This program completes the line of inquiry we undertook in FTR #‘s 1146, 1147, 1148 and 1149. Most importantly, we bring the evolution of events and institutions up to the present. Listeners who digest the programs in the future should bear in mind that these programs were recorded during, and in the immediate aftermath of, the 2020 GOP convention.
After reviewing information about Nixon confidante Bebe Rebozo and the links of his bank to the deadly Bormann network, we continue with the unpublished manuscript from which we read in our last program. The broadcast highlights interactions between the Nixon administration, Bebe Rebozo, a mysterious and allegedly organized-crime connected company called Resorts International, an even more mysterious subsidiary of Resorts International called the Paradise Island Bridge Company and the Dewey, Dulles, Nazi, William Casey milieu that is central to this discussion.
The Paradise Island Bridge Company’s directors are suggestive of a possible Bormann link: ” . . . . It did, however, name a number of German and Swiss investors, One of these, for example, was Dr. Heinz Rosterg of Lausanne, a former ‘principal stockholder’ and director of the Wintershall potash concern; Wintershall was one of the major subsidiaries of BASF, the largest single successor firm to I.G. Farben. . . . .”
The manuscript sets forth speculation about the possibility that Mary Carter Paint/Resorts International may have generated funds that greased the wheels for the release of many Nazi war criminals. ” . . . . Still unanswered is the question of whether the story of the Dewey-Allen Dulles interest in Resorts should have referred to funds, not from the CIA itself, but from its German-Swiss partners in the Paradise Island Bridge Company. Such a hypothesis might explain some of the many strange coincidences which surround the company’s controversial history. It might, for example, explain the ‘fortune in legal fees’ that Mary Carter Paint, on the advice of Thomas Dewey, paid to Allen Dulles’ longtime law partner David Peck. (48) The SS-OSS connection certainly had reason to be grateful to David Peck. It was on the basis of Peck’s recommendation, as chairman of a three-man advisory board to review all the Nuremberg sentences, that John J. McCloy commuted to time served the sentence of Skorzeny’s post-war employer, Baron Alfried Krupp, and eight of his colleagues, and also ordered Krupp’s property to be restored. (49) The release of Krupp and other industrialists fulfilled an earlier demand to McCloy from Hermann Abs, who himself narrowly escaped prosecution at Nuremberg. Abs was the first post-war chairman of BASF, the I.G. Farben successor company represented among the stockholders of the Paradise Island Bridge Company. (50) . . . .”
William Casey
The author also engages in speculation about the relationship between Resorts International and Capital Cities Broadcasting. The latter is the company that bought out ABC in the mid 1980’s and whose largest stockholder was William Casey. ” . . . . Might not the OSS-SS connection also throw light on the unexplained interlock between James Crosby’s company Resorts International, tightly controlled by the related and doubly intermarried Crosby-Murphy families, and Capital Cities Broadcasting, the major investment of the CIA’s present director William Casey. (51) Casey would be the logical person to have established the original connection between the Crosby-Murphy families and their mysterious German-Swiss partners. For it was Casey who, in 1944–45, ‘was given overall operational control of [OSS] German projects,’ and ‘co-ordinated . . . the over 150 men’ whom OSS sent into Germany. (52) With Dulles, Wisner, and Forgan, Casey was also one of the OSS veterans who lobbied successfully for a CIA which could legitimately utilize the resources of the Gehlen Org. (53) . . .”
The “unexplained interlock” between Resorts International and Capital Cities is described by the author: ” . . . . James Crosby’s cousin and brother-in-law, Thomas S. Murphy, was in 1964, the Executive Vice-President and a director of Capital Cities, as well as a director of Mary Carter Paint. Lowell Thomas, a long-time radio broadcaster with intelligence connections, was a director of both companies. At the time, William Casey was an officer, director, and major stockholder of Capital Cities. . . .”
Trump kept a copy of this by his bedside for late-night reading.
After James Crosby’s “unexpected” death in April of 1986, Donald Trump–whose operations are bankrolled by Deutsche Bank–purchased the company. Following litigation with Merv Griffin, the assets were divided with the television personality. ” . . . . Real estate developer Donald Trump, who owned two Atlantic City casinos, beat out several other bidders to purchase a controlling stake in the company from Crosby’s family for $79 million in July 1987.[26] Trump was appointed chairman of Resorts International, and said he would complete the Taj Mahal in about a year. . . . The two ultimately reached a settlement, which was executed in November 1988, with Griffin purchasing the company for $365 million, and Trump purchasing the Taj Mahal from the company for $273 million. . . .”
Program Highlights Include:
1.–Discussion of Capital Cities Broadcasting’s acquisition of ABC following the CIA’s filing of a “fairness doctrine” complaint against the company for their coverage of Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong. Ron Rewald alleged that he and the firm for which he worked fronted for CIA. (At the time William Casey was head of CIA and Capital Cities largest stockholder.)
