Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'National Alliance' is associated with 90 posts.

Did Trump Indeed Go “Coup Coup”?

In a pre­vi­ous post, we chron­i­cled the abrupt changes Trump made in the Defense Depart­ment fol­low­ing his defeat. Unnamed offi­cials in NATO coun­tries have opined that the events of 1/6/2021 were a coup attempt by Trump’s forces. In addi­tion, there is an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion of an active duty PSYOP offi­cer who oper­at­ed under the Spe­cial Forces com­mand struc­ture for lead­ing a con­tin­gent of 100 strong to the “ral­ly” on 1/6/2021.

Why “Bio-Psy-Op?”: Federal Reserve Analysis Ties 1918 Flu Pandemic to Rise of Nazism

In our ongo­ing series about the Covid-19 out­break and its mul­ti-dimen­sion­al man­i­fes­ta­tions, we have termed it a “bio-psy-op.” An aca­d­e­m­ic paper pro­duced by a Fed­er­al Reserve econ­o­mist posits the socio-polit­i­cal effects of the 1918 flu pan­dem­ic as a fac­tor con­tribut­ing to the rise of Nazism in Ger­many. Cit­ed by numer­ous pub­li­ca­tions, includ­ing “The New York Times,” “Bloomberg News” and “Politi­co,” the study under­scores some of our asser­tions con­cern­ing the fas­cist and extreme right-wing ram­i­fi­ca­tions of the pan­dem­ic. ” . . . . The paper, pub­lished this month and authored by New York Fed econ­o­mist Kris­t­ian Blick­le, exam­ined munic­i­pal spend­ing lev­els and vot­er extrem­ism in Ger­many from the time of the ini­tial influen­za out­break until 1933, and shows that ‘areas which expe­ri­enced a greater rel­a­tive pop­u­la­tion decline’ due to the pan­dem­ic spent ‘less, per capi­ta, on their inhab­i­tants in the fol­low­ing decade.’ . . . The paper’s find­ings are like­ly due to ‘changes in soci­etal pref­er­ences’ fol­low­ing the 1918 out­break, Blick­le argues — sug­gest­ing the influen­za pan­dem­ic . . . may have ‘spurred resent­ment of for­eign­ers among the sur­vivors’ and dri­ven vot­ers to par­ties ‘whose plat­form matched such sen­ti­ments.’ The con­clu­sions come amid fears that the cur­rent coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic will shake up inter­na­tion­al pol­i­tics and spur extrem­ism around the world. . . .”

FTR #1128 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 4: The Apartheid Virus?

This pro­gram explores an inter­roga­to­ry con­sid­er­a­tion, borne out of crit­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of epi­demi­o­log­i­cal infor­ma­tion about Covid-19 in New York City.

The recent dis­clo­sure that ran­dom test­ing of res­i­dents of New York City indi­cat­ed that rough­ly one fifth of that munic­i­pal­i­ty’s res­i­dents may have had Covid-19 and recov­ered rais­es seri­ous epi­demi­o­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions. If the report is remote­ly accu­rate, it is epi­demi­o­log­i­cal­ly absurd to sup­pose the virus orig­i­nat­ed in Chi­na.

(The 1984 inter­view with Dr. Wilbert Jor­dan about the anom­alous epi­demi­o­log­i­cal infor­ma­tion about the spread of AIDS, reprised in FTR #1115, should be reviewed for depth and back­ground to this dis­cus­sion.)

In addi­tion, we spec­u­lat­ed in FTR #1127 that New York City MAY have been delib­er­ate­ly vec­tored with the virus. The report cit­ed above makes lit­tle sense if that were not the case. 

In this dis­cus­sion, we col­late a num­ber of items from past pro­grams, con­sid­er­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty that some of the ele­ments we dis­cuss MIGHT have fig­ured in a hypo­thet­i­cal vec­tor­ing of New York City:

