Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Falwell' is associated with 5 posts.

FTR #516 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker About the Venice, FL Cover-up

Low-lev­el cov­er-up oper­a­tion in Flori­da; Jack Abramoff, Sun­Cruz casi­no boats, mur­der of Gus Boulis, and Mohamed Atta and oth­er 9/11 hijack­ers.

FTR #490 3rd Interview with Robert Parry

Record­ed Decem­ber 12, 2004REALAUDIOCon­tin­u­ing our dis­cus­sion with ground-break­ing jour­nal­ist Robert Par­ry, this broad­cast begins with the appar­ent sui­cide of inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Gary Webb, whose career was destroyed after he authored an inves­ti­ga­tion of the CIA’s com­plic­i­ty in the Contra/cocaine con­nec­tion. Par­ry eulo­gizes Gary Webb and dis­cuss­es the main­stream press’s shame­ful treat­ment of Gary and his […]

FTR #482 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker

Daniel Hop­sick­er’s inves­ti­ga­tion of Mohamed Atta’s activ­i­ties in Flori­da.

FTR #452 The Mooning of America’s Teens

Record­ed March 28, 2004 Lis­ten: MP3 One seg­ment RealAu­dio NB: This stream con­tains both FTRs #452 and #453, in sequence. Each is a 30-minute broad­cast. One of the most grotesque actions of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is the estab­lish­ment of fed­er­al fund­ing for pro­grams run by Sun Myung Moon’s Uni­fi­ca­tion Church. This pro­gram high­lights the nature […]

FTR #84 George Bush, “Reverend” Jerry Falwell and “Reverend” Sun Myung Moon

Close pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ships among for­mer Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush, Jer­ry Fal­well, Sun Myung Moon.