Introduction: Bringing up to date a number of points of inquiry, the program details the profound role of Peter Thiel’s professional orbit in the make-up of Team Trump.
Profoundly influenced by the writings and views of Third Reich theoretician Carl Schmitt, Thiel is at least as well-positioned as former PayPal buddy Elon Musk to profit from the incoming Trump administration.
Of particular significance is the ABN milieu’s crafting of a curriculum to be taught to school children!
“. . . . The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is an outgrowth of the National Captive Nations Committee, a group founded by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN‑B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine in World War Two. Together, the two helped found the World Anti-Communist League that was described by journalist Joe Conason as ‘the organizational haven for neo-Nazis, fascists, and anti-Semitic extremists from two dozen countries.’. . .”
The curriculum manifests fascist ideology: ” . . . . Its methodology was also universally panned, with many pointing out that the tens of millions of Soviet and Nazi losses during World War II were attributed to communist ideology. This means that both Adolf Hitler himself and many of his victims are counted towards the vastly overinflated figure. . . . The principal organization promoting the 100 million figure today is the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation . . . . The group, set up by the U.S. government in 1993, added all worldwide Covid-19 deaths to the victims of communism list, arguing that the coronavirus was a communist disease because it originated in China. . . .”
Ante Pavelic
Photo Credit:
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation lionizes fascists and Nazis: ” . . . . Those included Roman Shukhevych, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator, as well as Ante Pavelić who ran a Nazi puppet regime in Croatia and is considered a chief perpetrator of the Holocaust in the Balkans . . . .”
Discussion and Analysis Includes: An alleged Chinese hack that will benefit Elon Musk’s Starlink; A Musk associate named by Trump to head NASA; The founding of a firm called Sauron by a Thiel associate; Speculation about the possible effects of Luigi Mangione’s alleged murder of UnitedHealth Care CEO Thompson; The possible appointment of RFK, Jr’s campaign manager “ex” CIA agent Amaryllis Fox to be a Deputy Director of CIA; Fox’s long, close association with Tulsi Gabbard; Elon Musk’s social media support of the AfD; The pro-AfD posts of the accused Magdeburg Christmas massacre “perp;” The chronicling of the ascent of Mr. Julani (Al-Qaeda, ISIS) in Syria in September of 2018; Mr. Julani’s being minted as Syrian head of state following the fall of Asad; The assassination of Russian General Kirillov, who opined that Covid was an American BW weapon.
Mr. Emory is doing three, one-hour plus Patreon talks, accompanied by machine-generated transcripts. In the most recent talks, he details the strategic situation in Ukraine, including the sabotage of the pipelines and the referenda in Ukraine’s Eastern provinces, as well as detailing the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A new schedule features once-a-week talks analyzing a key aspect of contemporary affairs. On October 2, we discussed mind control, a vitally important and overlooked dynamic. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. This video of Ukraine’s top military medical officer discussing an order to castrate Russian males is an eye-opener. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
In the latest Patreon talks–three, one-hour presentations per week–Mr. Emory compares the military inculcation of Japanese youth in the pre-World War II period with the submersion of American boys in a cognitive military culture presented by movies, TV, video-games and the Internet. In addition, we review the role of Mohammed Al-Zawahiri–the late Ayman’s brother–with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, and the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. This video of Ukraine’s top military medical officer discussing an order to castrate Russian males is an eye-opener. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
The media in this and other countries have been dominated by a propaganda blitzkrieg alleging “genocide” being committed by China in its oil and mineral-rich Xinjiang province against the Turkophone, Muslim minority in that region.
This allegation is a well-documented political mythology, which has come to dominate the political and journalistic narrative in the U.S. because of media adherence to the pronouncements of a number of overlapping fascist organizations.
In addition to the dominance of coverage of Xinjiang by the German national Adrian Zenz, a fellow traveler of the OUN/B derivative Captive Nations Committee, the fascist mind control cult Falun Gong and elements that have evolved from the International Institute of Islamic Thought are deeply involved with U.S. intelligence cut-outs that have midwived the Uyghur “genocide myth.”
Pan-Turkist fascist elements in Xinjiang overlap Al-Qaeda affiliates.
An alleged U.N. report on the genocide stems from the allegations of the sole American member of a U.N. panel, who provided no corroborating evidence.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include:
1.–” . . . . A spokesperson from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) confirmed in a statement to The Grayzone that the allegation of Chinese ‘camps’ was not made by the United Nations, but rather by a member of an independent committee that does not speak for the UN as a whole. That member happened to be the only American on the committee, and one with no background of scholarship or research on China. . . .”
2.–” . . . . This is to say, one American member of an independent UN body made a provocative claim that China was interning 1 million Muslims, but failed to provide a single named source. And Reuters and the Western corporate media ran with it anyway, attributing the unsubstantiated allegations of one US individual to the UN as a whole. . . . ”
3.–” . . . . In addition to this irresponsible misreporting, Reuters and other Western outlets have attempted to fill in the gaps left by McDougall, referring to reports made by so-called “activist group” the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD). . . .”
4.–” . . . . However, tax documents uncovered by The Grayzone show that a significant portion of this group’s budget comes from the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA-linked soft-power group that was founded by the Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s to push regime change against independent governments and support “free markets” around the world. . . .”
A “Gray Zone” piece from a couple of months ago about a major mainstream promotion of the genocide claims via a New York Times op-ed written by an American woman of Uyghur ancestry that more or less regurgitated the genocide claims of Adrian Zenz. The op-ed neglected mention that the author, Amelia Pang, was an employee of The Epoch Times from 2011–2016.
That paper is an organ of the Falun Gong cult.
The “Gray Zone” article does more than detail a major example of mainstream media catapulting this misinformation campaign.