1.–We note in that regard that New York City was delib­er­ate­ly tar­get­ed for test­ing of bio­log­i­cal war­fare agents in the mid-1960’s. ” . . . . In the sum­mer of 1965, Spe­cial Oper­a­tions men walked into three New York City sub­way sta­tions and tossed light­bulbs filled with Bacil­lus sub­tilis, a benign bac­te­ria, onto the tracks. The sub­way trains pushed the germs through the entire sys­tem and the­o­ret­i­cal­ly killed over a mil­lion pas­sen­gers. . . .”
2.–For con­sid­er­a­tion in this con­text is the doc­u­ment­ed record of the use of Nazis, fas­cists and white suprema­cists in the Amer­i­can bio­log­i­cal war­fare devel­op­ment over the decades–not all of it in the after­math of World War II and Project Paper­clip.
3.–We review infor­ma­tion about Dr. Lar­ry Ford, an acolyte of “The Turn­er Diaries,” who had worked for the CIA assist­ing the apartheid regime’s Project Coast bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram. Ford was inves­ti­gat­ed for pos­si­ble involve­ment with the milieu behind the anthrax attacks after 9/11. ” . . . . he had held extreme racist views and had once told a girl­friend that to under­stand him, she should read ‘The Turn­er Diaries,’ the anti-Semit­ic and white suprema­cist nov­el, pop­u­lar among far-right groups, that pros­e­cu­tors say inspired the Okla­homa City bomb­ing . . . .”
4.–Ford oper­at­ed in con­junc­tion with Project Coast under the aus­pices of CIA: ” . . . . But ten min­utes lat­er the liai­son called again and said there was ‘high con­fi­dence’ that Ford had bio­log­i­cal- and chem­i­cal-weapons knowl­edge and did, in fact, have the capa­bil­i­ty to coat the knife with a dead­ly tox­in. Short­ly after that a third call came in: Ford did work for the CIA, the chas­tened FBI offi­cial told the room full of cops. . . .”
5.– An Air Force Acad­e­my report on Project Coast dis­cussed an inter­na­tion­al right-wing net­work that  grew out of the South African bio-weapons pro­gram: ” . . . . Accord­ing to a recent U.S. Air Force Acad­e­my report on South Africa’s bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram, Ford was part of a glob­al net­work of sci­en­tists that Bas­son assem­bled to assist Project Coast. Whether that meant cre­at­ing — or receiv­ing and stor­ing — tox­ins pro­duced by the pro­gram is a mat­ter of con­jec­ture, the report sug­gests, as South African offi­cials have been unable to account for all of the dan­ger­ous mate­r­i­al pro­duced over the years. The Air Force report quotes tes­ti­mo­ny from a Swiss intel­li­gence agent [Juer­gen Jacomet?] who laun­dered mon­ey for Bas­son and who describes a world­wide con­spir­a­cy involv­ing unnamed Amer­i­cans. ‘The death of Dr. Ford and rev­e­la­tions of his South African involve­ment,’ the report states, ‘[rais­es] the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a right-wing inter­na­tion­al net­work, [still] unit­ed by a vision of South Africa once again ruled by whites.’ . . . .”
6.–Steven Hatfill–another long­time, intel­li­gence-con­nect­ed bio­log­i­cal war­fare expert–has worked with white suprema­cists in both the for­mer Rhode­sia (now Zim­bab­we) and South Africa. He, too, was inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with the anthrax attacks.
7.–About Hat­fil­l’s CV: ” . . . . Here is a fel­low [Hat­fill] with a fake Ph.D. who posed for The Wash­ing­ton Times as a bioter­ror­ist with a home­made plague dis­sem­i­na­tor, and who boast­ed as recent­ly as last year of hav­ing served with the apartheid gov­ern­men­t’s noto­ri­ous Selous Scouts dur­ing the Rhode­sian anthrax epi­dem­ic. I have three dif­fer­ent edi­tions of his cur­ricu­lum vitae . . . How did such a ras­cal come to be instruct­ing the C.I.A., F.B.I., Defense Intel­li­gence Agency, army, navy, Marines, U.S. mar­shals, and State Depart­ment on such mat­ters as the han­dling of dead­ly pathogens and of bioter­ror inci­dents ? . . .”
8.–About the inves­ti­ga­tion into Hat­fill in con­nec­tion with the 2001 anthrax attacks and his asso­ci­a­tion with the Afrikan­er Resis­tance Move­ment (AWB): ” . . . . The FBI’s inves­ti­ga­tion [of the anthrax attacks] this time focused on Dr. Steven J. Hat­fill, who once worked as a research sci­en­tist at the U.S. Army Med­ical Research Insti­tute of Infec­tious Dis­ease at Fort Det­rick, Mary­land. Hat­fill had spent con­sid­er­able time in South Africa, and was affil­i­at­ed with the Afrikan­er Resis­tance Move­ment (AWB). How­ev­er, after a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion, the FBI even­tu­al­ly cleared Hat­fill of any con­nec­tion to the anthrax attacks. . . .”
9.–Of sig­nif­i­cant inter­est in that regard is Hat­fil­l’s close pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ship with fel­low bio­log­i­cal war­fare expert Bill Patrick, who direct­ed the above experiment/attack on the New York City sub­way: “. . . . Then there’s the 1965 sim­u­lat­ed attack on the New York City sub­way. On June 8 of that year, under Bill Patrick­’s direc­tion, the sub­way was tar­get­ed with the anthrax sim­u­lant B.g. Light­bulbs, each con­tain­ing 87 tril­lion spores, were dropped onto the tracks. Trains then sucked the clouds of live bac­te­ria into the sub­way sys­tem. C.I.A. and mil­i­tary sci­en­tists, bear­ing fake ID’s, were on loca­tion to count the spores. More than a mil­lion rid­ers were exposed to B.g. that day; many inhaled more than a mil­lion spores per minute. Patrick, when telling this sto­ry, still chuck­les about how ‘we clob­bered the Lex­ing­ton line with B.g.’. . . .”
10.–Despite the age dif­fer­ence, Patrick and Hat­fill became close: ” . . . . The most curi­ous piece of field­work not­ed on Steven Hat­fil­l’s most recent C.V. is that of  ‘open air test­ing and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty tri­als.’ In a 2001 paper, ‘Bio­log­i­cal War­fare Sce­nar­ios,’ Bill Patrick called the 1965 sim­u­lat­ed attack on the New York sub­way ‘one of the most impor­tant vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty stud­ies’ of the 70 he con­duct­ed. . . . By 1998, Hat­fill was Patrick­’s side­kick in what one col­league has described as a ‘Bat­man and Robin’ team. But it is from USAMRIID that Hat­fill claims to have acquired his work­ing knowl­edge of army-spon­sored ‘vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty’ tri­als. . . .”
11.–Hatfill has net­worked with Steve Ban­non, appear­ing on his pod­cast. (Hat­fill threw cold water on the sug­ges­tion that Covid-19 may have been man­u­fac­tured in a lab­o­ra­to­ry. A high­ly intel­li­gent, vet­er­an covert oper­a­tor, Hat­fill would have cer­tain­ly done this, IF he had knowl­edge of, or involve­ment with, ele­ments that had authored such an event. Giv­en Hat­fil­l’s affil­i­a­tion with groups like the Rhode­sian Selous Scouts and White Afrikan­er Resis­tance, we won­der if Hat­fill or a like-mind­ed indi­vid­ual may have pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion for and/or impe­tus to, a vec­tor­ing of New York City with a rel­a­tive­ly mild Covid-19 strain? Might Hat­fil­l’s work on “four lev­els of bio­log­i­cal attack” been an inspi­ra­tional or oper­a­tional basis for a “lev­el four” attack?: ” . . . . The fourth lev­el con­sists of a self-sus­tain­ing, unstop­pable epi­dem­ic. . . .”
