Comment: Although we haven’t discussed the topic in some time, the Chilean Nazi enclave known as Colonia Dignidad has figured prominently in discussions of Operation Condor, the diaspora of Nazi war criminals to Latin America, as well as the Pinochet regime in Chile. “Cult Leader, ex-Nazi Schaefer Dies in Chile” [CNN]; 4/25/2010. Paul Schaefer, a […]
Bormann network controls major German corporations; archive of Third Reich documents; Rockefellers push ExxonMobil to switch to renewable energy; Standard Oil corporate complex; violence in the Muslim world effects global oil prices.
Recorded November 4, 2007 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Introducing or updating a number of topics, the program begins with two stories documenting the upsurge in anti-Semitism around the world. After highlighting a Turkish best seller that attributes the rise of global Islamism to—you guessed it—the Jews, the broadcast sets forth a recent […]
“Ex” CIA agents Frank Terpil and Edwin Wilson trained and equipped notorious “left-wing” terrorists.
Recorded December 12, 2004REALAUDIOContinuing our discussion with ground-breaking journalist Robert Parry, this broadcast begins with the apparent suicide of investigative journalist Gary Webb, whose career was destroyed after he authored an investigation of the CIA’s complicity in the Contra/cocaine connection. Parry eulogizes Gary Webb and discusses the mainstream press’s shameful treatment of Gary and his […]
A major intelligence-related controversy of the late Cold War, the shooting of Pope John Paul II in 1981 was widely and mistakenly blamed on the Soviet Union.
The history of the intelligence community and the narcotics trade.
Recorded April 25, 2004 REALAUDIO Listen: MP3 Side 1 Side 2 Introduction: Exposing a truly terrifying political reality, this program details the development of the Triple Border area of Latin America as an operational epicenter for terrorist groups. In addition to Islamist groups such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, the region has become a base for […]
It was under the auspices of the Carlyle Group that Bush met with Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia during the 2000 presidential campaign, in order to discuss “American-Saudi business affairs.”
Examining the 2000 presidential campaign and the political heritage of the Bush family.
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