“9/11 Mosque” Imam no moderate; second generation Muslim Brotherhood, his foreign language pronouncements and actions belie his “moderation;” Supporters and opponents ignore profound ties between their “side” and what they oppose.
NOT a civil rights organization, CAIR is actually a front for the fascist Muslim Brotherhood and terror offshoots al-Qaeda, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It has penetrated law enforcement, news media, intelligence agencies.
Comment: In the wake of the Gaza Flotilla incident last month, the Muslim Brotherhood helped engineer a demonstration in Vienna, at which Hitler’s political legacy was invoked. As noted in the following post, such behavior is illegal in Austria. In addition to highlighting Hamas’s and the Brotherhood’s Nazi and fascist ideological and historical underpinnings, this […]
Comment: With the rhetorical and diplomatic firestorm unfolding in the wake of the fiasco staged by Israel in the Mediterranean, a number of things become obvious, including questions about how Israeli intelligence failed to grasp the inevitability of such an event, if extreme caution were not exercised. And it wasn’t. First, the IHH–the charity that […]
Cover-up of U.S. economic support for Hitler led to creation of two CIA’s–one Democrat and one Republican that serves multinational corporations; Nuremberg trials subverted; Goldstone Report a sham.
“Grover Norquist’s Jihad” by Pamela Geller; American Thinker; 3/4/2010. Comment: Criticism of GOP kingpins Grover Norquist and Karl Rove, architects of the Islamic Institute (a Muslim Brotherhood adjunct to the GOP), has been sparse. A continuing tragedy is that much of that sparse criticism comes from members of the conservative community who have retained enough […]
Comment: In the wake of the Gaza War of 2009–2010, Hamas has been lionized and idealized by much of the so-called “progressive sector” particularly in the United Kingdom and Europe. Below is the charter of that organization, the Palestinian branch of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood. It is, simply put, undiluted Nazi ideology. For our struggle […]
Referencing the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk; comparing coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with the O.J. Simpson case.
Multiple and escalating crises with which the incoming U.S. President must deal.
Examining the “headscarf incident” and Muslim Brotherhood elements in the United States.
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