One of the illusions harbored by many–in particular, young people who have grown up with the internet, social networks and mobile technology–sees digital activity as private. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even before the cyber-libertarian policies advocated by individuals like John Perry Barlow, Eddie Snowden, Julian Assange and others became manifest in the Trump administration’s were implemented by the Trump administration and the GOP-controlled congress, digital affairs were subject to an extraordinary degree of manipulation by a multitude of interests.
We begin our examination of technocratic fascism with a look at the corporate foundation of Pokemon Go. Information about the background of Pokemon Go’s developer (Niantic) and the development of the firm is detailed in an article from Network World. In addition to the formidable nature of the intelligence agencies involved with generating the corporate foundation of Pokemon Go (Keyhole, Inc.; Niantic), note the unnerving nature of the information that can be gleaned from the Android phone of anyone who downloads the “app.”
Pokemon Go was seen as enhancing the “Cool Japan Strategy” of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The “Cool Japan Promotion Fund” was implemented by Abe (the grandson of Nobosuke Kishi, a Japanese war criminal who signed Japan’s declaration of war against the U.S. and became the country’s first postwar Prime Minister) to “raise the international profile of the country’s mass culture.”
The Finance Minister of Japan is Taro Aso, one of the enthusiasts of Nazi political strategy highlighted below. The “Cool Japan promotion Fund” would have been under his administration, with Tomomi Inada functioning as his administrator for the program. Now serving as Japan’s Defense Minister, Inada is another advocate of Nazi political strategy.
Next, we turn to another manifestation of Pokemon Go. The “Alt-Right” (read “Nazi”) movement is using Pokemon Go to recruit kids to the Nazi cause. Consider this against the background of Niantic, the Cool Japan strategy and the pro-Nazi figures involved with it. Consider this also, in conjunction with the Nazified AI developed and deployed by Robert and Rebekah Mercer, Steve Bannon, Cambridge Analytica and the “Alt-Right” milieu with which they associate.
A recent “New Yorker” article by Jane Mayer concerning Robert Mercer keys some interesting thoughts about Mercer, Bannon, the Alt-Right WikiLeaks and the Nazified AI we spoke of in FTR #‘s 948 and 949. In FTR #946, we noted this concatenation’s central place in the Facebook constellation, a position that has positioned them to act decisively on the political landscape.
We note several things about the Mayer piece:
She writes of Mercer’s support for the Alt-Right–Mercer helps fund Bannon’s Breitbart: “. . . . In February, David Magerman, a senior employee at Renaissance, spoke out about what he regards as Mercer’s worrisome influence. Magerman, a Democrat who is a strong supporter of Jewish causes, took particular issue with Mercer’s empowerment of the alt-right, which has included anti-Semitic and white-supremacist voices. . . .”
Mercer is racist, feeling that racism only exists in contemporary black culture: “. . . . Mercer, for his part, has argued that the Civil Rights Act, in 1964, was a major mistake. According to the onetime Renaissance employee, Mercer has asserted repeatedly that African-Americans were better off economically before the civil-rights movement. (Few scholars agree.) He has also said that the problem of racism in America is exaggerated. The source said that, not long ago, he heard Mercer proclaim that there are no white racists in America today, only black racists. . . .”
His work at IBM was funded in part by DARPA, strongly implying that the DOD has applied some of the Mercer technology: “. . . . Yet, when I.B.M. failed to offer adequate support for Mercer and Brown’s translation project, they secured additional funding from DARPA, the secretive Pentagon program. Despite Mercer’s disdain for ‘big government,’ this funding was essential to his early success. . . .”
In a 2012 anti-Obama propaganda film funded by Citizens United, Steve Bannon borrowed from “The Triumph of the Will: “. . . . Many of these [disillusioned Obama] voters became the central figures of ‘The Hope & the Change,’ an anti-Obama film that Bannon and Citizens United released during the 2012 Democratic National Convention. After Caddell saw the film, he pointed out to Bannon that its opening imitated that of ‘Triumph of the Will,’ the 1935 ode to Hitler, made by the Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. Bannon laughed and said, ‘You’re the only one that caught it!’ In both films, a plane flies over a blighted land, as ominous music swells; then clouds in the sky part, auguring a new era. . . .”
Next, we return to the subject of Bitcoin and cyber-libertarian policy. We have explored Bitcoin in a number of programs–FTR #‘s 760, 764, 770 and 785.
An important new book by David Golumbia sets forth the technocratic fascist politics underlying Bitcoin. Known to veteran listeners/readers as the author of an oft-quoted article dealing with technocratic fascism, Golumbia has published a short, important book about the right-wing extremism underlying Bitcoin. (Programs on technocratic fascism include: FTR #‘s 851, 859, 866, 867.)
