Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'LAPD' is associated with 15 posts.

FTR #160 More Conversation with Mike Ruppert

For­mer LAPD nar­cotics detec­tive Mike Rup­pert on the CIA involve­ment in the nar­cotics traf­fic.

FTR #115 Interview with Ray Kohlman and Mike Ruppert

The remark­able career of Albert Vin­cent Carone, who worked var­i­ous­ly for the New York Police Depart­ment, the U.S. Army, the CIA and the Mafia.

FTR #106 Mike Ruppert on the Subject of The Intelligence Community and Drugs

Mem­bers of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty involved in nar­cotics trade.

FTR #9 Interview with Stephen Worth

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2 This inter­view with author Stephen Worth (along with Carl Jaspers, the co-author of Blood Oath: The Con­spir­a­cy to Mur­der Nicole Brown Simp­son, pub­lished in soft cov­er by Rain­bow Books; copy­right 1996) high­lights the major points of the book Blood Oath. Uti­liz­ing infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by an anony­mous infor­mant (code-named […]

L‑4 Fascism, Gun Control and the Intelligence Community

Refut­ing many argu­ments for gun con­trol, the pres­ence of firearms in soci­ety is not con­nect­ed to crime or homi­cide lev­els