The article underscores how the ‘concentration camp’ claims from the West suddenly erupted in 2017, after the Trump administration basically made a new Cold War with China a major foreign policy objective in keeping with Steve Bannon’s vision of a new Great Powers war.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include:
1.–” . . . . The author of the New York Times op-ed, Amelia Pang, happens to be a former employee of the Epoch Times, a far-right propaganda arm of a fanatical anti-China cult called Falun Gong. . . .”
2.–” . . . . Pang’s op-ed ran just days before the Trump administration formally accused Beijing of genocide. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a far-right rapture-ready evangelical, alleged that China ‘has committed genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang.’ The Pompeo State Department provided no evidence to bolster its extreme accusations, yet alleged that China’s campaign of ‘genocide’ began in March 2017. . . .”
3.–” . . . . The report both Pang and NPR were citing was not a United Nations document, but rather an investigation by a far-right German academic named Adrian Zenz. . . .”
4.–” . . . . To make her case that the Chinese government was guilty of “genocide,” Pang misleadingly implied that the United Nations has accused China of the crime – a disinformation tactic that has become common in anti-China reporting in the Western media. But the UN has not done so. . . . ”
5.–” . . . . As Ajit Singh and Max Blumenthal reported for The Grayzone, Zenz’s estimate that ‘over 1 million’ Muslim minorities are held in ‘concentration camps’ in Xinjiang was based on a lone report by Istiqlal TV, an Islamist media outlet run by Uyghur separatists based in Turkey. The outlet provides a friendly platform for extremist supporters of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a separatist group that seeks to build an Islamic state in Xinjiang, which it calls East Turkestan. ...”
6.–” . . . . ETIM, also known as the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), is an al-Qaeda-linked extremist militia that has carried out numerous terrorist attacks in Xinjiang. ETIM, also known as the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), is an al-Qaeda-linked extremist militia that has carried out numerous terrorist attacks in Xinjiang. It is recognized as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, European Union, and many countries. Pompeo’s State Department removed ETIM from the US government’s official terrorist list in October 2020, as part of Washington’s intensifying cold war on China. . . .”
7.–” . . . . The photo Pang referenced has been heavily circulated by Western media outlets and NGOs, and is upheld as practically the only image proving the existence of ‘concentration camps’ run by Beijing. This characterization is however deeply misleading. The photo was not taken by some courageous prisoner or crusading investigative journalist; it was published by the Chinese government itself, in a press release from 2014 — three years before the State Department claimed the ‘genocide’ began in Xinjiang. In fact, the original image was published on the Xinjiang Bureau of Justice’s own WeChat account, with a watermark identifying it as an official photo taken by Chinese authorities. Western anti-China propagandists have subsequently cropped off the watermark and presented the photo as proof of China caught in the act. . . .”
8.–” . . . . At the top of her personal website, Amelia Pang advertises her book, ‘Made in China: A Prisoner, an SOS Letter, and the Hidden Cost of America’s Cheap Goods,’ which is due in February 2021. The book’s homepage highlights a blurb written by Orville Schell . . . . Schell also has an eyebrow-raising record of work at the Ford Foundation, a CIA cut-out, in Indonesia from 1964 to 1966, at precisely the time when the country’s US-backed military dictatorship was enacting an actual genocide. With help from the CIA, Indonesia’s dictator Suharto murdered between 1 and 3 million communists, left-wing sympathizers, labor organizers, and ethnic Chinese people, in what the CIA privately admitted was ‘one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century,’ alongside the Nazi Holocaust. . . .”
Anti-Asian racism is very much at the forefront of public consciousness at the moment. It would be disingenuous for anyone to claim that the phenomenon was unrelated to the full-court press against China.
Exemplifying that racism is a member of the Pan-Turkist fascist MHP party, which is front and center in the anti-Uighur destabilization effort and the propagation of the “genocide” myth. (We have discussed Pan-Turkist fascism in–among other programs–AFA #14 and FTR #59.)
“. . . . . In 2015, members of the MHP-affiliated Grey Wolves formerly led by Alparslan Türkes attacked South Korean tourists in Turkey, mistaking them for Chinese citizens, in protest of the situation in Xinjiang. Turkish MHP party leader Devlet Bahçeli defended the attacks. ‘How are you going to differentiate between Korean and Chinese?’ the rightist politician questioned. ‘They both have slanted eyes. Does it really matter?’ . . . .”
Yet another incisive, courageous article about the myth of Uighur genocide was published by “The Grayzone” in March.
The vehicle for launching this propaganda is The Newlines Institute, a subsidiary element of Fairfax University of America.
The founder of Newlines Institute is Ahmed Alwani, Vice-President of the International Islamic Institute, one of the organizations raided by Treasury Department and FBI agents on 3/20/2002 for allegedly funding Al-Qaeda and other Muslim-Brotherhood linked terrorist groups.
Key Elements of Discussion and Analysis Include:
1.–” . . . . The report, published on March 8 by the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy, in collaboration with the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, follows a last-minute accusation made in January by the outgoing Trump administration, along with similar declarations by the Dutch and Canadian Parliaments. It was published shortly after the release of a remarkably similar report on February 8 that was commissioned by the US government-backed World Uyghur Congress, and which alleged that there is a ‘credible case’ against the Chinese government for genocide. . . .”
2.–” . . . . Ahmed Alwani is the founder and president of the Newlines Institute. Alwani previously served on the advisory board for the U.S. military’s Africa Command (AFRICOM) and is the Vice President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT); his father, Taha Jabir Al-Alwani was one of IIIT’s founders. . . .”
