Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Hezbollah' is associated with 44 posts.

Hezbollah’s American Infrastructure Endorses Ron Paul

Insti­tu­tions linked to Hezbol­lah sup­port­ing GOP pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Ron Paul, along with Nazi and white suprema­cist ele­ments.

The Al-Dura Hoax: Another Judicial Ruling in the Case of Philippe Karsenty

Over­whelm­ing evi­dence that Israeli killing of Pales­tin­ian boy in 2000 was a hoax. Lit­i­ga­tion mov­ing through French courts.

Iranian/Hezbollah Terror Team Allegedly Arrested in Argentina: Descendants of WWII Nazis Involved in Plot?

Were the descen­dants of World War II Nazis liv­ing in Argenti­na involved with the AMIA bomb­ing?

Hamas: Darlings of the “Progressive Sector”

Com­ment: In the wake of the Gaza War of 2009–2010, Hamas has been lion­ized and ide­al­ized by much of the so-called “pro­gres­sive sec­tor” par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Unit­ed King­dom and Europe. Below is the char­ter of that orga­ni­za­tion, the Pales­tin­ian branch of the fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. It is, sim­ply put, undi­lut­ed Nazi ide­ol­o­gy. For our strug­gle […]

FTR #687 Update on 9/11 and Related Matters

Sau­di mon­ey pow­er helps them evade 9/11 guilt; inves­ti­ga­tion reveal­ing con­nec­tion between Bush admin­is­tra­tion and ter­ror financ­ing moves for­ward; CIA’s [ex] Scheuer’s trea­so­nous remarks; Syr­i­an nuke inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues.

FTR #661 Walkin’ the Snake in the Middle East, Part II: O.J. Agonistes and Palestinian Pornography

Ref­er­enc­ing the Nazi tract Ser­pen­t’s Walk; com­par­ing cov­er­age of the Israeli/Palestinian con­flict with the O.J. Simp­son case.

FTR #653 Touching Bases with Daniel Hopsicker

Scan­dals over­lap­ping the milieu of the Flori­da flight schools, through which many of the 9/11 hijack­ers received instruc­tion.

Jihad and Jew-Hatred

Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11

FTR #622 More about the Nazi Origins of Islamic Fascism

Record­ed Jan­u­ary 27, 2008 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Flesh­ing out the grow­ing For The Record archives about Islam­ic fas­cism, this pro­gram sets forth the explic­it­ly Nazi ori­gins of the vir­u­lent anti-Semi­­tism dom­i­nat­ing much of the Islam­ic world. Although the Koran pro­vides a foun­da­tion for Mus­lim anti-Semi­­tism, the notion of Jews as a […]

Looking Under a Rock: FBI and CIA Hit New Low in Recruitment Drive

by Steven Emer­son IPT News In a fright­en­ing and bizarre turn, the two chief agen­cies tapped with safe­guard­ing Amer­i­ca’s nation­al secu­ri­ty have start­ed adver­tis­ing in a pub­li­ca­tion that can only be described as objec­tive­ly pro-ter­ror­ism. The online edi­tion of the Wash­ing­ton Report for Mid­dle East Affairs (WRMEA), a pub­li­ca­tion linked to for­mer Con­gress­man Paul Find­ley, […]