In FTR #‘s 941 and 942 we examined the political history and milieu of Tulsi Gabbard (D‑HI), a “rising star” in the Democratic Party, one of the driving forces behind the Bernie Sanders phenomenon, and networked with Narendra Modi’s BJP and the RSS, the Hindu fascist/organization that assassinated Gandhi. A “Huffington Post” article from “Civil Beat” seemed curiously unable to find a public statement by Gabbard about her membership in a Hare Krishna cult offshoot headed by Chris Butler. She states her association with Butler, aka aka Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, in a readily available video. “Civil Beat” is a publication founded by Pierre Omidyar (of “First Look Media”), who helped to finance Modi’s election.
In FTR #‘s 724, 725, 732, 745 and 755, we have detailed the fascist and far right-wing ideology, associations and politics of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Lionized by the so-called progressive sector, as well as mainstream media sources like “The New York Times” and “Der Spiegel,” Assange’s true colors and fascist politics and associations have emerged on a larger stage. As the Trump campaign evolves, a major alliance between Trump and the Assange organization has developed. Obviously serving as a dirty-tricks cadre for the GOP, Assange is working hard to destroy Hillary Clinton with leaked documents intended to torpedo her campaign. Assange–not even an American citizen–is manifesting what we termed “technocratic fascism,” arrogating to himself the right to determine the results of the American Presidential election. Quoting from a seminal article by David Golumbia: ” . . . Hackers (“civic,” “ethical,” “white” and “black” hat alike), hacktivists, WikiLeaks fans [and Julian Assange et al–D. E.], Anonymous “members,” even Edward Snowden himself walk hand-in-hand with Facebook and Google in telling us that coders don’t just have good things to contribute to the political world, but that the political world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it: the political world is broken, they appear to think (rightly, at least in part), and the solution to that, they think (wrongly, at least for the most part), is for programmers to take political matters into their own hands. . . .” Assange is networking with Trump’s dirty tricks operator Roger Stone and resonating with the right-wing GOP/Trump playbook in his activities against Clinton. A major portion of the program highlights the substantive evidence that the DNC hack was NOT done by Russia, but by someone trying to make it look like Russia did it. Assange is now strongly hinting that the source was Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee volunteer who was murdered. Assange is obliquely suggesting that Clinton was behind the murder. (Rich’s family disputes this canard and is urging the public to disregard Assange’s claims.) The WikiLeaks Clinton e‑mail dump: ” . . . . The emails include unencrypted, plain-text listings of donor emails addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, passport numbers, and credit card information. . . .” Might this have had something to do with the murder of Seth Rich? Program Highlights Include: WikiLeaks’ disclosure of the Social Security and credit card number of Democratic contributors; WikiLeaks anti-Semitic tweet, labeling its critics as Jews; Assange’s oblique endorsement of Trump; Assange’s embrace of a synthesis of Chicago school and Austrian school neo-liberal economic theory; Assange’s operational resonance with Koch brothers associate Peter Schweitzer; review of Assange’s pivotal associations with fascists and anti-Semites like Carl Lundstrom and Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”); review of David Duke’s links to the WikiLeaks milieu and to Ron Paul (Snowden and Assange’s Presidential candidate of choice); David Duke’s support of Trump; ideological and rhetorical resonance between Ron Paul, Glenn Greenwald and Donald Trump; a bullet-point analysis that connects the dots between elements of this complex analysis.
” . . . In his minority report, he [Jeff Carr] asks: what kind of spy ring tags their stolen docs before releasing them under a cover? . . . . ‘Raise your hand if you think that a GRU or FSB officer would add Iron Felix’s name to the metadata of a stolen document before he released it to the world while pretending to be a Romanian hacker.’ . . . Crowdstrike president Shawn Henry is [also] dubious. . . . ‘I don’t know what kind of foreign intelligence service conducting a covert operation wants to be found,’ he said on Thursday, but added that CrowdStrike picked up the DNC hack within 48 hours and that it ‘wasn’t difficult.’ . . .” UPDATE: A former German hacktivist has weighed in that blaming Russia for the hack is almost TOO easy: “ . . . None of the technical evidence is convincing. . . . Why would a country with some of the best intelligence services in the world commit a whole series of really stupid mistakes in a highly sensitive operation? . . . it is entirely possible that this was a false flag operation by an unknown third party to escalate tensions between nuclear superpowers. . . .”
Beginning with an update on the investigation into the fate of Adolf Hitler, the broadcast notes that associates of Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams (authors of “Grey Wolf”) received death threats in connection with their research–this more than 70 years after the Fuehrer’s alleged “suicide.”
