Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'DEA' is associated with 10 posts.

FTR #871 Daniel Hopsicker Rides Again!

Hap­pi­ly recov­ered from major heart surgery, hero­ic inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Daniel Hop­sick­er rejoins our air­waves to recount some of his inves­ti­ga­tions, old and new. We begin with Daniel’s reportage on Jeb Bush’s role in cov­er­ing up the milieu of Huff­man Avi­a­tion and Mohamed Atta’s activ­i­ties in South Flori­da. Daniel’s inves­ti­ga­tions into intel­li­gence-com­mu­ni­ty-con­nect­ed drug smug­gling began with his inves­ti­ga­tion into Bar­ry Seal. Seal’s involve­ment with spook activ­i­ties appar­ent­ly began with his mem­ber­ship in a Civ­il Air Patrol unit com­mand­ed by CIA offi­cer David Fer­rie, a unit that includ­ed Lee Har­vey Oswald. Much of the pro­gram was spent high­light­ing some of Daniel’s over­lap­ping sto­ries about the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and the drug traf­fic. Pro­gram high­lights include: the role of H.L. Hunt’s grand­daugh­ter in the activ­i­ties sur­round­ing what Daniel terms “Cocaine One;” the hero­ism of sev­er­al Mex­i­can women who are telling the truth about the involve­ment of the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment with the car­tels; the bust of a major drug smug­gling flight on prop­er­ty owned by socialite Paris Hilton; a con­stel­la­tion of appar­ent drug smug­gling activ­i­ties sur­round­ing actor Vince Vaugh­n’s moth­er.

FTR #836 The Death of Alberto Nisman and the AMIA Bombing

After recap­ping some threads in the tan­gled web of the 1994 AMIA bomb­ing in Argenti­na, this pro­gram takes up the sus­pi­cious death of Argen­tine pros­e­cu­tor Alber­to Nis­man, who was found dead from a sin­gle gun­shot wound to the head the week­end before he was to tes­ti­fy before that coun­try’s con­gress about the bomb­ing. Nis­man was report­ed­ly going to indict Argen­tine pres­i­dent Kirch­n­er in con­nec­tion with a cov­er-up of the bomb­ing, alleged­ly stem­ming from a “grain-for-oil” deal with Iran. Nis­man had pre­vi­ous­ly expressed fear for his own life and for the safe­ty of his two young daugh­ters. In addi­tion to the pres­ence of the DNA of a sec­ond per­son in Nis­man­’s apart­ment, the pro­gram cov­ers: Nis­man­’s fear of his own body­guards; appar­ent irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the han­dling of the phys­i­cal evi­dence in the case; pres­i­dent Kirch­n­er’s attack on Nis­man and her char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of his death as a “sui­cide;” a female wit­ness in the case express­ing fear for her life after the charred body of anoth­er woman was found across the street from Kirch­n­er’s apart­ment; irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the state­ments of Nis­man­’s secu­ri­ty per­son­nel.

FTR #835 Tangled Web: Overview of the AMIA Bombing Investigation

In this pro­gram, we detail some of the deep pol­i­tics sur­round­ing the AMIA attack, prepara­to­ry to a dis­cus­sion of devel­op­ments in the inves­ti­ga­tion of Argen­tine pros­e­cu­tor Alber­to Nis­man­’s death in FTR #836. The dizzy­ing melange of indi­vid­u­als, insti­tu­tions and events con­nect­ed to the AMIA bomb­ing involves: sev­er­al peo­ple linked to for­mer Argen­tin­ian pres­i­dent Car­los Men­em; indi­vid­u­als linked to the Iran-Con­tra scan­dal; neo-Nazi ele­ments in Argenti­na; inves­ti­ga­tions into fugi­tive Nazi war crim­i­nals; the res­ig­na­tions of two jus­tice min­is­ters involved in the AMIA inves­ti­ga­tion; the sus­pi­cious deaths of numer­ous indi­vid­u­als linked to one or anoth­er of the ele­ments fig­ur­ing in sev­er­al relat­ed inves­ti­ga­tions; evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries link­ing the AMIA bomb­ing to the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing, the bomb­ing of Pan Am flight 103 over Locker­bie, Scot­land and the Achille Lau­ro hijack­ing in 1985.

Tricky Treats: Is This Mitch McConnell’s Idea of “Affordable Health Care”?

The off-year elec­tions approach, with the GOP pro­ject­ed to take con­trol of the Sen­ate, Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader-to-be Mitch McConnel­l’s fam­i­ly is in the news for the wrong rea­sons. (Most of McConnel­l’s for­tune appar­ent­ly comes from his in-laws.) His father-in-law (James Chao) has pros­pered because of his found­ing and pro­pri­etor­ship of a ship­ping line, The Fore­most Group. That com­pa­ny has an opaque struc­ture, with many of its ships reg­is­tered in coun­tries that make com­pli­ance with mar­itime reg­u­la­tions eas­i­er to skirt. Now, one of Fore­most’s ships (the Ping May) has been bust­ed sail­ing from Colom­bia for Ams­ter­dam with 40 kilo­grams of cocaine aboard. How much of Fore­most’s largesse (and, by exten­sion, the McConnell clan’s wealth) is derived from shady enter­pris­es? All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 10/2/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve.

Falling to Earth: September 11th Flight School Operator Rudi Dekkers Arrested for Drug Trafficking

Long able to escape legal ret­ri­bu­tion for his actions, Huff­man Avi­a­tion oper­a­tor Rudi Dekkers appears to have run out of luck. The Dutch/German pilot who ran the flight school through which 9/11 hijack­er Mohammed Atta and his Ger­man and Aus­tri­an asso­ciates infil­trat­ed the Unit­ed States has been arrest­ed in Hous­ton for drug traf­fick­ing. It remains to be seen what comes of this inves­ti­ga­tion, but the impli­ca­tions are poten­tial­ly stag­ger­ing.

FTR #186 What Does the “W.” in George W. Bush Stand For?

Lis­ten: Side 1 | Side 2 This pro­gram details some of the inter­est­ing con­nec­tions of the Bush fam­i­ly and George “W.” begin­ning with a review of the Bush/James R. Bath/Bin Laden fam­i­ly con­nec­tion. Bush’s Arbus­to Ener­gy com­pa­ny was begun, in part, with mon­ey from one James R. Bath. Bath’s reput­ed asso­ci­a­tions run from the Cen­tral […]

FTR #109 Monzer Al-Kassar & Co.

A key play­er in the Iran-Con­tra Scan­dal, Monz­er Al-Kas­sar imports 20% of the hero­in that comes to the U.S.

FTR #61 Update on the Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

The shod­dy — and prob­a­bly ille­gal — treat­ment of for­mer Defense Intel­li­gence Agency oper­a­tive Lester Cole­man.

FTR #51 The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

Alle­ga­tions of com­plic­i­ty among ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence in the bomb­ing of Pan Am flight 103 over Locker­bie, Scot­land in Decem­ber, 1988.

US Government Still on Ropes Over Lockerbie

by John Ash­tonThe Mail on Sun­day — Lon­don There are two very dif­fer­ent the­o­ries about Locker­bie, the first is black and white; the sec­ond is murky and gray. The black and white ver­sion presents the bomb­ing as a vic­to­ry of ter­ror­ist cun­ning over Amer­i­can inno­cence. The gray ver­sion sug­gests that Uncle Sam has as much […]