In this program we highlight important elements in the development of the amalgam of forces that, in our opinion, helped to precipitate the Covid-19 “Bio-Psy-Op.”
In Miscellaneous Archive Show M31, we examined the military inquiry into the killing of Wehrmacht Corporal Johannes Kunze, whose anti-Nazi sentiments were punished by his fellow prisoners with murder. In the inquest, it became clear that American officers had permitted their German POW counterparts to screen the mail of their fellow prisoners, which provided them the means to identify and kill Corporal Kunze.
The military prosecutor in the case–Leon Jaworski–exercised what was politely termed judicial restraint, and did not investigate the U.S. officers whose conduct led directly to the murder of Kunze.
Jaworski later participated in trials of Third Reich alumni accused of war crimes, including the trial of Dachau medical personnel, some of whom, after experimenting on concentration camp inmates, were awarded contracts to work for the U.S. under Project Paperclip. Again, he apparently exercised “judicial restraint.”
“. . . . Col. Leon Jaworski, who will be in charge of the trial, estimates that at least 5,000 Jews died at Dachau from ordinary mistreatment and torture, while anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 died as a result of medical experiments performed upon them. . . .”
The gruesome Dachau medical experiments:
1.–Were performed by five doctors who were on the Project Paperclip payroll by the time Jaworski manifested judicial restraint: ” . . . . Five doctors working at the center starting in the fall of 1945 were on the list: Theodor Benzinger, Siegried Ruff, Konrad Schafer, Hermann Becker-Freyseng, and Oskar Schroder. Instead of firing these physicians suspected of heinous war crimes, the center kept the doctors in its employ and the list was classified. . . .”
2.–Involved trials by four of the Paperclip recruits of two processes aimed at purifying seawater for drinking, with gruesome results for the Dachau “Untermenschen”: “. . . . Dr. Oskar Schroder, head of the Luftwaffe Medical Corps, was thrilled. Konrad Schafer had ‘developed a process which actually precipitated the salts from the sea water,’ Schroder later testified. . . . The effectiveness of both the Schafer process and the Berka method would be tested on the Untermenschen at Dachau. A Luftwaffe physician named Hermann Becker-Freyseng was assigned to assist Dr. Schafer, and to coauthor with him a paper documenting the results of the contest. The senior doctor advising Becker-Freyseng and Schafer in their work was Dr. Siegfried Ruff. . . .”
3.–Were filmed and screened for SS chief Heinrich Himmler by the fifth Paperclip recruit, Dr. Theodor Benzinger: ” . . . .This was the same Dr. Benzinger who had overseen for Himmler the film screening at the Reich Air Ministry, in Berlin, of Dachau prisoners being murdered in medical experiments. . . .”
4.–Became part of an experimental continuum, in which the Nazi research on Aeromedical Medicine performed at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute proceeded uninterrupted under U.S. Army Air Force command: ” . . . . The Army Air Forces Aero Medical Center in Heidelberg . . . only a few months prior . . . had been the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research, a bastion of Nazi science where chemists and physicists worked on projects for the Reich’s war machine. At its front entrance, the Reich’s flag came down and the U.S. Flag went up. Photographs of Hitler were pulled from the walls and replaced by framed photographs of Army Air Forces generals in military pose. Most of the furniture stayed the same. In the dining room, German waiters in white servers’ coats provided table service at mealtimes. A single 5” X 8” requisition receipt, dated September 14, 1945, made the transition official: ‘This property is needed by U.S. Forces, and the requisition is in proportion to the resources of the country.’ The mission statement of the project, classified Top Secret, was succinct: ‘the exploitation of certain uncompleted German aviation medical research projects.’ Dr. [Hubertus] Strughold [who was the top researcher in the Dachau projects] was put in charge of hiring doctors, ‘all of whom are considered authorities in a particular field of medicine.’ . . . .”
This “judicial restraint” directly anticipates his work for the Warren Commission, his work as Watergate Special Prosecutor (and a VERY special prosecutor he was) and his work heading the “investigation” into the Korea-gate scandal.