12.–In FTR #324, we not­ed that the Broeder­bond orga­ni­za­tion had appar­ent­ly per­pet­u­at­ed itself in an alto­geth­er lethal form as “Die Organ­isas­ie” or “Third Force.” Might such a group have links to Steve Ban­non and/or Trump’s milieu? Might they have been con­nect­ed to a hypo­thet­i­cal vec­tor­ing of New York City? There are Amer­i­cans involved with “Die Organ­isas­ie.” We won­der if this might be linked to the orga­ni­za­tion con­tained in the Air Force Acad­e­my report men­tioned in the arti­cle about Lar­ry Ford?
13.–About “Die Organ­isas­ie”: “. . . . [Nico] Palm spoke enig­mat­i­cal­ly of ‘Die Organ­isas­ie,’ a pulp fic­tion nom de guerre (which he calls, even more melo­dra­mat­i­cal­ly, the ‘Spi­der Net­work’). It is a group of white South Africans who wait patient­ly for he demise of the ANC gov­ern­ment and a return to the old days. They are not the mad pseu­do-Nazis of the far right, but some­thing far more orga­nized, well financed, and patient. Oth­er peo­ple know them as ‘The Third Force.’ We are to hear of them time and again from ex-sol­diers like Nico Palm all the way up to South Africa’s deputy defense min­is­ter, Ron­nie Kas­rils. Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, files have also been opened by MI5 in poten­tial­ly sig­nif­i­cant union of like-mind­ed South African right-wingers. All of them are ex-pats now liv­ing in the Unit­ed King­dom, who may sup­port the desta­bi­liza­tion of any black South African gov­ern­ment. . . .”
14.–About Amer­i­cans in Die Organ­isas­ie: “. . . . [for­mer Swiss intel­li­gence agent Juer­gen] Jacomet, now ner­vous, is pressed to expand a lit­tle. ‘There is a group of peo­ple here in Lon­don, he says. ‘One could call them the friends of South Africa. They have it in mind to see a strong white South Africa again. There are Amer­i­can con­nec­tions too. . . .”
15.–More about the Amer­i­can links to Die Organ­isas­ie” ” . . . . Jacomet men­tions some well-known South African names—men pre­vi­ous­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Third Force activ­i­ties. He also refers to an Amer­i­can name known to Britain’s MI5 for his alleged involve­ment with Bas­son in mon­ey laun­der­ing, sanc­tions bust­ing, and bio­log­i­cal agents pro­cure­ment. [Empha­sis added.] Once again, Die Organ­isas­ie is men­tioned in respect­ful tones, and, once again, the details remain scant and elu­sive. Jacomet remains silent . . . .”
16.–When informed by the British about Project Coast (the apartheid BW pro­gram) and Die Organ­isas­ie (or ‘Third Force’), Man­dela feared that the weapons would fall into the hands of the Afrikan­er Resis­tance Move­ment (AWB) with which Hat­fill is con­nect­ed: ” . . . . In the end it was British rep­re­sen­ta­tives who decid­ed to approach Pres­i­dent Man­dela, with a min­i­mum of fan­fare, to advise him that he was inher­it­ing an ugly bio­log­i­cal assas­si­na­tion pro­gram from the pre­vi­ous admin­is­tra­tions. Mandela’s first reac­tion was: ‘Oh my God!’ He was ini­tial­ly ter­ri­fied that the South African ‘Third Force’ ele­ments, includ­ing such orga­ni­za­tions as Eugene Terre Blanche’s ultra right-wing and fanat­i­cal AWB, might lay their hands on it. . . .”
17.–Ebola was appar­ent­ly the focal point of some of Lar­ry Ford’s work: ” . . . . Ford told the Rileys and oth­ers his sub­se­quent work for the mil­i­tary and the CIA includ­ed research on bio­log­i­cal and chem­i­cal weapons, con­sult­ing on Iraqi capa­bil­i­ties dur­ing the Gulf War, and sneak­ing into epi­dem­ic hot zones in Africa to gath­er sam­ples of such killer organ­isms as the Ebo­la and Mar­burg virus­es. . . .”
18.–Dr. Stamps–Zimbabwe’s Health Minister–had some point­ed obser­va­tions about out­breaks of Ebo­la dur­ing that nation’s war of inde­pen­dence and his belief that they result­ed from Project Coast. Note that Hat­fill was involved with the Rhode­sian Selous Scouts: “ . . . . ‘I have my sus­pi­cions about Ebo­la too. [Dr. Stamps is quoted–the Health Min­is­ter of Zim­bab­we] It devel­oped along the line of the Zam­bezi Riv­er, and I sus­pect that this may have been an exper­i­ment to see if a new virus could be estab­lished to infect peo­ple. We looked on the sero­log­i­cal evi­dence on strange cas­es, includ­ing a fif­teen-year-old child which occurred in 1980. Noth­ing real­ly made epi­demi­o­log­i­cal sense. Do I have evi­dence? Only cir­cum­stan­tial. In fact, the Rhode­sian secu­ri­ty forces were more expert than the Nazis at cov­er­ing up evi­dence.’ . . .”
19.–Corroborating some of Dr. Stamps’ sus­pi­cions con­cern­ing Ebo­la, “Gert” (a pseu­do­nym for a vet­er­an of Project Coast) dis­cussed the use of that virus and the relat­ed Mar­burg virus in Project Coast. “Gert” also implies that US sci­en­tists from Ft. Det­rick (Dr. Ford? Steven Hat­fill) were involved with a Zairi­an out­break. “ . . . . ‘Look, I know what one of the very, very, very secret spe­cial­ized units had. We had to test it. And that was viral cap­sules that were specif­i­cal­ly relat­ed to Con­go fever and the hem­or­rhag­ic fevers.’ Ebo­la? ‘Yes.’ So Gert is begin­ning to cor­rob­o­rate Dr. Stamp’s sus­pi­cions in Harare that Ebo­la and Mar­burg, although indige­nous, were also arti­fi­cial­ly seed­ed into South­ern Africa. Bas­son, says Gert, was involved in all this. (when the last ter­ri­ble Ebo­la out­break occurred in Kik­wit, Zaire, as late as 1995, Gert claims that Bas­son was there, unof­fi­cial­ly. Twen­ty years ear­li­er, when the vil­lage of Yam­buku in north­ern Zaire wit­nessed one of the first major Ebo­la out­breaks, two South African sci­en­tists were there, alleged­ly work­ing hand in glove with US mil­i­tary per­son­nel from Fort Det­rick.) . . . . ”
20.–In numer­ous pro­grams and posts, we have cov­ered the Gilead Sci­ences drug remde­sivir, now approved for treat­ing Covid-19, despite luke­warm infor­ma­tion from tri­als. Remde­sivir is made by Gilead Sci­ences, a major hold­ing of Robert Mer­cer’s Renais­sance Tech­nolo­gies. (Mer­cer, of course, was Steve Ban­non’s finan­cial angel.) Note that Remde­sivir was ini­tial­ly devel­oped to fight Ebo­la, and “fiz­zled.” Again, might there be a link to Project Coast, the late Dr. Lar­ry Ford, Steven Hat­fill, Ft. Det­rick, “Die Organ­isas­ie” or some com­bi­na­tion there­of?
21.–We also note that Chi­na has been mak­ing sig­nif­i­cant inroads into Africa, a devel­op­ment that has been a major focal point of activ­i­ty by Mike Pom­peo’s State Depart­ment. It is worth remem­ber­ing, in this con­text, that such a devel­op­ment MIGHT make Chi­na a focal point of activ­i­ty by Die Organ­isas­ie, per­haps as part of a covert oper­a­tion over­seen by Ban­non. Again, might there be a link to Project Coast, the late Dr. Lar­ry Ford, Steven Hat­fill, Ft. Det­rick, “Die Organ­isas­ie” or some com­bi­na­tion there­of?

