German academic, Dr. Matthias Kuentzel’s, lecture, given to an audience of well over one hundred people tonight at Leeds University. According to the organisers it met with a great deal of acclaim and evoked concern about the espousal by much of the British Left of Islamic fascist tendencies — the legacy of Hitler and Nazism […]
by Victor Davis HansonTribune Media Services Who recently said: “These Jews started 19 Crusades. The 19th was World War I. Why? Only to build Israel.” Some holdover Nazi? Hardly. It was former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan of Turkey, a NATO ally. He went on to claim that the Jews — whom he refers to as […]
by Eli LakeTHE NEW YORK SUNWASHINGTON — The Bush administration is quietly weighing the prospect of reaching out to the party that founded modern political Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood. Still in its early stages and below the radar, the current American deliberations and diplomacy with the organization, known in Arabic as Ikhwan, take on new […]
by Melanie Phillips In the past few days, the BBC appears to have turned itself into a mouthpiece for Hamas. From a steady procession of talking heads has issued a stream of Arab propaganda, along the lines that what has happened in Gaza is an inevitable outcome of the Israeli/western collective punishment of Palestinian voters […]
Jeremiah Duggan, young British Jew murdered in Germany after traveling to Wiesbaden to attend an event staged by the Schiller Institute.
Islamic fascism and its links with fascists from Europe and America and relationships going back to the Third Reich are highlighted in this program.
The man represents a group some contend is extremist. Supporters say right-wingers are just trying to silence American Muslims. by Ashraf KhalilLOS ANGELES TIMES Sen. Barbara Boxer has rescinded an award her office gave to a Sacramento Islamic activist after criticism that the group he represents — the Council on American-Islamic Relations — holds extremist […]
by Maureen DowdTHE NEW YORK TIMES The only sects that may be more savage than Shiites and Sunnis are the Democratic feminist lawmakers representing Northern and Southern California. After Nancy Pelosi and Jane Harman had their final catfight about who would lead the House Intelligence Committee, aptly enough at the Four Seasons’ hair salon in […]
by Patrick J. McDonnellLOS ANGELES TIMES BUENOS AIRES — Argentine prosecutors accused Tehran on Wednesday of masterminding the deadly bombing of a Jewish cultural center here 12 years ago and were seeking the arrest of former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani and other former officials of the Islamic Republic. Argentine authorities have long contended that Iran […]
Pursuant to the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon, a new type of anti-Semitism has gained momentum, advancing under the moniker of “anti-Zionism.”
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