Following President Kennedy’s assassination, Jaworski became both a Warren Commission counsel and, with Judge Robert Storey, headed the Texas Court of Inquiry, the Texas judicial body charged with investigating JFK’s murder. As discussed in the linked Guns of November, Part 3, Jaworski sat on the board of directors of the M.D. Anderson Fund, a documented CIA domestic funding conduit.
In an earlier professional incarnation, Storey–as Colonel Robert Storey–passed along the word that the de-Nazification edict was to be “relaxed” during the Nuremberg trials. ” . . . . Colonel Robert Storey, the U.S. executive trial counsel at the International Military Tribunal and a senior aide to Robert Jackson, has ‘passed the word down that the denazification directive was to be relaxed,’ . . . .”
Two key Warren Commission members were Allen Dulles–whose Nazi links stretch back before World War II and for decades thereafter–and John J. McCloy, former U.S. High Commissioner for Germany and complicit in the “rehabilitation” of many heinous Nazis and the employment of many of them by U.S. intelligence.
With people like McCloy and Dulles on the U.S. “investigation” and Storey and Jaworski heading the Texas “investigation” (and Jaworski working with the Warren Commission as well), it is not surprising that the Nazi and fascist links to the JFK assassination did not emerge into public view.
It seems probable that the selection of the composition of both the Warren Commission and the Texas Court of Inquiry was shaped, in part, by the perceived necessity of concealing the many Nazis under the American bed.
In numerous programs, we have accessed the brilliant, consummately important work of Ed Haslsm. Ed has developed a compelling thesis linking: research into a cancer-causing monkey virus contaminating the polio vaccine; a soft-tissue cancer epidemic; the development of AIDS; the assassination of JFK and the development of a biological warfare weapon.
Ed noted the presence in the research milieu in New Orleans of Colonel Jose Rivera, a biological warfare specialist and member of Douglas MacArthur’s staff. In light of the incorporation of Japan’s Unit 731 into the U.S. biological warfare establishment, we view this as very significant.
We conclude with discussion of the supervision of Ft. Detrick personnel of Dr. Kurt Blome, the Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich and another individual incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare establishment.
We have discussed Blome in, among other programs, FTR # 1012 and AFA #39.
(We misstated that both Erich Traub and Blome oversaw the Serratia marcesscens experiments. It was only Blome.
Both Blome and Traub reported directly to Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler during World War II.
In FTR #1111, we covered disturbing evidence that the coronavirus outbreak in China is a “biological warfare psy-op,” part of the destabilization of China. When we recorded the program, articles were coming in as the broadcast was being prepared. In our haste we neglected to include a very important section of a post by Joseph Mercola. Other key features of the post are in FTR #1111: Dr. Mercola noted that: ” . . . . As mentioned, a number of reports raise questions about the source of the 2019-nCoV [The Chinese coronavirus–D.E.]. For starters, a 2014 NPR article32 was rather prophetic. It discusses the October 2014 U.S. moratorium on experiments on coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, as well as influenza virus, that might make the viruses more pathogenic and/or easy to spread among humans. The ban came on the heels of ‘high-profile lab mishaps’ at the CDC and ‘extremely controversial flu experiments’ in which the bird flu virus was engineered to become more lethal and contagious between ferrets. The goal was to see if it could mutate and become more lethal and contagious between humans, causing future pandemics. . . . However, for the past decade there have been red flags raised in the scientific community about biosecurity breaches in high containment biological labs in the U.S. . . . The federal moratorium on lethal virus experiments in the U.S. was lifted at the end of December 2017,38 even though researchers announced in 2015 they had created a lab-created hybrid coronavirus similar to that of SARS that was capable of infecting both human airway cells and mice. . . .”