White Supremacists, Nazis and Biological Warfare

In FTR #1127, we not­ed that a ran­dom test­ing of New York City res­i­dents indi­cat­ed that up to a fifth of the city’s res­i­dents may have been infect­ed with one of the milder strains of Covid019. That sug­gests very strong­ly that the city was vectored–it is epi­demi­o­log­i­cal­ly absurd to assume that the virus came from Chi­na. In that same pro­gram, we not­ed that New York had been the site of a bio­log­i­cal war­fare test in 1965: ” . . . . In the sum­mer of 1965, Spe­cial Oper­a­tions men walked into three New York City sub­way sta­tions and tossed light­bulbs filled with Bacil­lus sub­tilis, a benign bac­te­ria, onto the tracks. The sub­way trains pushed the germs through the entire sys­tem and the­o­ret­i­cal­ly killed over a mil­lion pas­sen­gers. . . .” In FTR #317, we set forth the late Dr. Lar­ry Ford’s work for the CIA assist­ing the South African apartheid regime’s Project Coast bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram. Ford: was a devo­tee of “The Turn­er Diaries; secured Ebo­la and Mar­burg virus­es for Project Coast; may have been linked to a glob­al net­work of white suprema­cists that grew out of Project Coast; was posthu­mous­ly inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with the anthrax attacks of 2001. In FTR #642, we high­light­ed bio­log­i­cal war­fare expert Steven Hat­fil­l’s asso­ci­a­tion with the white nation­al­ist regimes of Rhode­sia (now Zim­bab­we) and apartheid South Africa, includ­ing White Afrikan­er Resis­tance (AWB). Hat­fill was inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with the 2001 anthrax attacks as well, and sub­se­quent­ly exhon­er­at­ed. Hat­fill was very close to Bill Patrick, who over­saw the 1965 bio­log­i­cal war­fare exper­i­ment which infect­ed the New York City Sub­way sys­tem with mil­lions of sim­u­lat­ed path­o­gen­ic bac­te­ria. We won­der if Hat­fill may have (per­haps indi­rect­ly) pro­vid­ed impe­tus to a vec­tor­ing of New York City with a mild strain of Covid-19? We also note that Hat­fill has net­worked with Steve Ban­non, who is at the epi­cen­ter of the anti-Chi­na effort. In FTR #324, we exam­ined Project Coast in detail. That exam­i­na­tion includ­ed the oper­a­tion’s use of Ebo­la (alleged­ly in tan­dem with per­son­nel from Ft. Det­rick) and very cred­i­ble accounts of a pow­er­ful, alto­geth­er dead­ly net­work of post-apartheid operatives–“Die Organ­isas­ie”– linked to Project Coast and aspir­ing to a return to white dom­i­na­tion of South­ern Africa. With Chi­na mak­ing inroads into Africa, we won­der if that alto­geth­er lethal net­work MAY have been enlist­ed in the anti-Chi­na effort? We also won­der if some of the Project Coast research MAY have had bear­ing on the selction of remde­sivir (developed–unsuccessfully–to fight Ebo­la), pro­duced by Gilead Sciences,a major invest­ment of Robert Mer­cer’s Renais­sance Tech­nolo­gies?