3.–” . . . . Newlines’ report relies primarily on the dubious studies of Adrian Zenz, the US government propaganda outlet, Radio Free Asia, and claims made by the US-funded separatist network, the World Uyghur Congress. These three sources comprise more than one-third of the references used to construct the factual basis of the document, with Zenz as the most heavily relied upon source – cited on more than 50 occasions. Many of the remaining references cite the work of members of Newlines Institute’s Uyghur Scholars Working Group’, of which Zenz is a founding member and which is made up of a small group of academics who collaborate with him and support his conclusions. . . .”
4.–” . . . . The leadership of Newlines Institute includes former US State Department officials, US military advisors, intelligence professionals who previously worked for the “shadow CIA” private spying firm, Stratfor, and a collection of interventionist ideologues. . . .”
5.–” . . . . Just days before Newlines Institute’s report on China was released, its FXUA’s accreditation was once again in potential jeopardy. On March 5, an advisory board to the US Department of Education recommended terminating recognition for ACICS. The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity voted 11-to‑1 to recommend that ACICS lose the federal recognition it needs to operate. The advisory committee made the same recommendation in 2016, leading to the ACICS’s recognition being revoked under the Obama administration, before recognition was restored to the troubled accreditor in 2018 by then-President Trump’s Secretary of Education, the infamous privatization activist and oligarch Betsy Devos. . . .”
6.–” . . . . Newlines Institute published its report in collaboration with The Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights. The report’s principal author, Yonah Diamond, is legal counsel for The Wallenberg Center, and many of the report’s signatories hold affiliations with the organization. . . .”
7.–” . . . . The Wallenberg Centre has become a haven for anti-China hawks, including Senior Fellows David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State, and David Matas. . . . Kilgour and Matas have extensive ties to the far-right, anti-China religious cult Falun Gong. Both men are regularly contributors to the group’s propaganda arm, The Epoch Times, a media network that The New York Times has described as an ‘anti-China, pro-Trump media empire’ and ‘leading purveyor of right-wing misinformation’. . . . ”
The program concludes with discussion of the Wallenberg family, one of Sweden’s most prominent industrial clans and inextricably linked with both the international cartel system, the Third Reich and–as we see below–the remarkable and deadly Bormann flight capital organization.
The Wallenbergs were centrally involved in numerous cloaking operations for Nazi big business, and also had strong links to the Allied industrial firms undertaking war production.
(The substance and complexities of the cartel system and international fascism were discussed in–among other programs–FTR#511. The overall political and historical context in which the cartels operate–globalization–is analyzed in the introduction to the Books for Download section.)
Exemplifying the family’s position in the Wall Street/cartel pantheon is George Murnane of the Wallenberg holding company A.B. Investor: ” . . . . In November 1940, a voting trust agreement was set up in the United States under which George Murnane was designated by the Wallenbergs’ Enskilda Bank as the sole voting trustee with complete power to vote the American Bosch stock at stockholders’ meetings in the United States. The voting trust arrangement provided that if George Murnane should die, his successor should be named by John Foster Dulles, senior partner of Sullivan & Cromwell, the law firm which represents the Wallenbergs and the Enskilda Bank in the United States. . . .”
One of the most significant of the Wallenbergs’ operations concerned its global monopoly on ball bearings and its shipment of Swedish bearings to offset Nazi Germany’s losses in the costly Schweinfurt raids.
” . . . . It happened that two thirds of Germany’s entire bearing industry was concentrated in a single group of four factories at Schweinfurt. Three of them, accounting for 36 per cent of Germany’s productive capacity, were owned by VKF; and one, accounting for 30 per cent of German capacity, was owned by the only remaining large independent, Fischer A.G.
When American air forces bombed Schweinfurt during the war, in an effort to knock out this strategic point in German industrial production, Schweinfurt was discovered to be one of the most heavily defended spots in Germany. German defenses inflicted a loss of fifty American heavy bombers in one raid alone. When these raids temporarily knocked out Schweinfurt, the effect was largely nullified by shipments of bearings from SKF in Sweden. . . .”
It is this heritage that underlies the Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.
In previous programs, we have noted that the Uyghur “independence” movement is inextricably linked with elements of U.S. intelligence, as well as a potpourri of fascists of various stripes. A “New York Times” article positions Adrian Zenz as an authority on the Uyghurs. Zenz’s prominence as an “expert” on the Uyghurs comes by virtue of his position with the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, ” . . . . an outgrowth of the National Captive Nations Committee, a group founded by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN‑B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine in World War Two. . . .” OUN/B’s founder was Stepan Bandera. Just as the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders based their report on interviews with eight individuals out of a population of 20 million, Zenz based his estimate on a single report by a TV station that broadcasts material from Al-Qaeda and ISIS-linked elements and individuals: ” . . . . Zenz arrived at his estimate ‘over 1 million’ in a dubious manner. He based it on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey . . . . Far from an impartial journalistic organization, Istiqlal TV advances the separatist cause while playing host to an assortment of extremist figures. One such character who often appears on Istiqlal TV is Abdulkadir Yapuquan, a reported leader of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a separatist group that aims to establish an independent homeland in Xinjiang called East Turkestan. . . . ETIM has been designated as a terrorist organization with ties to al-Qaeda by the US, European Union, and UN Security Council’s Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. The Associated Press has reported that since ‘2013, thousands of Uighurs… have traveled to Syria to train with the Uighur militant group Turkistan Islamic Party and fight alongside al-Qaida,’ with ‘several hundred join[ing] the Islamic State.’ . . .”
This program continues discussion of the Uyghurs/“Uighurs” and the destabilization of China. This ongoing effort is one of an array of covert and overt operations against China.
Discussed in numerous programs, the Uighurs (also spelled Uyghurs) are heavily overlapped with various fascist elements. All of these are present in the history of the World Uyghur Congress.
1.–The narco-fascist regime of Chiang Kai-shek.
