Liberty League, industrialists, financiers orchestrated the 1934 coup plot; General Smedley Butler betrayed the plot; media suppressed accurate reportage.
Liberty League, industrialists, financiers orchestrated the 1934 coup plot; General Smedley Butler betrayed the plot; media suppressed accurate reportage.
Powerful Wall Street lawyers like Allen Dulles began pursuing the U.S. elite’s corporate agenda even before the end of World War II, conspiring with this country’s enemies to establish the foundation of the Underground Reich and the Bormann capital network. In the process, they set the table for the Cold War, the McCarthy purges and the subversion of Operation Safehaven.
Recorded February 5, 2006 Listen: MP3 Side 1 Side 2 REALAUDIO Introduction: In late 2005 and early 2006, the Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood scored significant electoral successes in Egypt and in the Palestinian territories. Representing itself as “moderate” and “democratic,” the Brotherhood has enjoyed the encomiums of an amen chorus in parts of the West. A political […]
German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger—dubbed “Panzerkardinal” by wags because of his reactionary views.
Deep politics surrounding the Vatican’s relationship to fascism, and how that determined the character of John Paul II’s reign.
U.S. far-right, extremist and mainstream overlap; past U.S. coup attempts; fifth column subversion; collusion with U.S. and foreign governments and business.
Recorded November 11, 2004 REALAUDIO This broadcast covers a range of topics. Featuring the work of premier journalists Robert Parry and Lucy Komisar, the program begins with Robert’s discussion of the gross irregularities in the 2004 election process. A sharp discrepancy between the exit polls (generally viewed as very reliable) and the ultimate election results […]
Clearstream network and offshore banking.
Recorded March 7, 2004 Listen: MP3 One segment REALAUDIO NB: This stream contains both FTRs #448 and #449 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast. Hypothetical in nature, this program examines the possibility that the GOP and the Bush campaign sabotaged attempts by the Clinton administration to broker a Middle East peace agreement. Had […]
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