Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Diebold' is associated with 3 posts.

Merger of Crooked Vote Tallyers

Com­ment: With this impend­ing merg­er, it appears that ES & S–one of the com­pa­nies linked to vote tam­per­ing in recent U.S. elections–will be pur­chas­ing the mon­ey-los­ing unit of the bet­ter-known Diebold firm. “US Vot­ing Machine Mak­ers’ Merg­er Nears Approval-WSJ” [Wall Street Jour­nal]; reuters.com; 3/4/2010. But the depart­ment will require the com­bined com­pa­ny to divest a […]

How Bush’s Berlin Ambassador Pick Profited from Protective Tariffs against German Companies

by Georg Mas­co­lo and Juer­gen Dahlkam­pDer Spiegel Wash­ing­ton’s choice for future US ambas­sador to Ger­many has all the mak­ings of a polit­i­cal bomb­shell. For years, a com­pa­ny owned by the mul­ti­mil­lion­aire and new­­ly-appoint­ed diplo­mat William Timken, Jr. has been prof­it­ing from anti­com­pet­i­tive tar­iffs — at the direct expense of Ger­man com­pa­nies. As Wash­ing­ton’s new ambas­sador […]

Meet Delegate Tim Timken, Election-Reform Case-Study

by Alli­son T. Hoff­manThe New York Observ­er Of the 2,509 del­e­gates fill­ing the floor of Madi­son Square Gar­den for the Repub­li­can con­ven­tion, few may fit the arche­type of the Amer­i­can heart­land indus­tri­al­ist as well as W.R. (Tim) Timken, Jr., a fourth-gen­er­a­­tion steel-man from Can­ton, Ohio, whose fam­i­ly com­pa­ny is one of the largest man­u­fac­tur­ers of […]