In the latest Patreon talk, recorded on French Election Day, 4/24/2022, we explore the history of French fascism from the transnational corporate links of the early 20th century to the rise of the Front National. Particular emphasis is on the continuity from the Pre-WWII Cagoule, through the SS-aligned Vichy fascist milieu to the operations of the post-WWII fascist international. The talk highlights some of the French fascists in Dallas, Texas, 11/22/1963. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
An important book about the JFK assassination has been published. The late Hank Albarelli, Jr. has authored a lengthy tome, which draws together various, disparate elements involved in the Dallas coup in an important, timely manner.
Integrating operational elements of the domestic fascist political milieu, active and retired military professionals, the intelligence community (CIA in particular), the defense industry, the Texas and international petroleum companies, as well as dominant political organizations with the forces of international fascism, Albarelli and his assistants have opened a window onto what Mr. Emory believes are in the forces destroying our civilization.
Paramount, here, is the decisive role and position of international fascism in the events of 11/22/1963.
Fascism is generally represented as something of an antiquity and an aberration–an outlier in the development of our civilization.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Contemporary presentations of fascism are attenuated and superficial, covering neither the evolution of fascist networks through the decades, nor those networks’ inextricable relationships with past and present intelligence agencies and dominant corporate and allied political interests around the world.
In the first of these programs, we explore the account in the book of the role of French fascists in the assassination of JFK.
In the second, we chronicle the deep political connections of the French steel and iron makers, and their counterparts in the German steel and coal combines. United in their corporatist strategy, they saw anti-labor and anti-communist ideology as surmounting any nationalist considerations.
For many years, we have set forth the powerful French fascist organizations that attempted to overthrow the French government of Leon Blum and, finally, acted in concert with like-minded military officers, aristocrats and corporate individuals and institutions to subvert resistance to the Nazi invasion.
With the establishment of the Vichy collaborationist regime, elements such as La Cagoule contributed significantly to the governing and enforcing apparatus of the fascist administration.
We have covered La Cagoule for many years, including an in-depth exploration of the methodology and history of La Cagoule and related groups in Miscellaneous Archive Show 61 (recorded in September of 1994.) Relevant sides of this lengthy program are: Side “c”; Side “d”; Side “e”. (These segments, in turn, draw on documentation presented in Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb and Triumph of Treason by Pierre Cot. For further discussion of these topics and books, use the search function on this website.)
Furthermore, figures such as Monsieurs Filliol and Pierre Lafitte also served with the Nazis SS, the most prominent French element of which was the Charlemagne Division.
(In addition to Lafitte’s Nazi/SS/fascist collaboration, this “Man of a Thousand Faces” worked for a myriad of organizations: intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, and criminal networks, often overlapping those activities. The authors of Coup in Dallas posit that Lafitte may very well have been the “manager” for the JFK assassination operation in the U.S.)
Networking with, among others, Otto Skorzeny during the war, French fascists sought and found refuge and continued postwar employment in Spain under the fascist government of dictator Francisco Franco. Their relationship with Skorzeny continued after the war, and Skorzeny may well have been the “executive” planner of the assassination under whom Lafitte operated.
“. . . . And perhaps equally significant is Filliol’s history with Nazi SS Sturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny. . . We now know that Skorzeny played the crucial role of logistical mastermind of the hit in Dealey Plaza. . . .”
(We have detailed Skorzeny’s vitally important role in postwar international fascism in numerous broadcasts, including AFA#22.)
Albarelli develops information about Skorzeny and Lafitte as central to the planning of the JFK assassination, and master assassin Filliol as being present in Dallas on 11/22/1963.
Manifesting grasp of both the “sweep” of fascism and its institutional connections, Albarelli highlights the fascist genesis of the French cosmetic giant L’Oreal, employer of Jean Filliol in Spain and his fellow French fascist Jacques Correze in both Spain and the U.S.
” . . . Once in Spain, Filliol soon established contact with Nazi Otto Skorzeny, who had been ‘resettled’ for the benefit of U.S. intelligence interests in the nation’s capitol. . . .
“. . . . There, Filliol quickly landed a secure and well-paid executive job with the international division of L’Oreal, a cosmetic and beauty products company. Today a very well-known company, L’Oreal was founded and operated by Eugene Schueller, a passionate anti-Semite and ultraright-winger. Schueller, during the 1930’s and the war years, financially supported La Cagoule . . . .”
“. . . . While in Spain, naturally, Correze became friends with Otto Skorzeny after being introduced to his fellow SS officer by former La Cagoule assassin Jean Filliol, by now the vice president of international marketing for L’Oreal. . . .”
