Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'FEMA' is associated with 4 posts.

FTR #503 The Death of Barry Seal

Con­tra-relat­ed cocaine smug­gler Bar­ry Seal was mur­dered in Feb­ru­ary of 1986 because he was threat­en­ing to squeal on his han­dlers

AFA 38: The Terror Connection, Pt. 3

Real­iz­ing The Fourth Reich

FTR #438 Christmas Bushes: Business As Unusual

For mem­bers of the Bush fam­i­ly, every­day is Christ­mas. They are the recip­i­ents of enor­mous largesse, the prod­uct of busi­ness as unusu­al.

FTR #110 The Tyree Suit

Bill Tyree was involved in “Oper­a­tion Watch­tow­er,” a CIA oper­a­tion that import­ed cocaine into the Unit­ed States.