2.–The fact that Thomas Dewey, two time GOP candidate for President, was one of the founders of Capital Cities. The genesis of the Nazi branch of the GOP was Dewey’s 1948 campaign.
3.–Review of William Casey’s career, including the positions he held in the Nixon administration and his involvement with the Black Eagle Trust, which evolved from the Golden Lily plunder acquired by Japan after World War II.
4.–Discussion of Attorney General William Barr’s background in the CIA, including his role in George H.W. Bush’s pardon of key players in the Iran-Contra scandal.
5.–Analysis of Barr’s father Donald Barr and his work for the OSS in World War II, which may have intersected with the machinations of Dulles, Donovan, Casey and the Nazi “Operation Sunrise” participants.
6.–Donald Barr’s hiring of college dropout Jeffrey Epstein to teach at the Dalton School.
7.–Donald Barr’s authorship of a science fiction novel–Space Relations–about a planet dominated by oligarchs and driven by sexual slavery.
8.–Review of a decisive stratagem of the Underground Reich, enunciated by Army officer Glenn Pinchback in a letter to New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison. Pinchback wrote of a ” . . . . ‘Neo-Nazi plot to enslave America in the name of anti-Communism,’ . . .”
9.–In past programs, we have briefly noted that military and [ostensibly] civilian programs officially involved with “epidemic prevention” might conceal clandestine biological warfare applications designed to create epidemics. The official distinction between “offensive” and “defensive” biological warfare research is academic. In that context, one should note that the official title of Unit 731, the notorious Japanese biological warfare unit was “the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army.” Unit 731’s research was incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program at the end of World War II.
10.–Noteworthy in that general context is the observation by Jonathan King (professor of molecular biology at MIT), that Pentagon research into the application of genetic engineering to biological warfare could be masked as vaccine research, which sounds “defensive.”
Concluding the discussion contained in part of FTR #1147 and all of FTR #1148, we finish the presentation of a very important article by the brilliant Peter Dale Scott, written almost 35 years ago. With the GOP convention in full swing as these programs were being recorded, the symbiosis between Allen Dulles and the Nazi SS is fundamental to understanding not only the genesis of the U.S. intelligence establishment, but how that institution is inextricably linked with the Republican Party.
The link to this article permits the listener/reader to download (for free) the entire issue of Covert Action Quarterly. Mr. Emory strongly recommends that they do so, as the other articles in this excellent issue will supplement the analysis beautifully.
Due to the length and complexity of this article, we are not transcribing it, but will summarize important points of information.
Key Points of Analysis:
1.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS preceded by months the official story of the contact between U.S. intelligence and the Gehlen team. ” . . . . It is interesting to note that Gehlen knew of Wolff’s contacts with Dulles s early as January 1945, the month in which they were initiated. From this same period he began to consolidate his networks for survival after Hitler’s downfall, which is to say he already expected to reach a modus vivendi with the Americans. In April 1945, one month before the war ended, Dulles asked Frank Wisner to begin talks with Gehlen, who was not taken into U.S. custody until May 20. On the Gehlen side, a plan ‘to gain contact with the Americans’ was approved on April 9. . . .”
2.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS, involving Walter Rauff–who devised the mobile gas chambers used on the Eastern Front–were conducted as part of Operation Sunrise. ” . . . . Despite the [U.S.] Army interrogator’s pleas that Rauff ‘is considered a menace if ever set free, and failing actual elimination, is recommended for life-long internment,’ Dulles kep his bargain and Rauff was released. According to usually reliable intelligence sources. Dulles then employed Rauff on anti-communist operations in Italy, which was Rauff’s specialty under the Nazis. . . .”
3.–Although the Vatican was deeply involved with the SS/OSS negotiations, Dulles’ team was the primary component. ” . . . It was Dulles’s contacts, not the Vatican, who handled the smuggling of Nazis. According to top secret State Department documents, the Italian police provided the false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste;and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. Genoa, incidentally was Rauff’s area of jurisdiction. All of them worked for Dulles. . . .”
Supplementing the information in the Peter Dale Scott article, we present information about Mengele’s work in Paraguay in conjunction with the CIA and Pentagon: ” . . . . In the last named country, the son of a Bavarian cavalry officer, President Stroessner, cooperates with the United States military authorities and the CIA, as he does with Bormann and his representatives. During the Vietnam war, President Stroessner permitted the U.S. Army Chemical Corps and the CIA to send in teams of 2,500 men to carry out field tests, in the Matto Grosso jungle, of chemicals for use in Vietnam. In one instance, several American soldiers became casualties when they accidentally were sprayed with the gas. They were taken to a Paraguayan military field hospital; the doctor who treated them was Josef Mengele, now a Paraguayan citizen and an officer in the Paraguayan Army Medical Corps. Under Mengele’s treatment, all soldiers recovered. None, of course, knew the true identity of their medical benefactor. . . .”
