Introduction: With the GOP targeting Social Security (implemented by FDR), the historical and cognitive discrediting of the New Deal has featured a fascistic revisionist history of Pearl Harbor.
Maintaining that Roosevelt deliberately let the attack proceed to bring the U.S. into World War II, this revisionism paints FDR as a traitor.
In this meticulously-researched and documented presentation, we not only refute this historical slander and revisionism, but demonstrate conclusively that Admiral Kimmel [in charge of Naval forces in Hawaii] and (perhaps to a lesser extent) General Short [in charge of Army forces in Hawaii] bear responsibility for the failure.
Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The revisionist conspiracy theories about Pearl Harbor, blaming FDR, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Chief-of-Staff George C. Marshall among others for the failure of the military high command at Pearl Harbor; Major Henry Clausen’s pouch featuring a magnesium bomb to carry the decrypted messages from the Japanese Purple Code (a diplomatic code that was broken by U.S. intelligence personnel); The secure office in which Henry C. Clausen worked; The Army Board’s self-serving scapegoating of Chief-of-Staff Marshall; Three of the officers on the Army Board had been demoted by General Marshall; Among the shills attacking FDR was GOP Senator (from Michigan) Homer Ferguson, exposed as a propagandizing fool by Major Clausen; 1944 GOP Presidential Candidate Thomas Dewey was among those who pointed the accusing finger at FDR for deliberately allowing the attack to proceed; Warning on 1/24/41 of “a surprise attack upon the fleet or the naval base at Pearl Harbor. The dangers envisaged, in order of their importance and probability, are considered to be (1) air bombing attack, (2) air torpedo plane attack, (3) sabotage, (4) submarine attack . . . .’ ”; A message sent to Admiral Kimmel and seen by General Short–“The dispatch sent by the Chief of Naval Operations to Kimmel began with the fateful words ‘THIS DISPATCH IS TO BE CONSIDERED A WAR WARNING . . . . “; After noting that the U.S. had broken the Japanese Purple Code (a diplomatic code) ” . . . . Washington knew from reading these messages that war would have to break out, with Japan attacking somewhere in the Pacific. Therefore, the Navy in Washington alerted Kimmel on December 3 by sending two advisory messages that paraphrased the intercepts . . . . War had to follow; it was inevitable. . . .”; GOP shill Ferguson’s attempts to deflect blame toward Roosevelt: ” . . . . ‘But that was never sent to Kimmel and Short, was it?’ ‘It certainly was,’ I [Clausen] replied. I had him stone cold dead. . . .”; The Hawaiian newspapers had ample warning of the potential attacks to come; FDR knew that the intercepted messages meant that war was inevitable; Churchill and British intelligence knew that the intercepts meant that war was coming and alerted the U.S.; The role of the Bletchley Park codebreakers in communicating (to no avail) the Japanese imminent attack; The participation of one of those codebreakers–the late Colonel Harry Beckhough–on Mr. Emory’s website; Discussion of the U.S.S. Antares, the destroyer U.S.S. Ward and the warning they provided to Admiral Kimmel–to no avail; The attack on Pearl Harbor and the role in it played by General Minoru Genda, the eventual head of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, and the recipient of a medal from the U.S. Air Force; The performance characteristics of the aircraft carriers in the Pacific and the battleships in Pearl Harbor; The leak of the U.S. Navy’s code-breaking secret to the Japanese via the Chicago Tribune and its FDR-hating publisher Robert McCormick; The commencement of the Golden Lily operation with the Rape of Nanking in 1937; The fact that the breaking of the Japanese code informed the U.S. of the nature of the cargo of their ships, possibly informing today of the position of sunken Golden Lily treasure.
On Mr. Emory’s Patreon site, the most recent one hour talks include a December 4th special on the facts concerning the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. This video of Ukraine’s top military medical officer discussing an order to castrate Russian males is an eye-opener. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
In FTR#1142, we detailed the little-known involvement of Chiang Kai-shek and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek in the 1943 conferences at Cairo and Teheran. (Mme. Chiang Kai-shek was the sister of T.V. Soong, one of Chiang’s finance ministers and the richest man in the world at one time.) This low-profile involvement apparently gave them considerable gravitas in helping to shape the postwar geopolitical agenda. While in Okinawa during Japan’s surrender in World War II, Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was witness to the early commitment of decisive military resources to the wars that were to take place in Korea and Indochina/Vietnam. ” . . . . I was on Okinawa at that time, and during some business in the harbor area I asked the harbormaster if all that new material was being returned to the States. His response was direct and surprising: ‘Hell, no! They ain’t never goin’ to see it again. One-half of this stuff, enough to equip and supply at least a hundred and fifty thousand men, is going to Korea, and the other half is going to Indochina.’ In 1945, none of us had any idea that the first battles of the Cold War were going to be fought by U.S. military units in those two regions beginning in 1950 and 1965–yet that is precisely what had been planned, and it is precisely what happened. Who made that decision back in 1943–45? . . . .” WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE.