In our haste we neglected to include a very important section of a post by Joseph Mercola. Other key features of the post are in FTR #1111:
In a recent post, we covered our suspicions that the coronavirus outbreak in China was part of the destabilization process underway against that country. We also wondered if there might be a relatively mundane therapeutic regimen that could be used to successfully treat the virus. With innumerable comparisons between the latest outbreak and the 2003 SARS outbreak, caused by a similar virus, we note that it turned out that the SARS virus was readily treatable with a therapeutic regimen similar to that used to treat the flu and common cold. Amidst all of the catastrophic, world-wide headlines, it turns out that there IS just such a therapeutic regimen! ” . . . . A Chinese woman infected with the new coronavirus showed a dramatic improvement after she was treated with a cocktail of anti-virals used to treat flu and HIV, Thailand’s health ministry said Sunday. The 71-year-old patient tested negative for the virus 48 hours after Thai doctors administered the combination, doctor Kriengsak Attipornwanich said during the ministry’s daily press briefing. ‘The lab result of positive on the coronavirus turned negative in 48 hours,’ Kriengsak said. . . . The doctors combined the anti-flu drug oseltamivir with lopinavir and ritonavir, anti-virals used to treat HIV, Kriengsak said . . . Thailand so far has detected 19 confirmed cases of the virus. . . . . So far, eight patients in Thailand have recovered and returned home, while 11 remain in the hospital. In a video released Sunday, Thai health minister Anutin Charnvirakul visited a patient from Wuhan who had recovered from the coronavirus, chatting with her amicably in Mandarin as she thanked him and the medical staff. . . .”
We have done a number of programs recently about the destabilization of China. We have also done many programs over the years about elements of the military and intelligence community utilizing biological warfare against foreign and American population groups. We are suspicious of the latest outbreak of an apparently bat-borne corona virus in China, which is destabilizing capital markets, China (to an extent at least) and stoking the anti-China feeding frenzy of CIA-linked media outlets like The New York Times. In that context, it should not be overlooked that a bat-borne coronavirus like the one apparently causing the Chinese outbreak was synthesized in U.S. labs more than ten years ago and reported in publications of the National Institutes of Health.
Although we have no hard information of a possible biological warfare link to the outbreak, an article from former Naval Intelligence officer Wayne Madsen is worth considering in that regard. In 2009, Germany was pondering the shipment of deadly pathogens, including Ebola virus to Ft. Detrick in Maryland. They voiced concern about the possibility that the samples might be weaponized, possibly giving themselves plausible deniability in the event that they were used for biological war purposes. All of the contents of this website as of 10/2/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive.
Over a period of decades, we have researched the disturbing evidence that AIDS was deliberately created, building on boilerplate research developed by the Nazis during World War II. There is a hereditary immunity to HIV that is present only in pure-bred northern Europeans–“Aryans.” A recent newsletter from Kaiser Permanente (America’s largest managed health care provider) noted that GMO’s are “devastating” to human health. Might foods, beverages, vaccines or medicines be used to vector the U.S. and/or other populations to cleanse them of “racial undesirables?” Might health crises stemming from indiscriminate use of GMO’s break the U.S. budget, placing the country at the mercy of the “austerians?”
Deeply engaged in sabotage in the United States, even before America entered the First World War, German agents were spreading anthrax to livestock headed for the front to feed the troops. British intelligence officers opine that the deadly 1918 flu epidemic that killed scores of millions worldwide may well have been spread by the Germans. Apparently having discovered this deadly flu strain in 1916, the Germans may well have disseminated it in an attempt to neutralize the decisive entry of the United States into the war. (The first case was discovered in Maryland in January of 1918.)
MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio NB: This description contains a great deal of material added after the broadcast was originally made. Listeners/readers are emphatically encouraged to pursue other programs dealing with this subject, especially AFA #16. Introduction: For more than two decades, Mr. Emory has presented programs indicating that AIDS is a man-made […]
Lyme disease, biological warfare research, American employment of Nazi scientist Erich Traub following World War II,
Listen: MP3 One Segment Introducing or updating a number of different points of information and paths of inquiry, this broadcast begins with a story about South Africa’s unfortunate dalliance with “researchers” who contend that HIV does not cause AIDS. Relying on research developed primarily by a German-born scientist implicated in the chain of events underlying […]
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