Of paramount importance in the context of this presentation, is the fact that it was William Casey who was in charge of OSS operations in Germany in late 1944 and 1945, as Dulles, Donovan, and the SS were forging their alliance!! This places Casey’s role in the Crusade For Freedom and the derivative Reagan campaign and administration in perspective.
Placing the co-evolution of the Crusade For Freedom, the GOP and the Gehlen “Org” in context, we note that:
1.–The Gehlen organization was a direct extension of the Third Reich’s national security establishment, coalescing with the approval of a German chain of command that was still in effect after the formal conclusion of hostilities.
2.–The OUN/B, Iron Guard, Croatian Ustachis and other Eastern European fascist groups were part of the Gehlen organization. They were the primary elements in the GOP’s Ethnic Heritage Outreach Council.
3.–This places William Casey’s central role in the GOP Nazi branch as an element in the perpetuation of the Third Reich’s national security establishment.
Next, we review analysis of the Crusade For Freedom–the covert operation that brought Third Reich alumni into the country and also supported their guerilla warfare in Eastern Europe, conducted up until the early 1950’s. Conceived by Allen Dulles, overseen by Richard Nixon, publicly represented by Ronald Reagan and realized in considerable measure by William Casey, the CFF ultimately evolved into a Nazi wing of the GOP.
While serving as chairman of the Republican National Committee, the elder George Bush shepherded the Nazi émigré community into position as a permanent branch of the Republican Party.
Note that the rise of the Reagan administration was essentially the ascent of the Nazified GOP, embodied in the CFF milieu. Reagan (spokesman for CFF) was President; George H.W. Bush (for whom CIA headquarters is named) was the Vice President; William Casey (who handled the State Department machinations to bring these people into the United States) was Reagan’s campaign manager and later his CIA director.
Central to understanding the merging of the U.S. with Nazi Germany in an anti-Soviet alliance–is the understanding of what globalization really is and how it precipitated fascism and the Second World War.
Also central to an understanding of the realization of the consummate manifestation of both globalization and fascism/Nazism–is analysis of the machinations of the Bush family. The heroic Justice Department investigator (later author) John Loftus delineated the Bush family’s role in the laundering of Nazi funds between the Thyssen Bank in Berlin, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V. and the Union Bank in the U.S.
The networking of the Bush family with the Thyssens, and the Rockefellers, in turn, is inextricably linked with the coalescence and operation of the remarkable and deadly Bormann flight capital network, highlighted in FTR #305, among other programs.
Of paramount importance is the role of the two institutions in which Prescott Bush served–Brown Brothers Harriman and the Union Bank–as a fundamental vehicle for laundering money from the consummately powerful Rockefeller family and related interests in Nazi Germany. ” . . . . But what did the Bush family know about their Nazi connection and when did they know it? As senior managers of Brown Brothers Harriman, they had to have known that their American clients, such as the Rockefellers, were investing heavily in German corporations, including Thyssen’s giant Vereinigte Stahlwerke. As noted historian Christopher Simpson repeatedly documents, it is a matter of public record that Brown Brother’s investments in Nazi Germany took place under the Bush family stewardship. . . . It should be recalled that in January 1937, he hired Allen Dulles to ‘cloak’ his accounts. But cloak from whom? Did he expect that happy little Holland was going to declare war on America? The cloaking operation only makes sense in anticipation of a possible war with Nazi Germany. If Union Bank was not the conduit for laundering the Rockefeller’s Nazi investments back to America, then how could the Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank end up owning 31% of the Thyssen group after the war? It should be noted that the Thyssen group (TBG) is now the largest industrial conglomerate in Germany, and with a net worth of more than $50 billion dollars, one of the wealthiest corporations in the world. TBG is so rich it even bought out the Krupp family, famous arms makers for Hitler, leaving the Thyssens as the undisputed champion survivors of the Third Reich. Where did the Thyssens get the start-up money to rebuild their empire with such speed after World War II? . . . . A fortune this size could only have come from the Thyssen profits made from rearming the Third Reich, and then hidden, first from the Nazi tax auditors, and then from the Allies. The Bushes knew perfectly well that Brown Brothers was the American money channel into Nazi Germany, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi money back to America from Holland. The Bushes had to have known how the secret money circuit worked because they were on the board of directors in both directions: Brown Brothers out, Union Bank in. . . .”
Further solidifying the continuity between the Third Reich, the Gehlen Org and the GOP, we note that, while it was the BND (the intelligence service of the Federal Republic) the “Org” was financing the Eastern European fascist groups that were part of the Ethnic Heritage Outreach Council.
Fleshing out information about the BND financing of groups linked to the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, we present supplemental information from an unpublished manuscript. The author is well-known to veteran researchers, but will remain anonymous, since the work was never formally completed or published.
Providing background to discussion of the relationship between the milieu of Resorts International, Nixon, his banking associate Bebe Rebozo and William Casey, we note that Rebozo’s banking of funds from the deadly Bormann network, the institution that Mr. Emory feels will prove to be the decisive element on this earth.
