Following up information presented in Miscellaneous Archive Show M23 and FTRs 129, 163, this broadcast features the landmark research of Peter Vogel on the Port Chicago explosion of 7/17/1944. One of the largest man-made disasters in history, the Port Chicago explosion claimed the lives of 320 sailors, 220 of them African Americans. Subsequently, African-American sailors refused to continue loading ammunition at Port Chicago and were convicted of Mutiny. Officially the explosion of conventional munitions aboard an ammunition ship, the E.A. Bryan, the Port Chicago blast was actually the test of an early atomic weapon, the autocatalytic uranium hydride lateral implosion experimental device—named the Mark II. After relating Peter’s long odyssey exploring the explosion and the official dissembling that surrounds the event, the program relates the fascinating documentary trail confirming the nature of the explosion and the chronology of this early, significant step in the development of the atomic weapons.
Program Highlights Include: Peter’s proof that a sufficient amount of fissionable material for testing a fission weapon was available in 1944 (despite official pronouncements to the contrary); the negative reactions of Edward Teller (father of the H‑bomb) and Donald Kerr (director of Los Alamos National Laboratory) to Peter’s inquiries about Port Chicago; the tremendous interest of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in this (supposedly conventional) explosion; the background of Captain William Parsons (the point man for the Los Alamos research on Port Chicago); the characteristics of the explosion that pinpoint it as being a nuclear fission blast; correspondence among some of the principals in the Manhattan Project confirming that the Port Chicago explosion was a test of the Mark II; indications that the Germans were working on a uranium hydride weapon; Soviet espionage on the Manhattan Project that indicated awareness of the test of Mark II; the possible significance of the Port Chicago explosion for the revocation of Robert Oppenheimer’s security clearance; the significance of the Port Chicago explosion in the history of African-American civil liberties.
Note: This description is formatted by presenting the questions that Dave asked Peter Vogel, and then a synoptic overview of Peter’s response. For more detailed information about the Port Chicago explosion, see The Last Wave from Port Chicago.
Experimenting on human beings without their knowledge and/or consent is forbidden by the Nuremburg code. Nonetheless, the U.S. national security establishment has been doing just that as a matter of course in the years since World War II.
Having imported many Nazi Germany’s and Imperial Japan’s war criminals, the U.S. was on track to institutionalize experimenting on unwitting human subjects by the end of the Second World War.
This program documents some of the experiments and the programs which gave rise to such operations:
Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: CIA researched the occult in what Hank Albarelli speculates may have been a research project inspired by the Nazi Ahnenerbe; The agency researched various ways of causing cancer and the effects of various levels of stress on those suffering from the disease; Both the CIA and the Army researched the effects of radiation on human beings in a variety of clandestine experiments; The CIA’s “Human Ecology” research projects embraced a wide variety of experimental projects designed to learn how to control and modify human behavior; Vermont-based doctor Robert Hyde was among the premier researchers to test LSD on human subjects, some in projects the details of which have not been fully disclosed.
Exploring aspects of the “counter-culture” of the 1960’s against the background of the CIA and military’s experimentation with mind-altering substances and various mind-control techniques, this program asks the question: “Was it really good?”
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include:
1.–Details concerning SPAN, the operational code-name for the dosing with LSD of the entire town of Pont St.-Esprit in Southern France.
2.–The story of William Hayward, the director of the ’60s cult film Easy Rider. Hayward was the victim of psychiatric confinement by elements associated with the intelligence community.
3.–The monitoring of Ken Kesey’s LSD events by members of the intelligence community.
4.–Former OSS agent Gregory Bateson’s stewardship of the introduction of Ken Kesey to LSD.
5.–Sourcing for the information about the Bateson/Kesey dynamic and discussion of CIA and military experiments with mind-altering substances at the University of Vermont.
6.–CIA operative George Hunter White’s surreptitious dosing of unwitting subjects with LSD.
7.–George Hunter White’s arrest of jazz singer Billie Holiday for opium possession in 1949. Drug arrests destroyed Holiday’s ability to work in establishments that served alcohol.
8.–The story of a San Francisco event featuring the cream of the psychedelic bands of the time. The event benefitted the Hare Krishna cult.
9.–Discussion of the fascist philosophy of the leader of the Hare Krishna cult.
10.–The biography of John Perry Barlow, former campaign manager for Dick Cheney and lyricist for the Grateful Dead. Barlow’s role with the EFF, an organization with many worthy members and reputation but one which, nonetheless, has worked for the intelligence community.
11.–Barlow’s interaction with the CIA and NSA and an examination of the possibility of his stewardship of social media.
