The title of the program derives from “the Himmler Kreis”–Himmler’s circle of friends, the industrialists who financed the day-to-day workings of the Nazi SS and, in turn, received slave labor from Himmler’s inventory of incarcerated workers. We borrow on the Third Reich term to characterize the Friends of Trump–the Trumpen Kreis.
Beginning with review of UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, we note the “Brexit” architect’s support for Donald Trump. In addition, we note that Farage has a German wife. Under other circumstances this would be unremarkable. In the context of covert operations/clandestine politics, a romantic/sexual partner/spouse might also be a case officer and/or paymaster.
We bring this up because the “Brexit” engineered by Farage and company removed a major obstacle to the creation of a German-dominated EU military force. ” . . . . With Britain, which had always adamantly opposed an integrated EU military policy, leaving the EU, Berlin sees an opportunity for reviving its efforts at restructuring the EU’s military and mobilizing as many member countries as possible for the EU’s future wars. . . .”
Interestingly, and perhaps significantly, Donald Trump has drawn support from Hindu nationalists of the Modi stripe. There is an important element of networking here: Trump campaign manager and “Alt-right” media figure Stephen K. Bannon is a supporter of Modi’s movement, as well as that of Nigel Farage. ” . . . . Mr. Trump may be largely indifferent to the reasons behind his Hindu loyalists’ fervor, but his most senior advisers are not. The campaign’s chief executive, Stephen K. Bannon, is a student of nationalist movements. Mr. Bannon is close to Nigel Farage, a central figure in Britain’s movement to leave the European Union, and he is an admirer of India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist Mr. Bannon has called ‘the Reagan of India.’ It may be pure coincidence that some of Mr. Trump’s words channel the nationalistic and, some argue, anti-Muslim sentiments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to power. But it is certainly not coincidental that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hindu supporters are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent backers. . . .”
Trump has also received the support of the mercurial, bombastic Russian fascist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, whose political career was launched with the assistance of Gerhard Frey, a prominent German Nazi. Trump and Zhirinovsky have overlapping political styles: ” . . . . His combative style, reminiscent of Trump’s, ensures him plenty of television air time and millions of votes in Russian elections, often from the kind of blue-collar workers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Republican candidate’s support. Zhirinovsky once proposed blocking off mostly Muslim southern Russia with a barbed wire fence, echoing Trump’s call for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. Zhirinovsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, revels in his similarities with the American businessman — they are the same age, favor coarse, sometimes misogynistic language and boast about putting their own country first. . . .”
In FTR #921, we noted that Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bed and read it to gain tips on the use of rhetoric. He appears to have borrowed a play from Der Fuhrer’s rhetorical playbook when addressing the Values Voters Summit: ” . . . He regaled the crowd of Christian voters in his usual bombastic way, but near the end of the speech, Trump seemed to play into the hands of his accusers who claim that not only does Trump remind people of infamous dictators like Italian fascist Benito Mussolini and German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler with his jingoism, blatant nativist nationalism, and over-the-top fact-twisting scapegoating, but he sounds like them as well. He paraphrased the infamous Nazi Party slogan, ‘Ein volk, ein reich, ein Fuhrer!’ . . . If one saw the speech, or watches it in replay, Trump begins raising his voice on the first use of the word ‘one,’emphasizing each part of the verbal triptych. Not only does he invoke the traditional lines from the Pledge of Allegiance, he progresses from, just as the Nazi Party slogan does, ‘one people’ (‘ein volk’) to ‘under one god’ (an implied unified Christian nation or ‘ein reich’) to ‘one flag’ (‘ein Fuhrer,’ the symbol of a unified nation). . . .”