2.–The Grey Wolves, youth wing of the National Action Party. The group was a key element of the Turkish “Stay Behind” movement.
3.–Various Islamic terrorist offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.
4.–The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations milieu, directly evolved from the Third Reich and the Gehlen organization.
5.–The Dalai Lama and his SS/Third Reich heritage.
Of great significance, once again, is the decisive presence of the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. intelligence cut-out founded by William Casey.
American and Western media draw on an American regime-change operation for much of their coverage–that organization is the World Uyghur [“Uighur”] Congress and numerous subsidiary elements.
Exemplifying the WUC milieu is Rushan Abas: ” . . . . Another influential organization spun out of the WUC network is the Campaign for Uyghurs. This group is headed by Rushan Abbas, the former Vice President of the UAA. Promoted simply as a Uyghur ‘human rights activist’ by Western media outlets including the supposedly adversarial Democracy Now!, Abbas is, in fact, a longtime US government and military operative. Abbas boasts in her bio of her ‘extensive experience working with US government agencies, including Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of State, and various US intelligence agencies.’ While working for the military contractor L3 Technologies, Abbas served the US government and the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror as a ‘consultant at Guantanamo Bay supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.’ Abbas ‘also worked as a linguist and translator for several federal agencies including work for the US State Department in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush’. Like so many of her colleagues, Abbas enjoyed a stint at Radio Free Asia. While Abbas once shared her history of collaboration with the US government in the open, she has attempted to scrub biographic information from her online presence following a disastrous publicity appearance in December 2019. During a Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ question and answer forum, participants blasted Abbas as a ‘CIA asset’ and frequent US government collaborator, prompting her attempt to disappear her bio from the internet. . . .”
The ostensibly “peaceful’ intent of the WUC can be evaluated against the background of the comments of former WUC Vice-President Seyit Tumturk: ” . . . . In 2018, Tümturk declared that Chinese Uyghurs view Turkish ‘state requests as orders.’ He then proclaimed that hundreds of thousands of Chinese Uyghurs were ready to enlist in the Turkish army and join Turkey’s illegal and brutal invasion of Northern Syria ‘to fight for God’ – if ordered to do so by Erdogan. . . . Shortly after Tumturk’s comments, Uyghur militants dressed in Turkish military fatigues and on the Turkish side of the Syrian border released a video in which they threatened to wage war against China: ‘Listen you dog bastards, do you see this? We will triumph!’ one fighter exclaimed. ‘We will kill you all. Listen up Chinese civilians, get out of our East Turkestan. I am warning you. We shall return and we will be victorious.’ . . .”
The program concludes with a look at the political history of William Casey, on whose watch as CIA director many of the U.S. intelligence fronts involved with the Uyghur destabilization effort were developed.
Key Aspects of Analysis of Casey Include: Casey’s Wall Street legal background and the manner in which it dovetailed with William Donovan and the OSS (America’s World War II intelligence service); Casey’s networking with Landsdale and others involved with the recovery of Golden Lily loot, in the Philippines, in particular; Casey’s possible role as a key implementer of the Black Eagle Fund; Casey’s role in setting up Capital Cities, a company that eventually bought ABC in 1985; Casey’s position as Capital Cities’ largest stockholder, including in 1985, when he was CIA director; the probability that Capital Cities was an intelligence front; Casey’s key positions in the Nixon Administration–Chairman of the SEC, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and head of the Export-Import Bank; the probability that Casey was with CIA throughout his post-World War II career; Casey’s friendship with both Allen and John Foster Dulles; Casey’s knowledge of how to “privatize” the CIA; Casey’s role as the handler of Ferdinand Marcos and his Golden Lily bullion; Reagan’s signing of Executive Order 12333, authorizing the CIA to enter into private relationships with PMF’s (private military foundations) for intelligence purposes, while permitting those relationships to be kept secret.
The program begins with review of Nazi/Gehlen/ABN links to anti-China efforts in Hong Kong and Xinjiang province.
In numerous programs, we have noted international networking between the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion and elements around the world:
Azov is part of the “Intermarium Revival” that is seen as using Nazification of the Ukraine “pivot point” as a springboard for a global Nazi takeover.
American Nazis and white supremacists are among the elements networking with Azov and then “bringing it all back home” to their native lands.
Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor (“Right Sector”) elements have decamped to Hong Kong, networking with the so-called “Pro-Democracy” forces and working on behalf of EU NGOs. This was discussed in FTR #1103.
Azov’s Hong Kong compatriots have adopted the OUN/B slogan, now the official salute of the Ukrainian police and military. ” . . . . The interest has been mutual, with Hong Kong’s ‘democrats’ drawing inspiration from Ukraine’s pro-Western Euromaidan ‘revolution’ that has empowered far-right, fascistic forces. Hong Kong protesters have embraced the slogan ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adapted from ‘Slava Ukrayini’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, a slogan invented by Ukrainian fascists and used by Nazi collaborators during WWII that was re-popularized by the Euromaidan movement. . . . ”
Joshua Wong–“boy wonder” and darling of the American MSM–has doubled down on affinity with Ukraine: ” . . . . ‘No matter the differences between Ukraine and Hong Kong, our fights for freedom and democracy are the same,’ Joshua Wong told The Kyiv Post in 2019. ‘[W]e have to learn from Ukrainians… and show solidarity. Ukraine confronted the force of Russia — we are facing the force of Beijing.’ . . . .”
The Hong Kong iteration of the OUN/UPA salute has become an anthem. In its coverage of the banning of that song by the Chinese authorities, The New York Times [predictably] fails to discuss the heritage of the slogan/song, nor the nature of the Ukrainian Nazi “troubadours” who brought it to Hong Kong.
