Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Hirohito' is associated with 23 posts.

FTR #813 Return of the Rising Sun, Part 3

Grand­son of the Japan­ese war crim­i­nal who signed that coun­try’s dec­la­ra­tion of war against the U.S., Shin­zo Abe is fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of Nobo­suke Kishi (his grand­fa­ther), as well as those of Kishi’s asso­ciates in Japan’s expan­sion­ist empire. Revis­ing school text­books about World War II, pass­ing a new secre­cy law, insti­tut­ing greater state con­trol of news media, dra­mat­i­cal­ly increas­ing defense spend­ing while mov­ing to alter the con­sti­tu­tion to per­mit a more mil­i­taris­tic agen­da, Abe is turn­ing back the Japan­ese his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal clock. Japan­ese gov­ern­ment offi­cials are open­ly sanc­tion­ing anti-Kore­an racism and net­work­ing with orga­ni­za­tions that pro­mote that doc­trine. Sev­er­al mem­bers of Abe’s gov­ern­ment net­work with Japan­ese neo-Nazis. Vice-Prime Min­is­ter Taro Aso is a long­time admir­er of Nazi polit­i­cal strat­e­gy and advo­cates using the Nazi method for seiz­ing pow­er to sneak con­sti­tu­tion­al change past the Japan­ese pub­lic.

FTR #600 The Axis Revisited: Changing the Past and Controlling the Present

Record­ed June 10, 2007 REALAUDIO MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 Intro­duc­tion: Ana­lyz­ing the ongo­ing influ­ence of fas­cism in Germany’s Axis part­ners (Japan and Italy), the pro­gram illus­trates that, as nov­el­ist William Faulkn­er said: “The past is nev­er dead and buried. It isn’t even past.” Begin­ning with the acquit­tal of the accused mur­der­ers of for­mer […]

FTR #584 Rewriting History

Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: In Mein Kampf (his auto­bi­og­ra­phy and polit­i­cal man­i­festo), Adolph Hitler spoke of the big lie: “Most peo­ple tell lit­tle lies. They would be ashamed to tell big ones. They would nev­er cred­it oth­ers with such great impu­dence as the com­plete rever­sal of facts. Even expla­na­tions would long […]

FTR #580 “The Jews of Asia” — The Sook Ching Massacres and their Significance for Today

In Asian coun­tries, the pros­per­ous, edu­cat­ed Chi­nese minori­ties endure an often lethal per­se­cu­tion sim­i­lar to that endured by the Jews of Europe. The Japan­ese used this dynam­ic to per­pe­trate the “Sook Ching Mas­sacres” dur­ing World War II.

FTR #551 Moonlighting

Sushi indus­try dom­i­na­tion in the Unit­ed States by True World Group—a Moon pro­pri­etary

Gold Warriors

Amer­i­ca’s Secret Recov­ery of Yamashita’s Gold, by Ster­ling & Peg­gy Sea­grave

The Rape of Nanking

by Iris Chang; In Decem­ber 1937, the Japan­ese army sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly raped, tor­tured, and mur­dered more than 300,000 Chi­nese civil­ians.

FTR #509 The Death of Iris Chang

At the time of her death, Iris Chang was research­ing a book chron­i­cling the expe­ri­ences of sur­vivors of the Bataan Death March.

FTR #501 Norbert Schlei and the Strange Case of the “57’s”

Nor­bert Schlei, for­mer assis­tant attor­ney gen­er­al under JFK, attempt­ed to redeem Japan­ese gov­ern­ment bonds issued against the M‑Fund, a slush fund from Japan­ese loot from WWII.

Miscellaneous Archive Shows M1-M30

Pro­gram details and audio links.