ing (to an extent) as agents of the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment.

Back­ground infor­ma­tion is pre­sent­ed in numer­ous pro­grams; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-188-american-gladio/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-971-nazis-in-new-orleans/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-58-operation-gladio-update/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-53-the-terror-connection-pt‑2/; https://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-59-the-turkish-stay-behind/; https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-17–21-who-shot-the-pope/; https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-10–13-the-aryan-nations/.

FTR#‘s 1335 & 1336 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 9 & 10

Intro­duc­tion: In these pro­grams, Monte presents analy­sis that links the milieu of the assas­si­na­tion of JFK to: the OUN/B; the Helsin­ki Youth Con­fer­ence of 1962; East­ern Front death squad activ­i­ty dur­ing World War II; pro­pa­gan­da deny­ing vio­lence against black peo­ple dur­ing the U.S. civ­il rights strug­gles of the ear­ly 1960’s; Joe Biden’s ongo­ing cov­er-up of the JFK assas­si­na­tion.

FTR#‘s 1322, 1323 and 1324 Interviews with Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about “Chokeholds”

Intro­duc­tion: These pro­grams set forth the legal con­cept of “Choke­holds” on the JFK assassination–dynamics that prove, legal­ly, that there was a con­spir­a­cy.

These do not nec­es­sar­i­ly res­onate pre­cise­ly with aspects of the his­tor­i­cal record, which embraces, but does not delin­eate, prin­ci­ples of law.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: How some lawyers intro­duced the con­cepts we dis­cuss; What is the con­cept of “con­silience?;” Ana­lyze the “Inves­ti­ga­tions Timeline”—detailed in the Intro­duc­tion; What is meant by “Stan­dard of Proof?”; How does “Beyond a Rea­son­able Doubt” fig­ure into the “Choke­holds” con­cept?; How does “Civ­il Stan­dards of Proof” fac­tor in?; How does the HSCA Stan­dard of Proof” fac­tor in?; How does the ARRB’s Stan­dard of Proof fac­tor in?; Finally—the JFK Assas­si­na­tions Choke­hold Stan­dard of Proof”—How does this fac­tor in?; Analy­sis of the 60 years of obstruc­tion of jus­tice in the JFK case; Analy­sis of the Rock­e­feller Com­mis­sion; The Rock­e­feller Com­mis­sion’s inclu­sion of Lyman Lem­nitzer and Ronald Reagan–two very strange choic­es; The Rock­e­feller Com­mis­sion’s selec­tion of War­ren Com­mis­sion coun­sel David Belin to han­dle its legal maneu­ver­ing; The Rock­e­feller Com­mis­sion’s use of Richard Lindenberg–a Paper­clip vet­er­an; Review of the deep polit­i­cal role of Leon Jawors­ki in the tri­al over the killing of Cor­po­ral Kun­ze, the Dachau Med­ical tri­als and his par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Texas Court of Inquiry along with Robert Storey; Review of net­work­ing between Ray Roc­ca, Paul Patri­ni and James Angle­ton dat­ing back to World War II; The House Select Com­mit­tee on Assas­si­na­tions’ use of George Joan­nides as a liai­son with the CIA; Review of Joan­nides’ work with Car­los Bringuier and the DRE at the time of the Kennedy assas­si­na­tion; review of the HSCA’s endorse­ment of the doc­tored autop­sy evi­dence at Bethes­da; Review of Water­gate and Nixon’s pres­ence in Dal­las on 11/22/1963.

FTR#1321 The Assassination of John Lennon

Intro­duc­tion: As the title sug­gests, this pro­gram sets forth facts about John Lennon’s mur­der.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion of Lennon’s Killing Include: The fact that the bul­lets that killed Lennon entered from his left side, where­as pat­sy Mark David Chap­man was on Lennon’s right; The door­man at Lennon’s res­i­dence, who was stand­ing on Lennon’s left was José San­jenís Per­do­mo, a “for­mer” oper­a­tive for the CIA; Per­do­mo’s back­ground in the CIA’s Bay of Pigs oper­a­tion and pri­or ser­vice as a chief of police in pre-Cas­tro Cuba; Per­do­mo’s alleged links to Water­gate bur­glar and JFK assas­si­na­tion par­tic­i­pant Frank Stur­gis; Per­do­mo’s six-hours of con­ver­sa­tion with Chap­man pri­or Lennon’s return from the record­ing stu­dio; an eye­wit­ness’s alle­ga­tion that Per­do­mo did the shoot­ing; Per­do­mo’s seiz­ing of the alleged mur­der weapon, which was not test­ed for fin­ger­prints; Chap­man’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in a music club in Hawaii, to which Amer­i­can Nazi, Rea­gan shoot­ing pat­sy and Bush asso­ciate John Hinck­ley, Jr. also belonged; The extreme­ly unlike­ly pos­si­bil­i­ty that Chap­man could have per­formed the marks­man­ship required to kill Lennon; The pos­si­bil­i­ty that Chap­man may have been a mind-con­trolled pat­sy; Chap­man’s prison vis­its by MKULTRA asso­ciates Bernard Dia­mond and Nathan Kline; Yoko Ono’s cre­ma­tion of Lennon’s corpse with­in 36 hours of the killing; Ono’s strong links to the Yasu­da Zaibat­su; Ono’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the recon­se­cra­tion of a Japan­ese Shin­to tem­ple, destroyed in the after­math of the attack on Pearl Har­bor; Ono’s asso­ci­a­tion with an antique deal­er and alleged CIA con­tract agent.

