Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Jean-Marie Le Pen' is associated with 3 posts.

FTR #886 What the Hell Does Dave Emory Mean by “The Earth Island Boogie?,” Part 3: Geopolitical Quicksand

Ana­lyz­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Amer­i­can use of Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Islamists as proxy war­riors and armed her­alds of cor­po­ratist free-mar­ket eco­nom­ic val­ues might back­fire on the Unit­ed States, we look at the devel­op­ment of ISIS, the curi­ous Turk­ish about-face on the Fetul­lah Gulen orga­ni­za­tion and fall­out from the so-called “Arab Spring.” Begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of a “dooms­day” con­tin­gency plan con­coct­ed by al-Qae­da and Sad­dam Hus­sein to back each oth­er up mil­i­tar­i­ly in the event either or both were over­thrown by the U.S., we exam­ine the promi­nent role of for­mer mem­bers of Sad­dam’s offi­cer corps in admin­is­ter­ing ISIS. ISIS and al-Qae­da are hold­ing forth in Libya, which is serv­ing as a base for spread­ing their oper­a­tions into Africa. Like the bloody Syr­i­an civ­il war, the over­throw of Khadafy (which set the stage for the Islamist pres­ence in Libya) is an out­growth of the so-called “Arab Spring”–one of the “con­ga-line ops” we high­light­ed in FTR #885. Much of the pro­gram high­lights the oper­a­tions of the Fetul­lah Gulen orga­ni­za­tion in Turkey. Alleged to be a CIA front orga­ni­za­tion and Islam­ic extrem­ist in nature, the Gulen orga­ni­za­tion was for­mer­ly an ally of Tayyip Erdo­gan. Now, it is among his most bit­ter oppo­nents. Pro­gram High­lights Include: review of Hitler’s view that Islamists were a cru­cial Third Reich ally; review of a crit­i­cal meet­ing in Switzer­land at which promi­nent Euro-fas­cists and al-Taqwa direc­tor Ahmed Huber met; spec­u­la­tion that the Swiss “Euro-fas­cist” sum­mit may have helped gen­er­ate the intel­li­gence dis­in­for­ma­tion that helped lure the Bush admin­is­tra­tion into the ill-advised Iraq war; “ex” CIA offi­cer Gra­ham Fuller’s ridicule of the alle­ga­tion that the Gulen orga­ni­za­tion is a CIA front orga­ni­za­tion; the close con­nec­tions between Erdo­gan’s AKP Par­ty, Ger­many and the EU.

FTR #830 Machiavelli 2.0: The Paris Attacks and the Muslim Brotherhood

In the wake of the ter­ror­ist inci­dents in Paris, dis­cus­sion has point­ed­ly omit­ted the per­pe­tra­tors’ links to the Mus­lim Brotherhood–the Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that spawned groups like Al Qae­da and ISIS. Por­trayed in the West as a “mod­er­ate’ orga­ni­za­tion, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nur­tured as anti-com­mu­nist cadre by West­ern Intel­li­gence (CIA in par­tic­u­lar) dur­ing the Cold War. Suc­cess­ful­ly scape­goat­ed by Euro­pean fas­cist groups like the Nation­al Front, ele­ments of the Broth­er­hood net­work with those same fas­cists, mutu­al­ly ben­e­fit­ting from cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal alien­ation gen­er­at­ed among their respec­tive sup­port­ers. Much of the pro­gram reviews and details the cor­po­ratist and free mar­ket eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, an ide­ol­o­gy that endears the Ikhwan to pow­er­ful polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic inter­ests in the U.S. and else­where in the West. Broth­er­hood ele­ments con­tin­ue to be used as proxy war­riors by ele­ments of West­ern and Sau­di intel­li­gence in places like the Cau­ca­sus and Chi­na’s Xin­jiang Province.

FTR #378 Islamism and Geopolitics

Islamist and Far-Right polit­i­cal foun­da­tions of 9/11 attacks.