Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Condor' is associated with 24 posts.

Colonia Dignidad Leader Dies

Com­ment: Although we haven’t dis­cussed the top­ic in some time, the Chilean Nazi enclave known as Colo­nia Dig­nidad has fig­ured promi­nent­ly in dis­cus­sions of Oper­a­tion Con­dor, the dias­po­ra of Nazi war crim­i­nals to Latin Amer­i­ca, as well as the Pinochet regime in Chile. “Cult Leader, ex-Nazi Schae­fer Dies in Chile” [CNN]; 4/25/2010. Paul Schae­fer, a […]

FTR #638 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Bor­mann net­work con­trols major Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions; archive of Third Reich doc­u­ments; Rock­e­fellers push Exxon­Mo­bil to switch to renew­able ener­gy; Stan­dard Oil cor­po­rate com­plex; vio­lence in the Mus­lim world effects glob­al oil prices.

FTR #617 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Record­ed Novem­ber 4, 2007 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­ing or updat­ing a num­ber of top­ics, the pro­gram begins with two sto­ries doc­u­ment­ing the upsurge in anti-Semi­­tism around the world. After high­light­ing a Turk­ish best sell­er that attrib­ut­es the rise of glob­al Islamism to—you guessed it—the Jews, the broad­cast sets forth a recent […]

AFA 4: Terpil, Wilson & Company

“Ex” CIA agents Frank Ter­pil and Edwin Wil­son trained and equipped noto­ri­ous “left-wing” ter­ror­ists.

FTR #490 3rd Interview with Robert Parry

Record­ed Decem­ber 12, 2004REALAUDIOCon­tin­u­ing our dis­cus­sion with ground-break­ing jour­nal­ist Robert Par­ry, this broad­cast begins with the appar­ent sui­cide of inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Gary Webb, whose career was destroyed after he authored an inves­ti­ga­tion of the CIA’s com­plic­i­ty in the Contra/cocaine con­nec­tion. Par­ry eulo­gizes Gary Webb and dis­cuss­es the main­stream press’s shame­ful treat­ment of Gary and his […]

AFA 17–21: Who Shot the Pope?

A major intel­li­gence-relat­ed con­tro­ver­sy of the late Cold War, the shoot­ing of Pope John Paul II in 1981 was wide­ly and mis­tak­en­ly blamed on the Sovi­et Union.

AFA 24–28: The CIA, the Military & Drugs

The his­to­ry of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and the nar­cotics trade.

FTR #457 Three’s a Crowd—Terrorism and the Triple Border Area

Record­ed April 25, 2004 REALAUDIO Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1  Side 2 Intro­duc­tion: Expos­ing a tru­ly ter­ri­fy­ing polit­i­cal real­i­ty, this pro­gram details the devel­op­ment of the Triple Bor­der area of Latin Amer­i­ca as an oper­a­tional epi­cen­ter for ter­ror­ist groups. In addi­tion to Islamist groups such as Al Qae­da and Hezbol­lah, the region has become a base for […]

FTR #284 Harken Unto Me: Business as Usual for the Bush Family

It was under the aus­pices of the Car­lyle Group that Bush met with Crown Prince Abdul­lah of Sau­di Ara­bia dur­ing the 2000 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, in order to dis­cuss “Amer­i­can-Sau­di busi­ness affairs.”

FTR #259 Campaign 2000 — Beating the Bushes in Florida

Exam­in­ing the 2000 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign and the polit­i­cal her­itage of the Bush fam­i­ly.