When the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations began looking into Correze’s fascist and Nazi history, the probe quickly unearthed substantive allegations about Correze’s relationship to Filliol and his fellow fascist Gerard Litt and the latter pair’s presence in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination.
“. . . . According to two former employees of the department’s Office of Special investigations, both of whom declined to be identified in this book, the examination of Correze’s past quickly unearthed unexpected details about his links to Jean Filliol, Gerard Litt, and Otto Skorzeny, inclusive of detailed suspicions about Filliol’s and Litt’s presence in Dallas, Texas, at the time of the JFK assassination. . . .”
(We note in passing that John Loftus, the heroic author of The Belarus Secret, America’s Nazi Secret, Unholy Trinity and The Secret War Against the Jews worked for the Office of Special Investigations.)
The broader context of the Cagoulard elements in Dallas concerns the OAS attempts on the life of Charles De Gaulle, which overlap the JFK assassination. (We discussed those areas of overlap in, among other broadcasts, FTR#1162.)
One of the apparent areas of overlap between the OAS attempts to kill De Gaulle (with assistance from elements of CIA) and the Dallas coup is Jean Souetre, a skilled OAS assassin who, like Filliol and Lafitte, was networked with Otto Skorzeny.
” . . . . Skorzeny’s aide explained to Herbert that his superior was absent because he had ‘other things going on.’ The arrangements that were made for [Army Ranger officer Anthony] Herbert to meet with Skorzeny confirm Capt. Souetre’s commandos were fully aware of the nature of Skorzeny’s training schools, which they also attended. . . .”
Souetre was in Dallas on 11/22/1063 and was expelled from the country.
One of the important strengths of the Albarelli text is the integration of many of the strategic and operational elements involved with the JFK hit.
Numerous writers have set forth the role in the Dallas coup of elements of what Texans refer to as “The Ahl Bidness.”
In addition to despising JFK for his advocacy of Algerian independence from colonial master France, exploratory information indicated to Texas-connected petroleum interests that Algeria contained significant petroleum reserves on its territory and beneath its territorial waters.
Representative of the fascist connections in the JFK assassination highlighted in this book is the fact that Robert Schacht–a blood relative of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister who was deeply involved with Clay Shaw and Permindex–was the admissions director for Albert Schweitzer College, the first destination of Lee Harvey Oswald when he “defected” to the Soviet Union.
We also include a passage from Jim DiEugenio’s classic work on the Garrison investigation–Destiny Betrayed.
This passage places the Schacht family connection in greater depth.
Permindex was involved with, among other things, attempts on the life of French president Charles De Gaulle in conjunction with elements of CIA and the OAS. (We will discuss more about this in future programs.
Much of the second program discusses the actions of the Fifth Column in France prior to, and during, World War II. (For more about this Fifth Column, see Miscellaneous Archive Show M61.) It is important to note in this context, that Mr. Emory stresses that the analogy between the Fifth Column in France and its counterpart in the United States is not an exact one. There are significant differences between the situation in France before World War II and that in the U.S. today. Nonetheless there are similarities worth examining.
One should note that France was governed by a democratic coalition government under Leon Blum (the Social Front or Popular Front), which included the French communist party. Under the social pressures brought about by the Great Depression and the inability of liberal democratic governments to deal adequately with the social fallout from it, many countries experienced powerful fascist movements. Such was the case in France. Industrialists, financiers, aristocrats and members of the armed forces were among the fascist plotters that saw the elimination of the Blum government as a necessity. After initial failure in the plot by the fascist Cagoulards in 1938, many of the fascists acceded to power in the Vichy government after the German conquest.
In our last post, we highlighted “Coup in Dallas” by the late Hank Albarelli, Jr. This might be termed “a breakthrough book.” Placing JFK’s assassination in proper historical and political context, author Albarelli details the primary role in the Dallas coup of French fascist elements. Those elements: 1) Were from the organization La Cagoule, which attempted to overthrow the French government of Leon Blum in 1938. 2) Coalesced as important parts of the Vichy collaborationist government that took power following the German conquest of 1940. 3) Networked with, and, in many cases, became part of, the French SS. 4) Found refuge, commercial employment and renewed political activism in Franco’s Spain. 5) Integrated into the postwar Nazi underground centering on Otto Skorzeny in Spain and around the world. 6) Worked with US intelligence. 7) Were integrated into what Danish journalist Henrik Kruger termed “The International Fascista.” 8) Through some of the Skorzeny/French/US networks, participated in the OAS’s secret war against French president Charles De Gaulle. 9) In conjunction with the CIA/Skorzeny milieu, appear to have participated in the JFK hit. 10)Worked for cosmetics giant L’Oreal, which has a fascist/Nazi past. 11) Came to the attention of the Justice Department’s anti-Nazi Office of Special Investigations. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
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