In this context, it is important to remember that the National Endowment for Democracy–a U.S. intelligence “cut-out” founded by former CIA director William Casey–has helped finance the “pro-Democracy” forces in Hong Kong.
One of the leading propagandists concerning “mass incarceration of the Uighurs” is Adrian Zenz, a dogmatic End Times Christian, German national and “senior fellow in China studies at the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which was established by the US government in 1983.”
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is an offshoot of the milieu of the OUN/B. ” . . . . an outgrowth of the National Captive Nations Committee, a group founded by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN‑B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine in World War Two. . . .” A key figure in the Azov Battalion (elements of which were present in Hong Kong) is Roman Zvarych, the personal secretary for Stetsko in the early 1980’s.
” . . . . formerly Yaroslav Stetsko’s private secretary, the U.S.-born Roman Zvarych (1953), represents a younger generation of the Ukrainian émigré community active during the Cold War and a direct link from the ABN to the Azov Battalion. . . . Zvarych participated in the activities of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations in the 1980s. . . . In February 2005, after Viktor Yushchenko’s election, Zvarych was appointed Minister of Justice. . . . According to Andriy Biletsky, the first commander of the Azov battalion, a civil paramilitary unit created in the wake of the Euromaidan, Zvarych was head of the headquarters of the Azov Central Committee in 2015 and supported the Azov battalion with ‘volunteers’ and political advice through his Zvarych Foundation. . . .”
Networking with Isa Yusuf Alptekin at the Bandung (Indonesia) conference was Ruzi (or “Ruzy”) Nazar, an Uzbek national who fought in various Third Reich military formations, including the SS Dirlewanger Brigade. After the war, Nazar was a CIA operative networking with the National Action Party (or National Movement Party) of Alparslan Turkes.
Nazar represented the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations at the 1984 WACL conference in Dallas.
Discussed in numerous programs, the Uighurs (also spelled Uyghurs) are heavily overlapped with various fascist elements. All of these are present in the history of the World Uyghur Congress.
1.–The narco-fascist regime of Chiang Kai-shek.
2.–The Grey Wolves, youth wing of the National Action Party. The group was a key element of the Turkish “Stay Behind” movement.
3.–Various Islamic terrorist offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.
4.–As seen above, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations milieu, directly evolved from the Third Reich and the Gehlen organization.
5.–The SS/CIA/Third Reich milieu of the Dalai Lama.
Of great significance, once again, is the decisive presence of the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. intelligence cut-out founded by William Casey.
American and Western media draw on an American regime-change operation for much of their coverage–that organization is the World Uyghur [“Uighur”] Congress and numerous subsidiary elements.
Exemplifying the WUC milieu is Rushan Abas: ” . . . . Another influential organization spun out of the WUC network is the Campaign for Uyghurs. This group is headed by Rushan Abbas, the former Vice President of the UAA. Promoted simply as a Uyghur ‘human rights activist’ by Western media outlets including the supposedly adversarial Democracy Now!, Abbas is, in fact, a longtime US government and military operative. Abbas boasts in her bio of her ‘extensive experience working with US government agencies, including Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of State, and various US intelligence agencies.’ While working for the military contractor L3 Technologies, Abbas served the US government and the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror as a ‘consultant at Guantanamo Bay supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.’ Abbas ‘also worked as a linguist and translator for several federal agencies including work for the US State Department in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and for President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush’. Like so many of her colleagues, Abbas enjoyed a stint at Radio Free Asia. While Abbas once shared her history of collaboration with the US government in the open, she has attempted to scrub biographic information from her online presence following a disastrous publicity appearance in December 2019. During a Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ question and answer forum, participants blasted Abbas as a ‘CIA asset’ and frequent US government collaborator, prompting her attempt to disappear her bio from the internet. . . .”
The ostensibly “peaceful’ intent of the WUC can be evaluated against the background of the comments of former WUC Vice-President Seyit Tumturk: ” . . . . In 2018, Tümturk declared that Chinese Uyghurs view Turkish ‘state requests as orders.’ He then proclaimed that hundreds of thousands of Chinese Uyghurs were ready to enlist in the Turkish army and join Turkey’s illegal and brutal invasion of Northern Syria “to fight for God” – if ordered to do so by Erdogan. . . . Shortly after Tumturk’s comments, Uyghur militants dressed in Turkish military fatigues and on the Turkish side of the Syrian border released a video in which they threatened to wage war against China: ‘Listen you dog bastards, do you see this? We will triumph!’ one fighter exclaimed. ‘We will kill you all. Listen up Chinese civilians, get out of our East Turkestan. I am warning you. We shall return and we will be victorious.’ . . .”
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”–Edward R. Murrow
This program is an overview of a number of overlapping considerations in the Covid-19 outbreak, which Mr. Emory calls a “Bio-Psy-Op.” These overlapping areas will be presented in a series of programs: FTR #1126 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 2: The Democracy-Killing Virus; FTR #1127 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 3: The Eugenic Virus; FTR #1128 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 4: The Wealth-Concentrating Virus; FTR #1129 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 5: Walkin’ the Coronavirus; FTR #1130 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 6: Context–The China-Killing Virus; FTR #1131 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse, Part 7: Pinchback’s Perspective and FTR #1132 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 8: The Nazi Virus.
Before discussing the Covid-19 “op,” per se, we memorialized the brilliant Kevin Coogan, author of “Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International,” as well as numerous articles. Kevin passed away on 2/27/2020 in New York City. We do not know the cause. Kevin was a brilliant writer and analyst and will be sorely missed.
In For The Record #233, we examined Kevin’s analysis of “The Order,” a fascist/mystical concept that was formulated, in part by fascist mystic Julius Evola. Evola was a dominant philosophical and ideological influence on Steve Bannon, at the epicenter of the anti-China effort. (Mr. Emory misspoke himself–the program is FTR #233, not #312.)
