Many of the same elements that figured in the failed investigation into the 9/11 attacks crop up in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing, as well. In addition to intelligence elements linked to the GOP/Petroleum/Underground Reich element of the intelligence community, there are indications that the accused bombers may have been indoctrinated with domestic fascist ideology. An apparent terrorist attack on a PG & E power subsation at the same time may indicate that the “leaderless resistance” strategy is being manifested here.
George H.W. Bush apparently deeply involved with JFK assassination; in Dallas at the time, he’s never satisfactorily accounted for his activities; he was very close to Dallas power political elements that removed Kennedy (many of them apparently CIA); Poppy’s attempts at covering his tracks suggest culpability in the murder.
Comment: Although we haven’t discussed the topic in some time, the Chilean Nazi enclave known as Colonia Dignidad has figured prominently in discussions of Operation Condor, the diaspora of Nazi war criminals to Latin America, as well as the Pinochet regime in Chile. “Cult Leader, ex-Nazi Schaefer Dies in Chile” [CNN]; 4/25/2010. Paul Schaefer, a […]
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