Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Mae Brussell' is associated with 10 posts.

Please Get the Latest Edition of the 32GB Flash Drive, Containing All of Dave’s Work Through FTR#1215

“A nation of sheep will beget a gov­ern­ment of wolves.”–Edward R. Mur­row. As indi­cat­ed in the broad­casts for quite some time, Mr. Emory is pro­found­ly pes­simistic about the near-term and long-run future. Believ­ing that the cre­ation and dis­sem­i­na­tion of The Virus sig­nals the begin­ning of a pro­ces­sion of events like­ly to cul­mi­nate in World War III, he has worked might­i­ly to bring the For The Record archive up to date. The current–and latest–edition of the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tains all of Mr. Emory’s work through FTR#1215, and includes the library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files. Mr. Emory has offered his life’s work–42+ years and counting–free of charge, and can tes­ti­fy to the old adage that “No Good Deed Goes Unpun­ished.” Lis­ten­ers are emphat­i­cal­ly encour­aged to obtain that flash dri­ve and, in so doing, make them­selves repos­i­to­ries of infor­ma­tion chron­i­cling what may well be the end of our civ­i­liza­tion.

FTR #‘s 1164 and 1165 Farewell, America Parts 3 and 4 (The Reeve Whitson File, Parts 1 and 2)

Con­tin­u­ing dis­cus­sion of Tom O’Neil­l’s opus Chaos: Charles Man­son, the CIA, and the Secret His­to­ry of the Six­ties, these pro­grams illus­trate the “post-demo­c­ra­t­ic” state of Amer­i­can pol­i­tics by pre­sent­ing the career of a vet­er­an CIA offi­cer named Reeve Whit­son.

Reeve Whit­son:

1.–Was alleged by Iran­ian immi­grant Shahrokh Hata­mi to have phoned him with knowl­edge of the killings of Sharon Tate, et al, before the crime was report­ed by the news media and before law enforce­ment even arrived at the crime scene!
2.–Was alleged by the LAPD’s top inves­ti­ga­tor and Sharon Tate’s father (a Colonel in Army intel­li­gence) to have been deeply involved with the Man­son inves­ti­ga­tion.
3.–Was alleged by attor­ney Neil Cum­mings to have main­tained some kind of sur­veil­lance on the Cielo Dri­ve home, as part of some sort of work he was doing for the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.
4.–Was con­firmed as an offi­cer of the CIA by his own ex-wife.
5.–Was known to have felt that he was–in the end–betrayed by the fac­tion of the CIA for which he worked.
6.–Was able to pull strings in a piv­otal way: “. . . . A British film direc­tor who him­self claimed to have ties to MI5, [John] Irvin said that Whit­son got meet­ings ‘with min­utes’ at “the high­est lev­els of the defense industry—it was amaz­ing.’ ”
7.–Was appar­ent­ly a close asso­ciate of retired Gen­er­al Cur­tis LeMay, George Wal­lace’s Vice-Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in 1968.
8.–Was asso­ci­at­ed with LeMay when the lat­ter became vice-pres­i­dent of a mis­sile parts man­u­fac­tur­er, which was head­ed by Mihai Patrichi.  Patrichi was a for­mer Roman­ian army gen­er­al and a mem­ber of the Roman­ian Iron Guard, whom we have spo­ken about and writ­ten about in many pro­grams and posts. The Iron Guard was part of the Gehglen “Org,” the ABN and the GOP.
9.–Was asso­ci­at­ed, through his intel­li­gence work with Otto Sko­rzeny and his wife Ilse.
10.–Was the spe­cial advis­er to the chair­man of the board of the Thyssen firm, also as part of his intel­li­gence work.

Con­clud­ing the dis­cus­sion, we present O’Neil­l’s dis­cus­sion of Lawrence Shiller and Jer­ry Cohen, two jour­nal­ists believed by many War­ren Com­mis­sion crit­ics to be media “intel­li­gence assets.”

Both Schiller and Cohen helped to shape the “offi­cial” ver­sion of the Man­son Fam­i­ly oper­a­tions and both cropped up in the con­text of the JFK assas­si­na­tion as well.

FTR #1085 Interview with Tom O’Neill about “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties”

Tom O’Neill has writ­ten a book doc­u­ment­ing the involve­ment of ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty with the oper­a­tions and milieu of the Man­son Fam­i­ly.

