Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Mumbai' is associated with 16 posts.

FTR #667 Update on 9/11 and Related Matters

9/11 activist Bev­er­ly Eck­ert had met with Pres­i­dent Oba­ma short­ly before her death in a plane crash.

FTR #659 Heatin’ It Up for Obama

Mul­ti­ple and esca­lat­ing crises with which the incom­ing U.S. Pres­i­dent must deal.

India compiling evidence to share with Pak, rest of world

PTI New Del­hi: As Islam­abad con­tin­ues to be in denial mode, India is com­pil­ing evi­dence about the role of Pak­is­tan-based ele­ments in the ter­ror strikes for shar­ing it with the world besides the neigh­bour very soon. The evi­dence, being put togeth­er, includes the con­fes­sion of the lone ter­ror­ist held in Mum­bai ter­ror attack Ajmal Amir […]

Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants

by Nahal Toosi­AP ISLAMABAD, Pak­istan – Tal­iban mil­i­tants are behead­ing and burn­ing their way through Pak­istan’s pic­turesque Swat Val­ley, and res­i­dents say the insur­gents now con­trol most of the moun­tain­ous region far from the law­less trib­al areas where jihadists thrive. The dete­ri­o­rat­ing sit­u­a­tion in the for­mer tourist haven comes despite an army offen­sive that began […]

FTR #657 Targeting the Centers of Finance

The “ter­ror front” explod­ed with a major, head­line-gar­ner­ing attack on Mum­bai, Indi­a’s finan­cial and cin­e­mat­ic cen­ter.

Mumbai gunman’s confession sheds light on massacre

by Ramo­la Tal­war BadamAP MUMBAI, India – The gun­man cap­tured in last mon­th’s Mum­bai attacks had orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to seize hostages and out­line demands in a series of dra­mat­ic calls to the media, accord­ing to his con­fes­sion obtained Sat­ur­day by The Asso­ci­at­ed Press. Mohammed Ajmal Kasab said he and his part­ner, who mas­sa­cred dozens of […]

Let’s Give Pakistan the Attention It Deserves

The Mum­bai attack is the lat­est wake-up call. By BERNARD-HENRI LEVYWSJ “The world is decid­ed­ly poor­ly made,” Asif Ali Zardari, wid­ow­er of Benazir Bhut­to and pres­i­dent of Pak­istan, must be say­ing to him­self. The French expres­sion Le monde est décidé­ment mal fait sums things up quite nice­ly. For it was at the very moment that […]

Recession Trickles to India

by Jere­my Nahn­New York Times BANGALORE, India — After years of being blamed for job loss­es in Amer­i­ca and else­where, India’s high-tech com­pa­nies and out­sourc­ing firms are going through a down­turn of their own. The glob­al slow­down is forc­ing them to reduce hir­ing, freeze salaries, post­pone new invest­ments and lay off thou­sands of soft­ware pro­gram­mers […]

Were the Mumbai Terrorists Fueled by Coke?

by Bruce Crum­leyTIME Did the jihadists who tore up Mum­bai last week rely on par­ty drugs usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with West­ern deca­dence to stay awake and alert through­out their three-day killing spree? Britain’s Tele­graph news­pa­per sug­gests that they did, cit­ing uniden­ti­fied offi­cials claim­ing phys­i­cal evi­dence shows the assailants used cocaine and oth­er stim­u­lants to sus­tain their […]

Pak TV channel says 26/11 hatched by Hindu Zionists

by Nan­di­ta Sen­gup­taTNN NEW DELHI: Mum­bai’s 26/11 was actu­al­ly a plan hatched by “Hin­du Zion­ists” and “West­ern Zion­ists”, includ­ing the Mossad, said a self-styled Pak­istan secu­ri­ty expert on a Pak­istan news tele­vi­sion show, uploaded on www.hotklix.com. ” Inki shak­lein Hin­duon­wali hain, jis zabaan mein guf­ta­goo kar rahein hain, woh zabaan koi Pak­istani istemaal nahin kar­ta […]