Fresh from his Silicon Valley appearance, Narendra Modi has been actualizing the RSS’s Hindu/nationalist fascism, instituting an online monitoring agency and beating up student protesters in New Delhi.
Much of the broadcast details developments in the world of high-tech, from apparent and terrifying hacks to predictions about the massive replacement of workers by robots and artificial intelligence.
Program Highlights Include: Ayatollah Khomeini’s networking with a Muslim-Brotherhood affiliate; the apparent hacking of a Boston subway train; the hacking of a water treatment plant; review of Nazi hacker and Glenn Greenwald crony Andrew Auernheimer’s hacking of remote printers; review of the devolution of Microsoft’s Tay AI chatbot into a Nazi; discussion of the development of artificial intelligence as the “next big thing” in technology; projections that 83% of jobs paying under $20.00 an hour will be technologically phased out; projection that more than 5 million construction jobs will be replaced by robots and/or AI; the late Antonin Scalia’s networking with the Habsburg milieu.
Collaboration by powerful, influential Western and American institutions has enabled the perpetuation of what Mr. Emory calls “The Underground Reich.” In addition to the corporate interests who backed the Axis, journalistic organizations such as the Associated Press collaborated–the legacy of that collaboration being a distorted view of history. Much of the program highlights the return “above-ground” of political elements of the Underground Reich. In Ukraine, the heirs to the OUN/B fascists continue to gain gravitas politically and militarily. The openly Nazi Azov Battalion will now receive funding and training from the U.S. government, thanks to the omnibus funding bill passed in December of 2015. With Ukrainian members of Parliament openly manifesting their Nazi sympathies, those who profess to be “shocked, shocked” at developments should reconsider their point of view. In Croatia, Ustachi elements have gained control of the government, as attested to by the outgoing prime minister. Croatian cultural events, such as football [soccer] matches continue to experience open celebration of pro-Ustacha sentiment. After reviewing the Crusade For Freedom and its projection of Eastern European Nazi collaborators into the GOP, the program highlights the Nazi-like political agenda of the AfD. Represented as “anti-immigrant,” it embraces a quasi-eugenics agenda and historical revisionism reminiscent of the NSDAP’s agenda. The program concludes with a look at the future of fascism, with Nazi hacker extraordinaire Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer having hacked printers and made them spew white supremacist propaganda, as well as tweeting Nazi ideology in such as manner as to (apparently) augment his stash of Bitcoins. The program features a look at Tay, the Microsoft AI “chatbot” that turned into a Nazi 24 hours after going online. Program Highlights Include: the AP’s use of SS press liaison Franz Roth as a photo editor; the AP’s cover-up of the Lviv pogroms in Ukraine; the direct association of Croatian culture minister Zlatko Hasanbegovic with the son-in-law of Croatian World War II dictator Ante Pavelic; Auernhemer’s association with Glenn Greenwald; Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko being allowed to address to the Knesset–the Israeli parliament–despite his having laid a wreath in tribute to the OUN/B at the site of the Babi Yar massacre (1200 of the 1800 executioners at Babi Yar were from the OUN/B); the elevation of Svoboda party member Andriy Parubiy to be the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament; the use of the “14 words” by Svoboda politicians in Ukraine, as well as Auernheimer; recap of Croatian footballer Joe Simunic’s leading of a crowd in the “Za Dom Spremni” Ustachi chant.
From the Republican Party to European political and intellectual elites to “The New York Times,” everyone is “shocked, shocked” at the fascistic nature of the Trump candidacy. They shouldn’t be–his candidacy is the direct outgrowth of powerful forces that have been at work in this country for decades. After highlighting two op-ed pieces from the “Times,” accurately noting the virulent fascism at the root of the Trump phenomenon, the broadcast notes that neither Europe, where fascism is on the march once again, nor the American so-called “progressive sector,” which has embraced the “Eddie the Friendly Spook,” Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange are in a position to complain. Snowden, Greenwald, Assange et al embody PRECISELY the same forces percolating at the surface of the Trump waters. Much of the broadcast consists of excerpts of an important new book: “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government” by David Talbot. In that worthy volume, Talbot chronicles the role of the Dulles brothers and Sullivan and Cromwell in the capitalization of Hitler’s Germany and the cover-up of the Nazi flight capital program, Dulles’s long collaboration with Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, Gehlen’s pursuit (with Dulles) of the Cold War as a continuation of Hitler’s war against the U.S.S.R., the Dulles/Gehlen collaboration in the formation of the fascist networks known as “Stay Behind/Gladio.” The program concludes with review of the Crusade For Freedom, a Dulles project which culminated in the formation of a Nazi branch of the GOP. Program Highlights Include: the genesis of the Bormann network and its apparent collaboration with the Dulles networks; Prescott Bush, Sr.‘s role as the Senate’s liaison with Dulles’s CIA; the roles of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush with the Crusade For Freedom; “The New York Times” and its own incorporation of Third Reich alumni as part of its collaboration with CIA.
