Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Mohammed Atta' is associated with 84 posts.

August, 2001: Israeli Intelligence Officers Travel to Washington to Warn of Impending “Large Scale” Bin Laden Terror Attacks

Israeli intel­li­gence warned the CIA of impend­ing “large scale” attacks by Bin Laden net­work. Two offi­cers were sent to Wash­ing­ton in August, 2001 to warn U.S. Is this part of the rea­son Truthers, neo-Nazis, Saud­is, Bushies and oth­ers blame the attacks on Mossad?

No, No Nano-Thermite (with Apologies to the Producers of “No, No, Nanette”)

Nano-Ther­mite alle­ga­tion dis­proved. Col­lapse of Twin Tow­ers not caused by nano-ther­mite. “Truthers” dis­cred­it­ed.

Achmed Huber on 9/11

Al-Taqwa direc­tor Achmed Huber express­es view very sim­i­lar to Mr. Emory’s 9/11 analysis–Underground Reich ele­ments in Bush admin­is­tra­tion and U.S. pow­er struc­ture orga­nized those attacks.

FTR #740 Update on the Meltdown Part 6: The Wachovia File

Wachovia deeply involved with laun­der­ing mon­ey for Sinaloa car­tel; fir­m’s exec­u­tives com­plic­it with cov­er-up; World’s major finan­cial insti­tu­tions depen­dent on drug car­tels for liq­uid­i­ty? Drug smug­glers may have bailed out those insti­tu­tions fol­low­ing crash of ’08.

You Gotta Be F* Kidding!

Even after 9/11, an ILLEGAL immi­grant was not only allowed to obtain a pilot’s license, but open a FLIGHT SCHOOL as well! Good Grief, Charley Brown!

FTR #729 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker: Strange Doings South of the Border

Attrib­uted over­whelm­ing­ly to Hugo Chavez, large-scale glob­al drug traf­fick­ing net­work also involves ele­ments over­lap­ping clan­des­tine avi­a­tion net­works in South Flori­da through which 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trat­ed.

One or More of Our Aircraft Is Missing (“Calling Daniel Hopsicker!”)

Com­ment: The FAA has been less than rig­or­ous in its reg­is­tra­tion and over­sight of pri­vate avi­a­tion in the Unit­ed States. A large per­cent­age of air­craft in this coun­try have “flown beneath the radar” with regard to the FAA’s vetting/registration pro­ce­dures, a fact that can only work to the advan­tage of ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals. In par­tic­u­lar, […]

FTR #728 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker: Tricky Treats

Elite Deviant Wal­ly Hilliard belongs to a flock of birds of a sim­i­lar feath­er; Drug-traf­fick­ing and oth­er major law-break­ing among the activ­i­ties they con­duct with impuni­ty; Michael Brass­ing­ton is a micro­cosm of this envi­ron­ment.

Operational Links Between 9/11 Milieu and Planned Attacks in Europe

Com­ment: The recen­t­­ly-report­ed Mum­bai-style attacks are linked to the milieu of 9/11. Not only are some of the same per­son­nel appar­ent­ly involved, but the plot­ters attend­ed the Mosque in Munich favored by Mohamed Atta and the oth­er 9/11 attack­ers. “More Ties Between al Qae­da Plot­ter and 9/11 Ham­burg Cell Revealed” by Thomas Joce­lyn; The Long […]

FTR #721 A Mosque in Munich

The Nazi and fas­cist roots of con­tem­po­rary Islamism illus­trat­ed by impor­tant new book; con­ti­nu­ity between Third Reich “Ost­poli­tik” and West­ern Cold War pol­i­cy per­pet­u­ate Islam­ic fas­cist and pan-Turk­ist ele­ments, many linked to Holo­caust.