Continuing with discussion from the unpublished manuscript referenced above, the broadcast highlights interactions between the Nixon administration, Bebe Rebozo, a mysterious and allegedly organized-crime connected company called Resorts International, an even more mysterious subsidiary of Resorts International called the Paradise Island Bridge Company and the Dewey, Dulles, Nazi, William Casey milieu that is central to this discussion.
Note that Donald Trump was a suitor for the ownership of Resorts International (after the 1986 death of James Crosby), ultimately purchasing the Taj Mahal Casino from the firm after a lawsuit with television star Merv Griffin.
Recorded as the 2020 GOP convention was in full swing against the background of escalating violence in the streets of American cities, these programs set forth history fundamental to the development of the modern GOP and Nazi/SS elements that were incorporated into the foundation of the U.S. intelligence system at the end of World War II. Those elements, in turn, are inextricably linked with the GOP.
Before that discussion, however, the program highlights yet another element in the Wall Street/Third Reich/Swiss political and corporate maneuvering that set the stage for postwar Transatlantic fascism.
Once again, Allen Dulles and his connections are front and center. With Bernie Sanders and AOC garnering rhetorical gravitas from the so-called progressive sector, there has been discussion of former Vice President Henry Wallace and his highly progressive political agenda. The nature of the discussion has centered on Wallace’s political defenestration by what has been termed “the Democratic Party’s Establishment.”
In fact, Wallace’s political demise was due to his own indiscretion. His brother-in-law was Charles Bruggmann, the Swiss ambassador to the United States. With the massive investment in the Swiss economy by Third Reich finance and industry and with key holding companies in Switzerland dominating significant elements of the German-American corporate relationship, Bruggmann had a vested interest in keeping Nazi Germany abreast of U.S. plans and did so through the Abwehr and Allen Dulles.
” . . . . Both organizations received a mass of high-value intelligence via the Swiss ambassador to Washington, Dr. Charles Bruggmann. Yet Bruggmann was no spy: his source was his brother-in-law, Henry Wallace—who happened to be the Vice President of the United States. Wallace was a popular, left-wing New Dealer; privy to many of America’s most important secrets, he was also notoriously indiscreet. . . .”
Allen Dulles
In addition to communicating the Treasury Department’s plans to de-industrialize Germany to prevent future wars, the Bruggmann/Abwehr/Dulles axis was instrumental in betraying Operation Safehaven, the plan to interdict the Nazi flight capital program that crystallized as the Bormann flight capital program.
” . . . . However this effort required the cooperation of OSS agents already on the ground, and in Switzerland this was problematical—since one of the suspects of Operation Safehaven was Allen Dulles himself, because of his extensive corporate connections and his links with various Nazi groups. Despite this difficulty, the investigation necessarily focused on the gold dealings undertaken by Swiss banks. This became of major concern to Swiss ambassador Bruggmann once he learned of Operation Safehaven trough his indiscreet brother-in-law, Vice President Henry Wallace. The exposure of the explicit links between Swiss banks and Nazi Germany would be a major potential embarrassment to the Swiss government once the war over; accordingly the Swiss Secret Service alerted Allen Dulles about the Safehaven investigation into his affairs. . . .”
The rest of FTR #1147 and all of FTR #1148 accesses a very important article by the brilliant Peter Dale Scott, written almost 35 years ago. With the GOP convention in full swing as these programs were being recorded, the symbiosis between Allen Dulles and the Nazi SS is fundamental to understanding not only the genesis of the U.S. intelligence establishment, but how that institution is inextricably linked with the Republican Party.
The link to this article permits the listener/reader to download (for free) the entire issue of Covert Action Quarterly. Mr. Emory strongly recommends that they do so, as the other articles in this excellent issue will supplement the analysis beautifully.
Due to the length and complexity of this article, we are not transcribing it, but will summarize important points of information.
Key Points of Analysis:
1.–Joseph Mengele, the SS “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz infamy, was networked with other SS war criminals who gravitated seamlessly into the service of the Gehlen “Org” and the CIA. His whereabouts were known to U.S. intelligence, who masked them from Nuremberg prosecutors. Background on Mengele, his operational links with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and his position in the eugenics milieu, see, among other programs, FTR #‘s 664 and 908. ” . . . . the response of Telford Taylor, U.S. Chief of Counsel for War Crimes at Nuremberg was “to advise our records show Dr. Mengerle [sic] is dead as of October 1946.” (At the time of General Taylor’s letter, U.S. Army Counterintelligence knew both of Mengele’s survival and even his location, in the small Bavarian village of Autenreid.) . . . .”
2.–One of the networks with which Mengele operated was the Estrella firm. ” . . . . Alfons Sassen, the representative of the Brotherhood [Kameradenwerk] Business enterprise known as “Estrella.” It is said too that Sassen is financed by Dr. Josef Mengele, who controls now such funds as remain liquid from the sale of European loot. . . . [Klaus Barbie] set up a company called Estrella, ostensibly dealing in quinquina bark. Although no records exist in the public registry in La Paz, at least one Bolivian arms dealer still remembers it as a weapons trading company. . . .”