On the cusp of a new year–a Presidential election year at that–analysis of President Kennedy’s handling of the steel crisis of 1962 illustrates just how far we have descended in the 50-plus years since his death. After brokering an agreement between the United Steelworkers union and United States Steel aimed at holding down inflation, Kennedy was blindsided by United States Steel, acting in concert with other large steelmakers and, behind them, the luminaries of corporate America. Whereas the union rank and file embraced a contract encompassing lower wages, U.S. Steel promptly announced a 3.5 percent price increase. Kennedy used the full force of the Federal government against U.S. Steel, forcing rollback of the price increase. This earned Kennedy the hatred of big business. Program Highlights Include: Henry Luce’s “Fortune” magazine’s publication of an editorial foreshadowing JFK’s murder; big business’ view of JFK as a quasi-communist; the vigorous action taken by Robert Kennedy’s Department of Justice against the big steel makers; JFK’s public excoriation of the leaders of Big Steel as enemies of the people; JFK’s re-direction of defense contracts to smaller steel firms that had not raised prices.
The first of several interviews with Peter Levenda about his important new book “The Hitler Legacy,” this program highlights the evolution of elements which figure into the development of the post-war Nazi underground. At the end of the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and abortive Marxist uprisings in Germany and elsewhere in Europe infused the power elite in the U.S. with a paranoid ideological terror of a global “Jewish-Marxist” conspiracy. Combined with fear of Catholic and Jewish immigrants and their effect on American society, this ideological paranoia fused with a social Darwinism that found its expression in eugenics–a pseudo-intellectual doctrine that sought the promotion of “desirable” social and ethnic types and the suppression and/or elimination of “inferior” racial types. Seeing Germany as the point element in the struggle against world Marxism, individuals and political parties sought to ally with German fascists to bring fascism to the U.S. This fascist Fifth Column included political groups ranging from the Ku Klux Klan to the Silver Shirts of William Dudley Pelley, as well as the prototypical right-wing talk show host Father Charles Coughlin, “the Radio Priest.” Coughlin’s efforts were subsidized by Third Reich intelligence. Financed by financiers and industrialists who supported fascism, this Fifth Column attempted to kill and/or overthrow FDR on several occasions. In the Middle East, the concept of global jihad was developed by German archaelogist Max von Oppenheim during the First World War. Envisioning the world’s Muslims as proxy warriors against the Entente Powers of Britain, France and Russia, von Oppenheim created the template for contemporary Islamic fascism and jihadism. Following the division of the former Ottoman Empire by Britain and France after World War I, the “Arab Street” began manifesting belief in an international global conspiracy involving Jews and the European colonial powers that resonated with the American power elite’s idological anxieties.
The title of the program is a verbatim quote from Edward Snowden–the Peach Fuzz Fascist–in 2009. The GOP-controlled 114th Congress is attempting to implement Snowden’s views. In addition to highlighting Snowden’s ultra-reactionary views about abolishing Social Security and restoring the gold standard, the broadcast sets forth the GOP’s disingenuous statements about the Social Security disability program, exemplified by Rand Paul’s bald-faced lies about the nature of the program. After chronicling the GOP’s 80-year war on Social Security, going back to the early days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first term, the broadcast reviews the 1934 coup attempt by powerful, fascist industrial and financial interests. Those same plotters supported Mussolini’s “corporate state” and Hitler’s eugenics program, aimed at eliminating “useless bread gobblers.” Like Snowden, the 1934 coup plotters wanted to eliminate Social Security and restore the gold standard.
In the past, Nazi sympathizer Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune (dubbed by wags “the greatest mind of the 14th century” and pictured at right) published plans for U.S. mobilization for, and fighting in, the Second World War. He also published secret information about the U.S. Navy having cracked Japanese military codes. His source for the “Rainbow Five” leak appears to have been Albert Wedemeyer, who studied at the German military academy in the 1930’s and was appointed by Ronald Reagan as a special military adviser. Might this tell us something about German-born Peter Thiel and his German-educated associate Alex Karp, CEO at Palantir, which appears to have developed the PRISM software?
William Faulkner noted that “the past is never dead and buried. It isn’t even past.” War Gold stolen by the Japanese dominates the contemporary economic landscape; the engines of world political power turn in precision with these hidden engines of wealth.
by Jules Archer; Most people will be shocked to learn that in 1933 a cabal of wealthy industrialists—in league with groups like the K.K.K. and the American Liberty League—planned to overthrow the U.S. government in a fascist coup.
Listen: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Introduction: In Mein Kampf (his autobiography and political manifesto), Adolph Hitler spoke of the big lie: “Most people tell little lies. They would be ashamed to tell big ones. They would never credit others with such great impudence as the complete reversal of facts. Even explanations would long […]
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