Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Federalist Society' is associated with 4 posts.

FTR #476 More on the Schmitzes, the Underground Reich and 9/11

REALAUDIO Com­ple­ment­ing infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed in FTR#469, the pro­gram details the career of Joseph E. Schmitz—a very for­mi­da­ble indi­vid­ual who is Inspec­tor Gen­er­al of the Depart­ment of Defense. A mem­ber of the Schmitz fam­i­ly dis­cussed in FTR#469, Joseph E. Schmitz is in a vital­ly impor­tant posi­tion in the Pen­ta­gon and is in a very sen­si­tive posi­tion […]

FTR #445 The Bush Family & the Intelligence Community

Kevin Phillips’ book ‘Amer­i­can Dynasty.’

FTR #289 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Deeply involved in the ele­va­tion of Pope John Paul II, Opus Dei has roots in the fas­cist dic­ta­tor­ship of Franco’s Spain.

FTR #107 The Starr Chamber

Ques­tion­able, pos­si­bly ille­gal activ­i­ties of Spe­cial Pros­e­cu­tor Ken­neth Starr.