Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'CNN' is associated with 17 posts.

FTR #617 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Record­ed Novem­ber 4, 2007 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­ing or updat­ing a num­ber of top­ics, the pro­gram begins with two sto­ries doc­u­ment­ing the upsurge in anti-Semi­­tism around the world. After high­light­ing a Turk­ish best sell­er that attrib­ut­es the rise of glob­al Islamism to—you guessed it—the Jews, the broad­cast sets forth a recent […]

FTR #575 Interview with Robert Parry

This inter­view with Robert Par­ry explores sym­bio­sis between the admin­is­tra­tion of George W. Bush and Al Qae­da, in addi­tion to high­light­ing the rela­tion­ship between the GOP, the Bush fam­i­ly and the Uni­fi­ca­tion Church.

FTR #570 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker

One of Mohamed Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates in South Flori­da, Wolf­gang Bohringer was mov­ing to open a flight school on a Pacif­ic Island. Was this for train­ing ter­ror­ists or oth­er mis­cre­ants of the air?

FTR #566 Middle East Matrix — It Ain’t Necessarily So

Cov­er­age of the 2006 Lebanon war fea­tured crude pho­to­graph­ic forg­eries of alleged Israeli atroc­i­ties, which received wide dis­tri­b­u­tion and lit­tle crit­i­cal exam­i­na­tion.

FTR #565 Middle East Matrix

Fac­tu­al exis­tence of Islam­ic fas­cism, in con­trast to George W. Bush’s use of the term.

FTR #527 Death Trap, Part II

Record­ed Sep­tem­ber 18, 2005REALAUDIOSee also FTR #471 Death TrapIn the run-up to the Iraq war, Mr. Emory sug­gest­ed that the U.S. was falling into a trap laid by the Under­ground Reich, in which this coun­try would find itself fight­ing a drain­ing and (ulti­mate­ly) anni­hi­lat­ing war against the Mus­lim peo­ples of what the Third Reich’s geopoliti­cians […]

FTR #520 Update on Neo-Nazis & White Supremacists

Record­ed August 7, 2005REALAUDIONB: This stream con­tains both FTR #s 520 and 521 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast. As the title indi­cates, this broad­cast high­lights old and new sto­ries about white suprema­cists and neo-Nazis. Begin­ning with cov­er­age of the Atlanta child mur­ders that dom­i­nat­ed the news in 1980, the pro­gram sets forth […]

FTR #519 More on the History of the Islamic Fascist Axis

Record­ed July 24, 2005 REALAUDIO MP3: Side A    Side B In the wake of 9/11, the Lon­don bomb­ings and oth­er, less-pub­­li­­cized ter­ror­ist inci­dents, this pro­gram sets forth more infor­ma­tion about the his­tor­i­cal devel­op­ment of the fascist/Islamist rela­tion­ship. (FTR#456 is a com­pendi­um of many of the fascist/Nazi links to con­tem­po­rary terrorism—9/11 in par­tic­u­lar.) After high­light­ing a […]

FTR #516 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker About the Venice, FL Cover-up

Low-lev­el cov­er-up oper­a­tion in Flori­da; Jack Abramoff, Sun­Cruz casi­no boats, mur­der of Gus Boulis, and Mohamed Atta and oth­er 9/11 hijack­ers.

FTR #505 Misc Articles & Updates

BMG-SONY merg­er; FBI agent Mike Ger­man infil­trat­ed White Suprema­cists con­nect­ed to Islamists.