Trump is also borrowing a rhetorical page from the Nazi playbook in his attacks on the press: ” . . . . On Saturday night, a new and foreign accusation came to the fore: ‘Lügenpresse!’ The term, which means ‘lying press’ in German, has a history dating back to the mid-1800s and was used by the Nazis to discredit the media. In recent years, it has been revived by German far-right anti-immigrant groups. And on Saturday, it made an appearance at a Trump rally in Cleveland, Ohio. . . Breitbart News [edited by Trump campaign manager Stephen K. Bannon] reported favorably on the term in an interview earlier this year with the leader of the German far-right group PEGIDA, writing, ‘It will come as no surprise to many that the mainstream media would lash out against a word that highlights their own, intentional failings. But [Lutz] Bachmann’s PEGIDA has popularized the term to the point where it has become a pillar — even a rallying cry — for the nationalist, populist movements across the continent.’ . . . Meanwhile, the hatred toward the press among the larger population of Trump supporters grows increasingly pronounced nearly every day. In these final weeks of the campaign, at nearly every rally, Trump riles up his audience against the press as reporters sit in the media pen, easy targets for vitriol. Reporters disembarking the press bus at Trump’s rally in Naples, Florida, on Sunday, the day after the ‘lügenpresse’ incident, were immediately greeted by boos and shouts of ‘Tell the truth!’ . . . ”
Concluding the broadcast, we note that David French, a conservative veteran of the Iraq war, has been viciously trolled by Trump’s Alt-Right followers because of his adoption of an Ethiopian orphan: ” . . . . In particular, the alt-right made a point to attack French’s youngest daughter, whom his family had adopted from Ethiopia. You see, alt-righters view bringing in children of color to America as the ultimate betrayal of the white race, which is why they had particular scorn for French. ‘I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her,’ he writes. ‘I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a ‘niglet’ and a ‘dindu.’ The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with ‘black bucks.’ People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching. . . There is nothing at all rewarding, enjoyable, or satisfying about seeing man after man after man brag in graphic terms that he has slept with your wife. It’s unsettling to have a phone call interrupted, watch images of murder flicker across your screen, and read threatening e‑mails. It’s sobering to take your teenage kids out to the farm to make sure they’re both proficient with handguns in case an intruder comes when they’re home alone.”
Program Highlights Include: Review of Trump’s links with the Steuben Society; review of the Steuben Society’s position in the Nazi underground in this country, before, during and after World War II; review of the political resume of Gerhard Frey; discussion of Blacks for Trump supporter “Michael the Black man” and his background in a murderous, anti-Semitic cult.
Supplementing analysis in the first four programs about the Trumpenkampfverbande, this program examines the media bias in his favor in the context of the Nazi tract “Serpent’s Walk,” about a Nazi takeover of the U.S. in the mid-twenty-first century. That takeover occurs after the SS goes underground (which happened), builds up their “economic muscle,” (which has happened with the Bormann network), buys into the opinion-forming media (which has happened) and sways the American people. “A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and ‘equality.’ ” This appears to be happening with the Trump campaign. Noting the incessant grilling of Hillary Clinton over the e‑mail non-scandal (110 of 30,000 e‑mails contained classified material, a 0.36 percent margin of error) and the Clinton Foundation (a charity that helps the disadvantage and enjoys a higher official rating than the American Red Cross), Paul Krugman compared this–accurately–to the kid glove treatment afforded the dishonest and incompetent George W. Bush during the 2000 campaign. Reviewing Trump’s creditors, we note the primary role of Deutsche Bank in underwriting his real estate projects and the mysterious, opaque projects involving German industrial and aristocratic elements. After reviewing the absolute control that the Bormann capital network wields over corporate Germany, the program highlights the fundamental relationship between Deutsche Bank, Bormann and the remarkable and deadly network the Reichsleiter founded. Heavily invested in American corporations, the Bormann group and the Underground Reich are in an excellent position to manipulate media coverage of events, through direct corporate editorial policy and through the awarding of advertising contracts. We note, also, that the Bormann group controls corporate Germany: ” . . . What will not pass is the economic influences of the Bormann organization, whose commercial directives are obeyed almost without question by the highest echelons of West German finance and industry. ‘All orders come from the shareholders in South America,’ I have been