The concept of three-dimensional chess derives from the old “Star Trek” television series, in which the officers played a variation of chess that involved playing on three different levels. Understanding the “Bio-Psy-Op” similarly involves thinking and awareness on at least three levels.
An op-ed column in The New York Times by Bret Stephens goes to the essence of this “bio-psy-op.” ” . . . . The only certainty is that, in the midst of a crisis, politicians are rarely penalized for predicting the worst possible outcome. If it comes to pass, they seem prophetic. If it doesn’t, they take credit for averting catastrophe. In the meantime, they seek to enhance their powers. . . . we might face not a recession but a full-blown depression, which would be financially ruinous for hundreds of millions and have its own disastrous knock-on effects in mental, emotional, and physical health, including for the elderly and sick who already face the greatest risks from the virus. . . .”
Key points of discussion and analysis, which will be developed at much greater length and in much greater detail in the series of programs noted above, including some of the articles which will figure into the analysis:
1.–Exemplifying the profound psychological aspects of the Covid-19 Psy-Op is the phenomenon of the hoarding of toilet paper. Mr. Emory views this as a deep Freudian/anal response to feelings of helplessness on the part of citizens. Toilet paper is of no help against the virus, but is symptomatic of a deep-seated personality dynamic seeking to manifest some measure of social control. This was the subject of a recent New Yorker piece. ” . . . . ‘Controlling cleanliness around B.M.s is the earliest way the child asserts control,’ Andrea Greenman, the president of the Contemporary Freudian Society, said. ‘The fact that now we are all presumably losing control creates a regressive push to a very early time. So, I guess that translates in the unconscious to ‘If I have a lifelong supply of toilet paper, I’ll never be out of control, never be a helpless, dirty child again.’ ’ . . . .”
2.–FTR #1126 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 2: The Democracy-Killing Virus: The Covid-19 “op” is leading to the attenuation or elimination of democracy all over the world. In addition to draconian powers proposed by “ex” CIA officer and Attorney General William Barr, Trump has boasted about powers granted to him “that people don’t even know about.” Abroad, fascists and autocrats from Viktor Orban to Narendra Modi are using the Covid-19 outbreak to cement control. Even Great Britain has manifested emergency powers that one critic termed “Eye-Watering.” Civil liberties are taking a beating, with “Pandemic Surveillance” enabling a massive erosion of privacy that is unlikely to abate. There are questions about whether the elections will be held in November. (“Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About” by Elizabeth Gotein and Andrew Boyle; The New York Times; 4/10/2020.; “DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic” by Betsy Woodruff Swan; Politico; 03/21/2020; “Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Top Secret Plans If the Coronavirus Cripples Government” by William M. Arkin; Newsweek; 3/18/2020; “Exclusive: U.S. Military Activates Its Never-Before-Used Federal Response to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak” by William M. Arkin; Newsweek; 2/27/2020.; “For Autocrats and Others, Coronavirus Is a Chance to Grab Even More Power” by Selam Gebrikadan; The New York Times; 3/30/2020.; “Media Dissent Fades as Modi Tightens Grip” by Vindu Goel and Jeffrey Gettleman;The New York Times; 4/3/2020.; “Coronavirus Surveillance Is Entering Dystopian Territory” by Eric Lutz; Vanity Fair; 4/9/2020.
3.–FTR #1127 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 3: The Eugenic Virus: The disproportionate damage being inflicted by the pandemic on minorities–African-Americans and Latinos in particular, has received considerable discussion. Economically disadvantaged to a considerable extent and subject to the physiological, psychological and behavioral liabilities stemming from that state of affairs, they are more vulnerable to the ravages of the virus. In addition, “social-distancing” is a luxury that many poor people can not afford. Another major consideration concerns the rationing of health care. People with disabilities are afraid they will be shunted “to the back of the line” when it comes time for them to receive proper treatment. The elderly are falling ill and dying all over the world. (“People with Disabilities Are Afraid They Will Be Discriminated Against Because of Coronavirus” by Rick Jervais; USA Today; 3/26/2020.; “Who Should Be Saved First? Experts Offer Medical Guidance” by Austin Frakt; The New York Times; 3/24/2020.; “Early Data Shows African Americans Contracting and Dying of Coronavirus at an Alarming Rate” by Akilah Johnson and Talia Buford; ProPublica; 4/3/2020.; “Social Distancing Is A Privilege” by Charles Blow; The New York Times; 4/5/2020. ; “Scapegoating New York Means Ignoring Its Desperate Need” by Kim Phillips-Fein; The New York Times; 4/5/2020.
4.–FTR #1128 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 4: The Wealth-Concentrating Virus: In FTR #‘s 1111 and 1112, among other programs, we spoke of the networking and investing of Steve Bannon, J. Kyle Bass and Tommy Hicks, Jr. Bass, you will recall, is asymmetrically invested with regard to the economies in Hong Kong and China. He has certainly made money, as have many others. With the Federal Reserve estimating unemployment at rates that may reach 32% and economist Paul Krugman opining that this downturn will be three to five times as bad as the 2008 financial collapse, those who do have money will be able to buy up assets at pennies on the dollar. An article in The Guardian discusses hedge fund returns of as much as 4,000+ percent for some firms. The possibility of “insider knowledge” of the coming pandemic suggests itself. It should be noted that J. Kyle Bass made his fortune betting against the subprime housing market. In this program, we will discuss his role in helping to bring down Bear Stearns in the 2008 collapse. A former employee of that ill-fated company, Bass leaked damaging information about Bear Stearns to a Wall Street Journal reporter, thereby precipitating the collapse of the firm. (“Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates” by Jeff Cox; CNBC; 03/30/2020; “Hedge funds ‘raking in billions’ during coronavirus crisis” by Rupert Neate Wealth and Jasper Jolly; The Guardian; 04/09/2020.; “WSJ: ‘Twas Kyle Bass that Killed Bear Stearns” by Thornton McEnery;; 3/29/2016 [Updated on 1/14/2019.]; “Nassim Taleb-Advised Universa Tail Fund Returned 3,600% in March” by Erik Schatzker; Bloomberg; 04/08/2020; “How A Goat Farmer Built A Doomsday Machine That Just Booked A 4,144% Return” by Antoine Gara; Forbes; 04/13/2020.