Those intel­li­gence con­nec­tions appear to have led to fun­da­men­tal dis­tor­tions in the behav­ior of the courts, law enforce­ment and cor­rec­tion­al sys­tem with regard to the oper­a­tions of the Man­son Fam­i­ly.

New Book on Manson Killings and the Intelligence Community (UPDATED on 7/23/’19)

In FTR #809, we high­light­ed evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning between the assas­si­na­tions of both Kennedy broth­ers and the Man­son crimes, the assas­si­na­tion of Robert F. Kennedy, in par­tic­u­lar. The Reeve Whit­son con­nec­tion may have some con­nec­tion to the infor­ma­tion dis­cussed in that pro­gram. A new book about the Man­son Fam­i­ly and their killings high­lights the prob­a­bil­i­ty that ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty may have had involve­ment with the group and its devel­op­ment. One of the most strik­ing of the appar­ent intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions to the Man­son inves­ti­ga­tion is the afore­men­tioned Reeve Whit­son. Reeve Whit­son: 1.–Was alleged by Iran­ian immi­grant Shahrokh Hata­mi to have phoned him with knowl­edge of the killings of Sharon Tate, et al, before the crime was report­ed by the news media and before law enforce­ment even arrived at the crime scene!; 2.–Was alleged by the LAPD’s top inves­ti­ga­tor and Sharon Tate’s father (a Colonel in Army intel­li­gence) to have been deeply involved with the Man­son inves­ti­ga­tion; 3.–Was alleged by attor­ney Neil Cum­mings to have main­tained some kind of sur­veil­lance on the Cielo Dri­ve home, as part of some sort of work he was doing for the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty; 4.–Was con­firmed as an offi­cer of the CIA by his own ex-wife; 5.–Was known to have felt that he was–in the end–betrayed by the fac­tion of the CIA for which he worked; 6.–Was asso­ci­at­ed, through his intel­li­gence work with Otto Sko­rzeny and his wife Ilse; 7.–Was the spe­cial advis­er to the chair­man of the board of the Thyssen firm, also as part of his intel­li­gence work; 8.–Was appar­ent­ly a close asso­ciate of retired Gen­er­al Cur­tis LeMay, George Wal­lace’s Vice-Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in 1968; 9.–Was asso­ci­at­ed with LeMay when the lat­ter became vice-pres­i­dent of a mis­sile parts man­u­fac­tur­er, which was head­ed by Mihai Patrichi. Patrichi was a for­mer Roman­ian army gen­er­al and a mem­ber of the Roman­ian Iron Guard, part of the Gehlen “Org” and the GOP.

Memorial Day Weekend Broadcast: Sunday, May 26th and Monday, May 27th

On Sun­day 5/26/2019 from 11 a.m. (Pacif­ic Time) until 7pm, and on Mon­day, 5/27/2019 from 10am until 7pm, KFJC-FM will fea­ture hours of pro­gram­ming doc­u­ment­ing the pro­found con­nec­tions of U.S. indus­try and finance to the fas­cist pow­ers of World War II. In the decades since the end of the Sec­ond World War, much has been writ­ten about the war and fas­cism, the dri­ving force behind the aggres­sion that pre­cip­i­tat­ed that con­flict. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, much of what has been said and writ­ten has failed to iden­ti­fy and ana­lyze the caus­es, nature and method­ol­o­gy of fascism—German Nation­al Social­ism or “Nazism” in par­tic­u­lar. A deep­er, more accu­rate analy­sis was pre­sent­ed in pub­lished lit­er­a­ture, par­tic­u­lar­ly vol­umes pub­lished dur­ing, or in the imme­di­ate after­math of, the Sec­ond World War. . . . . Fas­cism (Nazism in par­tic­u­lar) was an out­growth of glob­al­iza­tion and the con­struc­tion of inter­na­tion­al monop­o­lies (car­tels). Key to under­stand­ing this phe­nom­e­non is analy­sis of the Webb-Pomerene act, leg­is­lat­ed near the end of the First World War. A loop­hole in the Anti-trust leg­is­la­tion of 1914, it effec­tive­ly legal­ized the for­ma­tion of cartels—international monopolies—for firms that were barred from domes­tic monop­o­lis­tic prac­tices. Decry­ing what they viewed as exces­sive and restric­tive “reg­u­la­tion” here in the Unit­ed States, U.S.-based transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions invest­ed their prof­its from the indus­tri­al boom of the 1920’s abroad, pri­mar­i­ly in Japan and Ger­many. This process might well be viewed as the real begin­ning of what is now known as “glob­al­iza­tion.” This rein­vest­ment of the prof­its of the Amer­i­can indus­tri­al boom of the 1920’s in Japan­ese and Ger­man strate­gic heavy indus­try was the cap­i­tal that drove the engines of con­quest that sub­dued both Europe and Asia dur­ing World War II. On Sun­day, we will high­light the Amer­i­can-Ger­man indus­tri­al axis and its var­i­ous man­i­fes­ta­tions. On Mon­day, we will explore the Amer­i­can-Japan­ese indus­tri­al axis.

