In this broadcast, we continue our discussion with the heroic Jim DiEugenio, selected by Oliver Stone to write the screenplay for his documentary JFK Revisited. Jim also wrote the book containing transcripts of both the two-hour and four-hour versions of the documentary and supplemental interviews.
No discovery by the ARRB was more important than its uncovering of the Operation Northwoods contingency plan to set up a provocation to justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba.
The lawsuit filed by the Mary Ferrell Foundation aims at compelling further disclosure about Northwoods.
At loggerheads with then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer, JFK replaced him with Maxwell Taylor, unaware that Taylor and Lemnitzer were close.
The ARRB faced serious resistance from the Secret Service in its attempts to shed further light on the JFK assassination. Although prohibited by law from doing so, the Secret Service destroyed documents.
Particularly noteworthy are documents from the agency about two attempts on JFK’s life in 1963 that may very well have been part of the constellation of events leading up to Dallas on 11/22.
That agency was particularly reluctant to share records about the two attempts on JFK’s life.
ARRB member Douglas Horne uncovered some fascinating information about pay records of both Oswald during his last months in the Marines and TSBD manager Roy Truly, Oswald’s supervisor at the building.
CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff plotted terror attacks on the U.S. to force JFK to invade Cuba.
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