told by a spokesman for Martin Bormann. . . .” The control of corporate Germany further enhances the ability of the Underground Reich to control media coverage. We are of the considered opinion that this dynamic is a major factor in the grotesquely slanted coverage of Trump’s campaign. While the “pundits” natter endlessly about Hillary Clinton’s health (never even considering that she may have been vectored), they are completely ignoring the fact that Trump is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to Deutsche Bank, a predatory “too big to fail” institution that has flouted this country’s regulatory statutes and engaged in open law breaking. And, it’s a Bormann bank. The broadcast concludes with a transitional element that notes Trump’s political evolution from the anarcho/fascist libertarian milieu of Ron Paul, the same political forces that are the foundation of “Team Snowden” and WikiLeaks/Assange. ” . . . . Trump’s style and positions — endorsing and consorting with 9/11 truthers, promoting online racists, using fake statistics— draw on a now-obscure political strategy called “paleolibertarianism,” which was once quite popular among some Republicans, especially former presidential candidate Ron Paul. . . . But it was [Murray] Rothbard’s founding of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in 1982 that enabled the fledgling political movement to establish affinity with the neo-Confederate Lost Cause movement. . . . In the past few years, however, it’s been reborn as the alt-right, as a new generation of libertarians discovered their hidden heritage and began embracing racism and conspiracy theories. Many alt-right writers trace their roots to Rothbard. As one of them, Gregory Hood, put it, paleolibertarian theories about race and democracy “helped lead to the emergence [of the] Alternative Right.” Rothbard’s call for “sovereign nations based on race and ethnicity” is very similar to beliefs Trump’s alt-right supporters express today. . . .” Program Highlights Include: review of the ownership of the Quandt corporation, parent company of BMW and Audi automobiles by the heirs of Joseph Goebbels; BMW’s use of advertising contracts to influence editorial policy at “The Atlantic” magazine; review of George Soros’s role in financing Trump’s Chicago tower; review of the genesis of Soros’s business career “Aryanizing” Jewish property during the Holocaust.
QUICK: How many Presidential candidates can you name who kept a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches by their bedside? Donald Trump does. For many years, what Mr. Emory terms “The Underground Reich” has been a fundamental point of discussion and analysis in these broadcasts and posts. In the third program analyzing the Donald Trump campaign, we examine the “Trumpenkampfverbande,” its political antecedents and adherents. Exemplifying, and networking with, generations of fascists and fascist organizations, the Trumpenkampfverbande embodies the emergence of the Underground Reich into plain view. A signature element of Trump’s campaign is his resuscitation of the “America First” slogan and concept, a manifestation both of his thinly-veiled appeal to Nazi and white supremacist elements and his willingness to cede dominance over world affairs to a German-dominated “third power bloc.” The America First concept mobilizes powerful feelings among those feeling overwhelmed and left behind by political and economic developments globally and in the United States. We note that the “original” America First was financed by Nazi Germany. Trump’s invocation of America First exemplifies the nature of his political heritage and allegiances. One of his top advisers Joseph E. Schmitz, “obsessed with all things German” and, according to associates, someone who “fired the Jews” (from the Pentagon) and manifested Holocaust denial. This is not atypical of “Team Trump.” One of the most important figures in mainstreaming “alt right” (i.e. Nazi, white nationalist and anti-Semitic) attitudes has been Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, now essentially running the Trump campaign. Trump and his campaign have a habit of re-tweeting information from “alt right” websites and message boards. Of primary significance in analyzing Trump concerns the main financial backer of his real estate projects–Deutsche Bank. In addition to the fact that this places a potential President in the position of owing upwards of $100 million to an institution that has openly defied U.S. regulatory positions, Deutsche Bank is a primary element of the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network, about which we speak so often. Program Highlights Include: Analysis of the possibility that Trump’s father was in the Ku Klux Klan; review of Trump’s association with former Axis spy Norman Vincent Peale; review of Trump’s counsel–Senator Joe McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s additional financial backing from George Soros, who got his start in business “Aryanizing” Jewish property during the Holocaust; Trump’s tweeting of a campaign ad featuring Waffen SS-clad World War II re-enactors; The enthusiastic suppoprt Trump has received from David Duke.
