Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Mohammed Atta' is associated with 84 posts.

FTR #708 Going Deep with Daniel Hopsicker

Venice Air­port a cen­ter of intrigue long before Mohammed Atta and com­pa­ny arrived; arms and drug traf­fick­ing a decades-long sta­ple of the milieu that oper­at­ed there; ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the JFK hit oper­at­ed here as well.

Al Qaeda Linked to Rogue Aviation Network

In ear­ly 2008, an offi­cial at the U.S. Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty sent a report to his supe­ri­ors detail­ing what he called “the most sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ment in the crim­i­nal exploita­tion of air­craft since 9/11.”

FTR #684 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker: Business as Usual in South Florida

9/11 hijack­ers were part of a vast inter­na­tion­al crim­i­nal net­work; Ger­mans, East­ern Euro­peans at the hub of that net­work; drug-traf­fick­ing, mas­sive fraud schemes are their stock in trade.

FTR #672 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker: Talking about “Muthahs” on Mothers’ Day

For­mer own­er of 9/11 flight school abus­ing his step daugh­ter; new own­er Arthur Nadel ran a Ponzi scheme; Was Nadel involved with orga­nized crime and major drug traf­fick­ers?

FTR #657 Targeting the Centers of Finance

The “ter­ror front” explod­ed with a major, head­line-gar­ner­ing attack on Mum­bai, Indi­a’s finan­cial and cin­e­mat­ic cen­ter.

Repost: FTR #500 Conversation with Sander Hicks and Allan Duncan

Involve­ment of Pak­istani intel­li­gence in 9/11 and Mum­bai attacks; sting man Randy Glass learned in 1999 from R.G. Abbas that the attacks were immi­nent!

FTR #653 Touching Bases with Daniel Hopsicker

Scan­dals over­lap­ping the milieu of the Flori­da flight schools, through which many of the 9/11 hijack­ers received instruc­tion.

FTR #640 Winging It with Daniel Hopsicker

Avi­a­tion and its unreg­u­lat­ed use in CIA drug traf­fick­ing; Sau­di 9/11 evac plane used by McCain cam­paign; plane crash killed Venezue­lan exec­u­tive of Smart­mat­ic, par­ent com­pa­ny of Sequoia Vot­ing Sys­tems; links to Hugo Chavez; Guyanese pilot linked to Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 hijack­ers.

FTR #637 Catching Up with Daniel Hopsicker

Avi­a­tion and its unreg­u­lat­ed use in CIA drug traf­fick­ing; Sau­di 9/11 evac plane used by McCain cam­paign; plane crash killed Venezue­lan exec­u­tive of Smart­mat­ic, par­ent com­pa­ny of Sequoia Vot­ing Sys­tems; links to Hugo Chavez; Guyanese pilot linked to Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 hijack­ers.

Spitzer’s mouthpiece has his own secrets to hide

by Peter LanceR­AW STORY As the sex scan­dal hur­ri­cane engulfed Eliott Spitzer last week, one of his clos­est advi­sors at the eye of the storm was Diet­rich “Dieter” Snell. An ex U.S. Attor­ney from the same office con­duct­ing the pros­ti­tu­tion probe, Snell is now defend­ing Spitzer in the “Troop­er­gate” scan­dal and report­ed­ly rak­ing in hun­dreds […]