FTR#1320 “La Plus Ca Change. . . .”

This pro­gram is a “blast from the past.” Record­ed just past mid­night on 9/20/2001, this broad­cast is a [some­what dis­tort­ed] con­ver­sa­tion record­ed via tele­phone hookup.

Speak­ing with the late Roy of Hol­ly­wood, Mr. Emory parsed some of the intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion that was avail­able a lit­tle over a week after the attacks.

The pro­gram con­cludes with an eerie state­ment by Roy, fore­shad­ow­ing what is tak­ing place in the Mid­dle East today.

FTR#‘s 1314 & 1315 “Injun’ Country”: The Mohawk Mothers’ Trail of Tears Parts 1 and 2

You can sub­scribe to RSS feed from Spitfirelist.com HERE. You can sub­scribe to the com­ments made on pro­grams and posts–an excel­lent source of infor­ma­tion in, and of, itself, HERE. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve, avail­able for a con­tri­bu­tion of […]

R.I.P. Daniel Hopsicker

Over many years, it was Mr. Emory’s priv­i­lege and hon­or to have inter­viewed Daniel Hop­sick­er fre­quent­ly and at length. In the wake of his pass­ing from can­cer on 8/22/2023 at the age of 72, we mourn the loss of this pro­fes­sion­al, and yet can be very glad for his hav­ing shared his work with us. Dr. Jef­frey Sachs “pret­ty con­vinced” Covid came from a U.S. Bio-Lab. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory emphat­i­cal­ly rec­om­mends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tain­ing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files.

FTR#‘s 1309 and 1310 Deep Politics and the Death of Iris Chang, Parts 3 and 4

These broad­casts sup­ple­ment FTR#‘s 509, 1107 and 1108.

Sig­nif­i­cant sec­tions of the lat­ter two broad­casts are recapped in these pro­grams and this descrip­tion.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include:

1.–Iris Chang’s moth­er, Ying-Ying Chang, could not rule out the “dark con­spir­a­cy” that Iris was fac­ing. Ying-Ying’s point of view was shaped, in part, by Steven Clemons’ obser­va­tions.
2.–In an appen­dix titled “Requiem for Iris Chang,” Steven Clemons not­ed the alleged “sui­cide” of his asso­ciate Juzo Ita­mi, who was bat­tling the same forces as Iris Chang. “I have nev­er bought the sto­ry about Juzo Ita­mi, who was at war in his films with the Japan­ese right-wing crowd and yakuza.”
3.–Iris’ best-known work, “The Rape of Nanking”, inspired a con­gres­sion­al res­o­lu­tion sup­port­ing Japan­ese com­pen­sa­tion for those who had been com­pelled to labor as slaves and slave pros­ti­tutes or “com­fort women.”
4.–Iris was work­ing on a book and doc­u­men­tary film project about the sur­vivors of the Bataan Death March. Some of those vet­er­ans had been used as slave labor­ers by Japan­ese cor­po­ra­tions dur­ing the war. The Bataan Death March vet­er­ans were among those who sued the Japan­ese cor­po­ra­tions that had enslaved them.
5.–The pre­sid­ing judge ruled against the vet­er­ans and for the Japan­ese cor­po­ra­tions. On the day of Iris’ “sui­cide” Gov­er­nor Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger was meet­ing with Japan­ese busi­ness­men to pro­mote Cal­i­for­nia-Japan­ese trade.
6.–In ear­ly Sep­tem­ber of 2001, Iris spoke at a con­fer­ence assem­bled to protest the cel­e­bra­tion of the 50th anniver­sary of the U.S./Japanese treaty of 1951 (nego­ti­at­ed by John Fos­ter Dulles). Iris called “the San Fran­cis­co Peace Treaty a trav­es­ty of jus­tice, a betray­al of our own Amer­i­can vet­er­ans.” Recall the con­gres­sion­al res­o­lu­tion passed in the after­math of, and because of The Rape of Nanking.
7.–After watch­ing a spir­it­ed dis­cus­sion between Iris and the Japan­ese ambas­sador to the U.S., a friend of Iris’ father advised her to hire a body­guard.
8.–As will be not­ed at greater length below, Iris was very crit­i­cal of the George W. Bush admin­is­tra­tion and had writ­ten sev­er­al arti­cles crit­i­cal of his poli­cies.
9.–Iris was very crit­i­cal of the George W. Bush admin­is­tra­tion, and had tak­en stances against many fea­tures of his for­eign pol­i­cy, Bush’s inva­sion of Iraq in par­tic­u­lar. Iris had long opposed all forms of racism in this coun­try.
10.–Sadly, many of those close to Iris dis­missed her fears con­cern­ing the government’s tar­get­ing of her and the over­lap­ping ide­o­log­i­cal ani­mos­i­ty and tar­get­ing of her by the Japan­ese right-wing. The his­tor­i­cal and oper­a­tional over­lap between the two is fun­da­men­tal and is explored in some of the mate­r­i­al below.
11.–When she trav­eled to Louisville, Ken­tucky to inter­view sur­vivors of the Bataan Death March, she felt she was under phys­i­cal sur­veil­lance and harass­ment. We note below that Ken­tucky was a place where Bush con­fi­dant William Stamps Far­ish III had pow­er­ful con­nec­tions.
12.–During her book tour for The Rape of Nanking, Iris was approached by some­one she felt was recruit­ing her. He said “You will be safer to join us.” Was this and attempt at recruit­ment by the CIA?
13.–We repeat the infor­ma­tion in #11, for pur­pos­es of empha­sis.
14.–Iris was con­vinced to her dying day that she was the focal point of hos­til­i­ty from the Bush admin­is­tra­tion. A remake of the movie The Manchuri­an Can­di­date height­ened her anx­i­ety. Her arti­cles crit­i­cal of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion and, as we have and shall see, the over­lap­ping dynam­ics of her work on The Rape of Nanking and Gold War­riors fur­ther deep­ened her per­il. She first pur­chased a firearm for pro­tec­tion and was hop­ing that John Ker­ry would defeat Bush in 2004.
15.–Despite the fact that Iris’ corpse was found in her car in the ear­ly morn­ing, her par­ents weren’t noti­fied of her death until almost mid­night. Why?
16.–Iris’ corpse was dis­cov­ered ear­ly in the morn­ing with her head against the driver’s side win­dow, her hands crossed in her lap and the gun on her left leg. While not phys­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble, this is alto­geth­er unlike­ly for some­one who had alleged­ly com­mit­ted sui­cide by fir­ing a pow­er­ful hand gun into her mouth. She felt that her prob­lems were “exter­nal,” while those around her thought they were “inter­nal,” i.e. “all in her head.”
17.–Same as 16.
18.–Iris’ ordeal was remark­ably sim­i­lar to what Rita Katz endured fol­low­ing her work on Oper­a­tion Green Quest and the SAAR inves­ti­ga­tion.
19.–George W. Bush was pur­su­ing Philip­pine Gold­en Lily loot in order to increase U.S. gold reserves and, per­haps more impor­tant­ly, to for­ti­fy his blind trust. That trust was over­seen by William Stamps Far­ish III, who had con­sid­er­able polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic grav­i­tas in the state of Ken­tucky.
20.–Bush’s Harken Ener­gy may well have served as a mon­ey laun­der­ing front, per­haps for some of the gold recov­ered in the Philip­pines. We note that a direc­tor of Harken, Talat Oth­man, inter­ced­ed direct­ly with then Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Paul O’Neill on behalf of the tar­gets of the 3/20/2002 raids. The SAAR net­work was a pri­ma­ry tar­get of those raids: we have seen how Rita Katz and her fel­low inves­ti­ga­tors came under sur­veil­lance and harass­ment for dig­ging into that case.
21.–We revis­it the deep pol­i­tics of the Bush fam­i­ly, the fam­i­ly of Dou­glas MacArthur and William and Alan Quasha.
22.–More about the deep pol­i­tics of the Philip­pines, the Bush fam­i­ly, father and son Quasha, and the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Alan Quasha’s dom­i­nant pres­ence in Harken Ener­gy may be deriv­a­tive of the clan­des­tine acqui­si­tion of Gold­en Lily loot.
23.–The pro­gram con­cludes with review of the oper­a­tions of Gold­en Lily and their involve­ment with things Iris was inves­ti­gat­ing. The Rape of Nanking marked the for­mal begin­ning of Gold­en Lily.
24.–Colonel Tsu­ji Masanobu was heav­i­ly involved with Gold­en Lily and the Bataan Death March, the sur­vivors of which were a focal point of Iris Chang’s research at the time of her death.