5.–FTR #1129 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 5: Walkin’ The Coronavirus: In the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk–which we have discussed for decades–the SS go underground (which they did), buy into the opinion-forming media (which they did) and, infiltrate the military (which they have done), and, after a terrorist attack by genetically-engineered viruses decimates large parts of the United States, martial law is declared and the Nazis take over. From Serpent’s Walk: “. . . . ‘Yes. Well. ‘Pacov’ stands for ‘Pandemic Communicable Virus,’ one of the uglier results of military experimentation with recombinant DNA. Do you know what that is?’. . . . ‘Very well, let me tell you in layman’s terms.’ Mulder extended a hand to shush Wrench, who had started to speak. ‘Pacov consists of two separate re-workings of two DNA chains of existing viruses. It’s a piggy-back weapon, a two-stage operation. You send in the first stage. The vectors . . . agents of transmission . . . for Pacov‑1 are extensive. It travels through the air, the water, or directly from person-to-person and is highly contagious. It spreads for hundreds of miles, if conditions are optimal. Pacov‑1 produces only a mild, flu-like infection that disappears within a day or two. Public health authorities would overlook it, never consider it a serious epidemic, and even if they did they’d have to look carefully to isolate it. Once a victim is over the ‘flu,’ Pacov‑1 becomes dormant and almost undetectable. A month or two later, you send in the second stage: Pacov‑2 is also a virus, just as contagious as the first, and just as harmless by itself. It reacts with Pacov‑1 to produce a powerful coagulant. . . . you die within three minutes. No warning, no vaccine, no cure. Those not exposed to both stages remain unharmed. . . . Pacov‑2 goes inert, like Pacov‑1 within a week or two. Then you get your victim’s country, all his property, in undamaged condition. . . . and a lot of corpses to bury.’ . . . .”
6.–FTR #1130: Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 6: Context–the China-Killing Virus: Analyzes the Covid-19 outbreak in the context of the anti-China, full-court press, highlighted in, among other, programs, FTR #‘s 1089 through 1095, 1103, 1104, 1105. (“Unleash the Privateers” by Colonel Mark Cancion (USMC—Retired) and Brandon Schwartz; U.S. Naval Institute Magazine; April 2020 [Vol. 146/2/1,406; “Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime change network seeking the ‘fall of China’” by Ajit Singh; The Gray Zone; 03/05/2020; “Coronavirus Alarm Blends Yellow Peril and Red Scare” by Joshua Cho; Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting; 3/6/2020.)
7.–FTR #1131 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse, Part 7: Pinchback’s Perspective: ” . . . .Baragona was a Nazi from Fort Sill. . . . Garrison also obtained a transcript of a letter written by Ferrie to Baragona. Next to Baragona’s name, Garrison wrote: ‘Note Baragona is important.’ The letter had been sent to Garrison by Glenn Pinchback, and a carbon copy was sent to Mendel Rivers, a congressman from Georgia. (Pinchback worked in the Operations Command at Fort Sill, where he intercepted mail.) In the letter, Ferrie shared his dream of the re-unification of Germany and living in a world where all the currency was in Deutschmarks. Pinchback’s summation of the letter described a ‘Neo-Nazi plot to enslave America in the name of anti-Communism,’ and ‘a neo-Nazi plot gargantuan in scope.’ The Ferrie letter spoke of the need to kill all the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, Jr. . . . Pinchback also reportedly obtained a letter from David Ferrie to Baragona confessing his role in the assassination of Robert Gehrig, who was a Nazi and Fort Sill soldier. . . .”
8.–FTR #1132 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 8: The Nazi Virus: This program will synthesize the various aspects of the “Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now” series, demonstrating how the various conceptual components set forth herein constitute a Nazi “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”
This program continues with examination of centrifugal political and geo-political forces at work in the apparently ongoing destabilization of China.
This is a complex topic, involving subjects dealt with at great length in past programs over the years. We recommend using the search function on this website (using quotation marks) to gain a deeper understanding of what Mr. Emory calls “The Earth Island Boogie.”
By the same token, understanding that concept involves obtaining a grasp of Pan-Turkism and some of its manifestations in the Uighur milieu inside China.
This description has links to key programs that will flesh out the listeners’ understanding.
We begin an analysis of the use of the Turkophone, Muslim Uighurs as a destabilizing element in China’s mineral and petroleum-rich Xinjiang semiautonomous region.
Linked to Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and contributing to the jihadist milieu in Syria, the Uighurs also figure into the Pan-Turkist milieu covered in, among other programs: AFA #14, as well as FTR #‘s 720, 723, 819, 857, 862, 863, 878, 879, 884, 885, 886, 911.
Note that the geographical focal point of the Uighur separatist/jihadist activity not only encompasses mineral and resource-rich Xinjiang province, but lies in the area China has designated as an important area for their “Belt and Road Initiative.” That initiative is a program designed to build rail connections across what is known as “The Earth Island,” a project which appears to entail deep alarm on the part of interests in the West.
