Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Money Laundering' is associated with 128 posts.

FTR #775 Ratzinger Leaves the Ship–The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

The star­tling res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI (nee Joseph Ratzinger) brings to mind a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions. Ratzinger was some­thing of a care­tak­er, charged with sus­tain­ing the Opus-Dei style reac­tion grip­ping the Vat­i­can and keep­ing the lid on poten­tially dam­ag­ing inquiries.. He took office with the Holy See engulfed in scan­dal and inquiry, includ­ing the bur­geon­ing priest molesta­tion inves­ti­ga­tions, renewed inquiries into mon­ey laun­der­ing by the Vat­i­can Bank and inquiries con­cern­ing the Vatican’s behav­ior dur­ing and after World War II. Might some of those issues over­whelmed his papa­cy, forc­ing the first Papal res­ig­na­tion in his­to­ry?

FTR #772 Body Count II: (Collateralized “Death” Obligations)

One of the sur­re­al, almost hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry finan­cial instru­ments that were at the cen­ter of the 2008 finan­cial col­lapse were CDO’s–collateralized debt oblig­a­tions. As a num­ber of legal inves­ti­ga­tions into mis­chief appar­ent­ly com­mit­ted by major finan­cial insti­tu­tions on a num­ber of fronts have gained momen­tum, there has been a rash of sui­cides linked to the busi­ness­es under inves­ti­ga­tion. In addi­tion, a Wall Street Jour­nal reporter dis­ap­peared and an Argen­tine bank repository–supposedly fireproof–burned down. Are we look­ing at col­lat­er­al­ized “death” oblig­a­tions?

FTR #770 Bit[coin]burg, Part 3: Fool’s Gold

Pre­sent­ed as an alter­na­tive to the exist­ing mon­e­tary and fis­cal par­a­digms, bit­coin is–in fact–as bad, or worse, than what it is designed to replace. Sub­ject to a wide vari­ety of crooked machi­na­tions, bit­coin also lends itself read­i­ly to con­cen­tra­tion of ownership–get ready for the “bit­coin 1%.” The bit­coin milieu increas­ing­ly over­laps that of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook and “The Paulis­tin­ian Lib­er­tar­i­an Orga­ni­za­tion.”

Katherine Harris’ Husband “Commits Suicide”

We note the recent alleged sui­cide of for­mer Flori­da Sec­re­tary of State Kather­ine Har­ris’ hus­band, a Swede named Anders Ebbe­son. Ebbeson’s company–InterCon–specialized in mak­ing appli­ances for yachts and RV’s, which would dove­tail very well with drug smug­gling and oth­er con­tra­band traf­fick­ing activ­i­ties. Ebbe­son worked for Elec­trolux after it bought out his first com­pa­ny. Elec­trolux was the cre­ation of Axel Wen­ner-Gren, a promi­nent Swedish indus­tri­al­ist who was a Third Reich ally.

Update on Bitcoin, Max Planck Institute

One of the most vis­i­ble sup­port­ers of bit­coin is a “tech­no-lib­er­tar­i­an” named Cody R. Wil­son, whom we exam­ined in FTR #760. Wil­son, not sur­pris­ing­ly, is a devo­tee of Hans Her­mann-Hoppe and an active oppo­nent of democ­ra­cy. Bit­coin users have favored the Tor net­work. Now, a researcher with the Max Planck Insti­tute is look­ing to devel­op an alter­na­tive inter­net net­work that wil be imper­vi­ous to pen­e­tra­tion. One won­ders if that is intend­ed to facil­i­tate secure move­ment of ter­ror­ist and/or covert oper­a­tions monies for Under­ground Reich ele­ments.

FTR #760 Bit[coin]burg–The Rebels Without a Clue

In this pro­gram, we exam­ine a clan­des­tine, online cur­ren­cy called bit­coin. Bit­coin has been hatched from the same lib­er­tar­i­an, Lud­wig von Mis­es milieu to which Eddie “get rid of social secu­ri­ty, bring back the gold stan­dard” Snow­den adheres. Although the cur­ren­cy has usu­al­ly been attrib­uted to one Satoshi Nako­mo­to, an arti­cle in Fastcompany.com hypoth­e­sizes that the actu­al devel­op­ers of bit­coin were Charles Bry, Neal J. King (who offi­cial­ly denies any involve­ment) and Vladimir Oks­man. All three work for a Ger­man firm called Lan­tiq, evolved from Siemens A.G. Ger­many is the only nation that rec­og­nizes bit­coin.

Bit[coin]burg II

“Tech­no-lib­er­tar­i­ans” view bit­coin as a pos­si­ble alter­na­tive to the dol­lar as a reserve cur­ren­cy, man­i­fest­ing an anti-gov­ern­ment ori­en­ta­tion. It has been sub­ject to all of the same ills as reg­u­lar cur­ren­cies. Lib­er­tar­i­an-fas­cist Peter Thiel is a backer of bit­coin.

Bitcoinburg–Who Developed this “Virtual Currency?”

In this post, we exam­ine the ori­gins of the bit­coin vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy, which evolved into the online cur­ren­cy of choice for the cus­tomers of the Silk Road net­work. Alone among sov­er­eign nations, Ger­many has rec­og­nized bit­coin as legal ten­der. An arti­cle at Fast­com­pa­ny hypoth­e­sizes that three indi­vid­u­als named Neal J. King, Charles Bry and Vladimir Oks­man are the true orig­i­na­tors of bit­coin. All three work for Lan­tiq. Lan­tiq is a firm evolved from Siemens spin­off Infi­neon AG.

FTR #750 Surveying the Scene with Daniel Hopsicker

This broad­cast catch­es up with some areas of research and inter­est on the part of the hero­ic inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Daniel Hop­sick­er. We then revis­it­ed the cir­cum­stances of Ruki Dekkers, one of Atta’s clos­est asso­ciates. Although he was arrest­ed for drug traf­fick­ing, informed sources expressed skep­ti­cism that he would ever go to tri­al. Much of the pro­gram focused on the Boston Marathon bomb­ing of April 2013, espe­cial­ly the links between the bombers, their fam­i­ly and ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with CIA.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Resigns: Luxembourg Gladio Veteran Involved in Bugging Scandal

For decades, we’ve spo­ken of “The Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion,” over­lap­ping the NATO Oper­a­tion Stay Behind (known as Glad­io in Italy.) The Prime Min­is­ter of Lux­em­bourg was forced to resign because of a scan­dal in which the coun­try’s intel­li­gence chief–now head of secu­ri­ty for Siemens–participated in Gladio/Stay Behind. Lux­em­bourg’s bank­ing sec­tor is very large, to the dis­may of Ger­many, which has been called “hege­mon­ic” by Lux­em­bourg cab­i­net min­is­ters.