Preview of “Walkin’ the Coronavirus”

In Ser­pen­t’s Walk–which we have dis­cussed for decades–the SS go under­ground (which they did), buy into the opin­ion-form­ing media (which they did) and, infil­trate the mil­i­tary (which they have done), and, after a ter­ror­ist attack by genet­i­cal­ly-engi­neered virus­es dec­i­mates large parts of the Unit­ed States, mar­tial law is declared and the Nazis take over. NB: we do not know if “cross-vec­tor­ing” is occur­ring with the Covid-19 virus, how­ev­er that is some­thing to be con­tem­plat­ed and researched. From “Ser­pen­t’s Walk: ” . . . . ‘Pacov con­sists of two sep­a­rate re-work­ings of two DNA chains of exist­ing virus­es. It’s a pig­gy-back weapon, a two-stage oper­a­tion. You send in the first stage. The vec­tors . . . agents of trans­mis­sion . . . for Pacov‑1 are exten­sive. It trav­els through the air, the water, or direct­ly from per­son-to-per­son and is high­ly con­ta­gious. It spreads for hun­dreds of miles, if con­di­tions are opti­mal.  Pacov‑1 pro­duces only a mild, flu-like infec­tion that dis­ap­pears with­in a day or two. Pub­lic health author­i­ties would over­look it, nev­er con­sid­er it a seri­ous epi­dem­ic, and even if they did they’d have to look care­ful­ly to iso­late it. Once a vic­tim is over the ‘flu,’ Pacov‑1 becomes dor­mant and almost unde­tectable. A month or two lat­er, you send in the sec­ond stage: Pacov‑2 is also a virus, just as con­ta­gious as the first, and just as harm­less by itself. It reacts with Pacov‑1 to pro­duce a pow­er­ful coag­u­lant. . . . you die with­in three min­utes. No warn­ing, no vac­cine, no cure. Those not exposed to both stages remain unharmed. . . . Pacov‑2 goes inert, like Pacov‑1 with­in a week or two. Then you get your victim’s coun­try, all his prop­er­ty, in undam­aged con­di­tion. . . . and a lot of corpses to bury.’ . . . .” We note that, although a “coag­u­lant” is not caus­ing the phe­nom­e­non, blood clots are indeed one of the many symp­toms of the Covid-19: ” . . . . Doc­tors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unex­pect­ed preva­lence of blood clot­ting among COVID cas­es, in what could pose a per­fect storm of poten­tial­ly fatal risk fac­tors. . . . It’s grow­ing so com­mon with severe COVID cas­es, doc­tors are rec­og­niz­ing it as a new pat­tern of clot­ting called COVID-19-asso­ci­at­ed coag­u­lopa­thy, or CAC, which is notably asso­ci­at­ed with high inflam­ma­to­ry mark­ers in the blood, like D‑dimer and fib­rino­gen. . . . ‘In the begin­ning of the out­break, we start­ed only giv­ing them med­i­cine to pre­vent clots. We saw that it was­n’t enough,’ Dr. Cristi­na Abad, an anes­the­si­ol­o­gist at Hos­pi­tal Clínicos San Car­los in Madrid, told ABC News. ‘They start­ed hav­ing pul­monary embolisms, so we start­ed [full] anti­co­ag­u­la­tion on every­one.’ . . .”

FTR #1098, FTR #1099, FTR #1100 and FTR #1101– Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 8 (The Intermarium Concept), Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 9 (Intermarium Redux: “Will the National Socialist Revolution Begin in Ukraine?”), Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 10–The Intermarium Continuity, Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 11–The Intermarium Continuity, Part 2 (Reflections on The Pivot Point)

In these pro­grams, we con­tin­ue dis­cus­sion of the Azov milieu and its “Inter­mar­i­um” out­reach, in the con­text of Ukraine as a “piv­ot point” cen­tral to con­trol of the World Island or Earth Island. The evo­lu­tion of the Inter­mar­i­um con­cept is fun­da­men­tal to analy­sis of this phe­nom­e­non.

 Ukraine’s sig­nif­i­cance as a glob­al epi­cen­ter of bur­geon­ing fas­cism extends to the region’s online, ide­o­log­i­cal and icon­ic man­i­fes­ta­tion. Two recent Cana­di­an teens–Kam McLeod and Bry­er Schmegelsky–who appar­ent­ly killed three peo­ple in cold blood were influ­enced by Nazi cul­ture and Azov Bat­tal­ion man­i­fes­ta­tion in par­tic­u­lar. ” . . . . A Steam user con­firmed to The Globe and Mail that he talked to Mr. Schmegel­sky reg­u­lar­ly online. He recalled Mr. McLeod join­ing their chats as well. The user, whom The Globe is not iden­ti­fy­ing, pro­vid­ed pho­tos sent by an account believed to be owned by Mr. Schmegel­sky, show­ing him in mil­i­tary fatigues, bran­dish­ing what appears to be an air­soft rifle – which fires plas­tic pel­lets. Anoth­er pho­to shows a swasti­ka arm­band, and yet anoth­er fea­tures Mr. Schmegel­sky in a gas mask. The pho­tos were report­ed­ly sent in the fall of 2018, but the user said he stopped play­ing online games with Mr. Schmegel­sky ear­li­er this year after he con­tin­ued to praise Hitler’s Ger­many. One account con­nect­ed to the teens uses the logo of the Azov Bat­tal­ion, a far-right Ukrain­ian mili­tia that has been accused of har­bour­ing sym­pa­thies to neo-Nazis. . . .”

Dis­cussing Zbig­niew Brzezin­ski’s doc­trine of con­trol­ling Eura­sia by con­trol­ling the “piv­ot point” of Ukraine. Fun­da­men­tal to this analy­sis is the con­cept of the Earth Island or World Island as it is some­times known.

Brzezin­s­ki, in turn, draws on the geopo­lit­i­cal the­o­ries of Sir Hal­ford Mackinder, and, lat­er con­tem­po­rary Inter­mar­i­um adov­cates such as Alexan­dros Petersen.

Stretch­ing from the Straits of Gibral­tar, all across Europe, most of the Mid­dle East, Eura­sia, Rus­sia, Chi­na and India, that stretch of land: com­pris­es most of the world’s land mass; con­tains most of the world’s pop­u­la­tion and most of the world’s nat­ur­al resources (includ­ing oil and nat­ur­al gas.) Geopoliti­cians have long seen con­trol­ling that land mass as the key to world dom­i­na­tion.