Transformed into something of an icon during the “Psychedelic Era” of the 1960’s, Sandoz’s Albert Hoffman’s political affiliations are fundamentally different from his “Peace and Love” persona minted during that time.
The reality of that time is fundamentally different from the surviving cultural and political narrative.
This program sets forth disturbing facts about Hoffman, his relationship with the CIA and the Sandoz firm’s activities in World War II.
“. . . . In the same interview [Gordon] Wasson said that Albert Hofmann ‘worked in some way with the CIA’ and that Hoffman’s ‘discoveries were imparted in whole by Sandoz to the U.S. government. Sandoz wanted to be on the right side of things.’ Hofmann’s connection to the CIA has never been officially confirmed by the CIA, which maintains a policy of not commenting on or revealing information on foreign citizens who find their way into its employment. Former agency officials have commented anonymously that several Sandoz scientists and officials, including Hofmann, maintained a close relationship with the CIA, but the ‘Agency never fully trusted the Swiss’ and ‘always held a dual insurance policy with Sandoz’ by vetting and placing covert employees within the firm’s laboratories and administration. . . .”
Elements of Discussion and Analysis Include: The World War II indictment of Sandoz for collaborating with Nazi Germany; Hofmann’s work for the CIA; the presence of U.S. biological warfare personnel in France at the time of the disastrous Pont St.-Esprit ergot/LSD outbreak; Hofmann’s presence in Pont St.-Esprit in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak; Hofmann’s misrepresentation of the cause of the outbreak, attributing it to the use of a mercury compound used to preserve seeds: ” . . . . ‘The mass poisoning in the southern France city of Pont-St. Esprit in the year 1951, which many have attributed to ergot-containing bread, actually had nothing to do with ergotism. It rather involved poisoning by an organic mercury compound that was utilized for disinfecting seeds]’ . . . .”; Hofmann’s discussion with doctors investigating the outbreak in the immediate aftermath of the event–a discussion in which the mercury poisoning theory was dismissed: ” . . . .The doctors at the meeting agreed that mercury poisoning was not evident in any manner, specially because of the persistent lack of kidney or liver damage. . . .”; an account of the Pont St.-Esprit outbreak.
Updating the Ukraine war, this program highlights a number of considerations: The phenomenon of “Astroturfing” to generate increased support for the war; the casting of a Belarus veteran of the Nazi Azov formations as a political martyr; the western regime-change institutions’ support for such persons; the New York Times’ shifting coverage about Nazis in Ukraine; Russian warning at the U.N. in October of 2022 about Ukraine’s plans to blow up the Nova Khakovka dam; Washington Post’s December, 2022, article about Ukraine’s trial assaults on the dam; examination of the distinct possibility that a British Storm Shadow missile was used to blow up the dam.
Patreon subscribers should note that Saul Invictus, our hard-working Patreon master was on vacation last week. Hence, no new talks were recorded after Sunday’s visit with Monte. Saul works a full time day job and his efforts are not only welcome, but, frankly, heroic in light of such considerations.NOTE THAT ALL OF THE CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE IS OFFERED FOR FREE. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs “pretty convinced” Covid came from a U.S. Bio-Lab. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
These programs conclude a five-part series setting forth why Mr. Emory feels we are headed for “Ye Ol’ Last Roundup” and offering some insights into what he feels is the metaphysical nature of reality and why that offers some hope. His outlook is heavily influenced by Buddhism.
Artificial Intelligence plays a large role in the analysis Mr. Emory presents, including a terrifying development which will permit AI’s to read the human mind from afar!
The first program reviews the Third Reich and apartheid roots of the Schwab family and the Nazi intelligence connections of Henry Kissinger’s work at Harvard.
After noting that the Vietnam-era defoliant Agent Orange was part of an overlapping series of DARPA projects whose strategic rationale was “counter-insurgency,” Mr. Emory notes the Nazi/Paperclip origins of Agent Orange, as well as the probable role of DARPA in the development of SARS CoV‑2.
After review of Biden’s new “cancer moonshot” and the strong probability that is will serve as a front for the use of synthetic biology for the development of biological weapons, Mr. Emory reviews the early manifestation of globalization that resulted in the rise of global fascism.
A paper written by a member of the New York Federal Reserve opines that the 1918 flu epidemic set the stage for the rise of Nazism in Germany. Was something like that intended with Covid-19?
Subsuming the theme of these programs, Mr. Emory recounts the words of Chief Sitting Bull at the Power River Council. Those words encapsulate his view of what this society has become.