Karl Rove’s American Crossroads organization has been channeling money to Bernie Sanders’ campaign. This, alone, should make thinking people ask serious questions about Saint Bernard. Other questions the Sanderistas are not asking include: why has Sanders been cited by the Federal Elections Commission three times?; why haven’t the media asked questions about his Communist/radical past, including serving as a Presidential elector for the Trotskyite Socialist Workers’ Party in 1980; just what was his wife’s role in the collapse of Burlington College?; why has Sanders been so reluctant to release his tax information?; why is he repeating the GOP theme of Hillary as “a liar?;” why is Graham E. Fuller, a prominent advocate of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam promoting Bernie Sanders? All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Analyzing the media’s psychological warfare against Hillary Clinton, we note how much of the “negative narrative”–including assertions parroted by Bernie Sanders and his associates–about her comes from the right-wing media attack machine. How many people note, for example, that the Inspector General’s referral to the Justice Department was not criminal? We note that George H.W. Bush–the man for whom CIA headquarters was named–was defeated for re-election by Bill Clinton. Fox News is headed by Roger Ailes, who was George H.W. Bush’s campaign director.
Much of the media/internet coverage of Hillary comes from Fox, echoed dutifully by other, so-called “responsible” media outlets. It should be noted that both “The New York Times” and “The Washington Post” have longstanding ties to the CIA. Both papers have contracted–along with Fox News–for excerpts from a book titled “Clinton Cash,” authored by Peter Schweizer, a Koch brothers political spear carrier and former adviser to Sarah Palin. We note that the Citizens United decision had as its centerpiece an anti-Hillary movie called Hillary Clinton: The Movie. Not surprisingly, the New York Times has featured slanted coverage of the Clinton e‑mail non-scandal.
Program Highlights Include: Review of FBI director James Comey’s work as a Mitt Romney supporter in 2012; Hillary Clinton’s voting record as the 11th most liberal Senator; CNBC’s “Morning Joe” program’s deliberate distortion of Washington Post columnist David Ignatius’s statements on the Hillary Clinton e‑mail non-scandal; Joe “Morning Joe” Scarborough’s role as a GOP member of the House of Representatives; CNBC owner Chris Burke’s major contributions to George W. Bush’s campaigns.
We’ve been covering information pointing to the sniper fire that ignited the Maidan coup as having come from the anti-government forces. Not surprisingly, personnel from Svoboda and the fascist “punisher battalions” crop up repeatedy in the unfolding narrative. features a comparison with the “cooking” of journalistic information about Ukraine with what took place in the former Yugoslavia, the NATO operation against Kosovo, in particular. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
With the political firestorm generated by the GOP over the Benghazi attack in 2012, it is certainly interesting and possibly very relevant to note that the C.I.A. base chief ordered five commandos guarding the base to stand down, thereby enabling the lethal violence that claimed the life of the American ambassador to Libya. One wonders if the delay was in fact to precipitate the lethal debacle being utilized by the Republicans in their anti-Clinton, anti-Obama propaganda?
The activities of Eddie the Friendly Spook make no sense in the context of civil liberties. They make a great deal of sense in terms of the destabilization of the Obama administration, the NSA and the GCHQ. Snowden may have taken up to 1.7 million documents, including information that could permit a malefactor to successfully evade NSA scrutiny. Snowden’s activities may lead to nullification of the NSA plans to defend against cyberterrorism.
U.S. is beset by the same structural economic and political problems as Emerging Market countries; Will the “Top Banana Republic” pull through? Or will we bring the rest of the world down?
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