Most of the three pro­grams high­light­ing the evo­lu­tion and appli­ca­tion of the Inter­mar­i­um con­cept con­sist of read­ing and analy­sis of a long aca­d­e­m­ic paper by Mar­lene Laru­elle and Ellen Rivera. Of para­mount sig­nif­i­cance in this dis­cus­sion is the piv­otal role of Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions in the Inter­mar­i­um and close­ly con­nect­ed Promethean net­works, from the post World War I peri­od, through the time between the World Wars, through the Cold War and up to and includ­ing the Maid­an coup.

Mil­i­tary, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal net­work­ing has employed the Inter­mar­i­um idea, with what the paper terms the “ide­o­log­i­cal under­pin­nings” stem­ming from the evo­lu­tion of the Ukrain­ian fas­cist milieu in the twen­ti­eth and twen­ty-first cen­turies. Some of the most impor­tant U.S. think tanks and asso­ci­at­ed mil­i­tary indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions embody this con­ti­nu­ity: ” . . . . The con­ti­nu­ity of insti­tu­tion­al and indi­vid­ual tra­jec­to­ries from Sec­ond World War col­lab­o­ra­tionists to Cold War-era anti-com­mu­nist orga­ni­za­tions to con­tem­po­rary con­ser­v­a­tive U.S. think tanks is sig­nif­i­cant for the ide­o­log­i­cal under­pin­nings of today’s Inter­mar­i­um revival. . . .”

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Review of the incor­po­ra­tion of the Gehlen “Org” into the U.S. and West­ern intel­li­gence appa­ra­tus; the key pres­ence of the OUN/B and oth­er East­ern Euro­pean fas­cist groups into the Gehlen out­fit; approval giv­en to Gehlen for his deal with the Amer­i­cans by Admi­ral Doenitz (who suc­ceed­ed Hitler) and Gen­er­al Franz Halder (Gehlen’s “for­mer” chief of staff); the incor­po­ra­tion of the OUN/B/Gehlen/ABN milieu into the Repub­li­can Par­ty via the Cru­sade For Free­dom; the key roles in the CFF played by Richard Nixon, Ronald Rea­gan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush; Allen Dulles and William Dono­van’s wartime col­lu­sion with Nazi Ger­many to craft the Chris­t­ian West enti­ty; the for­ma­tion of the Black Eagle Trust by John J. McCloy, Robert Lovett and Robert B. Ander­son (this assured the con­ti­nu­ity of both Japan­ese fas­cism and Ger­man Nazism in the post­war peri­od).

FTR #1097 Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 7 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 3)

This pro­gram con­tin­ues analy­sis of the Azov milieu’s net­work­ing with fas­cist indid­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions at an indi­vid­ual lev­el, at an orga­ni­za­tion­al lev­el and online.

Embrac­ing “lone wolf” fas­cists around the world, as well as net­work­ing with fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions and com­bat­ants who have joined the war in Ukraine’s East­ern provinces, Azov is reca­pit­u­lat­ing the “Inter­mar­i­um” con­cept, mint­ed by Pol­ish head of state Josef Pil­sud­s­ki in the peri­od between the World Wars. Work­ing with Croa­t­ians aligned with the “Neo-Ustachi’ milieu we have cov­ered in many past pro­grams, Azov is seek­ing to devel­op a nascent East­ern and Cen­tral Euro­pean alliance of fas­cist and reac­tionary ele­ments.

Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est is the sig­nif­i­cance of the Ukrain­ian and Croa­t­ian fas­cist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future pro­grams.

Oth­er pro­grams high­light­ing the return of the Ustachi to pow­er in the “new” Croa­t­ia include: FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.

Next, we note that The FBI arrest­ed a US Army sol­dier for plan­ning domes­tic ter­ror attacks. Jar­rett William Smith–charged with one count of dis­trib­ut­ing infor­ma­tion relat­ed to explo­sives and weapons of mass destruc­tion.

Smith has been in con­tact with the Azov Bat­tal­ion. As ear­ly as 2016, he talked about trav­el­ing to Ukraine to join Azov. He joined the US mil­i­tary instead in June of 2017. After join­ing the mil­i­tary, Smith used Face­book to con­nect with anoth­er Amer­i­can who had trav­eled to Ukraine in 2017 to 2019 to fight with a group sim­i­lar to Azov, which appears to be Pravy Sek­tor. This Amer­i­can report­ed­ly act­ed as Smith’s men­tor.

Using the encrypt­ed mes­sag­ing app Telegram, Smith dis­cussed with an under­cov­er FBI agent his plans for a car bomb attack against an unnamed major cable news network’s head­quar­ters and dis­trib­uted bomb-mak­ing mate­ri­als. He also talked about attacks against mem­bers of antifa and inter­est­ed in find­ing like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als to help him.

Look­ing ahead to oth­er arti­cles below, we note that: “. . . . Ear­li­er this month, for­mer FBI agent Ali Soufan, who runs the glob­al secu­ri­ty firm the Soufan Cen­ter, tes­ti­fied that 17,000 for­eign­ers, includ­ing from the U.S. have trav­eled to Ukraine in recent years to gain para­mil­i­tary skills there. They fought along­side far-right groups like Azov and were return­ing home with those new skills. . . .”