After reviewing a fascinating scientific discussion about the “tone” that may very well have started the Big Bang origin of the universe, Mr. Emory highlights a book that has influenced him greatly–“The Physics of Immortality.” It may, perhaps, be comforting to some to believe that it is probable that, in the end, righteousness will prevail.
A welcome return to our airwaves of Lucy Komisar features her characteristically incisive analysis of an Oscar-winning documentary about Alexei Navalny, the West’s “Baskin Robbins Flavor of the Month” in the Russian political domain.
Supported by characteristically selective coverage by Western journalistic and political elements, Alexei Navalny has demonstrated proto-fascistic tendencies and is more of a propaganda phenomenon than a real political leader.
In this program, we present Lucy’s analysis of the Navalny documentary, including her thoughts concerning possible intelligence connections to the documentary’s production and a quasi-McCarthyite response to her probing questions.
Taking stock of several dynamics that threaten to end our species and civilization, this begins series with analysis of the background and philosophy of Klaus Schwab, his father, his mentor Henry Kissinger and transnational corporate influences on the decisively important World Economic Forum.
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include: The Escher-Wyss firm of Switzerland; Its employment of Klaus Schwab and his father; The company’s collaboration with Nazi German; The company’s role in producing technology for the Third Reich’s atomic bomb program; Klaus Schwab’s academic mentoring by Henry Kissinger, Kissinger’s collaboration with the Nazi intelligence milieu imported into the U.S. after WWII; The Escher-Wyss firm’s collaboration with the Apartheid South African nuclear program; The decisive influence of the Club of Rome on the World Economic Forum; the WEF’s quasi-eugenics policies.
We then note that Peter Thiel’s father also worked on the Apartheid South African atomic bomb.
The series then chronicles analysis by elite Pentagon-connected scientists that CO2 could be used as a weapon of mass-destruction.
Next, we highlight the [belated] alarm that AI’s could produce the enslavement and/or destruction of society.
Over the decades, Mr. Emory’s analysis has focused on the enormous importance of President Kennedy’s assassination. The series next highlights some of the Nazi connections to that prominent event.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The Joint Chiefs’ meeting with their German counterparts [all WWII veterans] in the Pentagon on the afternoon of 11/22/1963; The primary role of General Gerhard Wessel in the Gehlen organization, from WWII to his succeeding of Reinhard Gehlen as head of the BND; Ludwig Erhard’s scheduled state dinner on 11/25/1963–the day of JFK’s funeral; Ludwig Erhard’s networking with the SS and planning for the post WWII economic revival of the Third Reich; Nazi General Adolf Heusinger’s ascent to the top NATO military position, a role that gave him an office in the Pentagon.
We conclude with brief discussion of the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, a subject to which we will return in our next program in the series.
This description opens with an uncharacteristic qualification and apology: There are two elements of the titles of each of these programs that were not adequately explained in the broadcasts themselves, although they are implicit in the subject material.
The term “Northwoods Virus” is more completely presented in FTR#1215. Among the apparent goals of the “Covid Operation” that produced SARS CoV‑2 is the turning of American public opinion against China. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched by the Join Chiefs of Staff in the early 1960’s to stage apparent terrorist incidents against American civilian and military personnel and infrastructure in order to manipulate public opinion in this country and generate sentiment for an invasion of Cuba.
The second program refers to the Biden Presidency as “Satanic,” because behind a studiously constructed façade of identity politics, “Team Biden” is pursuing an overtly warlike, imperialist agenda that was accurately characterized by writer Henry Miller in his novel Tropic of Cancer: “America is the very incarnation of doom, and she will lead the rest of the world into the Bottomless Pit.”
Perhaps the most insidious of Biden’s programs is his “Cancer Moonshot.”
Ominously, it may well be the successor to Richard Nixon’s “War on Cancer,” which did not defeat cancer, but did serve as the apparent platform for the development of biological warfare weapons, AIDS in particular.
Modeled after DARPA, headed by a DARPA alumna whose CV intersects with that Agency’s apparent involvement with the development of Covid-19 and with an acting director who is also a former employee of that benighted organization, this new “health agency–ARPA‑H”, this agency will employ new, synthetic biology technology.
Although that development is represented as humanitarian, the structure of the agency and the national security backgrounds of its leading personnel suggest strongly that this agency, too, will serve as a clandestine platform for the next generation of biological weaponry.
We begin FTR#1292 with a reprise of the audio from a (now deleted) 55-second video of Dr. Jeffrey Sachs summarizing his two-year stewardship of The Lancet’s commission investigating the origins of SARS CoV‑2.