3.–Mengele may have been incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, although me maintained residence in Latin America. ” . . . . Could Mengele–not even a political policeman (like Rauff and Barbie), but a doctor with a penchant for lethal experiments on human guinea pigs–could even Mengele have been saved s a result of a secret deal between Dulles and the SS? . . . . we have since been told that his colleague in the Auschwitz human experiments, Walter Schreiber, was shielded by the Americans from a Polish conviction in absentia, so that he could help guide the postwar researches of the U.S. Air Force in bacteriological warfare. . . That Mengele’s escape and immunity were arranged by the United States, like those of Schreiber and so many others, will seem more probable once we have studied the incredible postwar careers of [Klaus] Barbie, [Friedrich] Schwend and [Walter] Rauff . . . .”
4.–Allen Dulles’s successful negotiations with the SS were fundamental to his goal of establishing the postwar CIA as a vehicle for the perpetuation of the SS under CIA/Gehlen auspices: ” . . . . But they [Allen Dulles and OSS chief William Donovan] also knew that, just as the OSS was the best hope for the survival of the SS cadres, so in a sense these cadres were their highest trump card in the impending contest for the OSS’s own institutional home for the postwar Gehlen Org. In 1948 Dulles, by now a civilian, helped write the memo persuading Truman to take on the Gehlen Org, on Gehlen’s own terms. . . .”
5.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS preceded by months the official story of the contact between U.S. intelligence and the Gehlen team.
6.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS, involving Walter Rauff–who devised the mobile gas chambers used on the Eastern Front–were conducted as part of Operation Sunrise. ” . . . . Despite the [U.S.] Army interrogator’s pleas that Rauff ‘is considered a menace if ever set free, and failing actual elimination, is recommended for life-long internment,’ Dulles kept his bargain and Rauff was released. According to usually reliable intelligence sources. Dulles then employed Rauff on anti-communist operations in Italy, which was Rauff’s specialty under the Nazis. . . .”
7.–Although the Vatican was deeply involved with the SS/OSS negotiations, Dulles’ team was the primary component. ” . . . It was Dulles’s contacts, not the Vatican, who handled the smuggling of Nazis. According to top secret State Department documents, the Italian police provided the false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste;and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. Genoa, incidentally was Rauff’s area of jurisdiction. All of them worked for Dulles. . . .”
These programs highlight features of an apparent coup d’etat in Bolivia, emphasizing the individuals and institutions figuring in the coup itself, as well as the underlying dynamic of the development of Bolivia’s enormous lithium reserves. Central to the discussion is the fact that lithium is essential for the development of electric car batteries and that technology is important to any successful “Greening” of the global economy.
Fascists from Latin America and Europe networked with transnational corporate elements and some U.S. intelligence cut-outs to oust Evo Morales and his government.
Although Morales had violated constitutional norms on term limits in order to extend his governance, his political agenda had greatly benefited Bolivia’s poor and its historically oppressed indigenous population, in particular. The country’s mineral wealth has been exploited by foreign companies and select members of the Bolivian elite to the detriment of much of the population. Even the conservative “Financial Times” has noted that Morales restructuring of the Bolivian economy–mineral extraction, in particular–has significantly improved the country’s economy and reduced poverty.
This element of discussion involves many subjects covered at length over the decades and featured in the archives:
1.–Material about Klaus Barbie and the European fascists in his “Fiances of Death” (or “Bridegrooms of Death”) mercenaries can be found in, among other programs, AFA #‘s 19 and 27.
2.–The Vatican’s relationship to fascism, including Opus Dei and the Ustachi in Croatia, is highlighted in, among other programs AFA #17.
3.–Information about the re-emergence of the Ustachi can be found in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.
Key individual and institutional players in the development of, prelude to, and execution of the Bolivian coup include:
1.–Luis Fernando Camacho, a wealthy Bolivian described in the Panama Papers, Camacho is: ” . . . . an ultra-conservative Christian fundamentalist groomed by a fascist paramilitary notorious for its racist violence, with a base in Bolivia’s wealthy separatist region of Santa Cruz. . . .”
2.–He is heir to a tradition of wealth, the nation’s natural gas business, in particular: : ” . . . . Camacho also hails from a family of corporate elites who have long profited from Bolivia’s plentiful natural gas reserves. And his family lost part of its wealth when Morales nationalized the nation’s resources, in order to fund his vast social programs — which cut poverty by 42 percent and extreme poverty by 60 percent. . . .”
3.–Prior to the coup, Camacho: ” . . . . met with leaders from right-wing governments in the region to discuss their plans to destabilize Morales. Two months before the putsch, he tweeted gratitude: ‘Thank you Colombia! Thank you Venezuela!’ he exclaimed, tipping his hat to Juan Guaido’s coup operation. He also recognized the far-right government of Jair Bolsonaro, declaring, “Thank you Brazil!’ . . .”