Updat­ing the sto­ry of Jar­rett William Smith, we note:

1.–Smith’s appar­ent men­tor is Craig Lang, anoth­er US Army vet.
2.–Craig Lang joined Right Sec­tor, and then the Geor­gian Nation­al Legion in the Ukrain­ian civ­il war.
3.–Lang, along with fel­low Army vet Alex Zwiefel­hofer, is accused of rob­bing and killing the cou­ple in an effort to get mon­ey to trav­el to Venezuela to “par­tic­i­pate in an armed con­flict against the Boli­var­i­an Repub­lic of Venezuela.”
4.–After leav­ing Right Sec­tor he joined the Geor­gian Nation­al Legion, which is also fight­ing in Ukraine.
5.–In pre­vi­ous pro­grams, we have high­light­ed the appar­ent role of Geor­gian snipers in the Maid­an provo­ca­tion, the tem­po­rary role of for­mer Geor­gian pres­i­dent Saakashvili as gov­er­nor of Odessa, as well as UNA-UNSO com­bat activ­i­ty in Geor­gia’s war with Rus­sia. (UNA-UNSO is a branch of the UNA.)
6.–Zwiefelhofer also fought with Right Sec­tor.
7.–The arti­cle below states that Lang and Smith were in con­tact in 2016, which is a year before Smith joined the US Army.
8.–The pre­vi­ous Vice arti­cle stat­ed that the FBI said Smith got into con­tact with Lang after he joined the US Army in June of 2017.
9.–According to a June 23, 2016, con­ver­sa­tion between Smith and Lang, Smith wrote, “No for­mer mil­i­tary expe­ri­ence, but if I can­not find a slot in Ukraine by Octo­ber I’ll be going into the Army … To fight is what I want to do. I’m will­ing to lis­ten, learn, and train. But to work on firearms is fine by me too.”
10.–Lang respond­ed, “Alright, I’ll for­ward you over to the guy that screens peo­ple he’ll most like­ly add you soon[ … ] Also as a pre-warn­ing if you come to this unit and the gov­ern­ment comes to shut down the unit you will be asked to fight. You may also be asked to kill cer­tain peo­ple who become on the bad graces of cer­tain groups.”
11.–It appears that Lang was prep­ping Smith both to fight against the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment, if nec­es­sary and to be pre­pared to com­mit assas­si­na­tions.
12.–Given every­thing we know about this case at this point, it appears that Right Sec­tor was send­ing a poten­tial recruit into the US Army to learn the kinds of skills that would be use­ful for neo-Nazi ter­ror cam­paigns and that recruit was arrest­ed for dis­sem­i­nat­ing those skills and plan­ning exact­ly that kind of ter­ror cam­paign.

Against the back­ground of 17,000 for­eign fight­ers gain­ing para­mil­i­tary expe­ri­ence in Ukraine, a Vice piece from July notes that Ukraine real­ly is becom­ing a nexus for the inter­na­tion­al far right. That is pre­cise­ly what the Azov Bat­tal­ion has been work­ing on doing.

In that con­text we note that:

1.–Foreign fight­ers have tak­en the com­bat skills honed in Ukraine’s war to oth­er Euro­pean nations. ” . . . . Researchers warn that Ukraine is rad­i­cal­iz­ing far-right for­eign fight­ers in the same way Syr­ia has with jihadis — albeit on a small­er scale — cre­at­ing a glob­al net­work of com­bat-test­ed extrem­ists who pose a secu­ri­ty threat that is now begin­ning to man­i­fest itself. . . .”
2.– ” . . . . [Kacper] Rekawek said Ukraine ful­filled the need, expressed by many ide­o­logues on the extreme right, for a ‘safe space’ for Nazis out­side the West, where they could net­work and orga­nize beyond the pry­ing eyes of domes­tic secu­ri­ty ser­vices. . . .”
3.–Russian fas­cists have fought on both sides of the conflict–a har­bin­ger of pos­si­ble fas­cist sub­ver­sion of Putin should they gain the upper hand in Rus­sia after their return.
4.–” . . . . Swedish neo-Nazis who joined on the Ukrain­ian side saw it as essen­tial­ly ‘the con­tin­u­a­tion of the Sec­ond World War on the east­ern front. You are white Europe and you’re fight­ing Asia, in the form of Rus­sia.’ . . . .”
5.–” . . . . Joachim Furholm, a Nor­we­gian neo-Nazi and recruiter for Azov said their efforts would also help white nation­al­ist forces in the one coun­try where he believed they had the best shot of com­ing to pow­er. . . .‘It’s like a Petri dish for fas­cism… and they do have seri­ous inten­tions of help­ing the rest of Europe in retak­ing our right­ful lands,’ he said. . . .”

We con­clude by not­ing that House Democ­rats are lob­by­ing that the Azov Bat­tal­ion be labeled a For­eign Ter­rotr Orga­ni­za­a­tion. This would facil­i­tate attempts to neu­tral­ize com­bat­ants who had served with Azov upon their return to this coun­try.

Good luck with that!

FTR #1084 The Turner Diaries, Leaderless Resistance and the Internet

Resum­ing analy­sis from our last pro­gram, we begin by review­ing and sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion about the con­ti­nu­ity of Nazism and fas­cism around the polit­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal milieu of  Sub­has Chan­dra Bose.

Surya Kumar Bose is pres­i­dent of the Indo-Ger­man asso­ci­a­tion. (S.K. Bose is the grand­nephew and acolyte of Sub­has Chan­dra Bose.) ” . . . . Surya, who has a soft­ware con­sul­tan­cy busi­ness in Ham­burg and is pres­i­dent of the Indo-Ger­man Asso­ci­a­tion . . . .”

We note the gen­e­sis of the Indo-Ger­man asso­ci­a­tion in Ger­many dur­ing World War II: ” . . . . ‘The DIG was set up on Sep­tem­ber 11, 1942, by Sub­hash Chan­dra Bose at Hotel Atlanta in Ham­burg.’ . . . . Bose recounts, adding that the DIG today is the largest bilat­er­al organ­i­sa­tion in Ger­many, with 27 branch­es. As a con­sul­tant he often guides Ger­mans keen on work­ing in the boom­ing Indi­an IT sec­tor. He is also a founder-mem­ber of the Ger­man-Indi­an Round Table, an infor­mal gath­er­ing that seeks to fur­ther mutu­al busi­ness inter­ests. . . .”

Note, also, Surya Kuma Bose’s net­work­ing with Alexan­der Werth, the Ger­man trans­la­tor for Sub­has Chan­dra Bose’s Ger­man forces, which were fold­ed into the Waf­fen SS at the end of World War II. ” . . . . Back in the day, Netaji’s stay in Ger­many had proved instru­men­tal in shap­ing his strug­gle. Decades lat­er, that lega­cy would play a piv­otal role in shap­ing his grandnephew’s career. Bose came to Ger­many on the advice of Alexan­der Werth, Netaji’s Ger­man inter­preter in the Indi­an Legion. . . .”