In an excerpt from the book, we see disturbing elements of resonance with the views of Stephen Bannon and some of the philosophical influences on him. Julius Evola, “Mencius Moldbug” and Bannon himself see our civilization as in decline, at a critical “turning point,” and in need of being “blown up” (as Evola put it) or needing a “shock to the system.”
Note that the Cypherpunk’s Manifesto (published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation) and the 1996 “Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” written by the libertarian activist, Grateful Dead lyricist, Electronic Frontier Foundation founder John Perry Barlow decry governmental regulation of the digital system. (EFF is a leading “digital rights” and technology industry advocacy organization.)
The libertarian/fascist ethic of the digital world was articulated by Barlow.
Note how the “freedom” advocated by Barlow et al has played out: the Trump administration (implementing the desires of corporate America) has “deregulated” the internet. All this in the name of “freedom.”
In FTR #854, we noted the curious professional resume of Barlow, containing such disparate elements as–lyricist for the Grateful Dead (“Far Out!”); Dick Cheney’s campaign manager (not so “Far Out!”); a voter for white supremacist/segregationist George Wallace in the 1968 Presidential campaign (very “Un-Far Out!”).
For our purposes, his most noteworthy professional undertaking is his founding of the EFF–The Electronic Frontier Foundation. A leading ostensible advocate for internet freedom, the EFF has endorsed technology and embraced personnel inextricably linked with a CIA-derived milieu embodied in Radio Free Asia’s Open Technology Fund. (For those who are, understandably, surprised and/or skeptical, we discussed this at length and in detail in FTR #‘s 891 and 895.)
Next, we present an article that brings to the fore some interesting questions about Barlow, the CIA and the very genesis of social media.
We offer Ms. Sunderson’s observations, stressing that Barlow’s foreshadowing of the communication functions inherent in social media and his presence at CIA headquarters (by invitation!) suggest that Barlow not only has strong ties to CIA but may have been involved in the conceptual genesis that spawned CIA-connected entities such as Facebook.
In FTR #951, we observed that Richard B. Spencer, one of Trump’s Nazi backers, has begun a website with Swedish Alt-Righter Daniel Friberg, part of the Swedish fascist milieu to which Carl Lundstrom belongs. In FTR #732 (among other programs), we noted that it was Lundstrom who financed the Pirate Bay website, on which WikiLeaks held forth for quite some time. In FTR #745, we documented that top Assange aide and Holocaust-denier Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”) arranged the Lundstrom/WikiLeaks liaison. (Jermas handles WikiLeaks Russian operations, a point of interest in the wake of the 2016 campaign.)
It is a good bet that Lundstrom/Pirate Bay/WikiLeaks et al were data mining the many people who visited the WikiLeaks site.
Might Lundstrom/Jermas/Assange et al have shared the voluminous data they may well have mined with Mercer/Cambridge Analytica/Bannon’s Nazified AI?
We conclude with recap of Microsoft researcher Kate Crawford’s observations at the SXSW event. Crawford gave a speech about her work titled “Dark Days: AI and the Rise of Fascism,” the presentation highlighted the social impact of machine learning and large-scale data systems. The take home message? By delegating powers to Bid Data-driven AIs, those AIs could become fascist’s dream: Incredible power over the lives of others with minimal accountability: ” . . . .‘This is a fascist’s dream,’ she said. ‘Power without accountability.’ . . . .”
We reiterate, in closing, that ” . . . . Palantir is building an intelligence system to assist Donald Trump in deporting immigrants. . . .”
In FTR #757 we noted that Palantir is a firm dominated by Peter Thiel, a main backer of Donald Trump.
Program Highlights Include: WikiLeaks’ continued propagation of Alt-Right style Anti-Semitic propaganda: ” . . . . Now it is the darling of the alt-right, revealing hacked emails seemingly to influence a presidential contest, claiming the US election is ‘rigged.’ and descending into conspiracy. Just this week on Twitter, it described the deaths by natural causes of two of its supporters as a ‘bloody year for WikiLeaks.’ and warned of media outlets ‘controlled by’ members of the Rothschild family – a common anti-Semitic trope. . . .”; assessing all of the data-mining potential (certainty) of WikiLeaks, Pokemon Go and the (perhaps) Barlow-inspired Social Media world against the background of the Mercer/Bannon/Cambridge analytica Nazified AI.