4.–A marginal figure with little public gravitas, including on social media, Camacho was moving to neutralize the Morales government before the coup itself. His political presence and base of support is a Christian fascist organization: ” . . . . Luis Fernando Camacho was groomed by the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista, or Santa Cruz Youth Union (UJC), a fascist paramilitary organization that has been linked to assassination plots against Morales. The group is notorious for assaulting leftists, Indigenous peasants, and journalists, all while espousing a deeply racist, homophobic ideology. . . .”
5.–The UJC: ” . . . . The UJC is the Bolivian equivalent of Spain’s Falange, India’s Hindu supremacist RSS, and Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov battalion. Its symbol is a green cross that bears strong similarities to logos of fascist movements across the West. And its members are known to launch into Nazi-style sieg heil salutes. . . . Even the US embassy in Bolivia has described UJC members as ‘racist’ and ‘militant,’ noting that they ‘have frequently attacked pro-MAS/government people and installations.’ . . .”
6.–Camacho was allied with a wealthy Croatian named Branko Marinkovic: ” . . . . Camacho was elected as vice president of the UJC in 2002, when he was just 23 years old. He left the organization two years later to build his family’s business empire and rise through the ranks of the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee. It was in that organization that he was taken under the wing of one of the separatist movement’s most powerful figures, a Bolivian-Croatian oligarch named Branko Marinkovic. . . .”
7.–Marinkovic is one of the prime movers of a secessionist movement for the Santa Cruz area: ” . . . . Camacho’s Croatian godfather and separatist power broker Branko Marinkovic is a major landowner who ramped up his support for the right-wing opposition after some of his land was nationalized by the Evo Morales government. As chairman of the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee, he oversaw the operations of the main engine of separatism in Bolivia. In a 2008 letter to Marinkovic, the International Federation for Human Rights denounced the committee as an ‘actor and promoter of racism and violence in Bolivia.’ The human rights group added that it ‘condemn[ed] the attitude and secessionist, unionist and racist discourses as well as the calls for military disobedience of which the Pro-Santa Cruz Civic Committee for is one of the main promoters.’ In 2013, journalist Matt Kennard reported that the US government was working closely with the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee to encourage the balkanization of Bolivia and to undermine Morales. . . .”
8.–There has been speculation that Marinkovich may be descended from Croatian Ustachis fascists: ” . . . . But even some of his sympathizers are skeptical. A Balkan analyst from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, which works closely with the US government and is popularly known as the ‘shadow CIA,’ produced a rough background profile on Marinkovic, speculating, ‘Still don’t know his full story, but I would bet a lot of $$$ that this dude’s parents are 1st gen (his name is too Slavic) and that they were Ustashe (read: Nazi) sympathizers fleeing Tito’s Communists after WWII.’ . . . .”
9.–Marinkovich’s activism in the Santa Cruz area is part of a fascist political landscape in that area that dovetails with Klaus Barbie (of whom we spoke in–among other programs–AFA #19): ” . . . . In a 2008 profile on Marinkovic, “The New York Times” acknowledged the extremist undercurrents of the Santa Cruz separatist movement the oligarch presided over. It described the area as ‘a bastion of openly xenophobic groups like the Bolivian Socialist Falange, whose hand-in-air salute draws inspiration from the fascist Falange of the former Spanish dictator Franco.” The Bolivian Socialist Falange was a fascist group that provided safe haven to Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie during the Cold War. A former Gestapo torture expert, Barbie was repurposed by the CIA through its Operation Condor program to help exterminate communism across the continent. . . .”
10.–The coup follows by some years an attempt by a group of international fascists to murder Morales: ” . . . . In April 2009, a special unit of the Bolivian security services barged into a luxury hotel room and cut down three men who were said to be involved in a plot to kill Evo Morales. Two others remained on the loose. Four of the alleged conspirators had Hungarian or Croatian roots and ties to rightist politics in eastern Europe, while another was a right-wing Irishman, Michael Dwyer, who had only arrived in Santa Cruz six months before. The ringleader of the group was said to be a former leftist journalist named Eduardo Rosza-Flores who had turned to fascism and belonged to Opus Dei, the traditionalist Catholic cult that emerged under the dictatorship of Spain’s Francisco Franco. . . .”
11.–Eduardo Rosza-Flores had fought in the former Yugoslavia on behalf of the neo-Ustachi regime that ultimately came to power: ” . . . . During the 1990s, Rosza fought on behalf of the Croatian First International Platoon, or the PIV, in the war to separate from Yugoslavia. A Croatian journalist told Time that the ‘PIV was a notorious group: 95% of them had criminal histories, many were part of Nazi and fascist groups, from Germany to Ireland.’ By 2009, Rosza returned home to Bolivia to crusade on behalf of another separatist movement in Santa Cruz. . . .”