In an audio seg­ment from 1985 (con­tained in FTR #1068), we accessed infor­ma­tion from Spies and Trai­tors of World War II by Kurt Singer.  That vol­ume, writ­ten just after World War II, notes the par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Ger­man-Indi­an Soci­ety of Ger­man intel­li­gence chief Admi­ral Wil­helm Canaris (head of the Abwehr.) This makes the DIG an ele­ment of polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, mil­i­tary and intel­li­gence con­ti­nu­ity from the World War II peri­od to the present.

Recap­ping infor­ma­tion about what we feel is an “Ille­gal Immi­grant Psy-Op,” we review the piv­otal role of a fake Face­book account in the gen­er­a­tion of the immi­grant car­a­van that became a pro­pa­gan­da foot­ball for Team Trump in the run-up to the 2018 mid-term elec­tions.

We also not­ed the mur­der of Mol­lie Tib­betts, alleged­ly by Chris­t­ian Rivera. Bear­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to the mind-con­trol of RFK assas­si­na­tion pat­sy Sirhan Sirhan and the appar­ent role of the Pol­ka-Dot-Dress Girl in that gam­bit, Rivera “blacked out” and has no mem­o­ry of the mur­der.

Next we review Glenn Green­wald’s piv­otal role in run­ning legal inter­fer­ence for the lead­er­less resis­tance strat­e­gy, the lit­er­a­ture pub­lished  by the Nation­al Alliance, in par­tic­u­lar.

We then briefly detail the lead­er­less resis­tance strat­e­gy as set forth by Louis Beam, not­ing that the Inter­net, social media, chat groups and bul­letin boards dra­mat­i­cal­ly ampli­fy the reach of that strat­e­gy.

“The Turn­er Diaries,” pub­lished by the Nation­al Alliance, is high­ly influ­en­tial in the milieu of the lead­er­less resis­tance. A nov­el, it was craft­ed as an instruc­tion­al man­u­al and tool of ide­o­log­i­cal inspi­ra­tion to the Nazi move­ment.

Depict­ing a suc­cess­ful Nazi upris­ing against what is por­trayed as ZOG (Zion­ist Occu­pa­tion Gov­ern­ment), the book opens with the con­fis­ca­tion of firearms by the author­i­ties.

Although reac­tion to the recent shoot­ings in El Paso and Day­ton will not lead to the con­fis­ca­tion of firearms, any moves toward gun con­trol will be por­trayed as such in the fas­cist media and inter­net echo cham­ber.

In that con­text, we note that New Zealand shoot­er Bren­ton Tar­rant intend­ed his action to inspire  gun con­trol mea­sures in the U.S., which he  felt would lead to a Nazi upris­ing.

We con­clude with review of Tar­ran­t’s stay in Ukraine, and pos­si­ble net­work­ing with the Azov Bat­tal­ion.

A Nice, Healthy Glow

An impor­tant arti­cle appeared in “For­eign Pol­i­cy,” high­light­ing Depart­ment of Ener­gy rul­ings which will make access to radi­o­log­i­cal mate­ri­als eas­i­er. Now head­ed by Rick Perry–who advo­cat­ed abol­ish­ing the Depart­ment he now leads–the agency has facil­i­tat­ed the poten­tial use of radi­o­log­i­cal mate­r­i­al by ter­ror­ists, Nazi/White Suprema­cists, in par­tic­u­lar. Impor­tant in that con­text, is the pres­ence of White Suprema­cist Matthew Gebert in the State Depart­men­t’s Bureau of Ener­gy Resources, charged with pro­mot­ing ener­gy secu­ri­ty: ” . . . . Mean­while, on Aug. 9, the U.S. State Depart­ment con­firmed that Matthew Gebert, a for­eign affairs offi­cer assigned to the Bureau of Ener­gy Resources, was linked to a white nation­al­ist orga­ni­za­tion. One of the main goals of the Bureau of Ener­gy Resources is pro­mot­ing ener­gy secu­ri­ty. In 2018, Gebert alleged­ly told a pod­cast, ‘[Whites] need a coun­try of our own with nukes, and we will retake this thing lick­ety split.’ . . . .” We also note that the Steam online gam­ing site–home to Nazi/White Suprema­cist mes­sag­ing and 173 sites pro­mot­ing school shootings–has gam­ing mate­r­i­al involv­ing “Dirty Bombs.” Per­haps we will hear more from that direc­tion.

“The Turner Diaries” and Gun Control: Progressives Playing Into the Hands of The Leaderless Resistance

In FTR #456, we not­ed “The Turn­er Diaries” and: 1) Author William Luther Pierce’s 1998 fore­shad­ow­ing of the 9/11 attacks; 2) the fact that the cli­mac­tic episode of the book is a low-lev­el, sui­cide aer­i­al attack on the Pen­ta­gon; 3) The sui­cide attack on the Pen­ta­gon takes place on Novem­ber 9th (the Nazi day of des­tiny that would be writ­ten “9/11” by a Ger­man); 4) the protagonist–Earl Turner–desires the destruc­tion of a 100-sto­ry sky­scraper in mid-town Man­hat­tan; 5) the upris­ing by the Nazi group The Order begins with the Gov­ern­ment con­fis­cat­ing firearms. Calls by so-called pro­gres­sives for Gun Con­trol play right into the hands of the Lead­er­less Resis­tance, who will dis­tort and pro­pa­gan­dize any firearms leg­is­la­tion in such a way as to rein­force their ide­ol­o­gy. Christchurch New Zealand shoot­er Bren­ton Tar­raant intend­ed his crime, in part, to spur calls for gun con­trol, which he felt would lead to civ­il war.