Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'France' is associated with 11 posts.

Too Much of a Good Thing? Part 2: A Secret Trilogue and Business as Usual

With last week’s bliz­zard of Snow­den leaks on NSA spy­ing in the EU hit­ting the news, the EU par­lia­ment over­whelm­ing­ly passed a draft set of new EU data pri­va­cy rules with a fast-tracked time frame of imple­men­ta­tion by mid April 2014. But, in a sur­pris­ing twist, the David Cameron just man­aged to do away with the fast track­ing, argu­ing that the pro­posed rules would be an oner­ous bur­den on busi­ness­es. So the new EU data pri­va­cy rules are still com­ing, but not for at least anoth­er year and pre­sum­ably with a lot of changes. Those aren’t the only changes that may be com­ing to the inter­net.