12.–Rosza-Flores had no money, yet his group of would-be fascist assassins were well funded. Marinkovic appears to have been among the funding sources: ” . . . . Marinkovic was subsequently charged with providing $200,000 to the plotters. The Bolivian-Croatian oligarch initially fled to the United States, where he was given asylum, then relocated to Brazil, where he lives today. He denied any involvement in the plan to kill Morales. As journalist Matt Kennard reported, there was another thread that tied the plot to the US: the alleged participation of an NGO leader named Hugo Achá Melgar. . . .”
13.–Hugo Acha Melgar was networked with the Human Rights Foundation, a right-wing organization with strong links to U.S. intelligence and financed in part by Peter Thiel. The Human Rights Foundation is involved in the Hong Kong turmoil. ” . . . . Achá was not just the head of any run-of-the-mill NGO. He had founded the Bolivian subsidiary of the Human Rights Foundation (HRF), an international right-wing outfit that is known for hosting a “school for revolution” for activists seeking regime change in states targeted by the US government. HRF is run by Thor Halvorssen Jr., the son of the late Venezuelan oligarch and CIA asset Thor Halvorssen Hellum. . . . . He launched the HRF with grants from right-wing billionaires like Peter Thiel, conservative foundations, and NGOs including Amnesty International. The group has since been at the forefront of training activists for insurrectionary activity from Hong Kong to the Middle East to Latin America. . . .”
14.–Proxy presidential candidate Carlos Mesa is heavily networked with the Inter-American Dialogue, financed in considerable measure by the AID: ” . . . . Today, Mesa serves as an in-house “expert” at the Inter-American Dialogue, a neoliberal Washington-based think tank focused on Latin America. One of the Dialogue’s top donors is the US Agency for International Development (USAID) . . . .”
Central to the multi-national dissatisfaction with Evo Morales is his nationalization of some of Bolivia’s mineral resource industry. And central to the Bolivian mineral resource inventory is lithium, essential for the manufacture of electric car batteries: ” . . . . The main target is its massive deposits of lithium, crucial for the electric car. . . .”
Bolivia has been reported to hold up to 70 percent of the world’s lithium, and the Morales government’s pivot toward developing those reserves in tandem with Chinese firms, rather than Western transnationals, may well have been the central dynamic in his ouster. ” . . . . Over the course of the past few years, Bolivia has struggled to raise investment to develop the lithium reserves in a way that brings the wealth back into the country for its people. Morales’ Vice President Álvaro García Linera had said that lithium is the ‘fuel that will feed the world.’ Bolivia was unable to make deals with Western transnational firms; it decided to partner with Chinese firms. This made the Morales government vulnerable. It had walked into the new Cold War between the West and China. The coup against Morales cannot be understood without a glance at this clash. . . .”
The complexities of the Salar de Uyuni salt flats–location of much of Bolivia’s lithium reserves–mandate the technological involvement of foreign firms. A deal reached with German ACI Systems (heavily subsidized by the German government) was negated by protests on the part of local residents in the Salar de Uyuni area. Chinese firms were poised to fill that vacuum, offering the possibility of a more equitable development of the mineral. ” . . . . Last year, Germany’s ACI Systems agreed to a deal with Bolivia. After protests from residents in the Salar de Uyuni region, Morales canceled that deal on November 4, 2019. Chinese firms—such as TBEA Group and China Machinery Engineering—made a deal with YLB. It was being said that China’s Tianqi Lithium Group, which operates in Argentina, was going to make a deal with YLB. Both Chinese investment and the Bolivian lithium company were experimenting with new ways to both mine the lithium and to share the profits of the lithium. The idea that there might be a new social compact for the lithium was unacceptable to the main transnational mining companies. . . .”
After the ouster of Morales, the value of Tesla’s stock increased dramatically.
The ACI/Bolivia deal had heavy backing by the German government and featured the planned export of lithium to Germany and elsewhere in Europe. ” . . . . With the joint venture, Bolivian state company YLB is teaming up with Germany’s privately-owned ACI Systems to develop its massive Uyuni salt flat and build a lithium hydroxide plant as well as a factory for electric vehicle batteries in Bolivia. ACI Systems is also in talks to supply companies based in Germany and elsewhere in Europe with lithium from Bolivia. . . . Wolfgang Schmutz, CEO of ACI Group, the parent company of ACI Systems, said more than 80 percent of the lithium would be exported to Germany. . . .”
Of particular significance for the discussion to follow is ” . . . . China’s dominance in the global lithium supply chain and its strong ties with La Paz. . . .”
Shortly after the ouster of Morales, Tesla announced that Tesla would locate a new car and electric battery factory near Berlin. If the ACI lithium development project in Bolivia is resuscitated, the Tesla move will give the firm access to the Bolivian lithium.
Might that have been the reason for the rise in Tesla’s stock? Might there have been some insider trading?