In addition to a further exploration of Big Tech and the remarkable advances they are bringing to fruition, this program cements the political and ideological continuity between the political elements inspiring Dylan Roof and the Charleston shooting and the political forces embodied in Ron Paul (Edward Snowden’s political idol) and Glenn Greenwald, Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice. Just as Citizen Greenwald worked pro bono (as an attorney) to protect Nazi organizations from civil judgments against them for advocating mayhem, Ron Paul helped to set the political and ideological template for Dylann Roof’s massacre. We note that the very “libertarians” who are supportive of Snowden–such as Ron Paul financier Peter Thiel–are also deeply involved with surveillance of citizens. A Koch Brothers-funded organization, Students For Liberty, recently honored Edward Snowden and Ron Paul. Much of the program highlights why we are strongly supportive of NSA, warts and all. Facial recognition technology developed by private firms like Microsoft, Google and Facebook are more accurate than anything the government has developed. Who is regulating the deployment of this technology? The program explores the ability of hackers to use smartphone technology to hijack aircraft in flight. Much of the conclusion of the broadcast highlights the stunning advances in health-monitoring technology under development by Apple and Google. Google also helped finance the Competitive Enterprise Institute, as did the Koch brothers and Facebook. The CEI was one of the driving forces behind the most recent [defeated] challenge to the Affordable Care Act. Would you trust Google, or Facebook, with your most intimate health information? The program concludes with a warning that hackers could interdict some of this health-monitoring technology, with potentially murderous results.
Updating “L’Affaire Snowden,” this program analyzes the fundamental political/ideological principles that unite Eddie the Friendly Spook (Snowden) with the corporate entities comprising “Big Tech.” Taking advantage of the notion that “government is bad, but corporations are good” (“post-Reaganoid political dementia”), many of the individuals and companies in the tech world are pursuing and achieving goals that are fundamentally antithetical to democratic principles. Fundamental to the discussion is a brilliant analysis by David Golumbia in “” that distills the essence of “technocratic fascism”–the political and social philosophy that unites “coders”–Snowden, Assange and hackers of all stripes–with the corporate giants of Big Tech. Building on a viewpoint similar to that expressed in “The Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler (a text fundamental to much of 20th century fascism), they contend that society is broken, the political process is broken, and therefore they have the right–expressed as “natural law”–to do whatever they think is best. Democratic polities are to have no say in their actions, regardless of the potential consequences for the members of those polities. They do not feel that they need “the consent of the governed.” Program highlights include: the presence at the exclusive elite gathering of the Bilderbergers of key Silicon Valley techies including Peter Thiel and Alex Karp of Palanthir; review of the relationship between Ron Paul–Snowden’s political idol–and Thiel; the presence of Third Reich alumni in the Bilderberger gatherings; the anti-labor practices of Big Tech; the role of Big Tech in financing extreme right candidates like Ted Cruz; the drive by the Indian government of Narendra Modi (whose election was aided by EBay’s Pierre Omidyar) to undermine India’s laws against child labor, a synoptic overview of the key elements of our analysis of The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook.
A controversy ensued when it emerged that House majority whip Steve Scalise had attended a meeting of David Duke’s European-American Unity Organization. The newly-seated GOP-dominated congress which Scalise will help to guide began attacking Social Security on its very first day. Specifically, the GOP began attacking the Social Security disability program. These developments serve as a point of entry into our discussion. Snowden is an advocate of eliminating Social Security and the OUN/B fascists running Ukraine are engaging in a similar program to force those in Eastern Ukraine to stop their attempts at secession. The elements of the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” are networked with Duke, as well. Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice, Nazi fellow-traveler Glenn Greenwald, has been financed by Pierre Omidyar of Ebay, who has also financed the Ukraine coup. The program notes many other elements of confluence between the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” and the Ukrainian coup. The Snowden/WikiLeaks helped to deep-six Obama’s “reboot with Russia” and also alienate many of the young, idealistic voters who had supported him in 2008, thereby helping to elect the 114th Congress.
Snowden–whom we think is being directed by BND (as well as by an element of CIA)–engaged in his “op” in order to justify a pre-arranged economic offensive against the American IT sector. As we noted in our series on Eddie the Friendly Spook, the Snowden “op” is an act of economic and political warfare against the United States. Now, we note an article that chronicles serious damage to the U.S. high-tech economy as a result of Snowden’s “op.”
Updating our long, detailed discussion of The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook [Snowden] aka “The Peach Fuzz Fascist”, we note a number of things, including: more information that Snowden’s so-called “disclosures” were actually intended to justify a pre-arranged German, EU and Brazilian IT economic warfare offensive against the United States; Snowden’s consummate hypocrisy in disclosing information to Nazi fellow-travelers Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange that neither should possess; Greenwald’s flacking for the Muslim Brotherhood; German protege and Luxembourg EU Commissioner Viviane Reding’s championing of an EU intelligence agency designed to do exactly what the hypocritical EU complains about when done by the NSA and GCHQ; the recent (declined) offer of inclusion of Germany into the Five Eyes Club; Palantir’s role in spying on Facebook users for the military.
In this post we’re going to take a look at the recent Supreme Court ruling on 4th amendment rights and smartphones and how this ruling could impact the ongoing debate over NSA spying. We’re also going to look at the other side of the coin: the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination during a time when encryption tools strong enough to thwart law enforcement and the NSA are becoming increasingly mainstream. Is encryption like a strongbox or a wall safe? You might be surprised by just how important that question has become.
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