Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'eurozone crisis' is associated with 58 posts.

General Francisco Franco May NOT Be So Dead, After All

In addi­tion to its aggres­sive, nation­al­is­tic stance toward the British ter­ri­to­ry of Gibral­tar, Spain has been man­i­fest­ing ele­ments of its fas­cist past. Mar­i­ano Rajoy’s Peo­ple’s Par­ty incor­po­rat­ed much of the cadre of Fran­cis­co Fran­co’s Falange. With social unrest grow­ing from Spain’s dire eco­nom­ic straits, that fas­cist her­itage is evi­dent in that coun­try’s present polit­i­cal land­scape.

Romano Prodi Calls for a “Latin Front” to Oppose German Domination of Europe

The U.S. Depart­ment of the Trea­sury, Paul Krug­man and a grow­ing cho­rus of Euro­pean voic­es are not­ing Ger­many’s eco­nom­ic poli­cies as being bru­tal­ly restric­tive toward oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries and the world as a whole. Now, for­mer Ital­ian Prime Min­is­ter Romano Pro­di has issued a call for a “Latin Front” to open­ly oppose Ger­man pol­i­cy.

Is a “Deep Falange” at Work in Spain and Argentina?

Eco­nom­i­cal­ly beset Spain is wax­ing aggres­sive toward British-gov­erned Gibral­tar, using that prin­ci­pal­i­ty’s “fis­cal irreg­u­lar­i­ties” as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion because of the nation’s “EU oblig­a­tions.” The Rajoy gov­ern­ment is coor­di­nat­ing its efforts with Argenti­na. The coop­er­a­tion is mil­i­tary, as well as polit­i­cal. Rajoy’s Peo­ple’s Par­ty evolved from Fran­co’s Falange. It does not appear to have alto­geth­er shed its fas­cist her­itage.

Snowden’s Ride, Part 10: The Beginning of World War III?

The lat­est devel­op­ments in L’Af­faire Snow­den are alarm­ing, and pre­dictable. We spec­u­lat­ed that BND would decou­ple from NSA’s spy­ing pro­gram. That has now hap­pened. We pre­dict­ed that Eddie the Friend­ly Spook’s psy-op would lead to pro­found dam­age to U.S. inter­net busi­ness and the econ­o­my. That appears to be devel­op­ing. The reg­u­la­tion of the Inter­net may be going in the direc­tion that Rus­sia and Chi­na have endorsed, lend­ing depth to our under­stand­ing of Snow­den’s trav­el to both countries–nations that are less than con­ducive to inter­net free­dom. IMPORTANT UPDATES ON 8/3/2013, 8/14/2013..

Snowden’s Ride, Part 9: Catherine Ashton, EU Defense and Intelligence Structure and the Muslim Brotherhood

The so-called “dis­clo­sures” by “Eddie the Friend­ly Spook Snow­den have had some inter­est­ing fall­out in Europe. This infor­ma­tion has, almost in its entire­ty, been on the pub­lic record for years. Nonethe­less, Snow­den’s “rev­e­la­tions” have led to the appar­ent for­ma­tion of a new EU intel­li­gence and mil­i­tary struc­ture, which will include the devel­op­ment of drones and inter­net sur­veil­lance, in what crit­ics have called the for­ma­tion of a Euro­pean ver­sion of NSA. This force will be under the direc­tion of Cather­ine Ashton–widely viewed as a Ger­man tool. Ash­ton has been lob­by­ing for the release of Mohamed Mor­si in Egypt. Shilling for the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ever since his ouster in a mil­i­tary coup, Ger­many has been run­ning inter­fer­ence for their erst­while World War II ally.

Telling It like It Is: VERY Powerful, Accurate Words from Former Moody’s Vice-Chairman about German “Clausewitzian” Economic Policy toward Europe

For those who con­sid­er our analy­sis to be extreme and man­i­fest­ing hyper­bole, we present a dev­as­tat­ing cri­tique of Ger­man EMU pol­i­cy vis a vis the periph­er­al economies of the euro­zone. Dis­cussing Cyprus as exem­plary of Ger­man method­ol­o­gy and intent, Christo­pher T. Mahoney–a for­mer Vice Chair­man of Moody’s–couches his cri­tique in alto­geth­er unam­bigu­ous lan­guage.

“Clausewitzian” Health Care: Austeritywitz in Greece

We con­tin­ue our cov­er­age of the real­i­ty of “aus­ter­i­ty” in Greece, man­dat­ed by the Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed EU. With Ger­man banks hav­ing pre­cip­i­tat­ed the Euro­zone cri­sis, the post­script is clas­sic “war by oth­er means,” as pre­scribed by Pruss­ian mil­i­tary the­o­reti­cian Carl von Clause­witz. The Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed Troi­ka installed the fas­cist LAOS par­ty in Greece, with no input from the cit­i­zens of that country–the cra­dle of democ­ra­cy. Hav­ing assumed con­trol of Greece’s health care sys­tem, Ger­man prof­it-dri­ven insti­tu­tions are insti­tut­ing dra­con­ian mea­sures, result­ing in–among oth­er things–A 40% INCREASE IN INFANT MORTALITY!

Luxembourg Prime Minister Resigns: Luxembourg Gladio Veteran Involved in Bugging Scandal

For decades, we’ve spo­ken of “The Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion,” over­lap­ping the NATO Oper­a­tion Stay Behind (known as Glad­io in Italy.) The Prime Min­is­ter of Lux­em­bourg was forced to resign because of a scan­dal in which the coun­try’s intel­li­gence chief–now head of secu­ri­ty for Siemens–participated in Gladio/Stay Behind. Lux­em­bourg’s bank­ing sec­tor is very large, to the dis­may of Ger­many, which has been called “hege­mon­ic” by Lux­em­bourg cab­i­net min­is­ters.

So It Begins, Part 2: Bertelsmann Occupies Town in Yorkshire (Sit Down Before You Read This)

The U.S. and the EU are pro­ceed­ing for­ward in talks to estab­lish the world’s largest free trade zone–an eco­nom­ic NATO. IF the agree­ment evolves along the lines of the Unit­ed King­dom’s inclu­sion in EU legal reg­u­la­to­ry machin­ery, we may see some­thing akin to the Ber­tels­mann cor­po­ra­tion’s assump­tion of gov­ern­men­tal con­trol of a munic­i­pal dis­trict in York­shire, in the UK.! The world’s largest pub­lish­er, Ber­tels­mann was the pub­lish­er for the SS in World War II and gives every indi­ca­tion of retain­ing its Nazi char­ac­ter.

So It Begins: Does Proposed US, EU Single Market Augur American Economic Subjugation?

A huge and poten­tial­ly dev­as­tat­ing (for the U.S.) devel­op­ment is being eclipsed by the “dis­clo­sures” of career spook Baby Face Snow­den. Oba­ma and British PM David Cameron are lin­ing up behind an enor­mous EU/US trade deal, which would bring the U.S. and the EU into a sin­gle market–the largest in the world. This could prove as bad for the U.S. as the Com­mon Market/EU has for the U.K.