The programs conclude with review of the rebirth of Cambridge Analytica as a synthesis with British “psy-op” development firm SCL. A key director of Emerdata–the new firm–is a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Blackwater chief Erik Prince, the brother of Trump Secretary of Education Betsy de Vos. Noting the firm formerly known as Blackwater’s deep involvement in the world of covert operations and former Cambridge Analytica lynchpin Steve Bannon’s pivotal role in the anti-China movement, it is not unreasonable to ask if Emerdata may be involved in the Hong Kong turmoil.
We also review China’s leadership in the development of Green technologies.
The ongoing occupation of an Oregon wildlife preserve in Oregon by paramilitary forces led by Ammon Bundy (son of Cliven Bundy) may seem far removed from the gilded realms in which the Koch Brothers move. They may also appear to be of an entirely different political stripe from the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. That is not the case. In fact, the “Bundyists” are realizing the agenda of the Wise Use movement and the Koch brothers, both advocates of ceding control of federal lands to local control, in order that corporate interests such as timber, mining and cattle ranching can use the territory for their own use and profit. By the same token, the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have arrogated to themselves the use, control and dissemination of sensitive information that was not theirs to own or distribute. David Golumbia noted the attitude of “coders” such as Snowden, Assange and “hacktivists ” . . . the political world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it . . . members of democratic polities have no choice but to accept them having that role.” Turning to turmoil in Europe, the recent assaults on women by Middle Eastern immigrants in German, Finnish and other cities on the continent have fueled the rise of fascist groups, minting valuable political coinage from the assaults. Some observers compared a recent rampage in Leipzig with the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom. The broadcast concludes with an overview of P‑2 Lodge grandmaster Licio Gelli, the recently deceased fascist who profoundly influenced events on three continents. Program Highlights Include: Fred C. Koch’s construction of an oil refinery for Hitler; Ex-CIA officer and author Robert Baer’s belief that Hitler escaped Germany at the end of the war; review of the participation of Fox News host Andrew Napolitano and Snowden Presidential candidate of choice Ron Paul at a libertarian students conference; review of the participation of Edward Snowden at that same conference; review of Carl Lundstrom’s financing of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrat fascist party and his funding of the Pirate Bay website that hosted WikiLeaks.
This ninth interview fills in the details concerning a mysterious cast of characters in Indonesia who were investigating the late president Sukarno’s Revolutionary Fund. That fund appears to have derived from large amounts of World War II wealth stolen by Japan and Germany. Dr. Sosro Husodo alleged in a book that a mysterious Nazi named Dr. Anton Poch was actually Hitler. That allegation has never been proved, however the stories of Poch, Husodo, Dr. Edison Damanik and an Indonesian arms dealer named Soeryo Goeritno are indicative of a massive, ongoing cover-up of the political and economic dynamics underlying their situations. Expanding the scope of the inquiry to the capital flows asssociated with the Third Reich, its postwar underground phase and institutions associated with and/or evolving from Nazism, the programs sets forth a number of considerations: the financing of the postwar German economic miracle by German corporations; the frustration of the de-Nazification of corporate Germany by the Third Reich’s prominent American economic backers; the enormous scale of the Nazi economic diaspora; the role of Klaus Barbie and his “Fiancees of Death” in ODESSA-related operations; Colonia Dignidad and its role in laundering ODESSA money.
Continuing our updates of previous stories and coverage of articles that surfaced during the hiatus in For The Record production, we present information that will serve as the foundation of future–as well as past inquiries. Beginning with the Boston Marathon bombing, we note that the Tsarnaev brothers appear to have had [as yet unspecified] help in making their bombs. In addition, the program highlights stunning information bout the 1980 Munich Oktoberfest bombing, indicating complicity by German government officials in the event, as well as evidentiary tributaries leading in the direction of Klaus Barbie’s Bridesgrooms of Death mercenary group. After highlighting attempts by Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon to use Underground Reich elements to destabilize the German government of Willy Brandt, the broadcast sets forth the European Space Agency’s employment of Project HAARP developer Bernard “Ben” Eastlund to develop technology ostensibly designed to neutralize tornadoes. Tornadoes do not occur in Europe and critics have stated that the technology might actually make tornadoes more destructive.
An interesting development concerns the Muslim Brotherhood’s relocation of their headquarters to Graz, Austria and three other unnamed European cities. Graz was a city that enjoyed Hitler’s favor and was an epicenter for postwar Underground Reich activity. Muslim Brotherhood lynchpin and apparent former Third Reich intelligence agent Youssef Nada resided there in the 1960’s, as did a number of other Brotherhood activists. the Schwarzenegger family also had links to the Graz area.
After the death of Margaret Thatcher, Americans are being treated to hagiographies of her political ally Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s administration was a front for the Underground Reich, incorporating the GOP Nazi “ethnics” who had been imported into the US following World War II. Reagan, himself, had a long history of association with unsavory elements, including organized crime.
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