Drawing together information presented in numerous broadcasts over the period of several years, this program highlights the endeavors of Glenn Greenwald’s journalistic/financial angel Pierre Omidyar. Guided by the Austrian School/free-market, neo-liberal economics of Hernando De Soto, Omidyar’s “philanthropic” efforts are closely aligned with covert action implemented in concert with U.S. intelligence cutouts such as U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ford Foundation.
Focusing on the Omidyar Network’s SKS organization, the discussion notes the brutal, lethal results of its micro-finance programs in India. Omidyar Network’s key Indian functionary Jayant Sinha, took time off to help direct the election campaign of Narendra Modi, whose BJP is a cat’s paw for the RSS, a Hindu nationalist/fascist organization inspired by Hitler and Mussolini. Three quarter of Modi’s cabinet was selected from the RSS, to which Modi belonged. (Gandhi was assassinated by a member of RSS.)
One of the key vehicles for Omidyar Network’s “philanthropy” in India is the Rural Development Institute (renamed “Landesa”), developed by Roy Prosterman. Prosterman’s RDI was a key feature of the Phoenix assassination program in Vietnam. Citizen Omidyar has also helped to fund the return to power of the OUN/B fascists in Ukraine, again partnering with U.S. intelligence cutouts such as U.S. AID and the National Endowment for Democracy.
Program Highlights Include: Modi’s projected rollback of India’s laws against child labor; the stifling of freedom of speech under Modi’s regime; the Modi government’s complicity in lethal anti-Muslim vigilante actions; the neo-liberal economic goals of Omidyar Network’s “land acquisition” micro-finance projects; Omidyar protege Oleh Rybachuk’s participation in the Yuschenko government; Rybachuk’s efforts to integrate Ukraine into NATO and the EU; Omidyar protege Svitlana Zalischuk’s efforts to integrate Ukraine into NATO and the EU, mentored by Rybachuk; Omidyar protege Zalischuk’s efforts on behalf of the lustration laws, seen as the legal foundation for a broad-based purge; Zalischuk’s efforts promoting networking between Ukrainian Nazi parties such as Svoboda and the so-called “moderate” parties; Omidyar’s partnering with the National Endowment for Democracy to create a “fact-funding” service; review of the development of the NED as a cutout for U.S. intelligence by William Casey and the Reagan administration.
Drawing together material from previous programs and posts, this broadcast highlights Citizen Greenwald’s role as “a shiller for killers.” QUICK–who do you think said this?: “The parade of evils caused by illegal immigration is widely known, . . . illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone. . . . unmanageably endless hordes of people pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate. . . [they pose a threat to] middle-class suburban voters.” Donald Trump, right? Wrong–it was Glenn Greenwald.
Beginning with discussion of Greenwald’s role in suppressing journalistic coverage of, and basic freedom of speech about, Big Tobacco’s lethal marketing practices, we note his role in the Wachtell Lipton suit. That suit forced the cancellation of a “Frontline” broadcast and muzzled key whistleblowers from even discussing the documents revealing cigarette manufacturers’ sinister activity.
Once in private practice, Greenwald continued his work as a shiller for killers, running legal interference for the “leaderless resistance” strategy by protecting Nazi killers against civil suits and murder charges.
In addition to defending Nazi leader Matthew Hale against a suit brought by victims of one of his murderous foot soldiers, Greenwald defended him when he solicited the murder of Judge Joan Lefkow. Judge Lefkow’s husband and mother were shot to death in her home, after one of Hale’s followers posted the judge’s home address, a map to her home and pictures of her family online. Apparently Citizen Greenwald’s concern for internet privacy did not extent to the unfortunate Judge Lefkow.
Greenwald also defended the National Alliance and other anti-immigration groups against a suit that held them liable for beating and stabbing attacks on Mexican day laborers. The National Alliance publishes books specifically intended to motivate racial violence.
Program Highlights Include: the anti-immigrant views and rhetoric of Greenwald’s clients and associates; his role shilling for the Muslim Brotherhood; Greenwald’s violation of ethics when taping witnesses; Greenwald’s association with Nazi Andrew Auernheimer; Greenwald’s co-hosting of an event with neo-Confederate advocate Jacob Hornberger, as well as Ron Paul; Greenwald’s intellectual championing of virulently “anti-immigrant” former GOP congressman Tom Tancredo.
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