Sachs stated that he is “pretty convinced” it came from a U.S. biological laboratory.
Next, we recap a study released by US National Academy of Sciences at the request of the Department of Defense about the threats of synthetic biology concluded that the techniques to tweak and weaponize viruses from known catalogs of viral sequences is very feasible and relatively easy to do.
One of the central points Mr. Emory has made about the genesis of the coronavirus concerns the legal principle of “consciousness of guilt.”
Going a long way toward proving consciousness of guilt are:
1.–The classification of information about the nature of the biological agents involved with the CDC’s closure of the United States Army’s Medical Institute of Infectious Disease in early August of 2019, on the eve of the pandemic.
2.–The behavior of Peter Daszak and colleagues in “gaming” the Lancet statement on the “natural” origin of the coronavirus (Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance–funded and advised by the national security establishment–is implicated in the creation of the SARS COV‑2.) Note that the EcoHealth Alliance was synthesizing “novel coronaviruses” at this point in time, an important factor to remember when evaluating the Metabiota/Munich Re business model being presented in 2018. (See #4 presented below.)
3.–The reaction of government officials to Trump administration figures into the origins of the virus, advising would be investigators that such inquiries would open a “can of worms,” or “a Pandora’s Box” because it would should light on U.S. funding of the projects.
4.–Metabiota–partnered with EcoHealth Alliance–was networked with In-Q-Tel (the intelligence community’s venture capital arm) and Munich Re to provide pandemic insurance. Their 2018 business model directly foreshadowed the pandemic. “ . . . . Just two years earlier, the company had run a large set of scenarios forecasting the consequences of a novel coronavirus spreading around the globe. . . . Measures that decreased person-to-person contact, including social distancing, quarantine, and school closures, had the greatest cost per death prevented, most likely because of the amount of economic disruption caused by those measures . . . .” In 2018, as well, EcoHealth Alliance proposed a “novel coronavirus” for synthesis by DARPA. Although there is no evidence that DARPA synthesized the virus, the U.S. did synthesize closely related viruses. With the genome of that novel virus having been published, it may well have been synthesized either by DARPA or someone else, given the contemporary technology. Again, this, also was in 2018.
5.–Many aspects of the SARS COV‑2 virus, including its curious FCS site and institutionalized obfuscation of aspects of the pandemic it caused suggest deliberate cover-up. Why would the NIH redact 290 pages of a document requested by an FOIA suit!! Why were sequences of bat coronavirus genomes removed from public view.
The program features a recap of some of the more important articles in the long series on the coronavirus, followed by discussion of the Energy Department’s conclusion that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese laboratory.
Excellent analysis presented by the Moon of Alabama blog notes that the Wall Street Journal article breaking the “news” about the Energy Department’s conclusion was co-authored by Michael R. Gordon, who trumpeted the “Lab Leak” meme in the spring of 2021.
In a previous journalistic incarnation, Gordon helped generate enthusiasm for the invasion of Iraq by parroting the disinformation about Saddam Hussein having WMD’s.
Surprising to Moon of Alabama but not to us is Edward Snowden’s endorsement of the Lab Leak Hypothesis.
Far from being the “hero” Snowden has made out to be, Snowden is an extreme right-winger, whose work on cyber-security appears to be the work of a conscious double agent. (We have covered Snowden’s escapades in numerous programs over the years, particularly FTR#’s 1078–1081.)
For the convenience of the listener, we recap a 2001 article discussing the all-encompassing scope of U.S. electronic snooping—an article that reveals the depth of Snowden’s duplicity.
In addition to touching on a story of a recently-released book about the Coronavirus being synthesized as part of a U.S. biological warfare program, the program recaps the Biden administration’s creation of a “Medical DARPA.”
Following discussion of Moderna’s deliberate withholding of data from regulators about its new bivalent mRNA vaccine, we note a study that indicates that new, deadly variants of Covid that could overwhelm the healthcare system are a distinct possibility.
Of great significance is analysis of a diplomatic breakthrough engineered by China. Brokering a rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, China has helped to re-set the political landscape of the Middle East.
As noted by M.K. Bhadrakumar, the realignment may signal a demise of the dollar as the global reserve currency of choice. IF such a development ensues, it will prove devastating to America’s imperial status, curtailing the military industrial complex in particular.
Mr. Emory expresses his great fear that this will not be allowed to develop—the above-mentioned “Cancer Moonshot” and lethal, synthesized micro-organisms and pandemics will very likely be the American answer to the long-term economic and political implications of the Chinese diplomatic coup.
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