” . . . . The Uighur separatist spectrum is overlapped by the Uighur jihadi milieu, who link the issue of Xinjiang’s secession from China to that of forming a Salafist theocracy. Uighur jihadis have long since expanded their radius of actions beyond China’s borders. This first drew public attention, when it was reported that, in ‘the war on terror,’ which began in 2002, the United States had been holding more than 20 Uighurs in their torture chambers at Guantanámo. The last of the prisoners were released only in late 2013. Uighur jihadis have long since expanded beyond their Afghanistan engagement to other regions of the world. . . . Uighur jihadis’ activities have also been registered in other Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia and Indonesia — from where quite a few continue on to Turkey, to support the IS or al Qaeda. Last year, China had estimated that up to 300 Uighurs are fighting in the ranks of IS, while Syrian government officials set the figures at up to 5,000 Uighurs who are operating in various jihadi militias in Syria. Regardless of the accuracy of these estimates, experts are certain that a large contingent of Uighur militias are fighting within the ranks of IS and al Qaeda. An analysis published by the International Center for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague warns that the Uighur jihadi threat is largely underestimated in the West.[9] . . . . For China, this terrorism is that much more serious, because Xinjiang is a strategically important region. That autonomous region comprises central sectors of the ‘New Silk Road’ (‘Belt and Road Initiative,’ BRI) project, currently Beijing’s most important foreign policy mega-project. Unrest in Xinjiang threatens not only the People’s Republic of China’s domestic tranquility, but also its rise in world policy. This unrest is being systematically fanned from abroad. Turkey, under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has assumed a prominent role. While still mayor of Istanbul and long before becoming Turkey’s president, Erdoğan had declared that ‘East Turkestan is not only the homeland of the Turkic peoples, but also the cradle of Turkic history, civilization, and culture. The martyrs of East Turkestan are our martyrs.’[10] Uighur jihadis have regularly used Turkey as a safe haven. In his talk with, the German expert on intelligence services, Erich Schmidt-Eenboom confirmed that Ankara’s intelligence service has repeatedly ‘sought to support secessionist attempts’ in Xinjiang.[11] . . . .”
The Uighur/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/jihadist milieu is also discussed in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 348, 549, 550, 615.
Next, we detail the long history of NATO and related elements using the Uighurs to destabilize China, with Germany as an epicenter of Uighur activity.
We review the terrorism against members of the Han Chinese majority in Xinjiang by Uighurs.
” . . . . Already since the 1990s, Xinjiang has been faced with terrorist attacks by members of the Turkic-speaking Uighur minority, fighting to secede this autonomous region from China, to found “East Turkestan.” Some seek an eventual fusion with the Turkic-speaking countries of Central Asia. The attacks that became known in the West included a Uighur terrorist attack at a coal mine in Xinjiang in September 2015. The assailants deliberately targeted non-Turkic-speaking workers — especially those of China’s majority Han population — slaughtering them with long knives. According to western media reports, at least 50 people died in the attack.[7] March 1, 2014 eight Uighur terrorists armed also with knives attacked civilian travelers in a train station of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, killing 31 and wounding around 150, some seriously. There have also been recurring pogroms targeting Han Chinese. For example, in July 2009, several thousand Uighur in Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi, attacked Han Chinese. According to official figures, 197 people were killed; however, observers calculate the actual body count to be much higher. . . . ”
As highlighted in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 547, 548, 549, 550, the Uighurs are part of a centripetal destabilization effort against China, utilizing the Dalai Lama’s SS-linked milieu, elements of CIA, and the Hapsburg-controlled UNPO to effect the partial dismemberment of that country.
We conclude with discussion about the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation. A major British bank, the growth of its largesse was inextricably linked with the opium trade Britain forced on China through the Opium Wars.
The bank perpetuated it’s involvement with major narcotics trafficking, laundering funds for contemporary drug cartels.
Ultimately, the bank became a vehicle for the financing of elements of Al-Qaeda and jihadism. We wonder if perhaps jihadist elements of the Uighurs may be receiving funding through the institution?
We begin with an excerpt of a New York Times article what epitomizes the propagandized and unintentionally ironic tone of our media with regard to China.
The article mocks the Chinese assertion that the U.S. is involved with unrest with Hong Kong, remarking that China ” . . . . has a long history of blaming ‘foreign forces’ for challenges it has faced internally. . . .” This comes from the publication that has unwaveringly flogged the “Russia-Gate” nonsense.
The article also pooh-poohs Chinese assertion that the National Endowment for Democracy was working with the CIA to sponsor unrest in Hong Kong.
In FTR #s 1091 and 1092, we noted the involvement of the National Endowment for Democracy with key players in the Hong Kong drama, as well as their networking with major U.S. politicians, including Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo.
In past programs, we have discussed the National Endowment For Democracy, a “kinder, gentler” U.S. intelligence manifestation.
NED has supplemented the decades-old tradition of CIA destabilization and overthrow of governments that the U.S. views with a jaundiced eye.
The Chinese analysis of the role of the NED is accurate. “. . . . One of the NED co-founders, Allen Weinstein, explained its purpose to the Washington Post: ‘A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.’ . . . . ”
Next, we examine an informative post from German Foreign Policy, which notes that pending legislation in the U.S. Congress would economically damage U.S. and German commercial interests, as well as hurting Hong Kong’s economy.
We conclude with a topic we have covered before and will explore at greater length in our next broadcast. We begin an analysis of the use of the Turkophone, Muslim Uighurs as a destabilizing element in China’s mineral and petroleum-rich Xinjiang semiautonomous region.
Linked to Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and contributing to the jihadist milieu in Syria, the Uighurs also figure into the Pan-Turkist milieu covered in, among other programs: AFA #14, as well as FTR #‘s 720, 723, 819, 857, 862, 863, 878, 879, 884, 885, 886, 911.
The Uighur/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/jihadist milieu is discussed in, among other programs, FTR #‘s 348, 549, 550, 615.
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