FTR #876 The OUN/B and the Assassination of JFK

High­light­ing the links between the OUN/B and the assas­si­na­tion of JFK, the broad­cast under­scores the dis­in­for­ma­tion link­ing the alleged KGB assas­si­na­tion of Stephan Ban­dera with Lee Har­vey Oswald. Sup­pos­ed­ly trained as an assas­sin by the same KGB units that alleged­ly killed Ban­dera, Oswald was “paint­ed red” in order to deflect blame for the assas­si­na­tion onto the Sovi­et Union. The dis­in­for­ma­tion link­ing the Ban­dera assas­si­na­tion with the killing of Kennedy was large­ly dis­sem­i­nat­ed by ele­ments that were to coa­lesce as the World Anti-Com­mu­nist League a few years lat­er. Both the OUN/B ele­ments in the Unit­ed States and key fig­ures in the cov­er-up of the JFK assas­si­na­tion track back to the Cru­sade For Free­dom, a covert oper­a­tion that pre­cip­i­tat­ed the for­ma­tion of a Nazi branch of the GOP. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Sen­a­tor Thomas Dod­d’s role in spread­ing the KGB killed Kennedy dis­in­for­ma­tion; Dod­d’s links to the Amer­i­can Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil; the role of OUN/B func­tionary Lev Dobri­an­sky in dis­sem­i­nat­ing the Oswald/KGB/Bandera killing dis­in­for­ma­tion; the roles of Ronald Rea­gan, Allen Dulles, Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush in both the Cru­sade For Free­dom activ­i­ties and the events in Dal­las in 1963.

FTR #809 Days of Future Passed: All in the [Manson] Family?

It has been dis­closed that phone taps on con­vict­ed Man­son Fam­i­ly killer Tex Wat­son have infor­ma­tion that may relate to 12 addi­tion­al mur­ders. Por­trayed by the media as a bunch of way­ward hip­pies, the Man­son group, in fact, had par­tic­i­pa­tion by neo-Nazi ele­ments, as well as links to the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty. One won­ders who the oth­er vic­tims might have been? Might one of them have been Mari­na Habe, daugh­ter of Hans Habe, an anti-fas­cist activist and jour­nal­ist who worked for U.S. intel­li­gence dur­ing World War II and afterward–something that would not have sat well with the Under­ground Reich. One case that has more to it than reach­es the eye is the mur­der of Sharon Tate. Deeply involved with Robert F. Kennedy’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign in the Los Ange­les area, Tate had been present at a din­ner short­ly before Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion at which he report­ed­ly said that he would re-open the inves­ti­ga­tion into his broth­er’s mur­der after get­ting into the White House.

Repost: Interview with Keyenne Brussell About The Mae Brussell Research Center

Mr. Emory’s dear friend and pro­fes­sion­al col­league Mae Brus­sell passed away in 1988. Sad­ly, she made no pro­vi­sion for the future and an unsa­vory cast of char­ac­ters descend­ed upon her estate, drawn from among the ranks of the forces she strug­gled against dur­ing her life­time. This post and inter­view syn­op­size this unfor­tu­nate, sit­u­a­tion.

AFA 23: The Terror Connection, Pt. 2

When Ronald Rea­gan was Gov­er­nor, high­ly vis­i­ble, influ­en­tial, polit­i­cal­ly-con­nect­ed mur­ders and ter­ror­ist plots (real and alleged) came to light in Cal­i­for­nia.

FTR #437 Counter-Culture Fascism

” . . . fas­cism has tra­di­tion­al­ly turned to alien­at­ed and left­ist ele­ments in order to recruit street sol­diers. . . .”